Agnes Unbound

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Agnes UnboundAgnes lay back with her hands between her legs playing with her pussy lips and fumed. The cause of her annoyance was lying beside her snoring, the bastard had screwed her and when she was nearly at the point of cummin, had shot his load, disengaged before rolling over and going straight to sleep. The bastard was also her boss, so her options were limited.Agnes with a stupid name, average body and being far too clever for a lot of men had less of a sex life than she wanted. As a result, she was quite adept at using her fingers, toys as well, but mainly her fingers. Relief came after a few minutes caressing of her clit. Kev lying beside her didn’t notice a thing.The next morning it was worse, because the double damned bastard boasted that he had got inside the ‘Geeks’ knickers. There was a group of them from work, all Kev’s friends nor hers. To be honest Agnes didn’t have any close friends just acquaintances. At least he couldn’t afford to sack her as to do so would incur his father, the big boss’s white-hot fury. Agnes was the actuary for their small insurance company and very good at her job. Geek she might be but a critically vital one calculating the risks for the insurance rates.To preserve her dignity by not to crying Infront of them, she walked off and headed down to the swimming pool where she swam lengths. Back and forth and top speed as if she was intaining ofr a competition rather than a hotel pool. Apart from being a genius at figures and stats, Agnes was also a very strong swimmer. In all probability she could have had a chance as an international but actuarial science paid a lot better and for your entire life not just while young and fit.This early in the morning, the pool was near empty with only one other person using it, a middle-aged man. Still feeling randy from last night frustration Agnes noted that for someone who was probably about twenty years older than her, he was pretty hot. Hair a mixture of brown and grey he had a slim, taught body. If he stood up, he was probably only a bit above average height but looked pretty strong.Agnes though, was working of her annoyance by going flat out and powered past him, on a front crawl. The man clearly saw this as a challenge and picked up his pace. By unspoken agreement it developed into a race. At first, he could keep up but over distance Agnes won, as long-distance races were her forte.They eventually gave up when they spotted a waiter coming down to see if drinks were required. Again, by unspoken agreement they decided that they were. Sitting back at a pool side table they started chatting. His name was Rupe and he was a good listener, so good that it all came out.“So, the little snot lured you into bed to get a notch on the bedpost and didn’t even have the manners to ensure you had as good as time as he did. I think I know who you mean, spotty lad with an attitude problem?”Rupe had just about summed Kev up. Though in his mid-twenties he had never lost the acne and the phrase entitled could have been invented for him. They chatted more and in view of what she had already shared the conversation was pretty open about sex. Rupe gave a little shudder and smiled to himself.“What was that about?”“I doubt you want to know.”“Oh, I am a nosy little cow.”“I was thinking how nice it would be to prove how a gentleman pleasures a lady.”“With me? Hell yes. Actually, would it offend you if I mentioned it afterwards?”“Not normally the act of a lady but in these circumstances, it has an appeal. You my dear, certainly have an appeal. I go for intelligent capable women and you are both, to be an actuary you have to be a very smart cookie and you’re an accomplished athlete as well.”“Can we go to you room. I would prefer not to run into Kev’s gang until afterwards.”The room was in fact a suite the best the hotel had. Once inside Rupe enveloped her in his arms and kissed her. Agnes opened her mouth and returned his kiss measure for measure. It was long and passionate and the already wound up Agnes had a little climax from that alone. Sometime during the kiss her bikini top got undone. Once they broke Rupe pulled back and had a look at her. Agnes was not slim but had a toned body of an athlete, medium size tits, shoulder length brown wavy hair. Seeing his appraising look she pushed down the bikini bottom to revel a trimmed bush and rose-pink pussy lips. Rupe pushed down his trunks and now they were both naked embraced her again. Not only did they kiss again with equal passion but their hands travelled across each other’s bodies.Rupe picked her up and carried her over to the bed and lay her on her back. Parting her legs, he went to work on her pussy until she was very wet, he climbed up and pulled her legs onto his shoulders and proceeded to fuck her brains out. It was the best sex she had ever enjoyed and her second climax was prolonged and loud.After they had both cum, they lay on the bed beside each other. For a while as they recovered from their energetic activity, they said nothing, but whilst lying there Rupe had been thinking.