Good Vibrations

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Ethan travelled light. He had been doing that for two months now, ever since the news came to him that his parents had gone. That was but a couple of weeks before final uni work on his master’s degree in engineering had been completed. He had been told that they had perished after being encircled by a bushfire, set alight deliberately, and it had wrecked the family home along with others close-by. All that remained had been a mound of charred timber and piles of ash. Identifying the bodies had been achieved from wedding rings, the wearer’s names engraved upon them. He’d gotten through, somehow, and had decided on a trek along the Queensland coast to soothe his mind and to live out the beginnings of a new life without them.

He’d be reliant on himself, alone, and keep off the well-travelled roads; follow coastal paths and the long stretches of beaches. He’d stop wherever, and whenever, he fancied. He’d rough it and sleep on a mat that was rolled up and fixed to his small haversack. Beach shorts, a few T’s or iconic vests, and some swimming shorts and briefs would see him through. He would; shower at beach places and would clean himself up if the sea didn’t achieve that. H he’d shave when it was necessary, and look a tad wilder, now that his hair had grown long. It was tied back in a small ponytail, but it was clean and sun-bleached. His feet had hardened, and he had only been obliged to wear trainers, or some beach sandals, whenever he had to trek along rough paths or scorching hot roads, thumbing a lift.

He was a twenty-five; had started his degrees late, but he had flourished. Now, he knew only too well how to get by; had the money to do what he chose. He hadn’t wanted it to be this way, but that was how the cards had fallen.

His iPhone was the only means of being contacted and few people did that now; he’d cut loose from everything and relied on his artist’s skills and a sharp penknife to amuse himself when a place was happened upon that he wanted to capture. Some work even sold, there and then, on the spot. He carved small pieces of driftwood. He’d fashioned a necklace by threading some shark’s teeth onto a leather lace. He wore it now.

In his sack he had a small magnifying glass that he’d often use to light a fire, but in summer that was far too risky to go doing that except on a beach and keeping the fire small.

He roughed it. He was getting happier again by the day, but he would never forget. He also wanted someone a little special in his life, and for her he had never stopped looking.

Yeah, he roughed it and he got by. He found that the pain and sense of loss was slowly easing and not always on his mind, If he happened on company he would linger a while until that played out. Those ways suited them both. Such hook ups were but a surrogate for the bigger plan.

And now, he walked at the edge of the surf, the sun’s heat on his oiled skin, the straps of his haversack digging into the bare flesh of his shoulders, his eyes cast down to see if anything grabbed his attention. Any thoughts of food were dismissed as the last resort was already some miles behind him. Ahead lay headlands in the haze;, and a long curving beach with stands of palm trees at the low crests of the dunes. All of it was beautiful but only too desolate.


Melissa couldn’t quite believe what she was looking at. She had been sketching the scene before her and had just begun to apply the first wash of water colour, as a base to the picture she wanted to create. She’d arrived at daybreak and parked her small 4WD in a hollow of the dunes, its sturdy construction coping easily with the rutted track that led from the coastal highway some way off.

The small speck at the edge of the sweeping beach was someone intent on solitude, just as she was. Even with the glare off the beach, and the thinning haze, she was left in no doubt.

‘This is a turn up, Melissa Tamblin…no mistake.’

Every Wednesday, during the balmy summer months, she came to her special secret stretch of Queensland beach along with lunch and drinks. She also brought her artist’s tools along with a few of her ‘pleasure toys’, all of them charged up and ready to be played with if she was minded to do that.

A friend back in Mackay had called her, ‘the beautiful Melissa…a MILF in waiting.’ Anna, her arty friend, had gotten part of that right. She’d been for her morning’s skinny dip, and now, with her body tingling from the salt and surf she was sitting on the large beach towel, her naked body slowly drying off under the sun. A floppy brimmed straw hat protected her head and strikingly blonde hair.

‘Come on…don’t keep me waiting,’ she muttered, holding up a hand to shield her eyes from the sun as she continued to watch the progress of the tiny figure in the distance. Praise be if it’s a virile young guy, she thought, as she studied the little dark spot on the long white beach.

She possessed an only too vivid imagination and agile fingers. Who was to know if she rubbed almanbahis yeni giriş her pleasure spot for a few moments? She wondered if she’d have to cover herself when the object of her attention was near and could take in her carefully tended, firm breasted naked body; her tummy muscles nicely toned and her slender legs not too fleshy.

