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Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32
Errol and Shannon had both thoroughly enjoyed their first-ever venture into the world of swapping and were keen to try it again. Ideally, they would like to again meet Alan and Debbie Scrivener but they had not ruled out meeting another couple.They had spent a Friday evening and night at the Scrivener’s house and they had both sampled the sexual delights of fucking another person other than their spouse, something that neither Errol nor Shannon had done since they first got together as teenagers.Errol and Shannon had both arrived in the UK as children from The West Indies and he was aged sixty and she, a year older. They had first had contact with Alan and Debbie through a swingers site and after an initial telephone conversation, they had met in the bar of a local hotel. That meeting went so well that not too long after leaving the bar, Errol was fucking Debbie and Shannon was on a bed with Alan.Alan and Debbie had enjoyed their night just as much and were also keen to again meet Errol and Shannon at some point.That Saturday evening Alan phoned the mobile number that he had for Errol and, as before, the four of them chatted on speaker.”Yes, it was truly everything that I hoped it would be,” replied Shannon to Debbie’s asking if it had lived up to her expectations.”Same for me,” added Errol.”That is great to know because we really enjoyed meeting you two,” said Alan.”Even if I did get my arse spanked,” laughed Debbie although she enjoyed having her large bottom spanked from time to time.”Yeah, my arse got sore too remember, very fucking exciting though,” giggled Shannon, who was not used to being spanked.”A lovely arse you have there, Shannon,” said Alan.”Glad you like it, Alan,” acknowledged Shannon.”So you guys would be up for another meet sometime then?” asked Debbie.”Certainly,” echoed Errol and Shannon.”How would you feel if there was another couple added too?” asked Alan, who had a particular couple from his circle of like-minded couples in mind.”You mean six of us, um, swapping?” responded Errol.”Yeah, but we would arrange for you to meet the other couple first, as you did us,” said Debbie, who knew which couple Alan had in mind.”But how does that work?” asked Shannon.”Much the same as with four except you are likely to get by two cocks that are not your husbands,” replied DebbieShannon and Errol looked at each other and the looks suggested that neither were sure about this. “Can we have some time to think about this?” asked Errol.”Certainly mate, we will give you some time to think but if you are not up for it, we can always have another almanbahis foursome one night,” replied Alan.So it was left for Errol and Shannon to decide if they wanted to expand the number of people involved but if they decided against it, more fun with just Alan and Debbie was on offer.One thing that Debbie and Alan had not yet told Errol and Shannon was that the female of the couple that they had in mind was very much bisexual and she had often brought Debbie to orgasm with her head between Debbie’s legs, something that Alan and the woman’s husband enjoyed watching. Debbie, who had some other lesbian experience, also pleasured the woman.It was not unknown for either Debbie or the woman to be arse in the air licking cunt as they got shafted from behind.Debbie did not doubt that the woman would find Shannon attractive, in fact, Debbie rather fancied her herself.Errol and Shannon decided that there was no harm in meeting this other couple because the worst thing that could happen would be that it was decided that they were not compatible and there was always a foursome with Alan and Debbie to fall back on.Errol rang Alan and asked if he could arrange a meeting, with Alan and Debbie being there too. Alan established what days were good for the West Indian couple although this would just be a ‘getting to know you’ meeting and there would be no sexual action planned for that night. Alan said he would contact the other couple and be back to Errol when a date that suited everyone could be fixed, the meeting would be at The Crown.Alan contacted the other couple, he had already sounded them out about a possible three couple night of sex involving Errol and Shannon for whom he had given glowing references. A date was sorted that was doable by all three couples and Alan got back to Errol to say that they would be meeting Dave and Stella Tiler in two evenings’ time.Dave and Stella were both in their early sixties and had been swinging for about twenty years, they knew that if Alan and Debbie said that a couple were good sex partners then they were good sex partners.Stella had a big arse and impressive tits and had streaks of grey in her dark hair. Dave had a sizeable penis that had penetrated Debbie a few times. Stella liked the idea of possibly having sex with a black woman, something that she had not done for a few years, she also liked the idea of having a big black cock between her legs and Debbie had vividly described just how big Errol was.After a bit of discussion, Alan and Debbie thought that they should warn Shannon that Stella went both ways and almanbahis yeni giriş that she might make a play