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Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
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The weekend eventually came to an end, as all weekends must, and everyone went back to their everyday lives. Ellie returned to the office where she’d worked for nearly ten years as if nothing had happened, and yet she felt better than she had in ages, and it showed in every step she took. Her coworkers all commented on it, and after initially playfully avoiding the subject, she soon confessed that she had met someone, someone who made her feel like she never had before. She kept the details vague, but she remained aglow throughout the days that followed.
All that week Ellie kept the office running and Lucy waited tables, and both of them could hardly keep their minds off the men they had spent the weekend with. They texted with them in their spare moments, swapping stories about their days and discussing when they would meet again and what they would do. They had decided that the boys would come out to visit them this time, some time during the upcoming weekend, though the details had not yet been set in stone. Ellie was bursting with excitement, wondering how she would ever manage to wait that long, when, unexpectedly, it turned out she didn’t have to.
Lucy ordinarily worked days, but that Wednesday was covering a friend’s late shift at the restaurant. That morning, she sat at the table, casually drinking a cup of coffee as her mother prepared to leave for the office.
“So, what will you do without me tonight?” she asked.
“Oh, I don’t know,” said Ellie. “Nothing very exciting, probably. Probably read a bit. Maybe I’ll go wild and watch a movie.”
Lucy nodded at that and was silent a moment, then said, “You should invite Mike over.”
Ellie was taken aback. The thought hadn’t even occurred to her. They had only met up with Mike and Victor together, it was hard to imagine doing it without Lucy by her side.
“Would you be okay with that? Doing it without you, I mean?”
“Of course! I want you to have fun. Just don’t, like, fuck in my bed or anything.”
“Alright,” Ellie laughed, “but I can’t make any promises about the living room couch.”
Lucy giggled and sipped her coffee while Ellie began quickly texting Mike. To her surprise, he answered right away, with an enthusiastic agreement to her invitation.
“He’s in!” said Ellie. “He’ll be here at six thirty tonight for a quickie visit.” She pondered for a moment. “Boy, I wonder what the neighbours will think? We’d talked about them coming here before, but I hadn’t really thought about that. They’ll think I’m some kind of cougar!”
“I mean, you are,” said Lucy. “I say, lean into it. Dress up in something slutty and meet him at the front door. Who cares what anyone else thinks? You can do whatever you want in your own house.”
Ellie smiled. “You, know I just might do that.” She crossed the room, leaned down, and gave her daughter a kiss on the cheek, then turned and walked to the front door. “I’ll see you tonight!” she called back as she left.
All that day she thought about what was to come, and as the hours went by she felt more and more confident in what she was doing. Lucy was right. Why should she care what anyone else thought of her? She should be proud of who she was and what she was doing!
Feeling bolder than ever, upon returning home from work that evening she ate dinner, freshened up a little, and then, as the clock began to approach six thirty, got dressed in a red bikini and walked outside onto the front porch to await Mike’s arrival.
Almost as soon as she was walked out the door she heard a familiar, if unexpected, voice say, “My, my, don’t you look lovely this evening!”
Feeling a little thrown off by how quickly she had attracted attention, she turned to her right and made eye contact with her neighbour, Maureen. A few years older than she was, Maureen and her family had lived next door for as long as Ellie had been in the neighbourhood. The two women were old friends; this wasn’t the first time one had seen the other in a bathing suit.
“Oh, you know,” said Ellie, “just enjoying this summer weather.”
“And what are you up to tonight?” asked Maureen.
“Waiting for a friend, actually. How about you?”
“A friend?” said Maureen, looking greatly interested. “Anybody I know?”
“Well, actually–” began Ellie, but stopped when she noticed a car turning into her driveway. She practically squealed with delight as Mike stepped out, grinning and looking as handsome as ever.
“My god, you look stunning!” he said as he walked up the driveway towards the porch.
“And who’s this?” said Maureen, looking more and more surprised by the second. Mike hadn’t noticed her before she spoke, and for a moment looked equally bewildered, unsure of what to do. It was then that Ellie stepped in and defused the situation, her confidence returning all at once.
“This is Mike,” she said. “He’s my lover.” Then she sauntered casually over to him, put her arms around his shoulders, leaned up, and kissed him deeply, gently asyabahis yeni giriş pushing her tongue past his lips. After a few seconds she pulled back again, took one of his hands in hers, turned, and began to lead him into the house. “You have a nice night, Maureen,” she said as she reached the door. Then, for good measure, she winked and said, “I know I will.”
