Cordelia’s Feet 5 – The Queen Bee’s Wishes

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Freshly showered and blow-drying my hair, I contemplated my unhealthy infatuation with my student once again. How far would I allow this to go? Too much was at risk. I needed to stop this, and I stared hard at my naked reflection in the gold-rimmed bathroom mirror, willing the strength I needed into existence. I switched off the dryer, put it on the small shelf next to the washing basin and took in my mirror image. Was it just my imagination or did I look younger? There appeared to be a freshness on my skin, while the last few close self-examinations had only revealed new wrinkles. It was nowhere near Cordelia’s fresh, youthful perfection. The little sag in my tits would never go away, while hers still stood ripe and proud, worthy of worship. There were no crow-feet in the corners of her eyes, no small wrinkles where laughs and frowns kept digging tiny trenches around my mouth. Yes, perfection, that was the word her image resonated with. How I yearned to feel her touch on my skin, to feel her fingers glide over these parts that I should never have exposed to her. How delicious would her soft, wet lips feel around my tight nipples? How would her own nipples taste on my lips and tongue if she just allowed me a moment of indulgence? The door opened without a knock, giving me a small start, and Cordelia entered, a different pile of clothes in her hands. She raised an eyebrow and grinned. “Having dirty thoughts?” I gasped. Heat shot into my face when I became aware that I was caressing my pussy while I had once more given into the dirty thoughts which I had tried to push away. My fingers were already slick with my juices. “Listen, Cordelia,” I stammered, hiding my sticky fingers behind my back in a futile attempt to make the moment unhappen. “We’ve got to stop this. It’s going too far, getting too risky…” She grinned as if this was the funniest thing she had heard in ages. “But of course, Miss Wilkins,” she agreed with mock seriousness, setting the clothes down next to the blow-dryer and stepping closer to me. My breath hitched. Her arm reached around me and took my wrist, pulling it to the front. The fingers of her other hand trailed over mine, smooth and warm, caressing them until they too glistened with my juices. She held them in front of my mouth. “Of course we’ll stop this,” she purred. “You just need to keep your lips closed and not wrap them tightly around my slender fingers. You just need to resist the temptation to run your moist, greedy tongue all over them, to caress my skin with it while I slide my fingers slowly in and out of your mouth, spreading the naughty taste of your cream all over your tongue.” I struggled, really; I fought against the seduction in her words, I battled against my own need, which only seemed to grow with each whispered word. I started to tremble. “But if you’re a good girl,” she continued, suddenly giggling. “No, strike that. If you’re a bad girl, I might let you come.” Her other hand touched my hip, and I felt every inch of skin prickle with heat there. “You do need to come, don’t you? I can even smell it, smell the heady need and desperation that you have built up for me.” She was right, and her words lit up my yearning. “Please,” I whispered, torn between rational thought and bodily need. She giggled. “You know you can’t resist.” The hand on my hip glided backwards and trailed down until it rested right on my bum cheek. She squeezed softly, making me exhale almanbahis şikayet with shuddering intensity. “It makes me feel so beautiful and strong to know that. It makes me feel… sexy.” She squeezed harder, and my knees almost gave out. How did she know how to break my inner resolve with just a few words and touches? “Sexy, yes, if you wrapped your lips around my sticky fingers and worshipped them, that would be so sexy.” God, her eyes were so beautiful, and she stared at me with so much conviction and arousal. My lips parted and I leaned forward, encasing them with my lips, feeling the smooth texture of her skin. I sighed. She giggled with delight, and my heart beat an irregular, fast tune while my tongue danced around her fingers and lapped up my musky arousal. Her body moved closer to mine, so close that her clothes brushed against my naked skin, and my efforts intensified. She giggled into my ear, her breath loud and tickling and making me shiver. “I wouldn’t have thought that shame can be such an aphrodisiac,” she whispered. “I could see your skin flush, your eyelids droop and your nipples stiffen when you noticed Monica staring at your tit yesterday.” I