“I have a business proposal to put to you. I make my money by investment, some of it fairly normal but a few high-risk, high gain opportunities. My judgement is pretty good and I do rather well but it is all based on my gut feeling and limited assessment. You’re an actuary used to assessing risk scientifically. How do you fancy working for me? I will pay you a good salary and if you make a significant difference to a trade, I will give you a bonus. One possible down side you will have to live close to my home in the Pyrenees about twenty miles from Perpignan. Either get you own place or if you want share the villa with me and my secretary.”“Eh do you sleep with your secretary.”“Yes, and the chances are I will end up screwing both of you unless you’re the jealous type. I know Simone isn’t. Actually, I would not be surprised if she tries to seduce you so be warned.”Agnes had never been with a woman but was surprised that the idea didn’t shock but instead excited her. The whole thing was thrilling to a girl in a rut. With little in the way of ties at home in England and hating the people she worked for this seemed interesting but being an actuary, she wanted to assess the risk.“Can I do some research and give you an answer later.”“Fair enough you wouldn’t be any good at your job if that wasn’t your reaction. I am here another four days. Any chance that you can spend some of it with me particularly at night.”“Oh yes, that would be fun but you will see the unattractive side of my nature. I doubt I can resist rubbing it in, or particularly want too.”“I don’t think I want somebody too nice, certainly neither Simone or I are angels. I think I am going to enjoy watching your revenge. Try for bahis şirketleri subtlety its always fun watching peolep who suspect they having the piss taken out of them but aren’t sure.”“I will have to plan then but your right that would be so much better. Were you named Rupe originally. I need to know if I am going to research your business.”“No and you will see why I don’t thing Agnes is a stupid name. My half Bavarian, half Italian father named me Ruprecht after a Bavarian prince. Now that is a stupid name. Now are you up for another bout.”Agnes resisted the urge to laugh and was very much up for some more fun. This time she went on top as was soon bobbing up and down on Rupe’s cock her tits wobbling in front of him. Rupe grabbed them and squeezed gently before massaging them, the already randy Agnes was driven wild. That it did a lot for Rupe was shown that as she was having an orgasm, he filled her with loads of cum.They went down for lunch hand in hand, something that was noticed by Lynsey one of Kev’s cronies famed for her bitchyness. On this occasion Agnes didn’t have difficulty ignoring them. After lunch she went to her own room and got on the internet, Ruprecht Ansell was not difficult to find, he had a Wikipedia entry for a start. The serious business pages seemed to hold him in respect, and there was no hint of impropriety. Agnes pretty much decided then but thought she would give herself time to consider further.Relations with her colleagues went downhill fast as Lynsey spread the word. It didn’t help that Agnes took the opportunity to bite back. When Agnes put though into being bitchy, she had far more style and her comments stung and Kev turned nasty. Agnes knew then that she had made her decision.That evening Rupe took her out to dinner in the town to a very nice restaurant with music in a terrace surrounded by vines. When the meal was over, she asked about the salary which was twenty percent more than her current one so she said yes without haggling, For the present she would live at the villa. Kev saw them as they returned to the hotel and she politely told him that she was resigning from the company. Kev responded rudely which to her mind removed the requirement for politeness.“Look Kev darling I can understand, if not agree with boasting to cover up your inadequacies as a lover but as your father will no doubt explain you really are as stupid as you are objectionable. Having had a better offer, I am only too happy to leave your firm before it goes under.” Saucer of milk for me please but that was so fun. Rupe did not make any comment but had a vague smile on his face. They went into to the hotel and straight to his suite. Within seconds her dress was off, her bra and thong quickly following. Agnes latched onto Rupe’s mouth and gave a hungry kiss. This time she pushed him onto the bed, stripped him and gave him a blow job just long enough to get him erect and lubricated before climbing aboard. The encounter with Kev had made her eager for good enthusiastic sex and that is what she got. Agnes climaxed but still wanted more and anyway Rupe hadn’t cum, consideration goes both ways. The solution was he pushed her on her hands and knees.“How do you feel about anal?” Agnes hadn’t tried it and before now would have refused point blank but she was so turned on she just said yes without thought. Agnes felt a touch to her anal sphincter which turned out to be Rupe covering it with lube. This alone was exciting because he was very thorough then she felt pressure. Pain followed pressure as he went in but a feeling of being filled up followed the pain. Gently at first, he was still very close and with a few swift, sure thrusts came deep inside her arse. Agnes exploded with yet another climax, and was this time satiated.The next few weeks were not pleasant as they insisted that she worked her notice, eight weeks because of her importance to the firm. To say she was person non gratia whilst still needed was putting it mildly. Still it gave her time to sort out her things which to be honest weren’t that much. Agnes had a furnished, one bedroomed flat so all