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Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32
I heard the familiar voice of my best friend come to me over the phone lines, and I smiled as I addressed her.
“Hey, what’s going on?”
“Oh hi, Jess, not much, just sitting around.”
“Oh yeah? You doing anything tonight?”
“Do you wanna do something tonight?”
“Bitch, what do you think?”
We both laughed.
“Meeting that guy, you know, I’ve showed you his pic. He’s in town.”
Bri’Anda’s voice went from her normal, I’m-just-sitting-here-and-really-hating-it voice, to one that sounded very interested in what I was saying.
“Really? The guy, with the big…”
She giggled and didn’t finish her sentence. I laughed again.
“Yeah, Theron.”
“Where’re you meeting him at?”
“Where do you think?”
“Yeah, hell, I figured I talked about it so much that it was only right if he actually saw the place.”
“What time you meeting him?”
“Nobody’ll be there by then.”
“I know but that’ll give us a chance to see each other in person before Mike starts the music and no one can hear.”
“Can I get ready at your house?”
“Yeah, sure, come on over.”
“Okay, be there shortly. Bye.”
I laughed again as I hung up the phone, she sounded so excited, and I bet she was jumping around the house, finding her keys and purse. I also knew that even though it was only eight, she’d be here in fifteen minutes. I sat back down on the couch, lit a cigarette, and waited.
I was right she was there in fifteen minutes flat. She burst through the door, making my golden retriever run to her, and become just as excited as she was. I shook my head, I expected her to do just that. Bri’Anda was a highly excited person, always moving, jumping, and flaying about. She could never sit still in the many years that I had known her, and she was always ready to get up and go somewhere, as long as she didn’t have to sit in the house. I laughed before I began to talk to her.
“Bitch, sit down! Relax, damn it’s only eight!”
“Why I gotta be your bitch, I thought you were always my bitch.”
She winked as I stared her down.
“You know that ain’t right. You want something to drink?”
“I know, but I thought that I could at least try. Yeah, what you got? Any coffee? I’m nervous, and it always calms my nervous.”
She knew I had coffee; I always have it freshly made. I got up and got her cup, doctoring it up just how she liked it. I came back and handed her the cup. She smiled, sighed, and took a sip, trying to get herself to calm down. She looked at me again, and smiled.
“So, tell me more about this guy.”
I looked at her annoyed. I hated talking about people, and I wished she’d just wait to meet him. Then she could ask the onslaught of questions I was about to be hit with.
“His name is Theron and he’s from Texas.”
“Well, I knew that! Tell me more!”
“Like what?”
“How old is he?”
“In his 40’s.”
She smiled broadly, and bounced in her seat.
“Oh yes! Some one who knows what he’s fuckin’ doing!”
I laughed at her. Bri is a year younger than me, 24, and through our years of knowing each other, I knew she’d love the fact that Theron was older. She’d always had a thing for older men, but then again, so do I.
“What else?”
Her voice was getting louder in her excitement, and I pressed my fingers to my lips to make her quiet down.
“Like what? Why don’t you just wait, you’ll see him in a couple of hours.”
“I know but I want to be prepared. What does he look like? Ever seen a picture of him, that wasn’t his cock?”
“Yeah, a long time ago, but I lost it.”
“He’s tall, well built, brown hair, brown eyes. I stared at his pic for like twenty minutes.”
“Did it make you wet?”
“Of course, the guy is gorgeous.”
“Well your description sucks.”
“Maybe so, but you’ll see him soon!”
“C’mon tell me more!”
“His lips are thin; his eyebrows are shaped real well, and give his eyes a kind of stern look. He has a set jaw line, and goddamn it, he’s just fuckin’ gorgeous, you’ll see him!”
“Okay fine! Wanna get ready?”
“It’s only eight-thirty.”
I shook my head, and got up, holding my hand out to her and helping her off the chair. We went into my bedroom, and began to rummage through my closet. Bri had brought a big duffle bag with her own clothes in it, but we both knew she’d wear something of mine and not even look at the clothes she’d brought. I settled on one of my favorite outfits, a black soft leather tank top with a purple dragon setting in the middle of the chest and a soft leather black mini to go with it, along with my thigh spiked heeled boots. Bri, just a little more conservative than I, choose a bright red tee-shirt with the words, “Bad Girl” written in silver across the chest, a mini jean skirt, and a pair of silver lace up sandals. We laid the clothes on the bed and went into the bathroom.
