A Model Mother

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Since you all refuse to follow the many rules of order I’ve given out repeatedly, here goes:

Wendall is the 18 year old son of Roxie and Kyle. Roxie is Melanie’s daughter and one of Kyle’s main sluts. She is 38 and if you just have to see where she was introduced check out TGTN: Incest is Best Ch. 1.

Also to avoid further unnecessary confusion, I would like to point out that none of these stories have a particular order unless SPECIFICALLY IN A SERIES.

Just fucking read the fucking story.


Wendall was supposed to watching the basketball game as his school’s team rebounded against the visiting team. As school photographer, he was mandated to be present but would rather have been doing something much different.

He wanted to be fucking his mother.

His mother who watching him more than the game.

Roxie waved seductively to him and he smiled. She wore a low cut brown top with short shorts barely coming past her large ass. Her breasts were nearly ready to pop out in her outfit. It was a good thing he had wore his basketball shorts. Otherwise his cock might’ve blown a blood vessel.

One of his school’s star players, Austin Reeves prepared to launch a shot from the 3-point line to the net. Roxie, seeing he was was still watching her, pointed to the court in just enough time for him to ready his camera, quickly snapping several shots until it landed in a clean swoop just as the buzzer sounded to mark the end of the game.

He looked up to see Roxie jump and clap, her huge melons bouncing hard enough to knock anyone close enough unconscious. The spectators hustled from the bleachers to congratulate the team and head home.

Wendall solely had his mind on the latter. Roxie bounced up to him, Wendall tall enough to just look into her mouthwatering cleavage. She smiled at his reaction, their silent sexual lust unnoticed by the many around them.

“Good game huh Winnie?”

“Uh huh…” he said.

Roxie laughed and they walked hand-in-hand out to the car.

“I got a major stiffy to you Mom,” Wendall said he got in.

“I know baby.” Roxie replied with a laugh, pulling his shorts down enough to take firm hold of his leaking rod. Within seconds, her head was bobbing in his lap, Wendall moaning as he got one of the best blowjobs ever.

His classmates walked past the car but due to the fogged windows couldn’t see the magnificent blowjob Wendall was getting from the hottest Mom in school.

Indeed, when Wendall would forget his lunch or homework, usually always due to the thrilling fuck sessions he and his mother would have before he left the house, she would always bring them to his classroom, getting many longing stares from his classmates and teachers alike.

‘You don’t know how good you have it,’ his desk partner Nigel had said.

Wendall agreed wholeheartedly. After getting some burgers, they headed back to the mansion to find Kyle balls deep inside Cassidy’s ass while Marie was getting fucked hard by Little Charlie.

“Hey you two,” Kyle greeted them, clenching Cassidy’s hair, “how was the game?”

“Great,” Wendall said, “I got in a lot of good shots.”

“That’s my boy,” he replied, Wendall rushing to get out of his clothes and into his mother’s warm wet pussy. Passing his aunt’s room, Selena was getting fucked hard by several black men while another busty black woman sucked off Nicky.

By the time he got back downstairs, he was rock hard. And his mother was already waiting for him. As he walked over, she took gentle hold of his dick and stroked it as he took one of her breasts into his mouth, his eyes closing in joy.

“Ready to fuck Mommy sweetie?” she asked.

Wendall nodded and Roxie lay on the couch on her back, spreading her legs as Wendall slid inside her cunt and began to fuck her deep.


Later that night as everyone was asleep or the final few getting the last fucking out of their systems, Wendall was still awake, in the darkroom as he processed his photos from the day.

All of them featured his family in various sexual stills. He had plenty of shots of Victoria, having fucked every male in the family, including Wendall. He even had Roxie as she rode Nicky, Little Charlie fucking her ass while Zach delivered a huge blast of spunk onto her beautiful face.

His hand quickly found his cock and he began beating off incessantly, getting turned on more and more as he carefully each photo, just about to burst when a gentle knock came at the door.

“Honey,” Roxie called softly from the other side, “are you in there?”

“Yes Mom,” he replied, walking over to unlock it. Roxie stood there, squinting to see in the dark room and walked in, Wendall leading her to a chair.

“I was worried when I found you weren’t in bed,” she stated, “I’ve gotten so used to that big cock nestled in my ass while I’m asleep.”

Wendall grinned. “I’m sorry Mom. I just couldn’t sleep so I came here.”

Roxie stood in mock anger. “What have I told you to do if you can’t sleep?”

Wendall grinned again. “Fuck you until I can’t hold myself up.”

“Exactly,” pinbahis güvenilirmi she said, kissing him and taking a look at the photos hanging up.

