Becoming A Sex Toy Part 2

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The sound of a key in the door was followed an instant later by my step brother Rob rushing into the house, down the hallway and into the kitchen, asking if tea was ready. Had he slowed down a little, he’d have seen that David’s car, our step dad, wasn’t there and given it was a Saturday, meant that he’d gone to the local chip shop to buy fish and chips. Rob had rushed so quickly to the kitchen that he’d not looked into the living room and seen that I was lay on the sofa, completely naked. As I lay on the sofa, watching a sports round-up programme on the television, I was amazed by how wet I was but then, I’d been turned on for most of the say, so shouldn’t have been surprised. I chuckled to myself as I head Rob whinging to his mother, my step-mom, Alison, saying that it was after 5 o’clock and the tea wasn’t ready, so could have stayed longer at his mates house. Alison had a relaxed and calm attitude to most things life threw at her, so suggested he ”wind his neck in and have a little patience.” There was only a few months difference between Rob and I, with my seventeenth birthday less than two months away and Rob having just reached that milestone. He was 5’ 10 with ice blue eyes. He did a lot of running and had a very athletic body, made better to look at because of being tanned from running in shorts only. My friend Chloe often fantasised about having sex with him, sharing the details with me and quipping that I should fuck him. After all, we slept in the same room, saw each other naked and weren’t related by blood, so could do it with a clear conscience. By comparison, I am 5’ 6, with long dark wavy hair and blue eyes. I am slim, with 34 B cup boobs, shaving as soon as my pubic hair started to grow and from what I’m told, I’m pretty to look at. My heart rate quickened as I heard him walking from the kitchen and come towards the living room, excited at the prospect of him seeing me naked again. We slept in the same room, so had seen the other naked hundreds of times but earlier that day I’d looked at his body and been turned on and some time after and I caught him masturbating in the shower after he’d watched me rub moisturiser onto my body. Despite not being related by blood, in those few moments we’d crossed a line, seeing the other in a sexual light and not simply as step brother and sister. I turned my head to look through the open doorway, expecting to see Rob burst through it at any second and wanting see his reaction as he saw me naked on the sofa. However, just as he appeared, his attention was taken by the sound of the front door opening and David, our step-dad, arriving with our fish and chips. Rob turned around, without looking into the room but by the time I’d sat up, David was walking past the doorway and turned to look at me. He beamed a smile at me, before continuing into the kitchen. I took a deep breath, stood up and followed David and Rob. “Is it a clothes free day then Jo?” Rob asked as he turned to see me enter the room. I giggled with a hint of mischief, immediately noticing a growing bulge in his shorts. Both Alison and David laughed too as they dished out the fish and chips onto plates but as I picked up the one with my food on it, in unison, Alison and David caressed my breasts. I stood motionless, enjoying the attention and watching Rob to see his reaction. “We think she should be naked all the time at home,” Alison said and continued. “She’s gorgeous, sexy and so good at sex” “If she’s naked, we can fuck her at any time!” Rob’s face was priceless, in complete shock as he watched my breasts being caressed. Standing less than a metre away, wearing his skimpy running shorts only, I couldn’t resist glancing down at his crotch. It almanbahis şikayet looked as though his cock was fully erect, the head trying desperately to force its way out beyond the waistband. Eventually, we were sat around the kitchen table eating our fish and chips, with Alison, dressed in a very short red satin nighty, sat on my left, Rob to my right and David, dressed in shorts and a t shirt, sat opposite. You will have guessed already, my family was by no means a standard unit, given that I lived with step parents and a step brother. My biological father died when I was four years old but mom was in her early twenties and very pretty, so was no surprise when she remarried (David). For five years’ life was fantastic, until my mother became seriously ill and died just before my tenth birthday. Arguments followed between my biological family and step father as to what should happen to me, especially when my step dad met another woman (Alison) and proposed not long after my mother’s death. From the minute he came into mom’s life however, my step dad and I hit it off. I was very happy and eventually began to see him as my real dad. I would add that he took every opportunity to remind me about both of my biological parents and made sure there were photographs