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Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32
It started during my first spring break from college. I was 18 and decided to spend the week at my dad’s new home on the lake. I was happy I was going home to see my dad but not thrilled about going to the new house.
My folks had been divorced since I was 10. I spent my time 50/50 between them. Depending on her boyfriend du jour my mom moved at least 5 times. Their agreement kept me in the school system. My dad’s house stayed the same. It was where I was stable. After I went out of state to college, my dad decided it was safe to sell and move. I didn’t blame him. There wasn’t anything left to tie him to the old house, but along with college it was another change for me.
I’d seen the house briefly over Christmas break. Dad was looking for a new house and it was one of the ones we looked at. It was actually my favorite. It was more of a beach house than the suburban house I grew up in. Well, with dad at least.
With mom it was mostly apartments. Single/divorced guys don’t often have houses. Sometimes, on every other weekend, the apartments were crowded as dads got to see their children. I had 2 ex step sisters and 2 ex stepbrothers. All older than me. All nice enough people but I wasn’t really close to any of them.
Dad’s new house was on a lake. It had 5 small bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 with small showers, one luxurious which, although not in the master bedroom, was obviously used as a master bath. It then had one great room/kitchen with almost all glass doors and windows and no walls. There were amazing views of a small beach, the lake, and the wooded area out back. Last it had decks all around that led down to a private dock. Part of the deck was raised with a hot tub overlooking the beach.
It wasn’t a crowded beach. It was small. There were 2 other houses, mostly separated by trees. The one furthest away also had a dock. Few people came to swim here as it was small, there was a huge beach 200 yards away, and the docks made it hard to swim.
This was where I was going. It was beautiful, but still new and did not feel like going home.
Dad was there when I got there. I hugged him and kissed him on the cheek. I’d missed him. He was 6’1″ and had big shoulders. He felt solid. He was always my anchor. He stayed in shape by swimming. He always smelled great.
He showed me which room was mine. I’d actually already chosen it, but dad had moved all my stuff, decorated, and had really worked to make it mine. Lots of my old stuff hanging on the walls with new pictures and some furniture and art that showed dad really knew my tastes.
We spent Friday night through Sunday morning catching up on me, school, my social life. Nope no boyfriend yet dad. I’d actually had a brief one. I’d lost my virginity to him, but it really wasn’t meant to be. It was fun for a while. I told dad about all but the virginity part.
I was loving the house. It was actually beginning to feel like a home. It was a peaceful, relaxing refuge. I was enjoying it and being close to my dad.
Then on Sunday he dropped the bomb. I mean, I should have expected it. Dad was 45, handsome, and well off. As far as I knew he had never dated while I was growing up. I didn’t know what he did when I was at mom’s, but I never met anyone.
It was at breakfast he told me.
“Cindy, there’s someone I want you to meet,” he said.
In the back of my mind, I kind of knew what he was going to say, but a part of me was hoping it was a contact for me to get ahead in life, or a boy he’d thought I would like. I didn’t say anything. He went on.
“I’ve met a very nice woman and we’ve become close. Close enough that I think it’s time you met her,” he continued.
I didn’t know what to say. “OK,” was all that came out.
Her name was Laurel. It sounded familiar. He told me I’d met her before. It hit me. She was the real estate agent who showed us the house. I tried to remember her. I remembered she was nice. I remembered thinking she was pretty, but I really couldn’t picture her.
“The real estate agent?” I asked.
He smiled. He was obviously happy I remembered her. “Yes that’s her.”
I just kind of sat there. I knew I should be happy for him, but he’d been mine alone for so long i felt like something was being taken from me.
“You OK?” he asked.
I came out of my stupor.
“Of course dad. It’s about time you met someone,” I replied. I am not sure how much conviction I said it with. “Have you been seeing her long?”
Turns out they had started dating almost the week she’d shown us the house. Right after I’d returned to school. He felt it was getting kind of serious and thought it was time I got to know her. He asked if we could go out for dinner with her that night.
“Of course,” I said. “I’d love to meet her.”
He was happy. I was always glad when he was happy. He hugged me and told me he was going to call her and make arrangements. I put the dishes away and cleaned up. I was kind of numb inside and didn’t feel or think much of anything. Mostly had logical thoughts. ‘Of course pinbahis güvenilirmi he’d met someone. Why wouldn’t he? I should be happy. He shouldn’t be alone his whole life.’