Maureen only stood there stunned, staring the door for long seconds after it had closed behind them.
The second the door had closed behind them, Ellie turned around, pushed Mike back against the door, dropped to her knees, unzipped his pants, and had his cock in her mouth before he had even processed what had just happened. He groaned as she bobbed her head rapidly up and down on his shaft, getting him wet.
“Jesus, Ellie,” Mike said, “your friend is still right outside.”
Ellie pulled her mouth off of his penis and began jerking him off with her hand. “Did you see the way she looked at you?” she said. “She definitely wants this hot body.” She returned to sucking him.
“Well, maybe I oughta just give her a taste of this hot body.” Ellie moaned audibly as he said this. He grinned wickedly. “Oh, you like that? You like the thought of me fucking your little neighbourhood friends?”
Her hand was between her legs when she answered, “Not till I get my turn.” She then stood up and lead him to the living room, both of them removing their clothes as they went. When they reached the couch she gave his chest a light push and he sat down in the middle.
“I told Lucy I was gonna fuck you on this couch,” she said, standing over him. “I think she thought I was joking.” Then she straddled him, lowering her dripping wet cunt down onto his cock and shoving her breasts into his face. She let loose a husky groan as he entered her, then began moving herself slowly up and down.
They moved together in silence for some minutes, savouring each other’s bodies as if they had been apart for months rather than a few days. Eventually he looked up at her with another evil look on his face.
“You ever fuck your husband on this couch?” he asked.
“Maybe once or twice,” she laughed, “a long time ago. But mostly we just did in bed. We never had a terribly imaginative sex life.”
“I wanna fuck you in every part of this house,” said Mike, and her eyes rolled back in her head.
“That might take a few visits to get through,” she said, “you’ll have to keep coming back regularly until we’ve checked off everywhere on the list.” She smiled then. “But I promised Lucy we wouldn’t do it in her bed.”
“Damn,” said Mike. “Well, gotta respect a promise. I’ll settle for every room but hers.”
He picked up his speed then, fucking her from below as she bucked her hips above him.
“Let’s do the kitchen table next,” said Ellie, “I’ve always wanted to do that.”
Mike stopped for a moment then, grabbed her ass with both hands, and stood up, taking her with him. She let a little yelp of surprise. He turned, carried her into the kitchen, and laid her down on the table. His cock didn’t leave her pussy the whole trip.
“Jesus,” she gasped as he resumed thrusting into her, “I wasn’t thinking we’d do it right now!”
“I aim to please,” he said, and increased his speed once more.
“Oh god, you’re about to!” she said, and within seconds her body was gripped by an intense orgasm.
“Fuck, I love watching you do that!” said Mike, looking incredibly pleased with himself.
“Well, I have a feeling you’ll get to watch a few more tonight,” said Ellie, still breathing hard.
It was nearly eleven when Mike finally exited the house. He’d stayed far later than he’d meant to; he had to be at work early the next morning. Still, he had no regrets. After he’d finished inside her on the dining table, they had returned to the couch and spent a while just cuddling, then turned on the TV. Eventually they had started making out again, and before long she had invited him upstairs to her bedroom. They’d only made it halfway before he pushed her down and took her from behind right in the middle of the staircase. (“I said, every part of the house,” he’d told her.) Eventually they had taken a break and continued upstairs, where he’d finished her off in the bed that she had, until fairly recently, shared with her husband.
They had cuddled more after that, and he had excused himself as she had begun to drift off to sleep. He kissed her one last time, went downstairs, collected his clothes from he’d left them by the door, dressed hastily, and let himself out into the cool summer night. He was feeling immensely satisfied. As he stepped down the driveway, he closed his eyes and raised his arms over his head, feeling the breeze wash over him.
“Well, hey there, handsome,” he heard a voice say, and opened his eyes to see Lucy walking up the driveway toward him, returning from her shift at work.
“Oh, hey,” said Mike. “I wasn’t expecting asyabahis giriş to see you tonight. I kind of ended up staying longer than I should have.”
“Well, I hope you showed my mom a good time,” she said. She looked a little lower then. “You know, your fly’s undone,” she said.
He glanced down. “So it is.”
