Lexi’s Quest Ch. 02

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Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Big Tits

It has been about three months since I bought my fucking machine from a local firm that designs, builds, and sells a variety of such machines. At the time I made the purchase, the owner told me her company operates a spa and a salon that features individual rooms, each containing a machine designed by her husband. Clients rent time on the expensive machines when they feel the need to be fucked harder, faster, and longer than a mortal male can accomplish, or by the simpler and less expensive machines likely to be found in their homes.

The machine I bought has seen steady use and I have been deliriously happy with its performance. Unfortunately, I am still between boyfriends so masturbation and machine fucking have provided my only source of a sex life.

Aside from providing an unending source of mechanically induced orgasms, my machine solved a perplexing problem on my behalf. I had experienced only one vaginal orgasm in my entire life prior to its purchase. It took a little time, but I was soon able to achieve vaginal orgasms at will. I don’t overdo it; not wanting them to become commonplace, but it is wonderful to have a vaginal event whenever I wish. Most of the time, I use the machine with a standard size dildo and one of my vibrators to enjoy a sensational clitoral orgasm.

During the months I have used my fucking machine, I have kept an eye out for a suitable boyfriend. I miss the intimacy of sex with a guy, but I have high standards so my search has not yet borne fruit. Among other characteristics, the successful candidate must lack sexual inhibitions because I intend to include him in my sessions with the machine. I have visions of riding my machine while he sits on the side of the bed and I suck his cock, an activity at which I am quite skillful. Another fantasy has him seated behind me and fondling my breasts while the machine brings me to orgasm.

Additional qualities he’ll need are self-confidence and an underdeveloped ego. There is no way he can match the performance of the machine in terms of speed, endurance, and cock size. The dildo I use to achieve vaginal orgasms is enormous. My future boyfriend must be self-assured enough not to be intimidated by its presence in our sex life. The machine will not be his competitor. It will enrich our sex life but not define it.

Since there is no such boyfriend currently on my radar, I must look elsewhere for sexual adventure. The conversation I had with Marie, the owner of the business, when I bought my machine has been lurking in the back of my mind recently. I am particularly intrigued by the prospect of more serious bondage than the make-believe stuff I can do on with my unit.

I have a free weekend, like all of them nowadays, so on Friday afternoon I call Marie and identify myself.

“Hi Lexi,” she says. “I remember you. How has your machine been working out?”

“Beyond my wildest expectations,” I tell her, “but I’m still between boyfriends and I’ve been thinking about bondage a lot. The straps that came with my machine are fun, but I’m ready to consider something more realistic.”

“Would you like to come out for a tour of our facility?” she asks.

“That’s why I’m calling. I was wondering if you’d have time to show me around.”

“We don’t open for business until ten o’clock on Saturdays. Why don’t you drop by about eight tomorrow morning and I’ll give you the cook’s tour, if that’s not too early for you.”

“Not at all. I’m an early riser,” I respond. “Let me have the address for my nav system and I’ll see you then.”

“The address is 777 Medical Parkway. There is no sign on the building but you can’t miss the numbers.”

“Medical Parkway?”

“Yes. You are in for a bit of a surprise,” she replies with a laugh. “I’ll see you tomorrow,”


Just before eight o’clock the sexy voice of the guy who lives in my GPS unit tells me my destination is just ahead on the left. As I pull into a spacious parking area I am surprised by what I see. A beautifully carved sign informs me that I am arriving at ‘The Women’s Health Center’ which looks a lot like a college campus, office park, and medical complex combined.

My GPS has led me astray on occasion in the past, so I frown to myself as I cruise through the lot in search of the building number Marie provided. If I don’t see it soon, I’ll have to call her for directions.

Just before I’m ready to give up, I spot the numbers on a modern building with large glass entry doors at the end of a row of similar buildings. As I park in front I can see Marie waving at me from the entryway.

“Good morning Lexi!” she exclaims as she holds the door open for me. Once again I am impressed with her good looks. She is wearing tight jeans and a tank top that accentuate her stunning figure. I am wearing a pale green sundress with matching wedge sandals. The weatherman on television this morning was predicting record setting heat so I am also braless.

