Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32
Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32
‘Stop looking at the clock,’ I tell myself.The day crawls, the minutes creep by so slowly. I long not to be here, willing the five o’clock rush for the door. The office is quiet, the weekend beckons. I look at my phone, re-reading your message. “Meeting cancelled. Will be home when you get here xx.” I knew you will be asleep, You always seem to be sleeping. Well, when you aren’t working, or playing…Grabbing my coat, noticing rain on the window. The bus is full, cramped, steamed up. Rubbing a sleeve in an arc across the glass, creating a window within the window, I watch the streets go by, the lights reflected in the pools of water gathering along the kerbs. The bell rings, bringing me out of my stupor. My stop, at last. Splashing through puddles, I head to your door.The key clicks and turns, the door squeaking. I enter, feeling the warmth from the heating. Discarding my shoes, I walk to the stairs, not bothering to check the ground floor. Stockinged feet on the stairs, stepping over the creaking step. At the top landing, I turn, your room ahead.My hand on the cool brass handle, twisting gently. The door ajar, I hear the sounds of you sleeping. The room dark, a streetlight bathes the room in a soft, yellow sodium haze. I strip, quickly, my clothes discarded by the chair, no motivation etimesgut escort to fold them neatly as my gaze is upon you.Naked. Your black hair corkscrews around your face, framing your elfin features. Lying on your side, your hip towards me. Arms crossed in front, covering your breasts, those soft, silken pillows. My eyes are drawn downward, the black hair trimmed, shaped. My thoughts gravitate to your centre, pulled towards you.A candle on the table, vanilla essence fills the room. The light flickers, your tanned skin alive. I watch the rise and fall of your body, gauging your rhythm. I hate to wake you, but long for you. You will sleep at the drop of a hat. My mind decides, I step to the bed, softly sliding beside you, my left hand gently caresses your hip. I feel you shift, stir. I gaze at your face, your eyelids flicker, you breath deeply. Encouraged, I trace my fingers up your hip, to your side. Towards your stomach. I feel the skin tremble. Your lips part, a light smacking sound.’Hey, baby,’ I dare to whisper. Then again, just a shade louder. I hold my breath, not daring to exhale. Your eyelids flicker again, again the deep breath, then I watch as you rouse from sleep. For a second you don’t know where you are. Then, our eyes meet. You smile, eryaman escort those cherry lips soft, open, white teeth beneath. I smile too, finally exhaling. You reach for my cheek, fingers brushing my lips. You ask about my day. Small talk, hands touching, eyes on each others lips. I shiver, your hand on my shoulder, pulling me near.This kiss could go on for ever, I could die happy right now. I breathe in your warm, sleepy girl scent. I feel arousal, passion, longing. Hands move, bodies shift, skin touching. Your hair, so thick, so long, falls over our faces. My hand in your hair, gently pulling your head back, making you lie back on the bed. My body moves closer, our curves fitting together.Kissing you deeply, hands on your throat, fingers stroking your skin, nails gently scratching you. My hand drops, over your chest, lower, cupping your breast, fingers around your nipple. Fingers on your ribcage, back under your breast. My lips move, kissing your chin, your neck, my body shifting downwards. Mouth and hands converge on your nipples, blowing, teasing, arousing. Your back arches, pushing towards my face.I love your breasts, for a small girl they are big, but firm. I remember the first time I saw you, slipping that pale blue balcony bra from yourself, sincan escort breasts exposed. The matching French knickers soon joining the bra upon the floor. Just there, next to this very bed, just a few passionate memories ago. You moan softly as my lips encase one nipple, gently sucking it into my mouth, my fingers kneading the firm flesh around it. Your hand in my hair, holding me close, guiding me.I lick a trail to the other breast, playing with the nipple. I favour your left one. I have no idea why. Perhaps I hear your heart beating beneath. I can sense its throb quickening, or maybe just imagine it. My hand closes under your breast, holding it, feeding it to myself, my tongue flicking the nipple, hardening in response. You moan, louder. Looking up, your eyes closed again, lips parted and wet.You shift beneath me, moving slightly to the side. One hand on your right breast, my mouth dips lower, kissing your ribcage, then lower to your belly button. Your hand replaces my lips on your breast, squeezing and pulling at the pert nipple. I run the tip of my tongue down your stomach, closing my lips over your belly button before tracing down to your trim thatch with light kisses.I move down the bed, my knees level with yours, though I am kneeling up. Bending over, my nostrils catching your scent. My hands flat on your thighs, sliding them up, softly, slowly. Your legs part, your eagerness apparent. A trail of moistness on the top of your thighs, peeling apart as you shift. My hunger takes over. Hands sliding between your legs, stroking your inner thighs, moving upwards.
Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32