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Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32
I’ve lived alone since I got divorced 15 years ago. I’ve enjoyed myself and the freedom it allows. Then a couple of years ago I was on a skiing trip with my daughter Carol. Carol is daddy’s girl. She’s well aware of it, of course, and takes full advantage of her position so I tell people she has me totally wrapped around her little finger which is absolutely true. There isn’t a thing I wouldn’t do for her. Carol, however, has never taken undo advantage of this. She has always been the perfect daughter.
There was the time when she was 16 and came by my house to show me her prom gown. I was not prepared to see my daughter in a red low cut gown going out with some guy I didn’t know. But you know, I gave her a kiss and told her to have a wonderful time and simply told her how beautiful she looked in her dress. Stunning would have been more accurate but again, there are certain things you just don’t say. Carol got her mother’s genes where her breasts are concerned as she was, I’d guess, a rather full C cup and her gown only accentuated that fact. That was eight years ago though and she has since had her share of boyfriends, gone and graduated from college and went on to law school and got her law degree.
So two years ago she called me and asked if I still liked to ski. I told her I did but that I just hadn’t done it in a while but that I’d love to go skiing with her. We decided on Wildcat Mountain in New Hampshire. Wildcat was a favorite haunt of mine when I was in high school and offers a number of black diamond trails (expert) that I like to challenge myself on.
One of the things about skiing is that when you get tired it’s a very good thing to call it a day. About 3 in the afternoon I felt myself tightening up.
“Honey, I think we need to call it a day. Your old man isn’t a kid anymore.”
“Okay dad but can we make just one more run. I really want to do the Wildcatter one more time.”
I’ve never been any good at saying no to her and although my good sense said to turn her down what she heard from me was agreement. I was muscle tired but mentally I felt good so overall I felt up to the challenge. I knew Carol would challenge me to a race which she knew she’d win hands down but I took her up on it of course. I was actually doing pretty well on the trip down as she was only a few yards ahead of me most of the way. As we neared the bottom, however, out of nowhere a skier came out from the side of the trail behind Carol but directly in front of me. I did avoid him but ended up, as skiers say, hugging a tree. It sounds funny but only too often it’s fatal. I knew better than to take the tree head on but in trying to avoid it my right arm and leg slammed directly into it. Fortunately for me I was knocked out but I’m certain the initial pain would have been excruciating. I know that because when I woke up a little later at the aid station the throbbing searing pain was almost more than I could take. Carol was holding my hand.
“What happened?” I asked and even through the pain I knew right away exactly what had happened.
“You saw a lonely birch tree and decided to hug it.”
I wanted to laugh at her attempt at levity but could only manage a weak, albeit grateful, smile. Carol was always good at figuring out exactly the right thing to say.
I was taken to the hospital in Conway where my broken right leg, the femur, was set and my broken right arm was set. The doctor said he was amazed I hadn’t broken my hip as well. I told him it was the first time in my life I’d ever broken anything so my luck was actually holding. That was my attempt at gallows humor. He told me it’d be a couple of months before I had good use of my arm but even longer for my leg. He also informed me that I was not a candidate for crutches and movement for sometime would be via wheelchair only. I don’t think he considered I lived alone and that by itself would present some huge problems but neither I nor Carol volunteered the information.
Once released from the hospital I had a two plus hour ride home. Carol at first tread lightly in her conversation with me but soon she was needling me mercilessly. I had been given a mild pain reliever at the hospital, a few percocets for the interim and a prescription for more.
About half an hour into our trip home I dozed off to sleep and did wake up until Carol nudged me in the ribs to wake me up.
“Dad, we need to rent you a wheelchair somewhere. Do you have any ideas?” She asked.
I thought for a moment and then said, “Well, why don’t we go home and you can get the phone book and we’ll look in the yellow pages. Someone’s sure to have an ad for a wheelchair.”
I stayed in the car when we got back to my place while Carol went in and retrieved the phone book. She was able to quickly find a pharmacy that rented wheel chairs and half an hour later we were back home wheel chair in hand.
“You know we still have a big problem.” I offered.
“What’s that?”
“How are we going to get me up the stair into the grandbetting giriş house.”
“Oh yeah,” she said and looked at me thoughtfully.
