
Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


I always have a taste for you,feel the heat calling out to me,the silent signal to part open.To press your wetness against me,the slow curve inwardsstops breath for just a moment,pausing to let me hear the tornadowrapped around your turbulent heart.I’ve survived many storms before but I don’t want safety anymore.Even if it’s going to hurt,I’d rather be torched than to know embers cooled to dust for nothing.Just remember that you also drewso very close to the hunter,remember the silence overtaking was the final isveçbahis calm about to beobliterated by an inescapable frenzy.Needs have been coiling inside us,it’s why I simply can’t pull away,why you shiver with anticipationwhen I finally begin to see Your madness holds an inescapable brilliance.And I always have a taste have for you,fingers pumping and withdrawing only as a speechless signal for us to lick,to clean your glistening nectar together.The slow breach inside is a battle cry,caging our breath for isveçbahis giriş just a moment,long enough to note the violent tornado that’s been circling around your tired heartand the waking opalescence of my own.I’ve survived many storms before,but I don’t want safety anymore.I want the unknown hues bloomingthrough your widening pupils,the reflected sky in them speaking a cosmic tongue of racing stars.I’d rather see those constellations collapse than to know we soared high for nothing,even if it’s isveçbahis yeni giriş going to eventually hurt,torch me with all that you are.Just remember that you knowthe way I surge in your presence,know how my teeth against your neckcan record turbulent veins thrumming.Needs have been roaring inside usas engines breaking free from cages,it’s why you refuse to pull away now,why your depths shudder molten wavesafter parting to pierce yourself with me.Your madness holds an inescapable brilliance.It makes me a moth diving into the flame,gliding up and down swollen lips,signaled to claim you with a thrust, with the deep fiery burst you crave.We’ve survived such turbulence before,but we don’t want safety anymore.We always have a taste for one another.

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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