I turned on the shower, and stepped in, a couple of seconds later Bri followed. When we went out, we always showered together to save time. No, we did not do anything with each other, Bri and I have never had sex, though, I’ve dreamed and hoped that one day it would happen, and I know she’s done the same. Bri has this thing about us being friends, she’s told me that, though, she’s spent many times fucking herself to the thought of me licking her pussy, and she’d never really do it, because it might screw up our long friendship. I respect Bri, and so I’ve never pushed the issue.
We stepped out of the shower, dried ourselves off, and stood before the mirror. Bri stands seven inches taller than me, and so she had no problems seeing over my head. As I looked in the mirror, trying to figure out just what I was going to do to my hair, I felt and saw Bri’s hand move over my shoulder and grab my breast, which only heightened the feelings I was having from seeing her wet and naked.
“Look at these! I wish I had boobs like you.”
She always compared my breasts to hers, mine were bigger but not by much, me being in a D cup and her in a C. I smacked at her hand and laughed.
“Stop it. C’mon!”
She didn’t stop, but placed her other hand on my other tit, and began to knead them, smiling and giggling as she did so. I decided the best thing to do was ignore her, I ignored her a lot, since if I didn’t I’d probably pounce on her. But, I couldn’t really ignore it either, I could see her in the mirror, and I could see her big green eyes growing dark with desire. She still smiled, her full lips softly curving up, both cheeks dimpled. Her long brown hair lay in clumps around her, not brushed yet, and her olive colored skin lying against my fair skin, I had to do something. I turned quickly, and grabbed her tits, squeezing them roughly and smiling up at her.
“Do you like it? Hmmm? Do you?”
She laughed and pushed me away.
“Yeah, I do.”
“Shut-up, C’mon lets go get dressed.”
With our clothes back on, we re-enter the bathroom. Bri grabbed a brush and began to brush out my hair that had already begun to dry. She gently sent the comb through my shoulder length red hair, before grabbing the hair dry. After my hair was finished she did her own. All she ever does to it is brush it out and put a clip in it. I looked at her.
“You should wear it down for once.”
“It’s too long.”
“But it’s so pretty.”
Her hair reaches her butt, and is thick with natural waves.
“I know, but it’s too hot. I’m getting it cut next week.”
I nodded, I always hate when she cut her hair, but she and I both cut our hair for good intentions, letting our hair grow long over the winter and then cutting it short to donate the hair to children with cancer. We finished getting ready, and by the time we’re done we had twenty minutes to get up there, just enough time.
We hopped in my car, and were on our way. As we veered onto the highway Bri looked at me.
“You gonna fuck him?”
“Hell yeah! You gonna help me?”
She giggled.
“I think I might.”
“You will. You know that’s why you came.”
I winked at her and she laughed loudly.
“Yeah okay, I know.”
As mentioned Bri and I have never had sex, but that doesn’t stop us from having sex with other people together.
We pulled up into the parking lot. Joshua’s sits inside a hotel, and I knew Theron had a room there, and I hoped that he was already downstairs in the club. We walked in, not having to pay the cover, we know the doorman, and he always lets us in free. I had told Theron that he should sit in the chairs that over look the dance floor, and as Bri and I turned our heads that way, we saw a male figure sitting there. His front was turned away from us, and though there were only a handful of other people in the bar at the moment, we both hoped that it was him. We walked up, and I tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around slowly, and looked at me.
“Hi, I’m Jessi.”
I winked and smiled at him, my smile growing larger as his lips formed their own. I pointed to Bri.
“Hope you don’t mind, I brought a friend, this is Bri’Anda.”
I watched happily as his eyes lit up. I had spoken of Bri to him, he knew all of mine and her adventures together, and he was happy to see her. She stuck out her hand, and he shook it, moving his eyes back and forth from me to Bri.
“Bri, this is Theron.”
She gave a nod of her head, and let go of his hand. She smiled, and I could see a slight blush on her cheeks. She looked at me.
“Ummmm…well…okay, I’m going to go get us some drinks.”
She patted me on the shoulder and walked down the stairs to the bar. I watched after her, I’ve always felt protective over her, and I watch her constantly to make sure no one is messing with her. She was fine, so I sat down.
“Is it okay that I brought my friend?”
Theron looked a little flustered. I hadn’t told him that Bri was coming.
“Oh no, I think that it’s just fine.”
“Okay, great. It was a spur of the moment thing. I thought that since I’d talked so much about her that you should meet her.”