“I’ll call my friend Mark and get him over here to help get me inside.”
Mark came over and after a few belly laughs at my expense helped get me inside and on my sofa. We decided it was best that I stay on the first floor of my house. Although I didn’t have a bathtub there I did have a small bathroom that also had a shower.
After Mark left Carol made sure I had plenty of food in my refrigerator, which I did, and that I was comfortable on the sofa. Before she left I practiced getting from the sofa into the wheel chair with the help of a cane. After a few aborted tries we figured out how I could do it.
“Dad, I need to get home, are you going to be all right?”
“Of course, I’ve got cable TV., the remote, a fully stocked refrigerator, what more could I need?”
“Okay, but if you need anything just call and I’ll come right over. I mean I’ll be over tomorrow anyway but if you need anything tonight, all right?”
“Okay honey, thanks a lot.”
It was after 11 when Carol left and between the percocet and being physically tired I fell asleep within minutes of her departure. It was almost 9 before I woke up the next morning. I had to pee bad and was able to get myself into the wheelchair and to the bathroom without incident. I was wheeling myself back into the living room when the phone rang.
“Hi dad, it’s me. How’re you doing?” It was Carol and it was very good to hear her voice.
“Well, all things considered not too bad.”
“Dad, I can be over in a few minutes to make you breakfast if you like.”
“Well actually honey I’ve already nibbled on a few things so I’m all right where that’s concerned but there is something you can help me with if you don’t mind.”
“Sure dad, what?”
“I’m going to need a little help with my shower. I figure I can wear my jogging shorts into the shower if you’ll give me a hand getting into it, the shower I mean. Then I can kick off the shorts and get cleaned up.”
“Sure dad, I’ll be right over.”
Carol lived about 15 minutes away and it only took her a few minutes longer than that to arrive. I already had my jogging shorts on and was ready for the shower. She helped me out of the wheelchair and saw to it that I got myself stabilized in the shower and then left. It’s a little difficult getting clean with just one hand but I figured it was doable. First I shampooed my hair and that went well. Then I got the soap and started to lather the rest of my body as best I could. But trying to do it with just one hand proved to be a little too much and I of course dropped the soap. Since I had the cane in the shower with me I figured I could use it to support myself as I bent over the get the soap. Wrong! I got about half way down, the cane slipped out from under me and I fell with a terrible crash to the floor. Miraculously I hadn’t reinjured myself or broken anything else but Carol came running.
“Daddy what happened?” She yelled as she came rushing through the bathroom door.
“Um, nothing honey, I kinda slipped.” Carol had seen me naked before, albeit some 10 years prior when we had visited a nudist colony, so I wasn’t worried that she was seeing me naked now. For her part Carol acted as if it was the most normal thing in the universe and helped me get back on my feet. “Carol, if you don’t mind I think I’m going to need some help getting cleaned up. I did my hair but the rest of me is a problem.”
“Sure dad, I’ll be happy to.” With that Carol grabbed the soap and immediately started by washing my arms and then my chest. As she washed down over my stomach she said, “Um . . .” not know quite what to say.
“It’s okay honey I can wash myself there,” I said as we both looked at my balls. She handed me the soap and I lathered myself up. Even though I spent maybe 30 seconds on that part of my body the combination of what I was doing with Carol standing and watching turned out to be rather arousing and although my cock didn’t become fully erect it did become noticeably larger. Neither of us said a thing about it.
When I was done with that I said, “Okay, now my back and the one good leg.” I could see a bit of a relieved look on Carols face as I slowly turned my back towards her. I was using the cane and the wall to brace myself. As she washed down my back her hands came to my ass. I could feel her hesitate as she touched it the first couple of times but when I said nothing she seemed to gain courage and quickly washed it. Prior to that moment I had always successfully chased away any erotic thoughts that ever crept into my mind about her but now they seemed to be flooding in and I was thinking how I wished she had washed deeply into my ass crack. I couldn’t bring myself to say anything though.
Carol got down on one knee so she could wash my legs. I could feel her strong hands as she lathered grandbetting yeni giriş the leg first the calf and then upward to my thigh. Again, of course, a problem presented itself. As I looked downward Carol was looking intently at her hands as she washed me. But as she started to wash my thigh she picked up her pace considerably as if to bring an end to the shower more quickly. That proved to be a bit of a mistake as the first time she pushed her hands upward she came into direct contact with my still somewhat erect cock and balls. The second it happened she looked up at me and our eyes met. My thought was I didn’t want her to feel bad.