on the walls David had an athletic body, approximately 5’10, with great muscle tone for a man in his early forties and with dark brown eyes, dark short hair, it was easy to see why my mother married him so soon after my dad died. Alison was thirty-eight years old and fair to say, when she entered a room, heads turned to look. She was extremely pretty, shoulder length blonde hair, the same ice blue eyes as Rob, standing 5’3, very slim, with 34 D cup breasts and shaved pussy. Rob was the first to finish eating, getting up from the table, still with his cock forming a tent in his shorts as he picked up his cup of coffee and went to the living room to watch television. Alison and David laughed as Rob stood up, trying without success to hide his erection, commenting that he too should be nude because his shorts were doing little to hide his arousal. A few minutes later. David, Alison and my plates were empty. As I turned to get up, Alison took hold of my left wrist and pulled me onto her. With my lips close to hers and forced to sit on her lap, I opened my mouth, allowing our tongues to caress slowly and seductively. Instinctively, I wrapped my arms around her, expecting her to fuck me or for her to make me fuck her but she simply wanted to kiss, letting me go just as my passion became enflamed. I kissed Alison tenderly on the lips, before I stood up and left the kitchen to go and watch television and use my laptop in the living room. As I entered the room, Rob turned his head and looked at me. I smiled as I walked seductively past him, to the table beside the armchair on which he was seated. “How’s the hard-on Robert,” I quipped cheekily as I picked up my laptop. “It’s still raging Jo|!” I chuckled as he allowed me to see the bulge in his shorts and a growing damp patch around the head of his cock. Mischievous thoughts raced through my mind as I stood in front of him but following a few seconds, where I stood motionless, I turned around and took a few steps towards the fluffy white sheepskin rug in the middle of the room. Bending over, with legs apart a little and straight, Rob must have had a perfect view of my arse and pussy and in an effort to turn him on further, held my pose for a few seconds. Leaving the laptop on the rug, I stood upright, moved to the sofa and picked up two pillows, throwing them playfully onto the rug before sitting down on the floor. Making sure to face Rob, I sat with almanbahis canlı casino my legs apart and straight as I opened my laptop and turned it on. Looking at Rob, the intensity in his eyes was such a turn on and had to ask if he was enjoying what he was looking at. “Of course I do Jo. You’re absolutely drop dead gorgeous!” “Why don’t you take it out Rob?” “Oh god Jo, take what out?” “Your cock, silly. You should stroke it as it’s hard.” I’d not realised that I was caressing my right breast with my left hand and teasing my clit with the fingertips of my right hand. I wanted him to be unable to resist masturbating. In fact, if I was being truthful, I wanted him to take off his shorts and fuck me on the sheepskin rug. Both Rob and I had our eyes fixed on the other. My heart raced as he undid his shorts and let his cock spring free. Having seen David’s earlier in the day and had it inside me three times, I couldn’t help comparing cocks. David’s, I thought was not as long as Rob’s looked but it was definitely thicker and filled my pussy when he was fucking me earlier in the day. “I loved seeing you naked this morning but you weren’t hard.” I was acting on instinct, fingertips moving onto my g-spot and thumb onto my clit. Without making a conscious decision, I was masturbating, teasing myself hard and fast as I looked at Rob. My eyes widened as he stood up, pushed his shorts down, over his thighs, below his knees and kicking them off beyond his bare feet to leave him naked. “You should shave off your pubes. It’d be nicer to give you a blowjob and you’d look so big!” Within seconds, Rob was stroking his cock fast. There was little subtlety in his actions, masturbating as desperately as myself. My pussy throbbed harder and harder and knew I’d orgasm at any moment. Rob stepped forward, until he was standing between my feet, turning me on further. I could see how his cock was twitching as he stroked it and a steady flow of pre-cum oozing from the eye. “I’m going to cum Rob,” I gasped as I teased faster. Just as my pussy contracted violently, I saw Rob jerk and a rope of cum spew out from his cock, splashing onto my stomach. My eyes closed involuntarily as I felt a second spurt land on my body but an instant later as my pussy relaxed, I squirted hard, soaking the wooden floor and sheepskin rug with my juices. I watched as Rob stroked his cock furiously, as if trying to squeeze every drop of cum he had out, spurting three further ropes of cum in my direction, one landing on my right foot and the remaining two on the floor. He looked at me and smiled, satisfied, with his cock still standing hard and proud. Rob