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Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32
Encyclopedia Masturbationem — Female Edition
This continuing series offers up different suggestions for your enjoyment while masturbating. See Session
for further context.
At the end of each session, rate your ability (1-5 Stars), to follow the script and cum as and when directed. Please send feedback of your success as well as any suggestions for future sessions. Those of you who have encountered this work in mid-series may wish to begin at Session
and follow through as the themes and scenarios vary in content and perhaps, difficulty.
: Mimic Masturbation
In this session it is sort of about porn but not really. Some women find porn very exciting to view while others do not. Today bahis siteleri you will be watching porn but not necessarily for the purpose of ‘masturbating to porn’. Whereas the previous sessions were about expanding the subject matter of your fantasies, the videos you are about to watch are primarily meant to further expand your technique.
Even if porn is ‘not your thing’, today is the day to take a deep dive to see how others do it. Find some new positions or techniques. Simply type in female masturbation videos or amateur masturbation videos and see what you find. Don’t just click on the first one in your search results. Scroll through a wide variety and look to different sites that may provide different quality or variety. See where the topic is broken canlı bahis siteleri down into specific categories which may include fingers, toys, watersports, humping, hidden, etc.
Now, you may feel strongly that you don’t need any instructions to know how to bring yourself to orgasm, and no doubt that is true. But in following the suggestions herein, there is an added element of excitement. After you have sufficiently surveyed the enormous volume of videos and are ready to have your own session, choose one that you are prepared to watch completely from beginning to end. It doesn’t have to be something that seems different or strange to your experience but it may depending on your sense of adventure. You will want to pay attention to the length canlı bahis of the video when making your selection.
Now that you have arrived at the moment when you are ready to pleasure yourself, hit play and follow along. More importantly, follow and mimic the star of your video as absolutely closely as you can. Start out dressed as she is. Put yourself in a similar setting. Adopt whatever positions she does. Follow her technique to the letter. If she speeds up, so do you. If she takes a break or slows down, so do you. If she changes positions, you change positions. No matter what she does, you are to mirror it to the best of your ability. You must only allow yourself to cum when she cums!
In following this new roadmap to orgasm, not only might you be exposed to new ideas, you will be surrendering a large measure of control to the star of the video you have selected. Essentially, you have chosen a complete stranger to show you how to masturbate and when to cum. Enjoy!
Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32