Milf , Bus Driver Play a Game

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

*No minors were exposed to any adult content or language. I would encourage you to read the previous chapters in order. The first two chapters provide the backstory and finally at the end of chapter 2 things finally start to get steamy. In Chapter 3 the characters turn things up.

Chapter 4

It was hard to fall asleep that night even though I was exhausted both physically and sexually. My mind kept replaying all the events that lead up to the days events. Having seen her every morning not really knowing who she was other than a mom until meeting at Target. It started our gym sessions, coffee talks, lunch meetings, teasing and friendship. Then the changing room fun a week before, her outfit and things she did that morning, what she was wearing and did when I got to her house with her curbside pick up order, what she did when I got in her house, and what we did while I was there. How she touched on some of my fantasies and the amount of incredible sex that we had today. How I have her soaking wet panties as a souvenir.

I finally fell asleep. I woke up to my alarm and was excited for the day. My mind was filled with questions.

My thoughts were, “What would Mandy wear? What would Mandy say? How can we hide the fact that we had sex for hours yesterday around other parents?”

I pulled myself together and focused on the things that I needed to do before I needed to leave. I then left for work.

I did my normal routine, pretripped, and headed out on the route.

As I got to the bus stop for the Marcel’s it was a normal Thursday everyone was there. Some parents were still in pajamas and others were dressed for work. Today being Thursday meant Amanda was dressed for work too. She had her hair partly up and was wearing a dressier style purple blouse with gray dress slacks that were somewhat tight around her ass but loose down her legs. They came to the top of her ankle and she had on a chunky high heeled black loafer with purple dress socks that matched her shirt. I guess you could say it looked like her usual office attire. I never paid much attention to what she wore daily. I just noticed she dressed nice and most days was wearing what could be called business casual attire.

As I opened the door she gave me a sock puppet wave. That was different. Everyone got on and sat down. The usual good morning transpired between kids, parents, and myself.

I said, “Have a Good One!”

I closed the door.

Amanda gave me the same wave and turned herself sideways to not face the bus. Seemed like she was saying something to one of the other parents. When she did she slipped her right foot out of her loafer, wiggled her ankle and toes and twirled a section of her hair that was not up, and then put her shoe back on and turned to wave goodbye again.

On layover I turned on my phone see

seven separate text messages from Amanda.

“Let’s play “Game”

“Do my socks match…”

“A.) Just my shirt?”

“B.) My shirt, bra and Panties?”

“C.) My shirt and panties?”

“D.) My shirt and bra?”

“E.) I’m not wearing panties?”

“Let’s go with option C,” I texted back.

I was expecting an answer right away but I didn’t get a reply. She had sent the message early, so she must be busy. I went about the remainder of the route and my errands throughout the day. I kept checking my phone but I didn’t get an answer back to tell if I was correct. I didn’t get any messages about “The Game” at all.

She asked about how my day was going and I asked about her day. We texted about gym plans for tomorrow. I didn’t dare ask about the “game”. Thinking maybe that’s part of it.

I got back to work, did a check on the bus, and drove to the school for the pick up. It was the usual hello to all the children. Once the buses were given the all clear that we had everyone we followed each other out of the loading area and to the main road. It is at the main road that the caravan of yellow buses starts to break up. Some go left and others right and then slowly each peels off to a neighborhood. I arrived in the neighborhood of the Marcel Family. I started dropping off my riders. Unsure of what to expect.

There were several riders that were on that would get off at the same stop as the Marcel children today. All the parents were patiently waiting including Amanda. She was holding a small gift bag. I stopped at a bakery today on the way home. I figured you may like some cookies.

It was odd and random I thought but then again a nice gesture. It made me smile. Sometimes it’s the small unanticipated gifts that are nice to receive.

“Thank you, how thoughtful,” I said.

I also didn’t want to allude to the fact that Amanda and I had a relationship on a different level than just being a friendly bus driver.

I put the gift bag down, waved goodbye and proceeded with my usual steps as I prepared to drive away. I completed the route and returned. I post tripped, grabbed my paperwork and the gift bag, and went in to turn in my key and paperwork. As I was walking bursa eskort bayan I peeked inside the gift bag. There was a piece of nice stationary. I got a strong smell from the cookies. As I pulled out the note to read it I noticed the cookie smell became stronger, the note smelled like cookies too.

