A Matter of Coincidence Ch. 02

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Summary to date: the love of kink brought Phil and Cindy Duggan together, but they were able to hide their kinky side from the outside world while raising six kids.

The story picks up with Phil’s solo ride home from their lake cottage…


The ride home from the cottage seemed to fly by. Pulling into my driveway, I noticed the neighbor’s ‘For Sale’ was down. I thought there must have been another realtor change as the place was sitting empty for nearly two years. The asking price was just too high. Although we lived in an expensive community, ours was in the older section with one house right next to the other. Privacy fences were the rage.

Our house was one of the few without two privacy fences. There was one between us and our neighbors to south, but only small, widely spaced bushes separated us from the empty house. We were good friends with the previous neighbors, so we decided to go with bushes, mulch and flagstones. It made our yards look bigger.

Our drive was on the side away from the vacant house. I was surprised to see people moving on its back patio when I pulled in. I also did a quick double-take because they were nude; at least I thought they were naked.

I got out of the garage quickly to see if I was crazy. I wasn’t!

A rather handsome, tanned couple entered the house. Both were indeed naked although I only caught the tail end of things; very nice tail ends I might add. Not trying to be too conspicuous with my gawking, I opened the trunk, removed my luggage, and went into the house.

Needless to say my curiosity and interest were peaked.

The answering machine was aglow with messages. As is my style, I go to it first whenever I am away. The key message was from the realtor. She explained the house closed about three weeks ago. (I didn’t know she sold it!). Our new neighbors were Doug and Maura Jensen; transferees from San Francisco.

The images of Doug and Maura pre-occupied my mind as I unpacked, started laundry, and sorted the mail. From time to time I went to the windows to look over onto their patio. Our bedroom windows were higher, and one could look directly down onto their patio. The window in the study had a direct view of their patio. Of interest was the large hut tub they added; we love the one we have at our lake cottage.

I felt like such the voyeur as I peered for a look see.

I transcribed the mental list of the tasks I made on the drive home. Number one was mowing the lawn. Normally I would have waited until Sunday, but I thought I just might get another peek of my new neighbors.

The lawn wasn’t too bad as a service cut it while we were gone; so this mow wouldn’t take long. I did the front first. As I began to mow the back the Jensen’s reappeared.

They were now clothed.

Maura was adorned in a pure white, seductively cut tank suit. In her matching white heels, she was close to six feet tall. Her frame was large, but not flabby. It was easy to guess Maura’s size because she looked remarkably like my wife, Cindy, who was still blessed with those perfectly formed, full B-cup breasts on her thirty-six inch chest. Maura’s hips flowed into an alluring derriere which was sculpted upon smooth, tanned legs ending in those heels.

She too had auburn hair and she shook it out as she eased onto a lounge chair. Her arms rested seductively on the sides as she positioned her legs in a captivating manner. Her lips were ruby red and inviting. I had a difficult time mowing a straight line.

Doug took a chair next to Maura after placing their drinks on the table between them. A rose colored suit covered his area. I’ve never seen a man in a rose swim suit before, and based on my experiences, I believed it to the bottom from a woman’s suit. Regardless, he was good looking. Cindy would cream herself if she saw him.

As I approached them on my mowing path, they looked in my direction so I waved. They waved back in a very friendly manner, so I stopped the mower as I neared their patio.

“Welcome to the neighborhood. I’m Phil Duggan.”

“Maura and Doug Jensen,” was Maura’s friendly acclamation. “Come over and join us.” Maura gestured toward an empty patio chair and Doug waved me over encouragingly.

“Care to join us in a glass of wine?” was their first offer as I sat.

“I’d love too, but I need to finish the yard and a few other things before I relax.” I remained calm on the outside, while lusting inside. The more I studied Maura, the more she looked like Cindy. Even her eyes were the same hazel color. It was weird. I’ve heard everyone has a twin somewhere in the world, but to be living next door was bizarre.

The only difference I could see was in the dress and make-up. Cindy dressed a bit more conservatively. Cindy’s cosmetics were simple, Maura’s bold. Cindy’s nails were nicely trimmed and done in softer colors. Maura’s nails were talons, each ending in a sharp point and finished with a smooth, glossy enamel matching her lips.

My eyes isveçbahis went back and forth between them as we talked.

