Fiancé Seduced By Roommate Pt. 01

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Author’s note: This story is the beginning of my first serialized work. In the past, I’ve preferred to have my works be self-contained, rather than spread across several different chapters. My exceptions to this are works where my Part 1s could be a complete story on their own… even if I do end up writing a Part 2.

But at the suggestion of Literotica user Rav09, I am changing my style up. The concept behind this story, including generalized characters/names and premise, are also their idea. The story’s development and specifics are my own.

This story will contain themes of cuckolding, voyeurism, reluctance/seduction, and interracial connections. ALSO: NO SEXUAL CONTACT IN THIS FIRST PART; it is solely for setup. You’ve been warned.

And the usual disclaimers: all characters are fictional, similarities to real-world people/events are purely coincidental, everyone involved is of legal consenting age, etc.

“Dan, what are we going to do?”

My fiancé, Amanda, looked at me expectantly. Her worry was plain on her face.

I’d just passed on the bad news I’d received from our apartment complex, holding their official letter in my hands. Our rent would be increasing at the end of our current lease term, it announced, by a whopping 40%. The management company that sent the letter did their best to smooth it over (“we understand this may be burdensome”, “market increases”, “improved upgrades and quality to you” etc.) but no mere words could take the sting from the surprise.

The reality was that Amanda and I could scarcely afford such an increase. Amanda was a student; enrolled at a nearby university in a Master’s program. I worked full-time, but I wasn’t earning enough to cover that much of a cost-of-living increase. Not to mention that as a newly-engaged couple, we had expenses relating to the upcoming wedding to plan for. We were faced with a major dilemma, no question.

“I don’t know,” I finally responded. “But we’ll figure something out. We always do.”

And sure enough, we did. Eventually.

We went through several options together before we settled on a solution. Amanda could pick up a part-time job. I could start a second one myself. Amanda could take out extra loans to cover the cost. We could move to another apartment. We could ask our current apartment team to reconsider such a drastic increase. And so on.

But we discarded these initial ideas. Either of us taking on a second job would almost be more burdensome than the rent increase itself. Moving to another place seemed promising, but the only options we found were extremely far away from work/school, very run-down, or just as expensive as our new rent was. We did ask the apartment complex to consider a smaller rent hike–we had been model tenants, never making a fuss and always paying on time–but they declined. Lastly, we did consider taking out more loans through Amanda, Bomonti travesti but ultimately decided against it. We were concerned enough about the debt we’d already accumulated.

I was the one to suggest the solution we ultimately went with.

“What if we sublet our second bedroom?”

Amanda didn’t like the idea at first–and honestly, I wasn’t thrilled either–but she came around after considering our other options. The deciding factor was that a roommate would not only cover the cost of our rent increase, but even more, assuming we split the new rent 50/50. That meant more money in our pocket at a time we certainly needed it (again, upcoming wedding). Sure, it meant we’d no longer have the luxury of living alone, but it would only be temporary. Once Amanda finished her Master’s and found a job, we could afford our own place again.

With that decided, we now faced our next step. Finding a roommate.

We’d hoped that Amanda could find someone through her school, either in her own program or a related one, but we didn’t have any luck. Any potential leads either already had a place to stay or weren’t willing to pay what we asked. And so, we expanded our search, posting online and reaching out to friends in the area.

We did begin to receive some interest, but then our problem became deciding who to choose. Some we ruled out right away; others we chatted with online for a bit, before deciding against them. Finally, we narrowed our potential roommates down to two people and one couple. An older gentleman, a guy about our age, and a middle-aged couple with no kids.

As desperate as we were to solve our financial problems, we didn’t want to be stuck subletting to someone we’d later regret. To finish our due diligence, we decided to meet all three potentials in person for coffee. They all seemed promising, but I knew that online interactions were no substitute for meeting face-to-face.

The middle-aged couple, Steve and Melissa, were first. They’d apparently wanted to downsize their lifestyle and make a push to an early retirement. Initially, I was optimistic; they seemed friendly and genuine. But then Melissa made an off-hand comment about how nice it was to see a couple like us that married before moving in together, rather than living in sin like most young people. I coldly corrected her that Amanda and I were merely engaged and not married yet. Melissa tried to backtrack, but the damage was done. They were out.

Next was the older gentleman, Frank. He too seemed promising at first, but I couldn’t help but notice that he openly ogled Amanda. I couldn’t blame him. Amanda isn’t a ‘big’ girl, but she’s plump and well-proportioned; her curvy body was fertility made manifest.

Despite her hot body, Amanda eschewed wearing makeup, leaving her freckled face oddly plain by comparison. Her dirty blond hair was also Bomonti travestiileri maintenance-free, often left to hang loose or put up in a simple bun. Don’t get me wrong, I loved Amanda’s natural look, but I wasn’t used to having other men show such an open interest in her. Hot body or not, I think many guys tended to discount Amanda (wrongly) as a butterface.