There was a first time for everything, and she had never seen anyone on her beach in all the years that she’d lived close to this stretch of sand. There had been the occasional wild dog to contend with, even a few ‘roos, but no one like the object of her continuing attention.

‘Stop it, you wasted woman…’

She gave voice to her thoughts as her fingers brushed over her neatly shaved mons, tugged on the spiral of hair she had left, as a marker. She imagined an only too sexy and diverting scenario play out in her mind…a handsome and well-hung lover coming to see to her and who would use her body as if she were his whore, both of them surprised by a chance meeting and all that would surely follow if she had her way, and he was right for it.

The little human spec in the distance was slowly getting bigger… getting closer…any thoughts of painting quite forgotten.

She had just turned forty-three and had never gotten used to being thrown aside by her husband, a guy who had simply walked out on her and their daughter. He had been tracked down and she had taken him for a wad that eased her life, and until she found her way again. She’d been resourceful; she was also good at art and sold well. She succeeded in that, sufficiently, to have no worries or to be tied to a straight-jacket routine. She chose to be thankful that she had her daughter, Chloe, early, when she was going on twenty-six. There was time to pick up the pieces. The only question was with whom.

Lying out here in the sun was a perfect example of that. It was a day to savour so much more, if that dot at the water’s edge made her day fly differently from all that had gone before and make her forsake the small ‘pleasure tools’ that she’d brought along. They often made her day down on the beach go a little differently from when she was alone in her bed at home.

She shielded her eyes from the sun once more; pressed her fingers to her spot and rubbed at it slowly.

‘Ooh yeah… come to me, you stranger…make my dreams become a passionate reality…fuck away my lonely ways…trash my toys and lonely ways.’

She had pretty much resigned herself to never finding a lasting partner. Being a middle-aged woman, with a teenage girl, made it difficult enough to meet anyone decent and living a few miles from the edge of town, vibrant as it was, did not help.

Over the next half hour, as the little figure grew bigger, she recognised it was a man.

‘Oh yesss,’ she whispered. ‘We’ll talk, after he’s walked over, and I may show him my work…then we’ll see it in each other’s eyes…two people alone on a beach and with one thing now on their minds.’

Her favoured vibrator was reached for even as she slipped on a sleeveless blouse where the buttons were not fastened as high as was perhaps wise. Her bikini briefs were slipped over her thighs, but one lace band at her hip left loosely fastened. It would be easily undone.

‘He’ll come to me…seduce me…take me…and fuck me hard!’ She yelled it out on a laugh.

The vibrator and her actions with it soon had her gasping in abject pleasure; the big buzzing dildo slipped in and out of her hyper-excited pussy, taking her like the mature, neglected, woman that she was. How could she have become dependent on a toy and not…not her thoughts of a young…ooh…ooh yes… a handsome young man, the sight of whom, and her raging expectancy, making her climax.

‘Oh yes….yesss!,’ she whimpered as the waves of pleasure wracked her body.

Arching her back and with the big white toy and its rounded tip kept deep within her, Melissa wallowed in the orgasm that she had brought upon herself. Feverishly, she put the toy in her straw bag and then fastened the string at her waist. She fingered out her blonde hair. A stone was put on her hat. He’d see the siren of the beach, with her tended figure; her tits not sucked into a drooping mass by her kid, but with her tummy a little creased but in a sexy way; her flyaway hair like a halo.

She’d not play the angel if he was right.

The young guy was only too close now.

‘Hi there!’ she heard a voice call out.

‘Fancy meeting you here…of all the places!’ she shouted on a laugh of disbelief that this was actually happening. She held up her iPhone and took a picture of the young man. She was acting crazy. Who would know what happened…one way or the other…seduction or an assault upon her that no one would know of?

He stood some way off as what she had done registered.

‘I’m just passing through…I won’t disturb or frighten you,’ he said calmly; his voice only too unthreatening. ‘You don’t need to take a picture of almanbahis giriş me. I’m just surprised to see you out here alone…nothing more.’

As he had drawn near, Ethan realised that the glint seen on the horizon was of the sun on the windscreen of a car parked up on low sand dunes. He now saw that it was a 4WD that he soon realised was the only viable means of transport. It looked worse for wear, and he reckoned it would have done the journey here many times before.