Doug was handsome, plain and simple: black hair ala JFK jr. with blue eyes and a radiant smile. He was also well endowed. When he sat back in the chair, I could see his flaccid cock outlined in his rose colored bottoms. (I was now sure they were women’s by the way they were cut and how they were joined at the side of his hips.)

Doug’s body was hairless and I assumed his groin would be was also since his suit was so skimpy. His pecs were decent for a guy our age. His nipples were larger than average, causing a few filthy thoughts to enter my mind. If Cindy were here, she would be insatiable when we went back to our house. She loved good looking people.

Despite my aroused hormone level, the conversation remained neighborly. Doug was a manager for a big name investment firm and Maura was a sales rep for an ‘intimate apparel company.’ This explained the bathing suits.

As my attention went from one to the other, their eyes always met mine with a lustful look, followed by a quick glance at the other and then back to my eyes. A small smirk formed on their mouths as if to say, “I know what you’ve been looking at.” And, they were right!

My eyes couldn’t help but looking at Doug’s body and the nice sized cock filling his suit. Nor was it possible not to notice how Maura pulled her bottoms snug against her plump pussy; the outline of which was clearly visible. Likewise, her two thick nipples poking through the thin cloth of her top somehow caught my attention. My cock was fattening a bit. I was glad I was wearing loose fitting shorts.

We talked for about a half hour. They learned about my job, our lake cabin, our kids in college (theirs’ too) and Cindy; the Cindy who was the mother of six and my wife of thirty years. They were excited to meet her when she returned next week. I did remark about the likeness between the ladies. Maura cooed and said she hoped they have a lot more in common than simply good looks. Doug’s gave her a knowing grin. I simply smiled.

When it was time for me to bid adieu and finish the lawn, Maura invited me for dinner. “Being a bachelor for a few week, you’ll probably cook nothing for yourself. So why don’t you have dinner with us tonight?’

After chuckling my acceptance, I offered to bring wine. Cocktails would start as soon as I could get there. I told them I’d be quick. I tried not to run as I mowed.

While I was in the shower, my cock was getting harder with each thought. Soaping it was feeling all too good. Lewd thoughts of my new neighbors were turning into erotic images of debauchery. My mind drifted to Cindy and how, after meeting Doug and Maura, our sex would be wild and filthy.

Stroking my lathered rod, I envisioned Cindy sucking me off as I described how it was really Doug cock’s she wanted. It’s so hot to see another cock fill her mouth. I could see Cindy and Maura working it together; licking his shaft and frenching each other, using the head of his cock as an excuse to taste one another. Envisioning his thick rod glistening with their saliva, the fat round head slipping between their lips, each siren would be yearning for his load.

Fantasizing, my mind had Cindy pulling me into the suck fest. Maura guided Doug’s cock into my mouth as Cindy started stroking me; giving me her nasty instructions.

“Use your tongue in his hole. Now suck the head….hard. Allow your mouth to glide down the shaft. Suck him like you would want to be sucked. That’s it. Yes….you like sucking cock don’t you? I can feel it. You’re getting so hard. Do you want to wear panties like him too? Are the two of you going to be fuck and suck mates? Maura and I love to watch our men together. Don’t we Marura?”

I could see Maura pressing into Cindy as they started snaking their tongues together. Each was using one hand to pull the other’s nipples, while the other hand fingered the other’s pussy. The hotter they became the more I sucked. Each woman was on the verge of a climax and so was Doug.

Doug’s body tensed and then he exploded in my mouth filling it to the point of seeping down his shaft. I could hear the girls’ orgasms shatter through them as cum erupted from the end of my dick.

Snapping back to reality, my hand was covered, but I was still hard and desirous. I wanted more. Where was Cindy when I needed her!!

Dressing in summer casual for dinner I grabbed two bottles of white and two bottles of red and headed next door. Doug and Maura were gracious hosts. Dinner was great; the conversation was light and filled with laughter. We were all pretty tipsy when Maura said it was hot tub time.

Citing my need to go home for my suit, Doug offered one of his. We seemed to be about the same size so I said what the heck. Leading me to the guest room he returned in a minute with a lime green version of his rose suit from the afternoon. The size was XL and Lane Bryant was on the label. I smiled and isveçbahis giriş put it on. I must admit I loved the way it hugged my cock.