The note said, “Dear John: Please be sure to read this entire note first. I can’t put into words the emotions I have and how wonderful yesterday’s experience was. I wanted to give you a thank you. I’m sure you want to know the answer and eat the cookies too but, I want you to wait! ONCE AGAIN PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING ELSE IN THE BAG YET!

When you are in your car and ready, send me a text message that says READY.”

I got in my car and before I started to drive I did as asked. I texted Amanda “READY.”

I got a text back seconds later. She must have been waiting and had her phone close by.

Amanda’s text said, “The following is important. DO NOT TAKE ANYTHING ELSE OUT of the bag until you have played the video I’m sending right after this. Actually, I’m going to send several videos, but only one at a time once you have read, watched, or viewed what I sent and you reply back will I send the next part. Although, I’m sending you these after I handed you the gift bag. They were all taken or recorded earlier today before I gave you the gift bag. Even more than that I’m sending them in reverse order of how they were taken or filmed. MAKE SURE YOU ARE ALONE AND THE SOUND IS UP!”

“Okay, done and ready!” I texted back.

Seconds later I received a message with the attached video. I was so nervous I was sweating.

“What was going on?” I asked myself as the video loaded.

Once loaded I pressed play on the video and Amanda appeared.

“Hi John,” she said while waving. “I hope you’re alone. I’m sure the suspense of knowing if you guessed right is killing you. Part of me is amazed that you didn’t ask and on the flip side knowing your self control it doesn’t surprise me that you didn’t! I will let you know if you were right or wrong in a few minutes. I gave you the cookies because I got to thinking about something.

L”On the mornings where we want to play (she gestured quotation marks with her fingers when she said play) I thought it would be fun to pass along some cookies in the morning. We can have fun during the day and when you drop off the neighborhood kids, mine included, and all the parents are around when you or I say, Thanks for the cookies! It can be our secret as to what it means. That’s it, cookies! Cookies can be our secret code word and no one will know exactly what it means but the two of us. We both can get a laugh.”

She paused for a moment.

Continuing she asked, “Do you like the smell of my new body spray? It smells like cookies doesn’t it?

It’s on the note too. I’m sure you noticed but, I figured I’d tell you anyway why the note smelled like fresh baked cookies. Can you imagine us walking around, having coffee or eating lunch with me smelling like cookies?

“Go ahead and take out the cookies in the bag, leave the other stuff in the bag, and smell the cookies first. Don’t eat it right away. While you inhale imagine me smelling and tasting like a cookie too. I’m wearing the Sugar Cookie body spray right now! Don’t you wish we had smell-o-vision?”

She stopped speaking for a few seconds. I’m assuming it was to allow time for me to smell the cookie. I took a sniff. I then closed my eyes and inhaled deeper. It did smell wonderful. I got an amazing image in my head of the two of us embracing and me smelling the body spray. I got chills. My moment was interrupted when I heard Amanda start to speak.

Continuing she said, “Okay, now you may eat the cookie. Does it taste as good as me? I want you to pretend that I’m the cookie! So to show me how much you’re enjoying your snack before you eat it all up, take a selfie of you enjoying it and please send it to me. When you do, I’ll send you another video.”

The video ended and I followed instructions. I closed my eyes, sniffed the cookie again. I imagined seeing Amanda naked and smelling like a cookie once again. I took a bite of the cookie and it was an overwhelming feeling. The softness reminded me of her soft skin and lips. Taking small nibbles I imagined it was quick kisses on her neck and chest. I took a few photos and sent them to her. I then went back to enjoying my delicious cookies. I was lost in my imagination and was disrupted by the audio alert that I had a text.

Amanda continued right where she left off.

Facing the camera she said, “Do I, sorry I mean the cookies taste as good as they smell? Did you picture me when you tasted them like I asked?

“I hope all the action of this afternoon made you distracted enough to not notice that I purposely didn’t show you my ankles or let you see my feet. I didn’t want you to notice that part of my outfit was different from this morning. Just a reminder that you’re seeing these in the opposite order I filmed bursa merkez escort them. When you’re ready, text me our new code word and I’ll send part three next.”