One revealed her on top of Ronnie while Ethan pounded her ass. The photo made her wet instantly as she took it in. She looked at all of them, all of the family fucking in such beautiful harmony.

“Smile, Mom,” Wendall suddenly called from behind her.

“I’m sorry, honey?” she looked over her shoulder.


“Oh, sweetie, you shouldn’t be taking pictures of me. I’m not even presentable.”

“But you like it, Mom. You like posing for the camera.”

She turned from the photos and turned around to look at him. “I… uhm….”

He kept the camera held to his eye and she splashed a smile up on her face.

“That’s it, Mom.”


“Now turn around and look at me over your shoulder.”

Roxie rolled her eyes with a silly smile, then did as requested.



“You take great pictures, Mom, and you love posing. Now give me a look of surprise.”

Giggling, she formed her lips into an “O” and brought her spread hands up by her face.

“Oh, you’re great!”


“This is fun. Now give me a pout. C’mon, pout for me.”

Roxie pursed her lips and frowned with her eyes, leaning over as she squeezed her huge tits between her slender arms.


“This IS fun,” she giggled.

“Okay, turn around and give me that pout over your shoulder. Yeah, now shake your ass, Mom.”

Giggling, Roxie wiggled her large golden ass.


“Okay, Roxie, turn around and lean toward the camera.”

His mother turned around and stopped. “Honey, don’t call me by my first name. It’s a sign of respect to–“

Time for truth.


“You’re Roxie, the fashion model, known for your lusty photos just oozing with sex.”

“I… uh….”


“Lean forward, Roxie, and shake your huge wonderful tits.”

The smile returned to her face as she did so.


“You are so HOT, Mom!”

“Do you think so?” she asked teasingly as she traced her hand upward over her breasts.


“Hold those tanks up for me Mom.”

“I can’t believe I’m doing this,” she sighed with a smile as she hooked her arms underneath the gigantic tits and pointed them toward him.


“Ooh, yeah, Mom!” Wendall laughed, his cock hard enough to hang a coat on.

Flash. Flash.

“Now you’re a tiger, a sexual panther. C’mon, kitty, kitty, show me how ferocious you are.”

Giving a wide snarl, Roxie fluffed her hair and shook her breasts wildly.


“C’mon, kitty, kitty. Here, kitty, kitty.”

Roxie swiped the air with her fingers hooked into a claw, snarling again.


“Where’s my sweet kitty, kitty? Hmm? Where’s her sweet purr?”

Roxie tempered her fake snarls into a pout, then began audibly purring.


“Yeah, sweet kitty. Show me how you bathe.”

Roxie hooked one hand over, licked the back of her wrist, then raised her hand to softly swipe the side of her head twice, purring all the time.


“Great! Okay, I got an idea. Trust me on this one, Mom.” He set the camera on the table and opened the door of the refrigerator he kept his go-to snacks in. While he dug in the shelves, Roxie began wondering what he was about to do.

Wendall came out of the refrigerator with a jar of chocolate syrup for sundaes. He removed the top and stuck his index finger in, then stepped toward his mother.

“Honey, I don’t know if we should….”

“You’re a…,” he slowly traced his finger down her left cheek, leaving a smear of chocolate, “… dirty girl, Mom.” He handed her the jar. “You snuck into the chocolate syrup when you knew you weren’t supposed to.”

“Wendall, we shouldn’t be–” she started as he stepped back toward the camera.


“Dip your finger into the jar, Mom.”



“Dip your finger… then poke it in your mouth.”

“Like… this…?” she gave a coy smile, then began sucking on her finger.

Flash. Flash.

“You naughty girl! Mom!”

Roxie got a mischievous smile, dipped her finger again, then stuck it in her mouth and closed her eyes and, “Mmmmmmm! MMMMM!… OH! Oh God!” she lightly faked a chocolate orgasm.

Flash. Flash.

She dipped her finger again, then traced a chocolate line down the front of her throat.

Flash. Flash.

“Yes! Mom!”

She looked down and giggled. “You LIKE this, don’t you?”

“Yeah, Mom! Smear some on your breasts.”

“On my breasts?” she gave a coy, silly smile. “I don’t KNOW if I should….”


“Yeah, smear some on your boobs!”

Smiling naughtily, she traced her finger on the inside of her left boob.

Flash. Flash. Flash.

“Yeeeeaaahh!” he stepped toward her, holding the camera in his left hand and dipped his right forefinger in the jar. “Let… let me….”

“Wendall?!” she gasped in mock-chastisement, but puffed her chest out to give him easy pinbahis yeni giriş access.

