Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32
Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32
After my friends started getting their driver’s licenses, we began hanging out at the mall a lot. We would often flirt with the cute boys who worked at the pretzel stand and get some free bites, or dream about all the clothes we would buy when we all had jobs and money. Basically, we were loiterers and everyone knew it, but we never got kicked out. I think it was good for business that these three hot teenagers were almost guaranteed to be there, because we definitely attracted a lot of attention.On one of these trips not long after I finally caught up to my friends and turned sixteen, I was approached by a middle aged Indian man while eating a comped pretzel bite in the food court. He was short for a guy, maybe 5’7 and only a little bit taller than me. He wasn’t unattractive, but he was balding and he was a little overweight. I remember he was wearing a navy green polo and very loose faded jeans. He didn’t give the impression of caring how he looked and also had thick stubble on his face, not quite a beard. “Excuse me, miss. Can I ask you a question?” His English was fine, but he had a noticable accent and I could tell he probably wasn’t born here. He also smelled like he didn’t wear deodorant or wash his clothes often.”Umm… is something wrong?” I asked. I was sure he wasn’t a store manager or mall security, but you never know. My assumption was that maybe he owned the pretzel stand I’d been eating out of business for the past few months since we were isvecbahis standing right there, so I followed him about twenty steps away from my friends.”Sorry miss. It’s just that actually today is my birthday. Okay, and I’m 45 and have never gotten to know a pretty girl like you before. And I was hoping you would do me the honor of spending some time with me… uh… alone…” He was so nervous, his eyes would bashfully dart from my eyes to my breasts to the floor and back again in a triangular pattern.”How old do you think I am?,” I asked, trying not to sound like a total bitch. I had my hair in a pony tale, had some hoop earrings in, a tight tank top (to impress the all important pretzel boys), and a skirt. I didn’t think I was dressed much more mature than my actual age.”Oh… I would guess twenty?””I’m sixteen.” His stare only intensified as I revealed how young I was.”I will pay you.” I was shocked. Pay me? Like I’m some kind of prostitute? And pay me for what?”How much?” What the hell did I just say? My heart was saying kick this creep to the curb, but my head was thinking about all of the clothes I’d been dying to get.”$500.””What do I have to do?” (WTF Kendall? What are you saying?)”Just come with me to my car. I just want to play with your pretty boobies and massage your pink pussy.” I bit my lip for a moment. It wasn’t exactly unexplored territory for me, I had let a couple of guys get access to my perky girls, and at least one other had the honor of fingering isveçbahis giriş my pussy for the first time. Before I knew what I was doing, I had explained to my friends that this man was a coworker of my dad’s, that he needed my help picking out a gift for my dad, and that I would catch up with them later.”What is your name?” I asked the stranger as I followed him through JC Penney’s to his car, parked in the far corner of the lot away from other cars. His vehicle was pretty nice. I’m not a car girl, but it had all leather interior, a fancy digital dashboard, and made my parent’s cars (and my friend’s cars) look like rubbish.”Akhil. What’s yours?” He opened the backseat and motioned for me to get in.”Kendall,” I said as I scooted across his back seat to make room for him to get in. He closed his doors and the back windows were tinted, so nobody could see in very easily despite the fact that it was the middle of the day. He began to slide down the straps of my tanktop and slid it down, revealing my beige bra. “Wait a minute, where’s the money?” I wasn’t an idiot.Akhil’s hands left my body and reached behind to pull out his wallet. He pulled out five one-hundred dollar bills and put them on the front seat. Then he pulled out another.”I’ll make it $600 if I can record this with my phone,” he asked. I thought about it.”800.” I expected him to say nevermind, but he pulled out three more hundred-dollar bills and put them on the pile. Then isveçbahis yeni giriş he took out his phone, which had a kickstand built into the case, turned on the camera facing us, and pushed record.A warm sensation coursed through my body as his hands returned to my shoulders. His hands were big, hairy and brown against my olive skin, and his finger tips were dry and coarse as he worked them under my bra straps and slid them down my shoulders. As he got closer to me, I was consumed by his bad body odor but I was $800 deep in this and the camera was rolling as he peeled my bra cups away from my perky 32C breasts, my nipples soft. Akhil reached his right arm around me, under my right arm to cup my right breast as his left hand reached my left breast. Both hands began to pinch and circle my soft nipples, making them grow firm within seconds. His pinching varied from hard and firm, making me wince, to soft little squeezes, which sent ripples through my body and made the skin on my breasts become goosebumps. He delighted in squeezing my breasts together and releasing them, leaning over me to watch. His breath warm and spicy and I wondered how much closer he would need to get and how much longer he was going to grope me.I love having my breasts played with and when he started licking my left nipple, I realized I was actually aroused by this. My little secret for the time being was that my pussy was getting wet as Akhil squeezed me close, licking his right fingers and returning them to my nipple, adding some lubrication as he sucked my left nipple hard. I moaned quietly and he made a low moaning sound in response.He continued to play with my breasts, pinching, licking, rubbing, sucking.
Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32