I went out to sit on the deck. It was still a little cool that day. I took a blanket and laid out on a deck chair.
I wasn’t happy. I knew it was wrong of me, but there was a part of me that felt she was stealing my man. Dad had been mine, and mine alone, since I was 10. Now there was someone trying to take my place, or at least come between us.
We spent the day chatting and just puttering around the house. Sunday we got ready for dinner. We weren’t in a fancy area, but we were going to the nicest restaurant in town. I put on a nice pair of jeans, heels, and a cute pullover top. I checked myself out in the mirror.
I looked good. At 5’3″ and 120lbs, I could stand to lose 10 lbs, but those 10 lbs gave me great curves. My long brown hair hung to the middle of my back. My frame easily supported my 32c breasts and the bra and top I was wearing made them look great. I knew I was attractive. I’d got hit on enough at school. Tonight, I wanted to look extra attractive.
Satisfied with how I looked I met dad in the great room.
“You look beautiful,” he said.
Dads have to say that stuff, but I always felt he meant it and it made me feel beautiful.
We were going to meet Laurel at the restaurant. We got there a bit early and were given a table. I was facing the door.
I saw her before dad did. I was stunned. I remembered she was pretty. I didn’t remember how pretty. She was about 5’6″, looked about 30. I was found out later 35, but she looked younger. She had curves, curves that moved in that way that you had to stop and look. There was a certain sexiness about her. She had thick almost black hair that came down between her shoulder blades.
I looked around. I think everyone in the restaurant, at one point, turned to look at her as she walked to the table.
She was wearing a red wrap dress with long sleeves. The neckline showed some cleavage but nothing inappropriate. It clung to her top half like a second skin. At her hips it flared out. It was knee length but as she walked you could see a flash of thigh well above her knee. She was gorgeous and sexy.
She walked up to our table. Dad stood up and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. It bothered me a bit. He introduced us.
“It’s so nice to finally meet you,” she said. “Well,” she said humorously, “I know we’ve met before and, with as much as your dad talks about you, I feel I know you, but it’s nice to finally have a chance face to face.”
It was obvious she was sincere. She had a beautiful smile and a friendly lilting voice. I thought briefly that it came with her job, but it was probably the fact that she was sincere that made her good at her job.
She sat and joined us. She asked me about my life, talked about my dad, her job. She kept the conversation going. She often made both my dad and I laugh.
I didn’t make much effort in the conversation. There was a part of me that was enjoying it and a part of me that wasn’t happy she was there.
The night went well. Dad invited her back to our place after dinner. She asked me if that was OK. She made it clear it was OK to say no, and that she understood I wanted my dad time and she didn’t want to intrude. I was actually not sure, but I told her it was fine and that she was welcome.
As dad and I drove home he asked me what I thought. I told him she seemed nice and that I liked her. Both were true, even though I didn’t like that I liked her.
Then I said,”I didn’t remember how gorgeous she was.”
Dad said he thought I was beautiful too.
“Dad, the whole restaurant did not turn and look at me when I walked in.”
“Well,” he said. “I see you all the time, and every time I see you I am amazed by how pretty you are. When I don’t see you for a while, and you come home, I am always, again, struck by your beauty.”
That made me feel good, but in a way I didn’t remember dad telling me I was pretty, made me feel before. I felt more like I was being compared, woman to woman, with Laurel. I liked that. .
Laurel came over. Dad opened some wine. Eventually I began to feel like a 3rd wheel and I decided to go to bed. I kissed dad goodnight and hugged him. I extended it a bit by telling him how happy I was to be home. I hung on him a little longer than usual and a bit closer. I felt like I was reminding Laurel he was still mine. I said goodnight to Laurel and headed to my room.
As I undressed, I heard them go outside on the deck. My bedroom and dad’s bedroom had sliding glass doors leading to the deck and facing the lake. They were pretty close to my door. My curtains were closed but the door was slightly open to let the fresh air in through the screen. .
“That went well,” dad said.
“Pretty good,” said Laurel, “but your little girl is not entirely happy to share you.”
“What do you mean?” he asked.
“A woman can pinbahis yeni giriş tell. She feels a bit like I’m cutting into her territory. You’ve been her man for a long time. Now she sees me as a bit of a rival.”