“Good morning Marie. I appreciate you taking the time to show me around.” We are standing isveçbahis in a large open area with expensive wood paneling and polished marble floors. A curved reception desk occupies the middle of the room. Several furniture groupings are arranged about the remainder of the space. There is an elaborate coffee bar against one wall. “I have to confess that I’m surprised by what I see,” I add.

“Let’s sit for a few minutes and I’ll explain everything to you. Would you like coffee? Tea?”

“Tea would be nice,” I answer. Marie moves over to the bar and I follow in her wake. In a minute or so we are seated in one of the furniture groupings with steaming cups of tea in our hands.”

“I’m guessing that you expected a rough looking building in a seedy area of town, perhaps a storefront in a strip mall,” she begins with a grin.

“Something like that,” I answer with an embarrassed little smile on my face.

“A natural assumption and I can assure you that you aren’t the first,” she continues. The design and assembly part of our operation is located in an industrial park a couple of miles from here. This part of the enterprise serves our clients directly and you’ll understand why when you’ve seen everything we have to offer.”

“Actually, the whole complex is a bit of a surprise. I’ve lived in the city for a few years but was not aware of its existence,” I tell her.

“It doesn’t receive a lot of attention in the press. We are pretty far out in the suburbs, so many of our clients were unaware of it until they encountered our website and then graduated, if you will, to the more sophisticated offerings we have here.”

“The entire complex is devoted to women’s health,” Marie continues. “The large building down at the end is a cancer research and treatment facility that is doing some wonderful work. Other buildings house prenatal and natal, mental health, substance abuse, and family planning groups. We provide a more physical approach to a woman’s sense of wellbeing.”

“I can imagine,” I respond with a grin.

“Actually, you can’t. Not yet anyway,” Marie answers with a smile. “This building has three wings. We will tour them all. The wing on your left is a traditional spa with the services you’d expect. The wing on your right houses the locker room, shower stalls, and several rooms that are used for deep tissue massage. The wing behind you features the special rooms and equipment we briefly discussed.”

“So a woman can come in here for a facial, a manicure, a pedicure, a back rub, and an orgasm?” I ask with arched eyebrows and a smile.

“Exactly,” she answers. “Ready for the tour?”

“You bet!”

Our first stop is the wing containing the spa. I am impressed. You name it in terms of spa amenities and it’s available.

Our second stop is the massage area. There are eight rooms with subdued lighting, soft music, and gurgling waterfalls for atmosphere. The nearby locker room and shower stalls are spotless.

“How many people do you employ here,” I ask.

“We have sixteen full-time women, many of whom have been cross trained to work throughout the building. We have another six who prefer to work part time and three more on call for when we are hard pressed.”

“Does that happen often?” I ask.

“We stay pretty busy. Our hours are nine to nine on weekdays, ten to six on Saturdays, and we’re closed on Sundays. Most of the time we are solidly booked. Occasionally I serve as the receptionist out front and, as I mentioned to you once before, I fill in as an attendant in the third wing from time to time. Why don’t we head back there now?”

“I’m ready,” I respond with a wide grin.

The third wing consists of a long hallway with three individual rooms on each side and another at the end of the hall. Marie pauses briefly at the first door.

“Each of these rooms contains a different machine to suit different tastes,” she informs me as she opens the first door on the right and gestures for me to enter, “and each room is highly soundproofed for privacy.”

I am unprepared for what I see when I enter the room. I am intimately familiar with my small machine, and I’ve watched a few other machines in action on the internet, but I didn’t have any real sense of scale until now.

The center of the room is occupied by a large, nicely padded chair. It looks like a combination gynecological examining table and lounge chair. There are two armrests and two shiny steel stirrups mounted on long rods protruding from the sides of a very short seat. The stirrups are spaced far apart for obvious reasons. Nylon straps dangle from the armrests and the stirrups.

A very large machine sits on rails in front of the chair. It is shaped like the letter ‘Z’ and stands about four feet tall. The upper limb of the ‘Z’ is comprised of cylinder with a polished steel rod protruding from the end. A substantial dildo with large testicles and a clitoral stimulation hump on top is attached to the end of the rod.