her worldly possessions fitted into her car.Having programmed the satnav with the co-ordinates she drove down the length of France, up into the mountains and found the place easily despite being far out in the country. With over two hundred hectares of land she was travelling for some time on the estate before they came over the crest to see the house.Rupe greeted her with a hug and an affectionate kiss that lasted some minutes with Agnes bum getting a affectionate fondle. There was no doubt she was being made welcome.The villa was a lovely mixture of old and new. The ruins of a medieval farmhouse had a modern building inside. It was luxurious a vast terrace large infinity pool and jacuzzi. Inside the main floor was one large room with a dining area on raised area and comfortable lounge below. Agnes was given a room that over looked the valley which with bathroom and sitting area it was larger than her former flat. Somehow, she doubted she would be looking for somewhere else provided she was genuinely welcome.Half an hour after she arrived a sporty convertible drew up and driving it was a stunning blond who turned out be Simone, the secretary come mistress. Agnes looked at Simone and assessed the competition. Bigger boobs, long honey blond hair, slim but not thin figure. Bugger she thought I am not bad but nowhere near her league. No wonder she is not likely to be jealous.Ciao, you must be Agnes.” She pronounced it Agnay and Agnes thought that sounded rather better than the correct English pronunciation. Simone climbed out the car and came over and hugged her with every sign of being friendly.“It will be fun having another girl here. Rupe is great but away too much. Come with me too the kitchen and I will get dinner ready. I hope you like duck?”They ate outside in a beautiful setting clearly intended to be a lovely exterior room surrounded by flowers. The dinner was superb and they had a couple of bottles of the local red with it. Agnes was no expert but she knew it was very good quality despite the label saying vin du pays.“The wine is ridiculously good value. Because of the archaic French wine classification system, it is classed as vin du pays but it’s really good. It costs more than plonk but still less than it deserves.” Rupe stopped and looked diffident. “I don’t know how to put this subtly Agnes, no I am, I can’t, do you want to join us in bed tonight.”“What all three of us.”“You have not tried a threesome. I think you will like it.” Said Simone with a little smile.“I haven’t tried sex with a girl. I am not sure if I will like it? Look Simone I like sex, I like it quite a lot but I realise that I have bahis firmaları been a bit unadventurous.”“Try it out and if you are uncomfortable don’t worry. Neither of us are going to push you into something you don’t like. We will work it out.” Said Rupe with evident sincerity“I was not just being polite when I said I was looking forward to you coming here. I hope it will be as a lover but I really do want us to be friends. So, I will be a good girl.”Agnes hadn’t thought through what would go on in regard to sex but she should have. Maybe it was time to be a bit adventurous.“Can we have a cuddle on that wonderful sofa then I can decide before it comes to bed.”“A good idea but let’s sit out here. We have a wonderful little arbour with a large day bed just by the lower ground floor. It’s ideal for a bit of a cuddle.” Simone clearly found the phrase amusing. The arbour was surrounded by vines with the bunches of g****s swelling on them. It was absolutely delightful and as Simone had said ideal. They kicked off their shoes and climbed into the on to the comfortable mattress with big solid cushions to support them. Rupe was in the middle and he pulled Agnes into a kiss before doing the same to Simone. Rupe made sure he had an arm around each girl’s shoulder and pulled them in, at the same time. All three kissed together as he had planned. When they broke Simone gave Agnes a little buss on the lips. Agnes realised that she wasn’t uncomfortable at all. Also, as a hand was gently caressing her tit though her dress, she was getting a little wet, particularly as she could see that the same was happening to Simone.Rupe moved his hand so it was beneath Simone’s tee-shirt and pulled it up to get at her breast properly. The hand near Agnes tut though was still contending with a layer of fabric. so, Agnes reached behind her back for the zip and allowed herself to fall out of it. Simone gave a little whoop when she saw this and quickly pulled off her tee-shirt.“I am not going to let nerves get in the way of being fucked by Rupe.”“Get rid of the dress and we will teach you how fun a threesome can be.”Off it came and the thong as well the other two stripped as well. So, for the first time in her life Agnes was going to have sex with more than just a man. Rupe’s cock was already hard.”“Unless it bothers you let’s give him a blow job.” Too late if I do thought Agnes as she moved forward to take the tip in her mouth. At the same time Simone started licking his balls. They swapped over and Simone took all of it in her mouth. Agnes had tried deep throating but never succeeded this time however it worked and she had the entire length in her mouth and down her throat without gagging. Having two girls at once was having its effect and Rupe was getting close to erupting. “Get on and enjoy the ride.” Encouraged by Simone, Agnes did exactly that. All nervousness was gone now she was far too randy to worry. Rupe came inside her and some of it poured out again. Agnes was surprised when Simone started to lick it off. The feel of the girl’s tongue on her pussy lips was rather nice.