tried to shake my head. She was wrong. This wasn’t about shame. “I’ve made arrangements for tonight.” Her lips were just an inch from my ear, her eyes close enough to notice the small shudder that I failed to suppress, and the hot breath of her giggle told me that she had, in fact, noticed. “I want to show you off. I want to expose your body to complete strangers.” I shook my head again, as little as I could, held in place by her fingers. Her hand pinched my bum and trailed even lower, softly stroking the sensitive skin at its bottom and pushing forward between my legs. I spread them a little, awkwardly and with trembling knees. Her touch felt so wonderful. “I want to show them how depraved you are, all the things you do just so I let you touch me.” Her fingers started rubbing back and forth between my legs, and I could feel my last crumbs of resolve get swept away by waves of lust-filled heat. She suddenly pulled her fingers from my mouth, wiped them on my bare breast and moved even closer. My chest heaved when her sweet face was just inches away, our noses almost touching. I swallowed hard. “I’ll give you an incentive. Would you like that?” It was hard to form words, but she kept staring at me, urging me to answer. “What,” I finally croaked, trying to keep the moans which her ministrations stirred up from bubbling through my throat. “What incentive?” Her breath tickled my lips. Her eyes gleamed with a strange excitement I hadn’t seen on her before. “A French kiss. From me.” I think I whimpered. The heat between my legs grew to a raging fire. My hips jerked to meet her touch. I didn’t need to answer. “I’ve got things to do today,” she told me. “I’ve ordered a taxi to take you home; it should be here in about ten minutes.” Her freed hand suddenly pressed against my pussy, and I almost came there and then. She giggled, simply keeping up the pressure without moving her hand the tiniest bit. “Will you do something for me?” She knew I would. I was, once again and despite all intentions, putty in her hands. “Yes, Cordelia,” I stammered, hoping against better knowledge that she might allow me to tumble over that titillating edge that was once more so close. “You’ve had fantasies about me, haven’t you?” I nodded, blushing and trying almanbahis canlı casino not think of all the wicked images my mind had dreamed up. “Write down the two most outrageous ones and give them to me when I pick you up at eight. Will you do that?” “I will!” She had barely finished her question when I the answer rushed over my lips. I was barely conscious of her request, too engulfed by the boiling heat in my pussy. “Good girl. Now dress up, the taxi will be here any minute.” Quick as lightning, she was out the door, leaving me naked and breathless. My thighs, I noticed, were once again slick with my juices. I smelled of sex. My hair was almost dry already, so I just ran the hairbrush through it a few time and picked up the first item from the stack of clothes she had brought me. It was a white blouse that felt smooth to the touch. I looked through the stack, but there was no bra. There were no panties, either. Just the blouse, a skirt and stockings. I sighed. It was another of her little games to make me feel self-conscious – and it worked. I hesitantly slipped on the blouse and buttoned it up in the front. Seeing my reflection in the mirror made me gasp. The material was not completely opaque, and I could see the faint rosy hue of my nipples where they pressed quite noticeably against the fabric. It looked – slutty. I sat down on the edge of the tub with the stockings in hand and rolled the first one up my leg. Black, again smooth and expensive – more expensive than any stocking I had bought for myself – it slid up my leg almost on its own. It felt sensuous. The wide, darker hem came to rest two thirds up my thighs. I slipped the second one on and took the skirt that, as expected, would not cover much at all. It was made from candy-apple red, shiny fabric and screamed ‘slut’ even louder than the blouse. The doorbell sounded, and I hurried to close the zipper, shift it to the back and slip into my heels. I traipsed down the stairs with my heart beating like mad. It was crazy to go out into public like this, and it would be even crazier to go home where any neighbor could see me. I opened the front door. “Taxi for Miss Wilkins?” He was in his early thirties and looked a bit scruffy. I felt his eyes roam all over me, giving me a strange sensation when one corner of his mouth quirked upwards. “Yes,” I answered with a blush and trying to vanish into the ground, “that’s me.” “Fair’s already been paid,” he told me and