Slowly, holding his breath, Wendall traced his finger along the inside flesh of his mother’s right breast.

“Yeah,” she sighed quietly, suddenly serious. “That’s… nice… Wendall….”

She started to lay her hand on her son’s chest, but he stepped back.


“Yes, ma’am, the pastries look good and the powdered sugar creampuffs look just delectable, but what I’d really… really like are some of those… chocolate-covered titties.”

Roxie arched one eyebrow. “Would you now?”


“Oh, yeah….”

She dipped two hooked fingers into the jar, then dribbled syrup all over her breasts and bra. “We ALWAYS swirl the chocolate, sir…,” she smiled, looking directly at him as she swirled the dribbling chocolate.

Wendall had no idea what that implied, but WOW!

Flash. Flash. Flash.

“Guess that means you approve, sir,” she smiled and tucked two chocolate smeared fingers into her bra cup and wiped them around her nipple in there.

Wendall stepped forward, dipping two fingers in the syrup, then smeared them around his mother’s navel.

“Gah!” she jumped back, giggling. “That tickles!”

Wendall dropped to his knees, grabbed her hips and held them still while he licked chocolate off her abdomen and out of her belly button. Over a few moments, Roxie calmed down and became more serious, then started running her hands through her son’s hair while he licked her.

“Wendall… we’ve made a mess here.”

“Ungh-hungh,” he breathed, looking up at her.

She dashed to Wendall’s prop closer, spun around in the doorway and held up a forefinger, bringing her son to a halt there. “Ah-ah. You wait here. Mommy has a surprise for you…”

While Wendall waited at the door, Roxie knelt and opened the bottom drawer and pulled out an item. Holding it up to her mouth, she leered lewdly at her son. “Do you like this, Wendall?” Then she messily tongued the dildo she held.

“Fuck yeah!” Flash. Flash. Flash.

“I can see!” Roxie laughed, seeing Wendall’s cock crudely erect.

Flash. Flash. Flash.

“Mmmmm, you like mommy being dirty, don’t you?”

Flash. “Oh, yeah!”

Roxie stood, stuck her index finger to her lips to pose as she thought, then swayed her hips across the room to her closet, where she pulled out a pair of three-inch heels. Stepping back across the room, she set them beside the nightie, then looked to her son and twirled a ringlet of hair.

“I’ll tell you — no garters, no hose, not even a pair of pasties! I don’t know WHY we don’t keep more FUCK COSTUMES around the house!” She crossed her arms and tapped her foot. “SOME things are going to have to CHANGE around here, mister!”


She giggled and began to slide the dildo between her gigantic breasts, Wendall snapping shot after shot as she stared into the camera. She then moved her hands to either side of her rack and jiggled them, Wendall switching to video mode to capture the sight of them bouncing.

While he inserted a new memory card, she turned around, cocked out her ass and did a little dance with her booty.


“You like this, don’t you?” she asked her son. “Your mother so hot for a fucking that she could squeal?”


“OH, yeah!”

She spread her legs and rubbed her pussy lips, holding them out, dangling from her fingers. And baring her bush.

Flash. Flash. Flash.

“Hee-hee.” She held one hand to her head and cocked her hip out to the other side, posing for him.

Flash. Flash. Flash.

“Here come your chocolate and caramel treats…,” she smiled as she jiggled her breasts.

“Here, Mom, let me.” He stepped to her, then began cleaning them with his tongue.

“Oooh… what a… goooood… booooyyyy…,” she sighed as he nibbled her nipple. She looked over the prop tub in the middle of the room, complete with running water.

She looked down at Wendall, sucking her tits with the same fervor of his infancy and smiled. “Come on honey,” she said, “I have another idea.”

While she ran the bathwater, she traced her fingers lightly along the length of his erection. “Gosh,” she looked up at him solemnly, “It’s SO BIG I don’t know if the whole thing will FIT inside my MOUTH…!” Then she smiled, teasing. “But we’ll find THAT out later.” Roxie’s oral skills were so good, it made Wendall’s heart flutter just thinking of them.

She stood, then stepped in the tub and sat in the bathwater.

Flash. Flash.

“You TEASE!” he complained with a grin.

His mother just smiled smugly.

“You KNOW that you’re going to have the first of multiple orgasms right here in this room.”

“I suspected as much,” she smiled naughtily, stuck her middle finger in her mouth, then slowly moved it to between her legs and leaned back for her son to take more pictures of her.

She then leaned forward and grabbed a soap bottle, moving the wide top against her pussy, moaning as she kept her eyes on the hung boy. She then rubbed her clit against the pinbahis giriş faucet while playing with her tits, moaning seductively.