“Rupe you came before we got a chance, we will just have to amuse ourselves.” Simone pushed Agnes back as she disengaged from the shrinking penis and before she knew it Simone was working away at her pussy lying on top of her in the classic sixty-nine. Agnes didn’t even think about it but did the same for Simone who lowered her pussy to make things easier. Both girls, highly aroused had no difficulty orgasming.“I think that answers whether young Agnes can handle girl sex? Hopefully it means you are happy to join us.”“I may get nerves when sober tomorrow but tonight I am far too high on wine and good sex to care.”They made love again in the large bed in the master bedroom. This time it was all three openly enjoying each other. Agnes had her first and very passionate lesbian kiss as Rupe fucked her and played with her tits. When he moved to Simone to do the same it was Agnes who initiated the kiss this time.When they woke the next morning Rupe had already left for the airport so it was only the two of them in bed.“How do you feel asked Simone.”“Rested and satiated and not in the lest uncomfortable about last night or what else may come.”“Parfait. I am going to push my luck now will you be willing to make love just the two of us girls.”Agnes if asked previously would have thought that this would be a big thing but it wasn’t. Last night had broken not just the ice but any barriers. Again, it was Agnes who move in for a kiss and put her hand down between Simone’s legs. They kissed and played with each other. “if we go to my room, I have all my toys there. Have you tried a vibrator?”“A single girl’s best friend is Bob!”“Bob?”“Battery operated boyfriend.”“I like the idea. I have two so we can each use one.”They did lying side by side and using the toys on each other. Simone also introduces Agnes to tribbing and then a double dildo. They were getting hungry so went downstairs for breakfast strong coffee and croissant which Simone admitted she had pulled out the freezer the night before.“If you ever meet my mama you can tell her about the naughty sex but not that I freeze croissant.”Agnes found that she liked Simone who had a wicked sense of humour in a self-deprecating way. Add to which she was considerate and like their boss careful not to push Agnes.“Look I am going for a swim, the most I bother with is a bottom when people are around Would you like to join me and do you want me to wear something.”“I have already seen everything you’ve got and you mine. At rather close range as well. It’s a bit late to be shy but don’t we have to get to work.”“Of course, we have to work and Rupe has left a proposal or you to analyse and I have to organise him in so many different ways but we don’t keep office hours. The office phone is voice activated and works from all over including the pool. Some of the people I talk to would have a fit if they knew I was starkers and in the pool. All the calls are recorded so no need for notes. I’m a clever little tart when it comes to arranging thing for our own benefit.Agnes swam starkers as well, something that would quickly become a habit. That day neither of them got dressed at all. If anyone came to the estate, they had at least five minutes warning for someone to drive from the gate in which they could throw on a sun dress.It became apparent that Simone did everything at the villa not just organising Rupe like a good P.A. but cooking looking after the garden and a bit of the housework. When more needed doing she got someone in from the village to do any serious cleaning or garden work.During the afternoon whilst Agnes was sitting outside starkers analysing the risk of the proposal Simone was wearing kaçak bahis siteleri a denim jump suit and wellies whilst pruning the bushes. Having finished she immediately stripped.“Pruning roses nude is not sexy just painful and not the right type of pain. What do you want to eat this evening?”“Can I cook this time. I am not as fancy as you are, based on last night but I can do am omelette that even a French girl should approve of.”“I am not convinced but will take the risk on English cooking.” Agnes was confident of her skills and Simone had the good grace to admit that at least this English girl could cook. For dessert they had isle flotante accompanied by a sweet mus**t wine also from the local area. After a serious swim as the sun was going down, they retired to bed.By agreement they went to Simone’s room and this is when Agnes found out that her friend was seriously kinky when Simone got out some blue PVC thigh boots and pulled them on. They went to the top of her thighs.“Too much for our sweet English rose.”“Unexpected but every time I allow myself something new with you and Rupe I have enjoyed it. I am afraid I don’t have anything vaguely like it. Ankle boots but nothing else.”“Pas de problème. What shoe size are you?”“When they worked it out from English to Continental it turned out they were the same size. Simone asked if Agnes was feeling adventurous and she admitted that she was. Out came some red PVC boots, the same length. As Simone ran them up her legs Agnes felt herself getting damp. I am also a kinky bitch as well apparently. The zip went up to the top on first one and then the other. Agnes couldn’t resist it she grabbed Simone and kissed her with great gusto.