“Here, let me get that for you,” said Lucy. She squatted down, put her fingers in his waistband, and yanked down his pants and underwear. Looking up into his eyes, she planted a single kiss on the shaft of his penis, then, true to her word, pulled his pants back up and buttoned up his fly. Then she stood and gave him a small kiss on the lips.
“See you this weekend,” she said, and walked past him into the dark house.
He stood there a few seconds, marvelling once again at how much they’d lucked out when he and Victor met these two ladies in the club.
The next day as Ellie was returning home from work, she found herself crossing paths with Maureen once again. She decided to let her friend make the first move when it came to discussing the events of the previous night, and greeted her just as she normally would have.
“Hey there, Mo!” Ellie called cheerfully. “Boy, the weather’s just been terrific lately, hasn’t it? Not too hot, not too cool. Just perfect.”
Maureen didn’t say anything, but walked over into Ellie’s yard, until the two women were standing quite close together. She looked like her mind was racing.
“I’ve…” she said after a long pause, and quickly trailed off again. Ellie waited patiently. “I’ve been wanting to ask you,” Maureen began again, “about that man who was here last night.”
“Mike?” said Ellie, smiling. “Oh, he’s such a nice boy. And handsome too, wouldn’t you say? I’ll have to introduce you more properly sometime.”
“You called him your…”
“My lover. That’s right. I’ve been seeing him for sex.” Ellie spoke totally matter-of-factly, as if she were still discussing the weather.
“He’s so much younger than you!” said Maureen, looking slightly scandalized.
“I know, it’s great!” said Ellie, her smile never faltering. “He’s so strong and full of energy. He fucked me twice last night.”
Maureen still looked shocked, but also fascinated. “Where did you meet him?” she asked.
“Last weekend Lucy and I went out to a nightclub in the city together. We met Mike and his friend Victor, and really hit things off. I can see if they’ve got another friend for you, if you like?” Ellie said with a playful wiggle of her eyebrows.
“Ellie!” chided Maureen, though she was smiling. “Unlike you, I’m still married.”
“Well, at any rate,” said Ellie, “I’ll have to let you and him get to know each other better. I think you’ll be seeing him around a lot more in the future.”
“So you’re gonna keep doing this?” said Maureen. “And out in the open like this?”
“Why not?” said Ellie. “I’m happier than I’ve been in years, and I don’t care who knows the reason. I’ve got nothing to be ashamed of. Though I do hope you don’t think any less of me. Your opinion matters to more than most of the people around here.”
“No, of course not!” said Maureen. “You’re right, it has been a long time since I’ve seen you this happy. What right do I have to judge you for it?”
Ellie smiled even wider and drew her friend into a hug. “I’m so glad to hear you say that!” she said. “Anyway, I should go get dinner started. Lucy will be home soon. Say hi to the family for me!” And with that she walked into the house, a new spring in her step. She was living her best life totally openly, and she was loving it.
The rest of the week went by, and after a few more exchanged messages it was decided that the boys would come over on Saturday night. As the time of their arrival drew near, Ellie began to wonder how she could one-up her previous greeting. Now that she had decided she didn’t care what the rest of the neighbourhood thought, the possibilities seemed endless.
Suddenly, she had an idea. “Send Victor a text, will you?” she said to Lucy. “Tell the boys to meet us in the backyard when they get here. They can let themselves in through the gate. I think I’d like a dip in the pool. You should join me.”
Lucy was pleasantly surprised by this. “Sure thing!” she said. “Sounds like fun. If they haven’t left yet, I’ll tell them to bring swimsuits so they can join us.” She looked up at the wall clock. “Although I might be too late for that.”
Lucy sent the text and then went upstairs to change into her own swimsuit. A few minutes later she came back downstairs and exited through the sliding glass door at the back of the house. She walked out onto the back deck… and was surprised to discover her mother sitting in the small backyard pool, completely naked.
“MOM!” she cried, “The backyard isn’t that private! People could totally see you right now!”
Ellie shrugged, looking entirely unconcerned. “Only if they were trying real hard,” she asyabahis güvenilirmi said. “You gonna join me or what?”
Lucy nervously glanced upwards, trying to see if she could catch a glimpse of anyone in the upper windows of the neighbouring houses. She couldn’t see anything, but that didn’t necessarily mean there was nothing there. Despite her uncertainty, she felt as if some of Ellie’s boldness was flowing into her, and, coming to a quick decision, she stripped off the one-piece she’d been wearing and slid into the water next to her mother.