turned around, picked up his shorts, then stepped towards me and squatted down between my open legs. With my fingers out of my pussy, he used his shorts to clean up the cum, from my body and the floor. I couldn’t help moaning as he wiped my body, first my dripping pussy, followed by my boobs, stomach and finally my legs and feet. My heart was racing, not knowing what Rob would do next eyes transfixed by his hard cock as he wiped the cum off the wooden floor. He turned around, stepping towards me, until he stood between my open legs, then squatted down and kissed me tenderly on the lips. He pulled away as if he’d move forward and kiss me passionately, so parted my lips in anticipation but to my surprise, Rob stood up, ruffled my hair playfully, turned around and went upstairs. I turned and got up onto my knees and turned my attention to my laptop, which was on and ready to use. Using the mouse, I clicked to open Yahoo Messenger and log in. As it opened, I saw Chloe, my friend was online, so immediately invited her to begin a chat session, almanbahis casino using our webcams. “Hiya Jo! Oh my god, you’re naked and in the living room. Have the others gone out?” Chloe wrote. As the webcam opened, I was knelt in front of the laptop, adjusting the cushions so I could lie on them, so she must have had a great view of my body before I lay on my front and prepared to type my reply. I began by telling her that I’d been naked all day, except for going into the back garden to sunbathe. As I typed, Chloe had picked up her laptop, taken it to her bedroom, undressed and was sat on her bed naked. I continued to recount the day’s events, how Alison had rubbed sun-cream on my body, taken off my bikini and made me cum. Chloe’s eyes widened and nipples hardened visually as I told her how, after I’d rubbed sun-cream over Alison’s body, she insisted I grind my pussy on hers and fuck her. “Oh my fucking god Jo, that’s so hot!” Trying to ignore that Chloe had started to masturbate, I continued to tell her about my day and of sunbathing naked with Alison as David worked on the garden. “I’m so jealous. I can’t stand getting tan lines.” David came into to living room, to watch television for the night but before he sat down, crouched down beside me, caressing my arse cheeks as he looked at the laptop screen and watched Chloe masturbating. Chloe and I swam together and had known each other for six or seven years . She was 5’ 9, with blonde hair, falling onto her shoulders, with blue eyes. With C cup breasts and long gorgeous legs, athletic physique and very adventurous sexually. We’d had sex on many occasions and following an Economics lesson, in the sixth form at school, as we did a video call, she encouraged me to undress and to fuck three of my classmates as she watched through her phone. It was a fantastic experience and was little wonder she thought of me as her sex toy. “She is as sexy as you Jo.” David said as he moved away and sat on the sofa behind me. “God Jo, he’s still watching. I’m so fucking horny!” “Why don’t you come over tomorrow Chloe? You can be naked all day with me. I’m sure Alison, David and Rob would love it.” “Do you think they’ll use me as a sex toy too Jo?” I continued to type, telling Chloe how I’d watched Alison and David having sex, naked in the kitchen and began to masturbate but was caught. I was made to sit on a chair beside them and tease myself until I came. Chloe looked stunned when I told her that David had fucked me as I sat on the kitchen table. The sex didn’t end there, the three of us went to bed following our lunch. David came in my pussy twice, once in Alison’s and Alison and I enjoyed several orgasms as we did a sixty-nine. As I recounted my day and watched Chloe undress and tease herself, it was no surprise that my pussy became wetter. I was lying with my chest on the two cushions, the laptop in front of me so I could type and my legs spread-eagled on the wooden floor as instinct took over, grinding my pussy on the sheepskin rug. Alison walked into the living room, having tidied the kitchen and changed into her dressing gown from her nighty. Turning my head to look at her, I noticed that her gown was more revealing than her nighty. Her feet and legs, which I’d kissed all over as we had sex on the back lawn, were bare and visible completely, the gown offering glimpses of her wet pussy as she walked towards me. The gown itself, draped loosely from her shoulders, held together by a belt around her waist but open enough to see her cleavage and mounds of her breasts. I watched Alison walk slowly towards me, making me feel as though I was being seduced by her movement, until she stepped carefully over my hips so she could stand straddling me. Slowly, Alison lowered to her knees, allowing her to sit with her pussy on my arse. She undid the belt on her gown before she bent forward to lie on top of me and kiss my neck. Chloe must have had a great view, through the webcam,…

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