for her. They did not want any advances that Stella made to frighten Shannon and Errol off. Debbie knew that it was no good her telling Stella not to hit on Shannon because she knew that if Stella took a fancy to her, as expected, she would not hold back.Debbie got Shannon on the phone the evening before the scheduled meeting. “Hi Shannon, you still on for tomorrow evening?” Debbie asked.”Sure Debs, why, is there something wrong?” replied Shannon.”Nothing wrong babes but something that I should tell you about Stella,” said Debbie.”She hasn’t got a cock has she?” laughed Shannon.”No, but she does like cunt, very much,” responded Debbie.”Just cunt, or…” started Shannon.”Oh she likes cock too and she would certainly want your Errol but she will probably want you too,” warned Debbie.”Oh, well, um, I have never…” said Shannon, leaving another sentence incomplete.”Well if we make it clear to Stella that you are not interested, she should leave you alone,” said Debbie.”Did I say that I wasn’t interested?” said Shannon.”No, you didn’t but I just assumed…” now it was Debbie’s turn not to finish a sentence.”I don’t know if I would be up for that or not but until we met you and Alan, I did not know if I was up for swapping,” said Shannon, philosophically.”Okay, well we will see how it goes then, just thought that I should warn you, that’s all,” said Debbie.”Yeah, thanks Debs, I appreciate it: see you tomorrow,” replied Shannon.With the conversation over, Shannon explained to Errol that it could be that she got hit on by a woman and Errol confessed that he had often thought of seeing his wife having sex with a female. So it looked like the likelihood of Stella fancying Shannon would not be a stumbling block regarding a sexual get-together.Alan, Debbie, Dave, and Stella were all in the hotel bar when Errol and Shannon arrived, although they had not been there long. “Fuck, she looks good,” said Dave, seeing Shannon and her husband approach, smiling.”Fuck, she does…and so does he,” said Stella.Alan stood up to do the introductions, not that anyone did not know who the others were. “Dave, Stella, this is Errol and Shannon,” said Alan.There were ”Pleased to meet you’s” echoed as hands were shaken and kisses made. Debbie then kissed Errol and Shannon.Stella was already smitten with Shannon. “Debbie and Alan told us that you were attractive, but fuck,” said Stella, holding Shannon’s hand longer than necessary.”Debbie told me about you almanbahis giriş too,” laughed Shannon, feeling very relaxed.”I told her you like pussy,” interjected Debbie.”Oh, and what did you think about that?” asked Stella.”I am here aren’t I?” smiled Shannon.”I understand that it is not just pussy that you like,” said Errol.”No, it isn’t and Debs told me that you have some good equipment, as I can see,” said Stella, looking at Errol’s bulge.”She has been drooling about getting you between her legs, mate,” said Dave.As with the initial meeting between the Greenidge’s and the Scrivener’s, there was little doubt that the Tiler’s and Greenidge’s had clicked. It was not possible for them all to party that night but it was arranged that they would get together at Alan and Debbie’s house the forthcoming Saturday evening with plans to spend that night and most of Sunday in each other’s company.The six of them assembled at Alan and Debbie’s house Saturday evening with Shannon and Errol a lot less apprehensive than when they arrived for their first-ever foursome,Errol and Shannon arrived slightly ahead of Dave and Stella and they had already been appropriately greeted by Alan and Debbie with Errol and Debbie having a passionate kiss as she pressed against his bulge and he cupped her arse cheeks. Alan and Shannon were doing exactly the same at the time.Dave and Stella arrived and Alan and Debbie greeted them in the same way. Dave and Errol then warmly shook hands as Stella hugged Shannon. “You really are fucking gorgeous,” said Stella to Shannon.”Thank you, you look pretty hot yourself,” replied Shannon, expecting to be doing something new during the next several hours.Stella then turned her attention to Errol and massaged his bulge as they kissed and he got a feel of her arse. Dave and Shannon kissed and she felt a different pair of hands on her arse cheeks.With everyone aroused by the preliminaries and by thoughts of what was to come, Alan organised the drinks and Debbie put some music on. They sat and chatted, not pairing off yet but in no instances was a husband next to his wife. The obvious thing would be for Errol and Stella and Shannon and Dave to get to know each other better but that would leave Alan and Debbie neglected.A slow song started playing and all six got up to smooch in three couples, Debbie with Dave, Errol with Stella, and Alan with Shannon. As Dave passed behind Shannon, he caressed her arse, and the next hand to touch her backside was Stella’s, who managed to briefly finger Shannon’s arse crack through her trousers.The drinking and dancing went on and the room was alive with sexual arousal. Alan decided that it was time that clothes started coming off. “Okay, I will get the pack of cards: we cut and lowest card takes off an item of clothing,” announced Alan.
Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32