went ahead to open the car door. I slid inside, the skirt too short to keep my bum cheeks from touching the cool leather, but I managed to stifle my treacherous gasp. * * * * * As houses and cars rushed by, I thought back to the beginning of the morning. Waking up had been a mortifying moment, with an elegant-as-ever Cordelia and a smug Monica back in regular clothes, both giggling while my beloved poked my bare breast with her big toe. The living room stank of stale sex, my expensive dress was still bunched around my waist, one breast hung free and my panties were still drenched, soaked again and again while I had alternated between wakeful discomfort and heated, forbidden dreams. “We need to get you into different clothes. Leave yours here and take a shower; it’s upstairs, right opposite the stairs.” And so I had undressed in front of the two of them, folding my rumpled garments as neatly as I could and putting them in a pile next to me, blushing like mad. almanbahis casino “Scoot, teacher!” Monica had told me with an evil giggle and swatted my backside once I had been finished. The gall! * * * * * I couldn’t say if we had been parked in front of my house for long. The driver’s voice pulled me from my musings. “We’re there, Ma’am. Sorry, but I got another tour already.” “Uhm, sorry,” I stammered quickly and hastened to climb out of the taxi, wishing him a halfhearted goodbye. I quickly bridged the length of my driveway, my cheeks glowing crimson red and my eyes lowered so I wouldn’t see the derisive sneers that, I was sure, were accompanying my embarrassing display from behind my neighbors’ windows. When the front door snapped closed behind me, the first thing I did was lean my back against it and let out a shuddering breath. My hands and legs trembled. I was a mess. Though my body had been covered by clothing and there probably hadn’t been that much to see from the distance, I still felt as if I had run naked across my front yard. My heart hammered and my hands were clammy. And – the realization made me slide bonelessly down to the floor – the heat between my legs had not diminished the tiniest bit. What happened with me? What did I let happen with me? But I knew that already, knew the strange fascination that had always gripped me when I had given in to the forbidden temptation of libertine literature, knew from these stories how such unbridled infatuation always led to devastation. But I couldn’t suppress the feelings which welled up each time I thought about Cordelia and which flooded me with a need so strong that it drove tears into my eyes. She was my Pandora’s Box, and I had already lifted the lid. * * * * * I’m sitting in my teaching chair and leaning back, for once having no problems to keep the class quiet. The window blinds have been pulled down and the faint whirring of the projector is the only thing that can be heard. Watching movies in class never fails its magic, no matter how banal the educational movies we’re allowed to show really are. Everyone’s settled in their chairs, so I point the remote at the DVD player at the back of the room and press the play button. The ‘playing disc’ message appears and I slump into my seat more comfortably. Only to shoot upright again. This is not the movie I fetched. I feel disoriented for a moment, looking at the picture from such a narrow angle, but then I hear the sound and everything makes perfect, gut-wrenching sense. Your voice fills the room, slightly scratchy through the cheap speakers. “It can be our little secret. Nobody needs to know but us. You know you want to taste them. Do it!” My world dissolves into sand and slides away. I point the remote again and press desperately on the stop button, but the slurping keeps up, mixed with my muffled moans and your delighted sighs. I see you move in the dim light, see you hold up something small and dark. A remote. Then what have I… I look down at the one I hold and immediately see that it’s the wrong one. We don’t have a Panasonic player at school. You slowly slide the remote inside your top and hide it in your bra. I have to put a stop this! I start to move, but the tiny shake of your head is enough to halt me in my tracks. I hear my moans get louder, can see the scene play out in my mind’s eye. It’s as if it was just yesterday that I knelt there, kissing your toes with abandon and fingering myself towards a glorious climax. Now, twenty-five pairs of eyes are riveted to the obscene display and gleefully taking in my debasement, and wave after wave of shame surges over me. Then my recorded voice breaks and I close my eyes.

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