How Trina Evolved

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How Trina EvolvedThis Is Written By Mr. Trina:I have had many requests from guys to instruct them on how to find a wife like Trina. I don’t know if it is something you can recreate. All I can do is tell how it happened to me. She is and has always been “My Fantasy Girl”.Just a dream come true. We met 30 years ago. At the time My only interest was to get a piece of that. WRONG!!It took me forever to get her to give it up. She was very inexperienced, but FUCK what a body. I wish We did not have to stay incognito. She has the face and smile to match. Wish I could share that too. All I can say is she is just a beautiful creature. Every time we are in public she makes heads turn just to see her face. Some guys would be alarmed but I’ve known for years that i LOVE her being checked out. We started out on the right track i think. We always tell each other what we think. güvenilir bahis Even sexually. If she sees a good looking guy she says so. If I see a hot chick I look. I noticed our Married friends were different around each other than they were when alone. I told her when we started that I want a mate that I don’t have to hide anything from. I want to know who she truly is inside and I want her to know me the same way. I want to be the same me all the time. I am the same around my friends as I am around my wife. I also want to know what turns her on. No matter what it is. I also tell her my wants. When we were young she didn’t really know what she wanted so I would purchase story book magazines like Penthouse Forum that had fantasy stories. I got her to peruse them and tell me which stories turned her on. I must say “Genius” on my part.She loved the stories güvenilir bahis siteleri of multiple guys at once and women who acted a bit slutty in public and got all the guys. Son of a Bitch! We were a matching set. I was a voyeur already. She wanted to be watched and I loved to watch.The public flashing came first. We would travel 20 miles or so to stores and she would take different outfits and change as we drove. Short skirts, booty shorts, sexy shirts, etc. Things progressed from there. One day a trucker was looking while she was changing clothes in the car and honked his horn. Voila !! We started flashing truckers as well. I would tell her stories when we are fucking. Still do!! About scenarios of me watching her get fucked by 2 strangers, me and another guy fucking her, her stripping in a club and going to the back room and fucking 2 guys. WHATEVER iddaa siteleri !! Any nasty little story that I think will get her off. I would like her to strip on amateur night at a strip club some day. She dances very sexy too! Who knows , maybe it’ll happen.In case anyone is wondering, we still have such a hot sex life after all these years. She is a Fucking dream, I tell ye! I never thought she would hang on to her good looks this long , but I guess I’m just lucky.Also we talk a lot. When we are in bed, when we travel, when we are watching TV, or even at a restaurant.And we are best friends and in love.I have been told by Many fans how lucky they think I am and I have one thing to say to them, “I KNOW !!”To be married to the love of your life who is also a friend and the fantasy of your life and the hottest fuck a man can get and the most entertaining partner in the wide world is more than I deserve. My heaven is right here on Earth.Thanks to all of you. The Xhamster “Family” has been a great experience that will end some day. But “TRINA” will last and be enjoyed by net surfers for a long time.

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