My machine came with an isometric drawing to isveçbahis giriş aid in ordering repair parts so I now have a good understanding of how it works. This device operates on a different principle entirely. Two black hoses attached to the back end of the cylinder snake down to a large black box mounted on the base. I conclude that this machine operates hydraulically.

Marie steps up to a control panel mounted on one of the armrests, flips a switch to apply power, and the machine comes to life. Using a joystick controller, she runs the machine through its range of motion. The two interior points of the ‘Z’ are hinged like a human knee so that height and penetration angle can be varied. I watch, fascinated, as Marie puts the device through its paces, and then clamp a hand over my mouth as the dildo begins to move back and forth at blazing speed.

“This machine operates at speeds from zero to five strokes per second. The strokes are variable from one to ten inches,” she informs me as she runs the speed up and down through its range and varies the stroke. “And you can see that it is nearly silent when operating even at high speed.”

“T…ten inches?” I stammer.

“Some of our customers enjoy deep penetration with long dildos. Actual depth varies depending on the machine’s position on its rails and the client’s position in the chair,” she replies as she manipulates the joystick to move the device back and forth. “The client can control everything from this panel on the armrest, even if her wrists are restrained by the straps.”

“The angle is variable through a wide range to accommodate any position a client might want,” she continues. “Some women like to bend over the seat so the dildo can enter them from behind. Others prefer to place their feet in the stirrups. Those who want to watch what is happening to them use the chair as you see it now, with the back raised. Others like to be fully reclined, so the back can be laid flat.” To illustrate this function, she uses another control on the panel to lower the back into position.

“By the way,” she adds, “all our dildos with testicles have tungsten implants for added heft.”

“Jesus H. Christ!” I exclaim as I picture myself occupying various positions while the machine fucks me into a coma. Within seconds I can feel myself starting to lubricate.

“Any questions?” Marie asks.

“N..not right now.”

“Then let’s move on to the next machine,” she suggests. “Do you take spinning classes?”

“Occasionally,” I answer.

“Then you’ll appreciate this one,” she says as she opens the door across the hall.

I break out into a broad grin when I enter the room. A normal looking stationary exercise bike is the only item in the room; normal except for the large dildo protruding through a large hole in the seat. The dildo sports a pronounced hump for clitoral stimulation but no testicles. I understand why.

“This machine is very popular with our fitness crowd,” Marie informs me. “It is booked almost continuously throughout the week. An interesting feature is the fourteen-inch LED screen attached to the frame between the handgrips. The client can watch a variety of sex videos, or view the output of a camera on the frame that points directly up through the hole in the seat. It provides an incredibly clear picture of the dildo moving in and out of her pussy as she pedals the bike.”

“That looks like fun, but I’m afraid I’d run out of gas as I approached orgasm,” I tell her with a smile.

“I had the same problem the first few times I used this machine,” she tells me with a smile of her own, “but then I got the hang of it.”

“Have you tried all the machines?” I ask.

“Oh yes. I’m the test pilot, if you will, for all my husband’s inventions and I use the machines here in the facility whenever I wish. It’s one of the perks of being the owner,” she answers with a grin. “Ready for the next one?”

“Oh, yeah,” I reply with a grin of my own.

The machine in the third room is a bit of a puzzle. A smaller version of the large ‘Z’ machine provides sexual stimulation but I can’t figure out the rest of the contraption. A long padded board about two feet wide rests on the floor with the machine and its rails attached to one end with the dildo pointed toward the opposite end. This dildo has a clitoral stimulation bump that is mounted on the underside of the penile shaft directly in front of the dangling testicles. A padded cylinder about ten inches in diameter is mounted crosswise on a short column a couple of feet in front of the dildo, forming a T-shaped feature whose purpose escapes me.

Two sets of padded straps are attached to the board on either side of the machine. Identical straps are located a couple of feet or so in front of the cylinder. A control box is mounted just in front of the right-hand straps.

“What on earth is this thing?” I ask. “I understand what the machine does, but I can’t figure out the rest of it.”