‘It’s as far away from crowds that you can get for a stretch here…’ Melissa said on standing up and stepping onto the hot sand, waiting to meet him. God, the guy’s so good looking…and confident with it, she thought approvingly. He was seen to be striding through the sand to be with her, his arm muscles flexing as he shrugged off his haversack and dropping it at his feet.

Melissa felt her bag tumble over. and she saw him look down. At her feet lay one of the toys she had been playing with.

‘You are way too beautiful to go using those,’ he said simply, his eyes drifting over her scarcely covered body; items of clothing that he knew he would soon want to tug away and reveal what she would bring to his gaze, even to touch what he knew would be found there. ‘And…and you paint? You’re an artist?’

He was standing only too close to her now and she had to look away. Jeez! Those eyes of his were taking her in, every little detail. Their thoughts seemed to be in sync already.

‘Yes…you interrupted me in my work.’

Her eyes darted over him too now, brazenly. She was unable to quell her interest in him nor what the young guy had so quickly aroused in her. There was something wayward about him that she simply could not ignore.

‘I’m glad that I did. Sorry, but I have to tell you that so soon…and…and my name’s Ethan Roberts.’

‘And I’m Melissa Tamblin…from Mackay.’

‘And I’m from Brisbane…though I’ve not been there for some time. I’m travelling light. I just have my memories….’

She met his soft look upon her as what he had said registered. It was an undoubtedly appraising look of stark blue eyes that went with a wonderful smile and gleam of his teeth in a deeply tanned face. He had to be living like a tramp or a wanderer as the shock of his long brown hair had been bleached by the unforgiving sun. She could also see blonde strands of hair. Ethan tugged at his vest, and it made her take in his strong arms and lean torso, along with his toned, strong legs. Her look was that of an artist, but that would be to deny what she really saw in him, a young man’s body brimming with health and vitality. It was muscular but his movements athletic, almost graceful. He could so easily pass for a surfy, but his few words on greeting, and commenting on her artist’s work, suggested that his interests were otherwise and…also in her.

She’d struck gold…pure minted and fashioned gold.

The young Adonis was wearing a pair of loose-fitting cotton shorts bleached white by sun and salt; his blue, sleeveless, wave patterned vest faded. He had been carrying the rucksack over his shoulders, a bag that looked as though it could be holding all of his earthly possessions. She could see a bedroll, a length of rolled up drawing paper, a water bottle and a compact tripod that appeared to be an artist’s easel.

The day was getting better by the minute. First a good-looking guy literally walks into her life, and now a young man who shared her interest in art stood before her and boldly giving her the eye. Just where could this go?

‘You were sunbathing…in the nuddy, weren’t you? he asked casually and on seeing Melissa tug at her flimsy blouse; the movement of sandy hands on it as she did so. He’d taken in the unmistakable outline of her nipples and the swell of her firm breasts through the fabric. ‘I’d sketch that look of yours…if the moment came, Melissa…I’d sure like that.’

She laughed at his forwardness.

‘We’ll have to see, won’t we? You’re rushing it…’ Her body was already aching for more.

She moved to put on her sunglasses, wondered how much he had seen of her naked body and how it gleamed from the light application of sun tan oil. She had tended her looks for a moment just like this, the wild spontaneity of it. She’d worked to get an almost flat tummy and her long legs weren’t too fleshy, just yet. She was voluptuous, one of the few things that her ex had said by way of offering her a compliment.

‘May I see what you’re working on?’ The way he spoke, on a tilt of the head, engaged her. How he moved to take off his vest kept her from doing as he asked. ‘I checked that you’d stopped working…’

She flicked at her mussed hair. ‘Yeah, I wondered who’d be crazy enough to be walking out here on his own…’

Ethan grinned. ‘I could ask the same of you. A guy would have to be a mongrel to let you go out here in the wild on your own…’

‘It happened. I’m through it now.’ She bent down, suddenly, to grab at her drawing pad. almanbahis güvenilirmi She felt that his eyes were on her. They stood now in the shelter of a low rocky bluff, the soft breeze rustling the leaves of the stunted palm trees on its crest. ‘How about you…out on the beach on your own?’

‘Not any more…’ Ethan saw how her tanned skin seemed to glow; her body toned and voluptuous; her slender face softly lined around the eyes; creases at her lips when she smiled. ‘My people got burned in a bush fire and so I took off. I’m out here working it out of my system. It’s been a tough few weeks…really tough.’ She saw him shrug, a moment’s pain to be seen in his eyes and in the set of his features. ‘That’s how it goes…’

‘I’m sorry…’

‘You…have you got any kids?’