“God, this feels so crazy!” she said.
“Nothing crazy about it,” said Ellie. “What, we’re not allowed to be naked on our own property?”
Once again, Lucy marvelled at her mother’s newfound attitude. She had always been pretty laid-back, but this was a whole other level. Involuntarily, she found herself looking Ellie up and down briefly.
“God, I hope my tits look that good when I’m your age,” said Lucy
“Well, you’ve got my genes. That should help.” Ellie smiled, grabbed her breasts with both hands, and gave them a jiggle.
Lucy did the same, and said, “Thank God for the great tits gene!” They both laughed at that.
“Amen to that!” said a man’s voice, and they both looked over in a momentary panic. To their great relief, they saw that it was Mike and Victor, who had let themselves in as instructed. They both had big smiles on their faces, taking in the scene before them.
“Well hello there, boys!” called Ellie. “Glad to see you made it. Welcome to our home!”
“Damn, I didn’t even notice the pool last time,” said Mike.
“Yeah, I guess you were pretty distracted the whole time you were here,” said Lucy with a laugh.
“Feel free to come and join us,” said Ellie, “I think we’ve decided that no one is watching.”
“And what makes you so sure of that?” said Victor, who was beginning to strip down despite any doubts he may have had.
“Well, on that side,” said Ellie, pointing, “there’s just a nice elderly couple who I don’t think would be too interested in our little party. And on that side,” she pointed in the other direction, “are some good friends of ours. I think they’d be too polite to snoop.”
“Yeah, I met her the other night,” said Mike.
“You left quite an impression on her,” said Ellie. “I told her I’d introduce you more properly some other time.”
“What about Tyler?” asked Lucy. “The youngest son next door,” she explained for Mike and Victor’s benefit. “He’s like nineteen, I think. I hadn’t thought about him before. He might be interested in catching a look at a couple of lovely ladies.”
“Well, I don’t think it would be us that he’d be interested in,” said Ellie. Lucy looked confused.
“Honey, Tyler’s gay,” Ellie continued.
“Dammit, no one tells me anything!” said Lucy in mock outrage.
“You didn’t know? You’ve lived next door to him almost your whole life!”
By this time the men were both fully nude. “Not that this talk of your gay neighbour isn’t fascinating,” said Mike as he slipped into the water, “but that’s not exactly what we came here for.” He pulled Ellie’s naked body close to his and began kissing her, as Victor did the same to Lucy.
This went on four several minutes, the two couples silently kissing while standing in the shallow water, running their hands over each other’s bodies. Lucy reached out and began to masturbate Victor under the water. He groaned softly.
“Well,” said Ellie, pulling back eventually, “I don’t know about the rest of you, but I think I’m about ready to go inside.”
“I think that sounds great,” said Lucy, and they all started to climb out of the pool and avail themselves of the small pile of towels that Ellie had placed there earlier. When they had dried off–all four of them naked, both men fully erect–they walked through the back door into the house, not bothering to grab their clothes from where they lay beside the pool.
Once they reached the top of the staircase. Lucy grabbed Victor by the hand and began to pull him towards her bedroom, until Ellie said, “where are you going?”
Lucy turned to look back at her mother, unsure of what she meant.
“I thought you could join us in my room,” said Ellie. “I really enjoyed having you in the same room with us at the hotel. There’s just the one bed, but I think we could manage.”
Lucy smiled and hugged her mother, and said “That sounds great.” All of them then followed Ellie into her bedroom. Ellie and Lucy lay down next to each other, widthwise across the bed, while Mike and Victor, without a word spoken, knelt down, spread their legs, and began to go down on them.
Within moments both women were squirming and moaning at the sensations of their lovers’ tongues running over them. Ellie reached out her left hand and grabbed Lucy’s right, and the two of them held hands as Mike and Victor’s efforts built in intensity.
Suddenly, almost simultaneously, both women’s bodies began to shudder as their first orgasms of the night gripped them. Ellie wrapped her legs around Mike’s head, pulling him close and holding him there.
“God, I love the things you do to me,” she said, releasing him as her orgasm subsided. “Now get up here and fuck me with that big beautiful dick of yours.”
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