After we’d finished with coffee, Amanda and I told Frank that we’d be in touch and let him know our decision. Once we’d left, I asked Amanda for her impressions of Frank. She sounded like she’d been less than pleased, saying he gave off creepy vibes. Guess I wasn’t the only one to notice Frank’s ogling.

That left the guy our age, Dante.

To my surprise, Dante was black. We lived in an area where there wasn’t a heavy black population, so it threw me a bit when he told us before our meeting. I think he was afraid that we might hold it against him, but I didn’t. He could have been purple, and I wouldn’t have minded. Money is money.

Amanda, however, did hesitate. She wasn’t racist, she explained, but she just had never been around a black person before. It made her nervous, she admitted, even though she knew it shouldn’t.

I should share at this point that Amanda was homeschooled growing up. Unlike some homeschooled kids, Amanda received a stellar education, and her parents took steps to engage her with other children through extracurricular activities. Despite this, I still thought of Amanda as being sheltered, and there were certain social cues and interactions that I don’t think she ever fully grasped. By comparison, I went to a large public school, so there weren’t many types of people that I didn’t encounter at some point, black people included.

But for Amanda, a black person must have been an exotic unknown; heard about, but never encountered. I pointed out that we had liked our online conversations with Dante just fine, the color of his skin was irrelevant. Whatever her initial hesitations, Amanda agreed I was right.

And so, we met Dante for coffee.

Dante wasn’t what I had expected. Physically, he was tall and imposing, but surprisingly soft-spoken, with a deep soothing voice. We learned that Dante worked full time as a licensed massage therapist (LMT). While he made decent money, he hoped by sharing living space he could begin to save for a house. Personality-wise, Dante seemed supremely self-confident, but he had a self-deprecating sense of humor that kept him from coming across as arrogant. I think Amanda and I both were impressed with his natural charisma. More importantly, he didn’t raise any red flags either. I didn’t know if Dante and I would ever be friends… but I felt like I could live with him just fine.

Amanda had a similar favorable impression. But she did have one concern.

As a masseuse, Dante often worked non-traditional travesti Bomonti hours, especially in the evenings and on the weekends. From my perspective, this was a bonus because it meant that I wouldn’t see him much once I returned from my 9 to 5 job. But for Amanda, it meant that she would have to be alone with him during portions of the day that I was at work. As a grad student, Amanda had odd hours herself, with maybe just a few hours of in-class time with several more hours of at-home work and studying. Amanda explained that she wasn’t sure how she felt being alone with a strange man.

As I’d mentioned earlier, Amanda could be a bit sheltered. In some areas she was very modern, but in others, her sensibilities were more… traditional. For example, despite living together as an engaged couple, Amanda and I still hadn’t had sex. She wasn’t a prude–she’d give me a handjob if I requested it–but she wanted to save sex for after we were married. Her hesitation wasn’t based on religious scruples, but rather a bad experience she’d had with her first boyfriend. They’d met their freshman year, and after six months of what seemed to be a passionate, supportive relationship, Amanda finally slept with him. Their relationship immediately changed after that, and her boyfriend became distant and controlling. Apparently his perfect-SO persona had been a long-con to get into Amanda’s pants… and it had worked. Amanda broke up with him soon after, but it destroyed her self-worth for several months. By the time we met in her junior year, Amanda had only been herself again for a short time. She swore she wouldn’t put herself through that again.

Amanda’s chastity was admittedly hard for me sometimes–the occasional handjob only left me wanting more–but I loved her and was willing to wait for her sake. Besides, we’d been together for over two years by this point… what was another year?

Amanda’s concern about being alone with another man seemed to come from a similar ‘traditional’ mindset. I suspected there was another layer too; with all the stories of rape and assault in the news, I could understand her hesitation, even if I didn’t think Dante would be a problem.

I reassured her that I would only be a call away at all times, and if it helped reassure her, she could just stay in our bedroom with the door locked while she was alone with him. Hell, she could even stay out of the apartment entirely and hang out at the school library until I returned.

With these reassurances, Amanda at last gave her blessing.

We messaged Dante with the good news, and he thanked us profusely for our offer. We hammered out a few final details, including a written contract for him to sign, and then it was official. Dante would be our new roommate.

If only I had known what we were in for.

Author’s end note: I realize it may be hard to rate an individual chapter of a story, especially the first one where nothing fun has happened yet. It’s one of the major points I dislike about the serial format. That said, in the absence of anything else, you can always rate based on how much you anticipate the next chapter…. Which I am beginning to write now.

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