‘A daughter. She’s younger than you…makes her life back in Mackay as best she can in the tourist world…in the holidays. She’s finishing college and will then move on, no doubt.’ She gave an audible sigh. ‘There, the intro’s are over, I reckon…’

‘Sure…my thoughts too,’ he replied evenly. ‘I interrupted your sunbathing.’ He had sure taken in that a naked woman was resting on her elbows and watching him get closer; that she only moved at the last possible moment. ‘Your red lipstick goes well with your fingernails and,’ he looked at her sand-covered feet, ‘your toenails…all a vibrant apple red.’

‘You got it,’ she smiled. ‘Here…look at my work…will you?’

‘I’ll do both…’ she heard him say and on an overt look of appraisal. ‘Do as you were doing before…’

‘Winding you up?’ she teased on a sly smile.

‘It cuts both ways, Melissa…or is it Mel…or Lisa?’ Ethan gasped as she lifted the blouse up and over her head; saw the sun in Melissa’s hair as she moved, then the sway and tumble of her breasts along with their soft indolent sag. The curve of her hips only accentuated the sheer cut of her bikini briefs, some of the fabric, he saw, marking the line of her crack. He felt his legs shake; the sight of this older woman’s body arousing him. It soon had his cock harden in his shorts. He looked at her evenly. ‘Jeez, Mel…I wasn’t expecting any of this…a beaut on the beach and miles from anywhere.’

‘It cuts both ways, Ethan…’

‘Does it?’

She heard it in his voice and saw it in his continuing, wondering looks upon her. Melissa saw the swell in his shorts and how he moved awkwardly before her. The pictures she had been working on were ignored. Ethan was looking at her, appraisingly. She moved slowly to unfasten the binding of her bikini briefs to one hip but looked at him for an instant, a smile soon to be seen as she indicated that he should do likewise.

‘I’ll go nuddy again…if you will, Ethan. Who’s to see…except…except you and me?’ She brushed her fingers over his chest for only an instant, to persuade him to do as she asked, before she did what was expected of her.

‘You wonder…you beaut,’ he said in a deeper, disbelieving voice as he looked at her. Ethan fumbled at the buckle of his belt, then unbuttoned his shorts and in a single sweep of his hands pushed them and his swimming briefs down to the sand. He felt her fingers on his shoulders as he moved to stand up; he heard her gasp on seeing his prick spring free and gently arc out in front of him. ‘No secrets now…and I sure can’t keep how I feel from you..’

‘There weren’t any the moment we met.’ She looked at him wonderingly. ‘Want a drink?’

He was startled by the change in tack. ‘Oh, yeah…yeah sure…okay, thanks.’

‘There’s no rush, Ethan…not for me any way.’

‘No, I guess not,’ he laughed, yet unable to take his eyes off her tanned body, the swell of those firm breasts and dark nipples, along with her toned tummy and long legs. It was becoming too much to endure. ‘I’ll look at you, though…’

‘Slow is best…’

He nodded. He had seen his fair share of nudists on his walking tour, some of the women pretty good looking and younger than Melissa was. But none had that air of sexiness about them or a brazen nature that she displayed for his benefit. He was stepping out onto new ground…going with an older woman, an arty type much as he was. He really couldn’t age her and really didn’t care how old she was. He ogled her and thought this almost ebony-skinned woman, with her flyaway hair, to be goddess…a woman who’d work him till he had nothing left to give.

‘Are you having trouble?’ she smiled, her softly voiced question prompted by seeing him grip his prick for an instant as if to quell what she too felt.

He nodded and kept doing what she had seen for a moment longer.

‘Are you really alone…there’s no one in your life?’ he asked as she moved to look into a cool bag that he had failed to notice, and that was set by a wicker basket on the sand, the edge of her beach towel draped over it.

‘Quite alone…now. Here, have a cold one,’ she bossed in a deep raspy voice that made Ethan shiver. He took the can that she held out to him. ‘We’ll have to share it…I hadn’t planned on meeting someone like you. It makes all of this all the better for me…’

‘Hopes and reality have just become one…I guess.’ Melissa pressed the can to his belly and Ethan jumped away out of reach, on a laugh. ‘Hey!’

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