“I’m pleased to have.”
He gave me a wink this time, and I giggled. Bri came back from the bar, and left again, as is her custom when we first get to Joshua’s. She was seeking out Mike, the DJ, to make sure that he played good songs tonight, since me and her were there. He’d play only the songs we liked all night. She came back and sat on the other side of Theron. This too was something Bri and I did all the time, we’d sandwich the guy that was with us so that we could torment him, and soon we began.
Whenever Bri wanted to speak to me, or I to her, we would lean forward, me hooking my boots on to the bottom of the barstool, and she to hers. She would press herself against the back of Theron, while I pressed against the front, my tits fallen in his face, and my ass stuck in the air. Theron smiled as we did this, and would turn his head from me to Bri. After we had a few drinks in us, my hand started to find his inner thigh when I had to bend to hear Bri, and that hand would move slightly up as I spoke to her, and I would moved my body so that my ample breasts shook in the face of our male friend. Theron at first said nothing about it, but after awhile he laughed, and shook his head.
“Okay ladies, I see what you’re doing!”
Bri looked at him and bent down to his ear. I couldn’t hear her but I could read her lips.
“And do you like it, Theron?”
He turned facing her completely.
“Very much.”
She looked at me, and we smiled at each other. We didn’t play our game for a while after that, the music started, and Bri drug me to the dance floor. Theron stayed seated and watched as Bri and I danced with each other, moving in time, rubbing our bodies against one another’s, and looking up at Theron every now and again. The next song came and Bri kept me on the dance floor, coming up behind me, grinding her hips on my ass, and moving her hands to my hips. I looked up at her and smiled as she bent down to kiss me, nothing unusual there we kiss all the time. We both looked up at Theron, who smiled and sipped his beer. Bri’s hand moved down, and though she never went over as much as I would have liked her to, she played with my inner thigh. The song ended and we went back to our seats. Theron smiled as we neared him.
We both said thank you at the same time. Bri sat in my seat and I sat down on her lap. We took long drinks of our beverages and looked back at Theron. I moved my head to Bri’s shoulder and whispered.
“Should we keep teasing, Bri? Or should we give him more?”
She laughed and whispered back. “I’m your bitch remember. You decide.”
Theron smiled at us.
“What you ladies whispering about?”
I smiled back.
“Just how we’d both like to suck your cock right now.”
Bri laughed.
“Yep. Do you have a room here?”
“May we go to it?”
“If you’d like.”
I hopped down from Bri, and we held hands as we led the way into the lobby of the hotel. Theron took over the lead and got us into the room. We stood in the center of it. I smiled at Bri, and then looked straight at Theron as I addressed her.
“Bri’Anda! Since you’ve told me that you are my bitch, I want my bitch to get on her knees and begin to suck Theron’s cock!”
She didn’t protest Bri usually did what was told of her. She got down on her knees, and crawled to Theron, making both him and I smile as we watched her move across the floor. She came up on her knees, and deftly freed his cock, looking up at him the entire time. I made myself comfortable on the chair, and watched Bri go to work. She took his cock in her hands and licked it slowly, coaxing it to a full erection before taking the head of it into her mouth. She moaned loudly, as she wrapped her hands around the rest of his cock, and began to stroke and suck him. Theron’s hand came down into her hair, and he pulled the clip away, making her long tresses fall around her. He grabbed a handful of it and pulled her lips from him. He rubbed her face against his cock using her hair to do so. I smiled, but saw the distress in Bri’s eyes. She wasn’t use to this.
I slipped from my chair and came to her, kissing her cheek and neck as Theron moved his cock around her lips.
“Relax Baby, take his cock. Feel it, feels nice doesn’t it?”
She nodded her head. “Yeah, it’s okay.”
I looked up at Theron and smiled at him, but never told him to take it easier on her. I grabbed his cock in my hand, and stroked it, causing an approving sound from him.
“Suck it Bri. Suck Theron’s big cock!”
She took it into her mouth, smiling again, and began to suck him as I stroked the shaft.
“Are you relaxed now?”
She nodded.
“Good, I’m going to let him do whatever he wants to you, so you need to be a good girl, okay?”
She looked a little frightened but nodded her head again.
“Okay, he won’t hurt you, I promise. Will you Theron?”
“See, he’s just going to make you feel real good.”
She moaned, and I pressed my other hand against Theron’s, making her mouth slip further onto his cock.
“That’s a good Baby, now I’m handing it back over to Theron, Bri.”
