Another Walk in the Park Ch. 04

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I was in bed in my Hotel room. My wife was on the other side of the world.

It was late in the afternoon. The person I had spent the night with, Alice/Alan, was probably packing for the flight home. Dee was trying to talk to me on the phone but I couldn’t concentrate. I told her I would ring back after a nap. I returned to slumber.

About 8pm I dressed and started thinking about dinner. I rang Dee. By now it was too late for us to hook up but she gave me advice about the best place to eat. She also told me about an adult theatre that she often attended. I thanked her and told her that we should meet up again next weekend.

As directed I walked to the Steakhouse and mentioned Dee’s name to the waitress. I was rewarded with very gracious attention. The Steak was huge and cooked exactly as I had specified. My coffee was strong, just what I needed. My after dinner drinks were doubles for the price of singles. The waitress also undid the top buttons of her uniform and I was treated to plenty of cleavage. She was well endowed and slightly taller than average.

At the end of her shift she sat with me while waiting for her husband to pick her up. We talked about some of the places to see in Rogers. I asked her how she knew Dee. She told me that Dee was a fuck buddy of her husband. Before I could say anything she walked out to the car. As they drove away she waved at me.

A stared at my coffee. I was mildly drunk and wanted to talk to someone but the Steakhouse was now empty. I nodded to the cleaner as I walked out on to the street. I rang Dee but it went to voice mail. I started walking back to my Hotel. Back in Sydney it was the middle of morning. I wondered what my wife was doing. I rang home. It took a while for someone to answer. When I finally got through a male voice answered.

Through my alcohol impairment I recognized the voice. It was a friend gaziantep escort of mine, Bill. I asked if I could talk to my wife. He yelled out and I heard her yell back. Bill relayed the message that she was in the bath. I told him to tell her that I missed her and I would ring during the week.

After hanging up I started walking again. I thought about the call. I knew Bill well, too well. He had been a good friend during our stay in Sydney but I knew he would jump anything in a skirt. And my wife only took a bath after sex. Oddly, the thought of her infidelity excited me. I started fondling my prick as I walked.

I was starting to learn my way around Rogers but I still managed to find the longest way to the Adult Cinema that I could. I handed a twenty to the woman on the door. There was a sign over her head that read WOMEN AND CROSS DRESSERS ENTER FOR FREE. I realized why Dee was a regular here. I paid $5 for a warm light beer and headed off to find a seat in the darkness. I was too late for the strippers so I settled into the middle of the second last row.

As my eyes adjusted to the gloom I noticed that there were about 20 people in a theatre of about two hundred seats. Most of the patrons sat well away from each other but there were three couples seated close together near the screen.

The movie was pretty standard. A crap soundtrack tried to enliven a collection of set pieces. You know what I mean, guy with big dick meets damsel in a short dress, fucks damsel, fucks her sister and the neighbor. Then the pool cleaner turns up and fucks them in the same order. Neighbor’s husband and friend turn up and a gangbang ensues. The finale was lesbians in the garage, women taking dildoes while leaning on the producer’s Buick. Roll the credits and wipe your shoes.

There was a gap between the movies and some people left. One giresun escort of the couples up front turned around. They spotted me and I smiled back. They deliberated then shuffled along until they were beside me. The female asked if she could sit next to me. I introduced myself. She sat beside me. Her companion sat on the other side of her. They told me their names, Joe and Sylvia, as we shook hands. Silvia retained the grip on my hand after she sat down.

Sylvia started talking to me. I explained that I was new in town, living in a Hotel. She told me that they were locals, who came here regularly on Sunday nights. The lack of patrons gave them room to spread out and get to know people. Joe leaned over and asked me if I had a partner. I laughed as I shook my head.

We leaned back into our seats as the old celluloid images flickered to life on the grubby screen. At least this movie starred John Holmes, my favorite porn star. He had such a huge dick but it never seemed totally hard. I put it down to the booze and drugs. And he got so many blow jobs I couldn’t help but admire him.

A few minutes into the movie another person sat beside Joe. Sylvia whispered to me that our new companion was Louise. Sylvia asked me if I was gay. I told her that I was Bi. She gently moved my hand into her lap. She then adjusted her skirt so that my hand rested on her hairy pubic region. She told me to make myself at home as she put her tongue into my ear. After a moment of hesitation my fingers were inside her wet vagina. She shifted her legs and Joe’s hand touched mine as he slid a finger into that hot wet hole. I moved my fingers onto her clit as she put her legs up on the backs of the seats in front of her. Joe was working four fingers in and out of her as I rubbed her clit. She smelled beautiful.

I looked sideways and saw the person beside Joe was leaning gümüşhane escort over, about to start sucking his hard cock. John Holmes was getting sucked on the screen as Joe’s cock was gobbled down. We went to town on Sylvia’s gaping vagina. Sylvia whispered into my ear that her husband was being sucked by a guy in a dress. She undid the buttons on her blouse and pulled down her bra to reveal two large, soft breasts. I moved my hand onto those womanly boobs. They were so soft compared to those man boobs I had been kissing lately.

Sylvia came loudly, clamping her legs against her husband’s hand. I leaned across so I could see his blow job. Her husband’s cock was deep in the cross dresser’s throat. He moaned loudly as he blew. Sylvia kissed my cheek and said that they had to go. As they moved from their seats the guy in the dress sat next to me.

Louise asked me I was interested in a fuck in one of the private booths. I declined, reluctantly. It was getting late and watching her with the other two hadn’t even gotten me hard. She told me that was OK and hitched up her skirt to reveal a thick cock.

I reached over and started stroking Louise’s hardness as John Holmes shot a load on the screen.

My friend in the dress started rubbing my crotch but it was a lost cause. It had been a big weekend and my cock needed a rest. I pulled her dick until she shot a load on the carpet. I held her prick as it deflated. As she was about to leave she licked my fingers clean of her cum and kissed me passionately on the lips. When her tongue was in my mouth I could taste cum. Even that couldn’t get me hard.

I bade her farewell and waited for the end of the movie before I wandered back to my Hotel. The bed was warm and I slept till sunrise.

When I woke I had a huge boner. I stoked it for some minutes as I though about Alice’s hot mouth and Dee’s tight little arse. I watched myself in the mirror as I shot a creamy load onto the sheets. Semen ran down from my fist onto my balls. I took a pic with my phone and sent it to my wife.

My first weekend in Rogers was over. I had to wait a week before I went for another walk in the park.

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