Caged Inside

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Howling at the moon, Wolf caged and in heat, Torn to pieces if I ever I tried, Hungry and wicked, Torn and conflicted. I am insatiable and destructive inside, If ever you saw the gleam in my eyes, Eyes that are filled isveçbahis with untainted lust, Would you feel disgust? I want to tear everything apart and fill up all the voids, Baptise myself in a crimson flow, isveçbahis giriş To rip apart my soul. To give in, to delve in the depths of darkness and hell, Feed on the flesh of the demented depraved To take isveçbahis yeni giriş or be taken, Fuck or be fucked Feral and unrelenting as I hunt for my prey My decadent delights, they pray But I am shackled, chained and cursing. I hate and I love, the pleasures that consume me Buried within the confines Moaning, writhing, aching and tormented I lay, My fingers push and thrust, The wetness escaping My screams overtaking Its all I can do not to fuck you.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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