She moaned, and I moved back in the chair. Theron shrugged his shoulders at me, but I waved my hand to dismiss whatever thought he had. Bri’Anda’s hands had gone back to his cock, and I could see that she was much more relaxed now. She sucked him for a long time before pulling his cock out and looking up at him.
“Your cock is so big! I was scared for a minute sorry.”
“No need to be scared Darlin'”
I smiled and nodded my head at the way Theron spoke to her, but soon his features changed, and a stern look came in his eye.
“But I’ll tell you what. Just sucking my cock isn’t good enough. You gotta be a real slut.”
Bri’Anda laughed and looked at me, before turning her attention back to Theron. Her voice changed, dropping down a few octaves. “Don’t worry Darlin’ I am a big slut.”
I laughed, and she winked at me.
Theron grabbed his cock from Bri, and slapped it across her face. She moaned and looked up at him.
“Again! C’mon do it again, I love that!”
He slapped her again with his cock, making a louder moan come from her. He let go and grabbed both sides of her head, shoving his cock into her mouth and down her throat. She gagged on it, and her hand flew to her throat. He pumped into her, hard and fast, and soon she stopped choking. He let her go, and took his cock from her mouth.
“My God! That’s a big fuckin’ cock! And it felt damn good down my throat!”
“Is your pussy wet Bri?”
Bri smiled up at Theron as he asked the question.
“Of course it is.”
He looked over at me.
“Jessi, I want you to come and check.”
Bri tried to protest, but it only got her cock-slapped again.
“We don’t do that Theron, I’ve told you that.”
He looked angrily at me, and moved towards me. He pulled me out of the chair and dropped me down by Bri.
“I told you to fucking check now do it!”
I looked at Bri, and shrugged my shoulders. I sent my hand up the skirt she wore, and rubbed her pussy lightly with my finger, which caused her to moan. I pulled my finger back out and held it up.
“Yes, she’s wet.”
“Good. C’mon ride my cock!”
She got up and went to the bed, straddling Theron’s legs. She grabbed him, and sent him into her pussy, moaning loudly as he filled her. He looked at me.
“Make yourself useful.”
I smiled, and came onto the bed, happy to be a part of the action. As Bri began to grind her hips back and forth on his cock, I bent down and began to suck and lick at his nipples, causing a moan from him. Bri’s moans chimed in, and she looked down at me.
“God, Jess, you gotta feel this cock! I don’t think my pussy has ever been this fuckin’ full before!”
I smiled at her and went back to what I was doing. Bri was getting hotter by the minute, her soft moans had turned into loud screams as she rode Theron’s cock, her grinding had turned to bouncing, and I decided that I was tired of not being able to touch her. I shot my hand down to her cunt, and began to rub her clit, causing louder moans. Her eyes shut for a minute and then she looked down at me.
“I’m gonna cum! Do you hear that Theron? I’m going to fuckin’ cum all over your fat cock!”
I was happy to hear that instead of her telling me to move. I continued, rubbing faster and harder as she began to scream.
“Fuck me! Fuck me Theron! Use that fucking cock! C’mon, make me cum!”
I watched as Theron began to thrust his hips hard into her and smiled as I heard his voice.
“You cum all over this fucking cock bitch!”
Bri’Anda screamed so loud that I winced. Her hand came down to my fingers, and she began to help me move around her clit as she came. Her body almost collapsed when she began to come down from orgasm, but Theron placed his hand on her chest to hold her up. I moved and lay beside Theron, bringing my hand down on my pussy, as he turned Bri over onto her back. She smiled at me, and her eyes rolled back as Theron began to pound his cock deep into her pussy. She looked up at him.
“Just like that Sir, fuck that pussy! Fuck it hard! God, your cock is fucking amazing!”
She looked back over at me, and I smiled and winked at her.
“Is it good Bri?”
She laughed.
“Oh god, it’s wonderful! It’s so fucking big!”
I nodded my head, and she came closer, kissing me. I moaned into her mouth, her lips had always felt so good on mine. She broke the kiss and looked at me. “I really liked your hand on my pussy.”
“Good, now pay attention!”
She looked back at Theron, who was looking down at the both of us. I smiled at him.
“C’mon Theron fuck her pussy! Make her cum again!”
He thrust a couple of more times into her, but then pulled out, making both of us look at him in puzzlement. He sat back on his heels, and began to stroke his cock.
“I want her ass.”
Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32