Dressmaker’s Dummy

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


I was happy now that Kasia and I had moved in together. Not only did it mean that we no longer had to take turns going to each other’s place, but it also meant that I had closer access to a supply of her soiled panties. Kasia was a cute Polish girl, 23 years old, with deep blue eyes, shoulder-length hair trimmed in a cute bob, and a body to die for. We had decided trying to live together to see how we would manage as a couple, with the intent of marrying the following year if all went well. So far, I was delighted. After a couple of months living together, having rampant sex practically every evening before bed and most mornings before waking up, I couldn’t have imagined a more idyllic situation. At times when I felt horny while she was out shopping or seeing friends, I would take a trip to the laundry basket and jack off while sniffing the stickiest and smelliest pair of her panties that I could find. On some occasions I had worn one pair while smelling the other, always being careful to place her panties back in the hamper exactly where I found them. Still, I was worried that I would be caught. Only a couple of days previously Kasia had made a remark to the effect that she couldn’t find one of her favorite pairs of “knickers” – as she called them, which sent my heart racing for a few minutes until she remembered that they were in the wash. Kasia teased me, saying that she thought I might have borrowed them. I tried not to blush when she added that “some men get a kick out of wearing their girlfriend’s knickers”. I was young and güvenilir bahis innocent, and wasn’t about to tell her that I had been sneaking into the laundry basket behind her back. I certainly didn’t want to expose myself as a panty pervert. That was not the only incident I’d experienced so far in relation to her underwear. Earlier that year she had suggested I wear her bikini bottoms to go swimming while we were on holiday. We were on a day-trip in Asia and I had forgotten to take my trunks with me. Kasia had been very matter-of-fact about it, stating that she didn’t want to swim anyway, and that nobody would care. The problem was that I cared a lot, and didn’t want to admit that I was too aroused by the idea, so I declined her offer. On another occasion before we lived together, she had asked me to help her fold her washing, saying that I could take care of the easy things, which basically consisted of folding her “pretty little knickers”. She took great care to show me exactly how to do the job properly, insisting that I take my time. When I had completed the pile, she said that I was the perfect helper and that every girl would be delighted to have their knickers folded so delicately. Since then, she had always asked me to help on washing days, and inevitably asked me to take care of folding her knickers before assisting with any of the other items. I loved helping her with this task, because it made me feel even closer to her in a seemingly innocent way. — That afternoon, Kasia was repairing clothes. She had learned güvenilir bahis siteleri from her mother how to be frugal, always preferring to darn and sew rather than throw anything anyway until it was completely worn out. It was quite sweet, even though we could have afforded to replace most of the garments and especially my three socks that she had just completed. She set them to one side, walked over to the wardrobe and returned with a pure cotton white summer dress with puffy sleeves. I loved seeing her wearing that dress, because it was quite see-through, and despite me telling her several times that it absolutely wasn’t, I enjoyed watching her cute little butt swaying as she walked, her panties clearly visible through the skimpy material. My favorite memory was when she was standing on the balcony of our hotel in Asia, the sun setting over the horizon. From the chair behind her on which I was seated, I could see the outline of her legs and even the curve of her pussy through the material as she bent forward over the railings to watch people playing in the pool below. I was wondering what was wrong with the dress when Kasia told me that she needed to repair the hem. The stitching had come undone, and the material was dangling unevenly. She fumbled about with the dress for a few minutes, and then declared it was impossible to sew the skirt correctly around the full circumference without marking it first. I suggested that she place it flat on the ground, but she told me my idea wouldn’t work because it wasn’t a perfect iddaa siteleri circle and wouldn’t stay flat. Apparently the back of the dress was supposed to be slightly longer than the front, and the only way to do the job properly was by marking it on a model. I told her that I could mark it for her if she wore it and told me what to do. “I’ll tell you what,” said Kasia, “Why don’t you put it on? In that way I can mark it and I don’t have to give you instructions. Besides, if you’ve never done any dressmaking before you’d probably get it wrong.” I flushed bright red, not sure if she was joking or seriously asking me to be her dressmaker’s dummy. My sisters had dressed me up as a girl for fun when I was very young, and later I had tried on their clothes in secret on my own, but those days were long gone. Even though I remembered those past experiences as being highly pleasurable, I had come to terms with the fact that I was a guy, and that guys should not dress as girls. At least, that’s what my mother had told me when she caught me completely dressed in my eldest sister’s clothes at fourteen years old. Since then I had reserved dressing up to wearing only panties and only in order to masturbate. “You’re blushing!” said Kasia, smiling at me. I tried to hide my embarrassment by saying that I was blushing because it was a silly idea. The truth of course was that I felt turned on by the idea of wearing Kasia’s dress and was reminded of those times gone by; twirling in front of the mirror in my sisters’ pretty dresses, imagining that I was really a girl. Moreover, I was reminded of the shame and embarrassment of having been caught and told that I had been doing something very wrong. The idea of putting on a dress, even with Kasia’s consent, stirred conflict in my mind.

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