“So, you like these. Who’s a naughty girl then?”“Me, very naughty and I won’t pretend to be shocked I want your body. Now.”“Wait there is something else.” Simone turned around and went to a drawer to get something Agnes played with herself. Simone turned back with matching gloves for both of them. They pulled them on and then Agnes grabbed Simone and pulled her to the bed. Their lovemaking was unashamed and totally rampant. Agnes discovered how nice it was to be fisted and the gloves helped. Having had a big orgasm, she did the same for Simone.The barriers were down Agnes stopped pretending to herself or anyone else she was a good girl. Quickly she adopted Simone’s quite racy style of dress. Leather and PVC featured prominently, for instance Rupe had been greeted on his return from the trip by two topless girls wearing PVC leggings that were strategically distressed around the crutch and arse.“Ah, she’s been corrupting you has she. Now bend over you bad girls.” They did over a wall that held back a grassy bank and Rupe fucked both of them then and there. As he moved from one to the other the girls kissed. Having plugged away at them until they squealed, he moved to their arses, Simone first and though he had done it before with a little diffidence to Agnes next.“Take me up the arse I want to feel that big cock in my tight little arse hole.” In fact, not as tight as it had been for having discussed with Simone that it was one of Rupe’s favourite sex acts she had taken to wearing a butt plug to loosed her up. As before it hurt as first but then felt wonderful.The analysis that Agnes had done was broadly in line with Rupe gut feeling but did identify what had been nagging at him. A lot of money could be made by investing but the competition would catch up and the value of shares fall back. The trick was to watch the market and pull out at the right time.As time passed Agnes fell more and more into the ways of her new family for that is what they became. Agnes was letting her hair grow, which it did fast. Before she kept it short because it needed a lot of attention long but Simone was happy to give it that attention in return for Agnes looking after hers. Another thing that changed was the colour. Agnes had in lightened by a costly salon whilst they were in Nice. Now she was honey blond to match her skin also honey coloured all over from the near habitual nudity.Agnes had acquired a collection of kinky gear as extensive as Simone. This evening they were both wearing leather waspies that didn’t cover their tits with matching leather boots and gloves. Agnes was being double done by Rupe up her bum and Simone with a strap on it her pussy. Agnes had long since given up trying to restrain the noise she made and orgasm with a long drawn out scream. One of the things Agnes loved about love making involving Simone were her big tits. Not natural but still soft and squeezable thanks to modern techniques. As they lay back afterwards Agnes asked.“What do you think of the idea of me getting big tits as well.” The enthusiasm from both decided the matter. A couple of weeks later and back from the clinic and the two girls matched. Agnes looked in the mirror on her return. Designer jeans, suede boots and a matching silk blouse she looks sexily stylish. As for herself, hair half way down her back, that wonderful big rack and carefully made up. Agnes was no longer out of the same league as Simone, they were both a pair of lookers.In London with Rupe for business Agnes was near her old haunts. Having changed from more conventional attire during business hours she had swapped to a knee length leather skirt matched with high heeled thigh boots and a purple silk blouse. Thus, stylish but sexily dressed she went to one of the pubs favoured by her ex-colleagues. Agnes had arranged for Rupe to meet her there later.The old crew did come in including Kev and Lynsey who appeared to be his latest squeeze. Kev was as spotty as ever and Lynsey looked even more the low-class tart that she was. They did not recognise Agnes at all sitting drinking a very nice gin form a small batch distillery. Agnes could over hear the conversation which was indiscreetly about work. The company was not prospering at Kev’s Dad had demoted him for cocking too much up.Rupe walked in the pub and strolled over looking the picture of suave sophistication in his Saville row suit, Jermyn Street shirt. The shoes were from Lobb. Rich stylish and confident he walked straight over to Agnes and kissed her briefly on the lips before going to order a single malt whisky.“Here isn’t that the guy who got Agnes the Geek to leave us for him. If it is then he has obviously traded her in for a better model. Not surprising that one is seriously tasty.”Agnes could not resist it; this was going to be so much fun.“Actually, Kevin darling he hasn’t it’s just I have had a bit of an upgrade. It’s wonderful what having a superb lover does for your self-confidence. How’s things not going so well by all accounts.”“Shite are you really Agnes, your gorge.”“Thank you but your still not getting into my pants again. Stick to Lynsey far more your style.”The look on his face was classic. Agnes smiled sweetly; the old Agnes was still there but all the shackles on her soul had been released. Agnes was now unbound.

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