“Actually, this is one of our most popular machines,” Marie isveçbahis yeni giriş informs me. “Let me demonstrate.”

Marie slides the machine as far back on its rails as the system will allow and then drops to her knees in between the machine and the padded cylinder. Then, lowering her torso until her abdomen is resting on the padded cylinder, she supports the rest of her weight on her forearms. Her wrists and forearms are near the front sets of straps, her calves and ankles are close to the straps in the back, and her ass is properly elevated for rear-entry fucking by the machine.

“Go ahead and fasten all the straps,” she tells me. I do as she instructs. When I am finished, Marie is tightly constrained at wrists, forearms, calves, and ankles.

“Note that even with my wrists and forearms secured, my fingers are free to control the machine,” she says as she moves the machine forward until the tip of the dildo is near the crotch of her jeans. Further manipulation of the controls raises the dildo slightly, alters the angle of penetration, and begins rapid thrusting. Now I understand how everything works and once again I can feel myself lubricating at the thought of what this machine can do to me.

“Release the restraints, please,” she tells me as she brings the machine to a halt. I comply.

“With this machine, the client is facing away from the business end of the device so she needs some help,” Marie continues as she gets to her feet. “If she doesn’t have a partner with her, an attendant will assist in the initial adjustment of height, thrust length, and angle of penetration. Then she’ll attach the restraints, if requested, and leave the room. When the client is finished, she presses a call button on the control panel and the attendant returns to release her.”

“Holy shit,” I breathe, intrigued by the potential of the machine as Marie gestures for me to return to the hallway.

“Any questions so far?” she inquires with a smile as we move toward the next room.

“I’ve notice that these rooms are spotless,” I respond. “How do you handle the hygiene issues?”

“I have attached dildos to the machines just for your tour. In practice, we require clients to provide their own dildos, vibrators, or whatever else they need that will touch the intimate parts of their bodies. We offer a wide selection for sale here at the salon. The machines are rented by the hour with a half hour between appointments for sanitation. An attendant thoroughly disinfects the machines, platforms, pads, seats, control panels and anything else a client might contact, including door knobs and light switches. You won’t find a hospital operating room that is any cleaner.”

“I’m impressed,” I tell her.

“You should be. We take the health and safety of our clients very seriously. Are you ready for the next machine?”

“Lead on,” I reply with a grin.

I laugh out loud when I see the next device.

“Your husband has a sense of humor,” I offer when I catch my breath. The device I’m looking at resembles a Vespa motor scooter like my father had when he was a kid. There are several pictures of it in the family photo albums. The main difference between his and this one is the dildo sticking up through the hole in the seat.

“He certainly does, but this machine has turned out to be quite popular, mostly with the crowd who doesn’t care to work as hard as the exercise bike requires. It has the same features as that machine including the strategically placed camera and the LED screen,” she tells me as she applies power and twists the throttle to get the dildo moving.

“I’m with them,” I reply with a smile. “Strenuous exercise isn’t my thing.” The truth is that neither the exercise cycle nor the scooter is of much interest to me. My machine at home provides all the vertical dildo motion I need. So far, I find only the two Z-type machines to be appealing, particularly the second one, and I make a promise to myself to give it a try soon.

When we approach the fifth room, Marie removes a key from her pocket and unlocks the door.

“The machines in the next two rooms are in final development and are not yet ready for our clients,” Marie informs me. “All the kinks have been worked out, but we do extensive testing before making a machine available for general use.”

The machine in this room blows my mind. It is designed for two women to use at the same time and it is difficult to describe. The women sit facing each other in comfortable looking curved lounges that hold them semi-reclined with their legs elevated and held wide apart on padded rests. A machine with a shaft and dildo protruding from each end of an enclosed housing sits on a platform between the two seats. As with the two Z-type machines, both dildos are equipped with a clitoral hump and impressive testicles.

“This is certainly interesting,” I remark to Marie.

“It is,” she replies as she energizes the machine and the two dildos begin to move in opposite directions. “We have some clients, good friends as you might expect, who get a charge out of using it together. As you can see, both dildos reach the end of their strokes at the same time. This limits vibration and the women find it intriguing to be penetrated simultaneously.”

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