“Don’t be silly,” dad said. “She’s my daughter.”
“She’s still a woman,” Laurel responded. “A beautiful one at that. Maybe I should be jealous?” She laughed.
“She is beautiful,” said my dad. “When I haven’t seen her for a while, and she comes home, I am always struck by how beautiful she is and wondering how such a beauty came out of me,” he laughed.
“Well, you’re pretty sexy yourself,” she replied, “and I guess I should be flattered that such a gorgeous, sexy thing still can think of me as competition. The good thing is I know you’re enough man to handle both of us.”
That made me feel kind of weird. I liked that fact they both thought I was beautiful, and, Laurel said I was sexy. But that last line, ‘handle both of us’ made me feel weird. I was tingly excited by it, and embarrassed by the fact I was feeling tingly excited by it.
“Well, I like handling you,” dad said playfully.
“Anytime,” purred Laurel.
They stopped talking.
I couldn’t help myself. I looked out my window. If I stood just the right way I could see them on the deck in the moonlight. They were kissing. My stomach knotted up but also fluttered. I felt a little voyeuristic. Sexy voyeuristic.
I saw Laurel straddle my dad. She undid the ties of her dress and fell open. Laurel had amazing breasts. Her nipples were hard in the cool night air. She lowered them to my dad’s lips. She threw her head back and moaned as he sucked on them.
I knew I should stop watching but something made me stay where I was.
Laurel slid off the deck chair onto her knees and she undid my dad’s pants. She pulled out his cock and wrapped her hand around it and started stroking it. I watched it get hard. It looked big in her hands.
Then, she glanced at my window. I reflexively stepped back. I was pretty sure she couldn’t see me, but her looking up startled me.
She looked down at dad’s cock and, with a small smile, lowered her mouth onto it.
I had never seen, nor given, a blowjob before. I stood and watched. It looked like she knew what she was doing. Her hand slowly worked its way up and down the shaft as she bobbed her head on the tip and a bit more. My dad put one hand on the back of her head. It looked like he grabbed her hair and was helping her move her head on his cock.
I was feeling jealous. I was feeling dirty and guilty for watching. I was also getting horny. I didn’t masturbate a lot, but this was turning me on. As I was undressing earlier I had taken off my jeans and shirt. I had been watching them in just my bra and panties. Now I slipped my hand into my panties and started playing with myself.
My fingers found my clit, they slid into my pussy. I was dripping wet. I put a hand on the wall to steady myself.
Every time Laurel pulled her head back I could see more of dad’s cock. I found myself waiting for those moments where she’d pull it out of her mouth completely so I could see his entire cock.
Then she pulled her mouth off him and looked straight at my window. I was still pretty sure she couldn’t see me, but it felt weird having her looking my way, holding dad’s hard cock in her hand.
She smiled. This time at my window, and then started sucking his cock again. I kept playing with my pussy.
All of a sudden dad tensed up. Laurel stopped moving but kept her lips around dad’s cock. After a few minutes she pulled her mouth away. I could see his cock was softening. She must have swallowed all his cum. With that thought I closed my eyes and came on my fingers.
She lay next to dad on the deck chair. I saw dad try to pull her panties off. She stopped him, kissed him lightly on the lips, and stood up.
“Next time stud,” she said. “I better be going. I have to work tomorrow.”
Dad stood up with her. He kissed her. I didn’t like him kissing her. As they walked around the deck to her car she took one more look at my window. I was beginning to worry that she had seen me.
Normally I sleep in a long T shirt and panties. Usually one of my dad’s old ones. I took off my bra and threw a T on. I started to get into bed but realized my panties were wet. I took them off too and climbed into bed.
I felt wrapped in dad’s shirt. My mind wandered to the scene I’d just watched. My hand slid to my pussy again. I drifted off to sleep with my fingers against my clit.
I woke up the next morning and heard dad making breakfast. Dad typically worked from home, so we had plenty of time together. I stood up and looked in the mirror. Normally I would have just headed out to breakfast.
Instead I brushed out my hair and changed. I chose a cute small pair of boy short panties and a T shirt that hung about 2″ below my ass. It was one of my Ts so it followed my curves rather than hung loosely on me. My breasts pushed against pinbahis giriş the material.
Satisfied with my looks I went out to breakfast. Dad looked at me and smiled.