“It’s okay honey, no damage, I think they’ll survive.” I quipped trying to make a joke out of the accident. My problem was my cock didn’t cooperate and it took that opportunity to become fully hard. As she looked back down and saw what had happened and looked back up I said, “Ooops, sorry honey.”
Carol is a strong girl and I had never seen her blush quite so many shades as she did at that moment. “Maybe I should leave and let you finish.” She said very quietly and stood up and turned to leave.
“Honey, don’t go.” I wasn’t sure what I was going to say except I had the feeling I needed to comfort her.
“No, I think I should.” She replied quickly.
“Listen Carol, I can’t help some of the things that happen. It’s a guy thing, we always seem to get erections at the worst possible times and never at the best.”
“But daddy, I’m your daughter. Don’t you think this is kinda wrong?”
“No honey, I don’t. Let me explain. Think back to when we went to the nudist colony.” I could see her getting ready to object. “Just let me finish.” I said and I saw her bite her lip. “Lisa,” that was my girlfriend who had introduced me to nudism, “comforted me once when I told her I was afraid I’d get an erection when I saw her daughter nude and you know Lindsey was only 15 at the time. I felt horribly guilty about the possibility. Well, Lisa said that she knew Lindsey was very pretty and that I’d find her attractive so it was only natural that I’d have such a response. She asked me if I intended on doing anything to Lindsey and of course I said no, which was true, and so she reassured me that I didn’t need to worry about it because she wasn’t.”
“But dad this is different!” Carol objected.
“No honey, it isn’t. You’re a drop dead gorgeous young lady and you’ve got a fabulous body. Hell, you should probably be insulted if I didn’t get aroused.”
“Daddy, you’re just saying that. I know I’m pretty but I’m not beautiful.” She protested.
“Actually I said you are drop dead gorgeous and you are. Come on honey, look at you. You work out what every day. You’ve got those gorgeous green eyes against your long golden blonde hair that just happens to be naturally curly too and you’ve got a chest that I’m certain turns lots of heads.” Well, I couldn’t believe I had brought up her chest size but it was out there. “Listen honey, I’m clean enough now so help me out of the shower and I’ll need you to help me dry off too. Bending over seems to be quite a problem for me right now.”
Carol didn’t object and started drying me off as soon as I was out of the shower. First she did my back and then I turned to her and she did my chest but once again she arrived at my mid-section and looked up at me.
“Don’t worry about it honey. Hell, you’ve already touched them once a second time won’t matter but just be sure you get me good and dry down there. If you don’t I’ll get all moldy and stuff.” She laughed but said nothing. As she dried my cock and balls my cock once again responded to her touch and leapt to full hardness. This time she seemed unfazed by it and continued to dry my legs to include the one that was in the cast.
When she was finished she didn’t move except to shift her gaze to my cock. “I really do that to you huh?”
“Yeah, you do honey, why?”
“I dunno, it just surprises me I guess. I’ve never actually seen one like this.” I could see by the look on her face she wanted to pull back those last words.
“What? You’re still a virgin?” It was at that moment I saw something I had missed before. Carol’s front was soaked and even though she was wearing a bra it was a very light one and I could easily see her breasts and nipples though both her shirt and bra. I fixed on her breasts.
I was so obvious that Carol noticed and said, “Daddy! You’re really not supposed to look at your daughter like that.”
“I’m sorry honey but as your mother can attest I’m a true boob man and honey you’ve got some boobs there!”
“Yeah, I know. Every time I date a guy when we kiss it’s the first thing they go for. That’s probably why I’m still a virgin. I mean, like they say, I’m more than just a pretty face and I want that to be important.”
I was looking directly into Carol’s eyes as she spoke but as soon as she stopped they drifted right back down to her breasts. “All right, all right, grandbetting güvenilirmi I give up.” She said. I couldn’t imagine what she meant but my question was quickly answered as she removed her blouse and bra. “There, is that better?” She asked sarcastically.