Leaving my shirt unbuttoned, I slipped on my sandals, gathered my clothes and headed for the hot tub. The night air was refreshing and the lights in the tub gave it a sensuous look. Doug and Maura were already in. Setting my clothes on a patio chair I joined them.

Walking up the steps I felt like a runway model as their eyes were giving me a solid review. I knew my hairless anatomy met with their approval. Both of them gave me kudos with ‘nice bod.’ Likewise was my response; as they were nude. The jets weren’t turned on yet.

If I would have moved between them, I knew there would have been a threesome right then and there. However, Cindy and I had some rules—no friends, no family, no co-workers and no sex with others unless we are both involved. It has served us well for thirty years, but still, tonight was a night I could easily cave in to lust.

They asked how I liked the suit and I grinned telling them I loved the feel. Taking a position across from them, Doug turned on the jets. We chatted for awhile and shared the Grande glass of wine they brought out. Maura’s lips prints on the rim were so erotic. It was fairly obvious Maura was rubbing Doug’s cock while we talked. My hand went to my own shaft a couple of times to make necessary adjustments.

About a half hour later I said I was tired and it was time to head home. I was really at the point where I either joined them, or go home to jack off. Thanking them for a wonderful evening, Maura slid over and gave me a good night smooch. Her naked breasts pressed against my arm, and her hand moved to my thigh—dangerously close. Her lips gently touched my cheek. She thanked me for the wine and said it was a wonderful day.

Doug stood slightly and moved across the tub to shake hands. The next thing I knew he slipped, falling directly on me, splashing water on us. Maura shrieked a bit as I caught Doug to break his fall. Not only did I catch him, I also caught a hard cock against my leg. He lingered for a moment before apologizing.

Changing positions as I stood to leave, my arousal was becoming noticeable. With a final thank you I started up the steps. Maura’s hand touched my outer thigh in a gesture for me to stop.

Looking directly at the outline of my plump rod, she said in a sultry voice, “Phil……enjoy yourself and pleasant dreams.” Her eyes slowly rose from the outline of my cock to my eyes, licking her lips with a wanton gesture along the way. Not only did she look like Cindy, but she acted like Cindy too. This was becoming all too hot for the first day.

Being a bit bolder from all the wine I replied, “You’ll be in my dreams for sure; both of you.” Doug and I made eye contact and we all exchanged smiles. Gathering my clothes I walked the thirty feet home. I was on a mission.

After drying off, I slipped into bed with a hand towel. My hands started to wander and caress my body. Images of Cindy and Maura biting my nipples entered my mind as I played with them; my cock becoming harder with every pinch and flick.

My thoughts were interrupted with moans from next door. Getting up, I peered through the window to see Doug fucking Maura on the deck beside the tub. Her legs were wrapped around him and her nails were clawing his back. They were lost in the act. It was surreal, Maura even fucked like Cindy.

Grabbing the hand towel I went to study for a better view. Sitting at the desk in darkness, I stroked my cock as my neighbors put on a show for me. Doug soon came but did not stop his passion. Sliding down between her loins, his mouth continued to please Maura. This drove both of us wild.

I thought of the taste of Cindy’s pussy as I licked her clean. I could see and feel her thighs on the sides of my face as her hands guided my face around her cunt. I could hear her moans as I sucked on her clit with our mixed juices. I could feel the shudder of her body as her orgasm overtook her.

Maura was orchestrating Doug’s head in the same manner. Her thighs were on the side of his head; her feet on his back. It didn’t take long for Maura and I to climax. I am not sure if I made any noise but both looked directly at the study window. Regaining my composure, I headed to bed.

Being early risers, Cindy and I are always out of bed before sunrise; even with hangovers. It was a habit we developed when the kids were young, as it was a great time to squeeze in a work out. Watching the day unfold is peaceful, regardless of the weather.

Sunday morning arrived and I thought of Doug, Maura, Cindy and my list of things I needed to do. I made a quick decision to be productive in spite of my cock saying good morning to me in its special way. Throwing on a pair of gym shorts and a t-shirt, I started coffee and went to get the paper from the front drive. The temperature was perfect and the pre-dawn sky said it was going to be a beautiful day.