“”Well there’s my pretty little girl,” he said.
I walked up to him, hugged him, and said I was glad to be home. As I put my arms around his shoulders I could feel my shirt pull up over my ass. If he was behind me he would have seen my panty covered ass. The thought made me tingle.
I looked up at his face. He put his hands on my hips. I think he was shocked to encounter bare skin. He looked confused as to what to do. He just let them rest loosely where they were. I just put my head against his chest.
“Everything is so changed,” I said. “It’s weird coming home. The only thing the same is you.”
“Everything changes as we get older. The one thing that will never change is that you are my girl and I love you more than anything in this world,” he said.
I stood on tiptoes and kissed him on his cheek. I kissed him almost on his lips. I’d never done that before and I knew I was doing it on purpose. As I stretched to kiss him my hips moved in his hands. I knew they brushed the top of my panties. It excited me. Shocked him. He moved his hands higher. Squeezed me tight then let me go.
I turned to go sit at the table. I hadn’t planned it, but because my shirt was fitted it did not fall back into place. My little boy shorts were not a thong, but they covered less than a bathing suit. I was exposing more of my ass than my dad had seen since I was a baby.
I reached up and tugged my shirt into place. I glanced back at him.
“Sorry,” I said.
“Don’t worry about it,” he replied.
We sat down to eat. We talked about school, work, Laurel. He asked what I was going to do. I told him I had friends I was going out with that night. I asked if he was going to see Laurel.
He told me they’d been seeing each other almost every day so that if I was going out she might come over.
I took his hand. “Dad, I’m 18. I know what grownups do. Does Laurel stay here often when I’m at school?” I asked.
“More often than not,” he replied. He was very self conscious about it.
“It’s OK dad,” she can stay over.”
I know I meant it, but as I said it, I also regretted it.
“Are you sure,” he asked.
I stood up from the table. As I did I realized my shirt had pulled up again. My panties were completely exposed. Dad was looking at me. I think he was trying not to, but didn’t know anywhere else to look.
I bent over and kissed him very close to his ear. “I’m sure daddy,” I said. “I only want to make you happy.”
I made no effort to adjust my shirt. Ass and panties showing I went back to my room to get dressed. I looked back and saw him watching me.
“I love you,” I said.
“I love you,” he replied.
I went to my room and got undressed. I heard my dad go into his room and shut the door. I then remembered the bathroom was in the hall, I was naked, and the towels were in the hall closet.
I peaked out my door. Dad’s door was closed. I decided to go for it. I ran to the closet, grabbed a towel, jumped in the bathroom and shut the door. I leaned against the door and kind of giggled to myself.
I jumped in the shower, washed, and shaved my legs and pussy. I started shaving it in college after I noticed my roommate did it. She was older and I think it was because I didn’t want to be different. After I did it the first time I just liked the way it felt.
As I showered I heard the Master bath shower. I finished, dried off, and wrapped the towel around me. I opened the door and walked out. At exactly that moment my dad did too.
He had a towel wrapped around his waist. I again noticed his big shoulders and chest. I also noticed that the towel pushed out just a little in front of his cock.
“Oh,” I said. “Sorry daddy.”
He laughed, “It’s ok baby. I guess there’s not as much privacy in this house as the other.”
“Guess not,” I responded, closed the bathroom door, and turned to go to my room.
As I did my towel started to pull away. I grabbed at the top of it. It took me a second to realize what was happening and second longer to realize why. I had closed my towel in the bathroom door. As I pulled away I had completely exposed myself. I just stood there in shock.
Dad, thinking faster than me, quickly stepped over to me, opened the door and freed the towel. I clutched it against my breasts hiding my front from him. I just stood there about to cry. Dad immediately recognized the look on my face. He quickly wrapped his arms around me.
As he did I choked out, “I’m sorry daddy.”
He pulled me tight. “It’s ok baby. Nothing to worry about.”
I laid my head on his chest and starting sobbing and repeating I was sorry. He stroked my hair and told me it was ok and that accidents happen until I stopped crying.
As I calmed down I realized how good his arms and naked chest felt. I was holding the towel in between us and realized I was completely exposed behind me. I looked up at his face. I realized that at his height he could see entirely down my back and could easily see my ass. As I was pressed against him I also realized I could feel the bulge in his towel against my belly.
Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
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