I’m not one who gets thrown by sarcasm so I very confidently replied, “Much better.” I took a long look at her now naked breasts and saw how erect her nipples were and how she had little goose bumps all around her areoles.
Carol got the wheelchair and helped me back into it. She wheeled me naked back to the sofa and handed me the cane so I could help get myself back onto the sofa. It was an awkward move which required Carol gripping me firmly, moving the chair out of the way and then easing me down onto the sofa. As I was settling down into the sofa her still unencumbered breasts swayed and one of the lightly slapped me in the face.
As Carol stood up there was a noticeable sexual energy between us. I was looking between her eyes and her breasts. Carol was at a total loss for words. My eyes fixed on her breasts and then I reached up and squeezed one. It felt like an uncontrollable urge though I knew it was simply my lust. As I held her breast I looked up to her eyes. There was neither the shock nor surprise I expected to see. Her eyes were half closed as if she liked what I was doing and she wasn’t saying a thing. At that moment it struck me I was just taking advantage of my position and immediately withdrew my hand.
“I’m sorry honey,” I said in a quick and very nervous voice, “I shouldn’t have done that. It was totally inappropriate.”
“It’s okay dad, I didn’t mind.” I was surprised to hear her say that and I didn’t know how to respond to it. “I mean . . .” Carol tried to continue and although she wanted to say something the words just weren’t coming.
“Honey, it’s just not right for a father to touch his daughter that way. I let my dick do my thinking and that’s always gotten me into trouble.”
“Well, I hate to say it, but I really didn’t mind. It actually felt good when you touched me even though my mind was saying it’s totally wrong. Daddy, am I sick to think that way?”
“Honey, do you think I’m sick because I find you sexually arousing and desirable?”
“Well, no,” she replied haltingly, “but society says it’s not right and in many states so does the law.”
“I dunno honey, I just don’t want to hurt you in anyway and I don’t want to hurt our relationship either. I love you so much Carol.”
“I know you do daddy and don’t worry, everything’s all right as far as I’m concerned.” Carol sat down next to me on the sofa, what little room there was available, took my and a put it on her breast. “Go ahead daddy, I really don’t mind and like I said, it did feel good. Besides which, I can’t say no to you and you are a boob man right?”
As I squeezed her breasts my cock regained its form and became fully erect again. I had the urge to hide it but quickly gave up on the idea. It felt like it was stretching upward so strongly its insides would burst outward. I was as hard as I had ever been. After kneading her breasts a little while I felt Carol lean over a bit and touch the tip of my cock. I looked down to see what she was doing and she was dabbing the tip of my cock with her finger and looking at my precum.
“You know what that is?” I asked her.
“Daddy, I’m a virgin not an idiot. I read you know. It’s precum. I can’t believe how slippery it feels. I never understood how it was supposed to be the initial lubricant.”
“Well, I guess it’s the same sort of thing your pussy does.” I couldn’t believe I had used the word pussy in speaking to her but it was just such a natural way of speaking for me.
“Yeah, well, my pussy gets wet a lot like that. It’s like that right now.”
“It is?”
“Well of course it is. Daddy, I’m a normal girl in every way. Touching your penis and seeing you like this and all, well, I got aroused. That’s why I was feeling so conflicted when you first touched me. I mean it’s not like I found all this disgusting or anything.”
I had removed my hand from her breast but she hadn’t removed her hand from my cock. In fact, now she gripped it and tentatively rubbed it up and down a little. I felt like I should stop her from doing that but I had absolutely no will to. In fact, I let out the slightest moan but Carol picked right up on it.
“That feels good honey. Is this something you’ve done before?” I couldn’t believe I had asked her such a personal question and wanted to withdraw it as quickly as it got out there.
“Daddy, I’m a total virgin. I haven’t done anything like this before. I thought I was going to wait for the right guy to come along before I did anything. I mean, I really have wanted to have sex for a long time but not casual sex. That’s just not me. But now, well, I don’t know.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, I’m a little mixed up right now. I wanted my first sexual experience to be with a man I loved and I do love you but not in that way. You know what I mean?” I just nodded as she continued, “I mean, I kind of like the idea of having sex with you because it feels safe and oh my gawd I can’t believe I just said that. I can’t believe I just said I want to have sex with my own father. I am sick!”
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