Pouring isveçbahis yeni giriş myself a cup I walked into the study to read the paper and begin a few tasks. After my second cup of coffee, I decided to go for my bike ride. I called Cindy when I returned.

She was thrilled to hear we had new neighbors. She asked a million questions. Where are they from? Are they nice? Are they good looking? The list went on and on. I recounted the day, our conversation, the dinner and hot tub; purposefully omitting any sexual overtones, inferences or activities. Cindy sensed I was holding something back. I closed my description with a simple, “I think you’ll really like them.” My mind was working.

Sunday was a work around the house day for me as well as Doug and Maura.

Maura was working in a halter top with a fashionable pair of shorts. Her thong was clearly visible. Doug caught me staring more than once and I saw him chuckling to himself. His shirtless body captured my attention a few times as well. We exchanged small talk from time to time and I offered to host cocktail hour today. They readily accepted.

Around five the three of us joined forces on my patio. Since none of us wanted to cook, I offered to treat them to dinner at one of our favorite places specializing in Northern Italian cuisine. Dinner was great as well as the company. We really got along well and I was really pleased they toned down the sexuality in public.

If we were going to be friends, this was going to be a must. Cindy and I worked too hard and had built many friendships. No one needed to know about this portion of our lives. The three of us were like any other people at the restaurant. On the way home Maura asked if anyone was interested in enjoying a night cap in the hot tub.

The vote was unanimous; we were hot tubing it again tonight. Pulling into the garage, I told them I needed to get my suit and do a few things. I’d be over in about ten minutes. Doug said he’d get the tub ready and Maura said she’d prepare night caps. I went into the house and decided to wear the one Doug loaned me again. The feeling it produced was very sensual. I took care of a few things, then grabbed a towel and headed over.

Doug and Maura were already in the tub and a tray of blender drinks were on the table. Maura whistled as I approached. “Nice suit,” she said flirtatiously.

Smiling, my reply was “Lane Bryant, I’m glad you like it.” We all broke out laughing. My response was just to ensure “they knew, I knew.” Maura asked me to bring over the drinks.

It was obvious they were nude again as Maura’s clothes lay folded on the chair next to the drinks. Her bra and thong were on top. Maura’s request for my brining over the drinks was actually a set up for me to see those intimates; a white lacy demi-cup with matching lace thong. If they weren’t watching me I would have fondled them, bringing the crotch to my nose in hopes of capturing a bit of her essence.

Making a mental note for later, I brought the drinks to the tub, offering them in my best waiter voice: “Madame, Monsieur…your beverage.”

“Thank you, Philippe,” was Maura’s response. I asked them to hold my drink until I got in and placed the pitcher between them on the tub deck.

When I entered Maura and Doug slid apart and Maura held out my drink telling to sit between them. “It’s cozier.”

The drink was refreshing and I took a long sip.

We chatted about the week ahead and about Cindy’s return. I wanted to have a little get-together so they could meet. Asking if they had plans for next weekend, they made it a point to say the entire weekend was clear. Since we all had a hectic week, we made a date for Friday night to finalize the menu and who would do what.

Accomplishing this task was a bit of a challenge. Having two nude and highly charged bodies on either side was a bit distracting to say the least. At one point Maura leaned over to say something to Doug, placing her hand on my thigh. She began to run her nails up and down my thigh. Doug wanted a refill so he knelt on the seat and reached behind me for the pitcher; his cock pressing into my upper arm. Maura then spilt a little of her drink and began wiping it from her breasts; rising slightly and exposing her nipples. The list goes on.

My head was swirling with lustful confusion. If Cindy was here, and this was a get-together with people from one of our groups, the sex would be long and hot. I wanted both Maura and Doug—RIGHT NOW. But Cindy wasn’t here. Sex would break our rule—one we kept for thirty years. Plus, these people were our neighbors. This too was off-limits.

What if I had sex with them and then Cindy hated them? What if they became possessive and overbearing? There were too many negatives for me to break our rule. On the other hand I was positive Cindy, Maura, Doug and I would be intimately involved soon after Cindy’s return. After all these years, I knew Cindy’s turn-ons, and Maura and Doug had them all!

In spite of my quandary, I loved every minute of this game. They kept asking about Cindy’s looks and my response was they will be very surprised. Maura’s and Cindy’s acute similarities only added to my natural tendency to touch. And to some extent, I did—I needed something.

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