I was so confused. “Why did she keep mentioning that she wrote the note last and was sending me the videos in reverse order,” I thought.

Ready for the part as instructed I texted her, “cookies.”

I was quickly alerted Amanda had sent the next message. The text which read, “Part Three is the series of pictures attached to this message. When you get them, open the file and see if you can find something different from what you saw this morning.”

I opened the photos. The first photo was a selfie of her from the waist up. Her purple top was the same as this morning but she had let her hair down. The second photo was of her legs still in the gray slacks. Nothing looked different. The third photo was of her feet in her Heeled Penny Loafer shoes. This photo caught my attention too. She no longer had purple socks on.

So, I replied back via text, “Photo one hair is now down. Photo two I can’t see a change. Photo three your socks are off.”

I followed up with another text that said, “Wait a minute! NO WAY! Does that mean something else I can’t see may be different too?”

She replied back, “As far as the pictures go, you are correct! Your follow up question, you’re getting too far ahead!”

She sent another text, “Let me show you the events that lead up to me letting my hair down and for the moment I know you have been waiting for!”

She sent me another video. I opened it, let it load, and pressed play.

“Hey John, As you can see I’m in the ladies bathroom. Good thing we have a single person bathroom and I can lock the door. So, I’m filming this first. Right now it is 10:15 in the morning. I was in a meeting when you sent back your answer. I saw the incoming text on my Apple Watch. I wanted to reply, but I couldn’t. Since I couldn’t send you back an answer it got me thinking and gave me an idea. I lost focus in the meeting for a few minutes during the meeting coming up with the plan. I decided to tease you by keeping you waiting longer. Originally, I knew I wanted to make you wait. Just not all day. When the thought did cross my mind I started to get a bit wet. So, at that moment I changed my plan and opted to make you wait all day since it sounded so exciting! I got lost in the moment again! I know it’s so wrong but I knew it would be so much fun! So, let’s see if you were correct.”

“What color is my bra?” she asked while lifting up her purple top.

Amanda’s blouse lifted over her breast. She made her breast bounce with her hands. I could see a light pink bra.

“Oh look, it’s pink!” she said.

She let down her shirt and started to undo the clasp of her pants while she turned around so her ass faced the camera.

She continued, “Let’s see what we have here.”

She hooked her thumbs into her waist band and pushed her pants down with her thumbs while she wiggled her tight ass turning around in a circle.

“Would you look at that, it’s a purple thong! Silly me, I forgot to match!” she said.

She continued pushing down her pants while she turned 540° to give me a full view. When she stopped she was facing the camera. Her feet and shoes were just out of view. As I watched her move and admired her she seemed to get a bit shorter.

“Did she just take off her shoes?”

I asked myself.

“How was that view?” she asked.

“It’s about to get even better!” she said while turning 180° so her thong covered ass faced the camera.

“Do you like this view better?” she asked.

“Well I have good news for you! Just when you thought it couldn’t get any better!” she said while she let her pants drop down to her ankles.

Then used her foot to pick up her pants enough where she could grab them with her hand and then hung them up just out of view. The next step confirmed she had taken off her shoes. She then brought a foot up, took off one of her purple socks and set it aside. She did the same with her other foot.

“My feet were hot with my socks on so I wanted to takw them off.” she said.

She was now wearing just her shirt, pink bra (which was covered by purple her shirt), and the purple thong. I was in disbelief. As I sat in awe as she turned around again to face the camera.

Continuing, she said, “Oh NO!” while she made a sad face and put her hands on her cheeks and opened her mouth wide.

Moving her hand to her hips she said, “Now that I took off my socks it means my socks do not match my panties! I know how how much it turns you on lady, matches her socks and panties”

“She isn’t wrong.,” I thought to myself.

“Let’s see how we can fix that?”, she asked while she tapped her pointer finger on the side of her head to indicate she was thinking. At the same time she took a few steps back so she was once again in full view.

“I got it, it means the rest of the day I’ll have to go Commando!” she bursa sınırsız escort bayan whispered.

