Home for the Week

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


  It was spring break and i was heading home to the small towni had been so desperate to get out of. My friends and i had spent 3 days on thebeach, drinking and flirting, and now it was time to spend some time with myfamily. As the plane landed i looked out onto the tarmac and say a small congregationof people, i recognised my mother and father even from this distance but there were threeor four signs, each welcoming home a different person. Looks like i wasn’t theonly one home late. I recognised thenames on the signs as my own , a sign for a friend of mine name Laura and oneof a girl who had graduated with us. Ilooked around the plane, but could not see any familiar faces, but i knew therewere somewhere being that there was only two flights a day into this airportand the next one wasn’t for 8 hours. It was waited for my luggage and was hugged and pinched bythe mass that i saw him again. He hadn’t changed much same smile and same piercingeyes. His hair longer and his body more developed then the last time i’d seenhim. Our eyes locked and i squealed as i ran to jump into his arm. “OMG look at you” i had been spun around and placed back onthe floor in front of him as he looked me up and down “look at me, look at you!What did the city do to you?” i laughedat him “shut up you country hick” and playfully hit his arm. I gave him a kiss on the cheek before runningback to my parents who had found my luggage and were towing it to the truck. I didn’thave that much, 1) because i was only staying a week and 2) because there wasn’tmuch to do here. The drive home took about an hour and in that time i told myparents everything new from almanbahis the last time we had spoken. Once home i went up tomy room, ever the same. The joining bathroom was shared with my sister who wasstill in school but spending this break at her friend’s beach house. I wasglad, though i did miss her, i had become accustom to having my ownbathroom. The apartment i rent with myfriends the find of a century. It was small but had three bedrooms off thecommon area which joined to the kitchen. Each bedroom had its oven small privatebathroom. It had been a god send. The rent was cheap as it belonged to a sweetold lady and her son, who came roundevery fortnight to collect the rent, and a bonus. Somewhere my thoughts turnedinto a dream as i recalled the last time it was my turn to pay the bonus. A parcel had come midweek, it had said that whichever girl was to stay home that day all day andwear what was contained in the parcel. That the other girls where not to be inthe apartment and this would count for the months bonus. It was my turn so i woke early to shower,shave and prepare myself. I put on the white lace underwear with the matchingbra and the denim mini skirt overalls on top. I didn’t know what was going tohappen but I trusted him, he has never hurt any of us and was charming. Wenever talked about what he did to each of us, but electricity would buildinside when the chosen day approached, every fortnight different and we wouldchoose who would be next. The girl left by 9 andi didn’t quite know what to do. I watched TV and tidied up a little. I wentinto my bedroom to read while waiting for a knock. I though i had heard thedoor almanbahis yeni giriş open so i got up and when to common area. Nope. It was still closed. Idecided i was hungry so i moved towards the kitchen. As i was washing a plateto used, i felt a body behind me and suddenly a pair of hand were pushing myunderwear down. A thring of fear ran through me before i could rationalise thatit must be him. My panties feel to the floor and a hand pushed my torso forwardslightly. The other hand spread my legs apart, slightly touching the lip of mypussy. Instantly i was wet and then he shoved into me. I couldn’t help but cryout softly, not even sure if it was pain or pleasure i was feeling. He shovedmy top further down unto the sink and was pounding harder each thrust slappinghim balls against me, sending extra shots of pleasure through me, hand still onthe middle of my back he gripped harder it hurt but the combination feltwonderful. I moaned again, this time in definite pleasure. His other hand, theone that had been holding the counter top, was suddenly rolling my nipplesthrough the lace bra, his full wait on me. This action sent more waves ofpleasure through me as his action counter each other out. As he pinched mynipple i reared back, sending him deeper into me. His pace speed up and igripped the sink as i struggle not to scream. He collapsed on to me a fewseconds later. After a minute he left me, legs shaking, telling me not to move.I didn’t. I had taken my turn with him before as we had been living here almost18 months but it was never like this before, usually is was formal, he wouldenter the rooms, you would pleasure him the way he asked almanbahis giriş for and with in an hourhe was leaving. He came back and pulled my underwear up “what would you do tomake this a months worth’ as asked leading towards my room. I awoke with a start. Stretching out i looked at the clock. Iwas meant to be getting ready for the reunion. I jumped into the shower and calculated thetime i could spend on each task without being late. I ran down the stairs and into my parents withonly 5 minutes to spare. “what time will you be home” Mum asked. “ummm not sure, i’vegotta key so i can let myself in if it get late, or if we go back to a friendshouse i might crash on the couch.” I turned to go, then added “if that okaywith you?” it had been a while since i had to deal with parents and curfews. “that’sfind dear, be safe” she smiled and waved as i raced out the door and down thestreet. The reunion was boring mostly and they stopped the bar at10. Apparently they thought 3 hours would be enough time to catch up on eachothers lives. I spent most of the night catching up with Dan and the core groupof friends. They had planned to move to Dan’s house after as his parent wereaway. I teased him about living at home still, but he just smiled. Ourconnection had aways been intense. We had only ever been friends, though i knewhe loved me, i could never let go of the friendship or take the risk of losinghim. But that had changed. We no longer where together all the time so thepotential for something to happen was high and if our flirting online for thelast year was anything to go by a definite possibility. Back at his place we all drank too much andtalked loudly the atmosphere gathering sexuality as the night faded to morning.Around 2, drunk and hyped lauren dropped a bottle, instead of breaking to spinto land on Jonah, the 10 of us quieten down to see what would happen.

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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