Wendall jacked off fanatically, his eyes exploring every curve of his mother’s body as she posed for him, each more seductive than the last. She put her hands behind her hand to accentuate her boobs even more. Licking her finger, she rubbed her left nipple, getting it stiff. Wendall’s dick soon followed suit.

She then reached for his cock again and he moaned.

“Mmm…” she said, loving how hard he was, “focus honey. Get some shots of me stroking this juicy fat cock…”

Wendall moaned with each delicate movement of her hand and he snapped photos of her serious yet sensuous look, her flawless breasts and her hand wrapped around his dick and nuts.

He got closeups of her hard nipples, wet with his saliva as well as her own. He lay on his back with Roxie standing over him, giving him a perfect shot of her wet cunt. She moaned as he prodded her clit with the lens, coating the glass in pussy juice.

She began to hump the camera, the wide lens entering her pussy and making her moan loudly as Wendall continued to suck her tits while stroking his dick, snapping photos of her insides.

Their lips met in a fiery kiss, Wendall’s camera still lodged in her cunt while he groped her juicy ass, occasionally giving a poke to her puckered hole. Roxie then screamed and Wendall quickly pulled his camera out of her just before her pussy exploded in a powerful orgasm.

Wendall got several rapid shots of her squirting pussy and throbbing clit. His cock was harder than ever. He had gotten numerous photos of his mother in his life but nothing had ever topped this.

“Look how sexy you look Mom,” Wendall said as he showed the photos of his panting and sweaty mother.

“Those look incredible honey,” Roxie said, “The only thing missing is that juicy cock inside of me.”

Wendall smiled and pumped his cock a little more, though nothing but the most massive orgasm would’ve made him go down now. “All in due time Mom. Now give me your horniest expression.”

Roxie winked and gave a slow rub to her huge breasts and bit her lip while looking into the camera, Wendall snapping shot after shot. She laughed internally at the uncomfortable expression on his face, droplets of precum practically pouring from his head.

She spread her legs and began to stroke her clit while sucking her fingers. Wendall couldn’t contain his excitement, masturbating even faster while capturing his sexy mother from every angle. Thinking of something even sexier, Roxie got on all fours and spread her legs as wide as she could, spreading her wet pussy for the camera.

Wendall gasped and got in as close as possible without the shots getting blurred as Kyle, recognizing his talent, had gotten him the best cameras on the market. “Is that good baby?”

“It’s fucking perfect Roxie,” Wendall said, turning on video mode and slapping each perfect cheek, watching them jiggle. He continued to record her moans and his comments of wanting to fuck her senseless and fill her pussy with cum.

He began to tease her, rubbing her clit and rubbing the head of his cock against her slick folds. Roxie moaned softly and let him continue, snapping photos of the tip of cock in his mother’s sweet pussy. He got about 20 photos before standing up again.

“Should I get on my knees honey?” Roxie asked to which he nodded.

She complied and began to rub her nipples and pussy, moving two fingers in and out as Wendall switched back into video mode, eager to capture the wonderful sound of her fingers moving in her wet pussy.

She continued this for a while, switching up techniques as she watched her son’s hard cock pointed right at her. It was still dripping with precum. Her baby was so hard. She couldn’t resist.

She got back onto her hands and knees and crawled over like a cat toward the rigid phallus. Wendall watched and got harder, Roxie licking her lips and her face neared his cock. He watched and waited until her lips closed around his head, Wendall getting the perfect shot of her eyes locked on the camera, sucking the head beautifully.

“Mmmm Mom, fuck that feels great, don’t stop.” Wendall begged

Roxie chuckled, her tongue never stopped moving even as she deep throated her son, groaning as he struggled to continue shooting. Her lips rammed against his crotch on each move. She started sucking him harder, her mouth moving faster back & forwards along the length of his hard penis. Wendall could hear low moans & purrs as she grabbed his ass cheeks to better pull him towards her.

“God Mom, this is great, I’m gonna cum, don’t stop.” Wendall started to move his hands behind her head to guarantee he would erupt in her mouth, which would be a perfect photo. Her grip on his ass cheeks tightened even as his balls tightened to cum.

“OOOhhh,” Wendall groaned as he exploded in his Roxie’s mouth pumping cum as fast as she swallowed. His body kept pumping as she let go of his ass cheeks. A little ejaculate peaked out the sides of her mouth, within seconds she had licked it in and swallowed, her tongue fast and thorough.

Wendall got every second of the action, Roxie swallowing the creamy jizz and allowing some to dribble onto her breasts, licking and sucking it from her nipples, instantly getting Wendall hard again.

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