Hooking her thumbs in the waistband of her thong she slowly took her panties off. She started by facing the camera and then slowly did a 180° turn to end with her ass once again facing the camera. She timed her stop to be the very moment her ass cheeks and pussy let go of the fabric of her thong. She then let her panties drop to the floor. Using her foot and leg she brought them up to her hand like she did her pants.

She turned around to face the camera as she unraveled her panties and brought them close to the camera to show me how wet and creamy they were. I could see a visible white spot. It seemed as though her actions forced her to cum. She held her panties with one hand and using her free hand sprayed them with the body spray before putting them into a zip top bag. She then closed the bag, kissed it, and blew an air kiss.

“Now, look inside and see what’s in the bottom of the bag!” she exclaimed.

I looked into the bag to find the very same zip top bag with the same panties had just taken off in the video.

She paused for a few minute


She then said, “Look at that John you have a third pair of my panties. I wasn’t going to give them to you but again the excitement is overwhelming! Well, perhaps I should get back to work. Don’t expect this everyday though! Well at least getting my panties she mumbled. Who knows, maybe I will start sending you daily videos or photos of what’s underneath Mandy’s clothes today.”

She reached for her pants and with her ass facing the camera bent over and put one leg in each and started to pull them on slowly. She was about to pull her pants over her ass when she paused, faced the camera, and got her face close. She seductively covered her mouth with her pointer finger.

“Oh, wait I forgot!” she said.

Amanda then began to reach for something just out of camera view and I could hear fiddling. She then moved back away and turned back around so her rear faced the camera. It appeared as if she started to lick something.

“What is she doing?” I thought.

My thoughts then moved to, “Oh no she isn’t about to, is she?”

I didn’t need to wait long to find out and was once again baffled as I watched Amanda reach behind with her left hand and spread her butt cheeks apart and then reach around with her right hand to reveal she had a butt plug with a light pink heart on top of it. She then began to work it into her butt.

“In my meeting when my feet got hot I wanted to lose socks so I decided when the meeting was over I’ll take them off,” she said. “That also got me thinking if I take off my socks my socks won’t match my panties. I couldn’t bring myself to go the rest of the day without having my socks match my panties. I then noticed you could see my panty line a bit. I wasn’t a fan of my panty line today either. What we did yesterday, left me a bit stressed out and still really horny. So, I decided to solve two problems at once. It was easy to fix the problem of my socks no longer matching my panties and having a visible panty line by taking my panties off. I figured you’d like that part! Like the saying goes, “No panties, No panty lines!”, right?

“As you can see, I brought a butt plug to work today too. When I have a plug in it’s a stress relief. It’s why I had one yesterday. I was so stressed with the plan I had in mind. It helped me relax while I followed through with it. I put it in as I left. Oh in case you were wondering, I pretended I went to the office yesterday. I used the Target order to lure you inside my house.”

“I was right, she did set me up yesterday!” I thought.

“Today, I didn’t have a plan

for the butt plug when I grabbed it,” she said. “It just seemed like it may be needed today. Knowing I had it got me excited again during my meeting. Then I began to feel stressed about our actions yesterday and my meetings today. It was then that I knew just how and when it would be needed. The idea of not having panties on for most of the day was stressful enough, let alone the fact that I was about to take them off while at work. I’ve never gone commando at work before! So, the best way to break stress tension is just like this!”

She made one final push and fully inserted the butt.

Once she had the plug nestled where she liked it she said, “Mmmmm, that’s it, goodbye stress! Oh yes, that feels so much better. It’s been a long time since I had a butt plug in for any long period of time. Until today, I’ve never worn one while I was at work either!”

“What have you done to me John?”, she asked rhetorically.

While pulling her pants over her ass the rest of the way she said, “Now you see it and now you don’t! It will be our secret! Shhhhh!”

She then turned around and faced the camera to allow the view of her zipping and buttoning her pants.

“Well it’s 10:30 now. I have another meeting at 10:40. It should be a lot less stressful and a bit more exciting don’t you think! Happy Thongless Thursday!” she said.

She then blew a kiss to the camera and leaned in to stop the video.

I then thought, “If she took the video this morning, Mandy spent the rest of the day commando with a butt plug in her ass. This woman is amazing! I wonder if she was the same at the bus stop!”

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