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Copyright (c) 2002, by DiscipleN. All rights reserved.
This work may not be used for any commercial purposes without prior, documented consent from the owner.
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She found herself in bed the next morning. Sometime in the night she had crawled beneath the covers and had buried herself under them. The unreal memory of the night before wanted for dismissal like a wicked dream, but she was too awake and fully dreading future days with her son. She dressed and walked cautiously out of her room. It was Monday and he had already left for school. She gave a deep sigh of relief.
Dorothy spent most of the day scrubbing the bathroom trying to get the memory of her terrible ordeal out of her mind. By mid-afternoon it was spotless and her mind was as tormented as ever. She turned to the kitchen and cleaned up the previous night’s mess. She slipped so easily back into the cycle that had dominated her adult life. She was just considering what to make Chuck for supper when he arrived.
“Hi Mom.” His voice was thick with cheer. He walked straight to the refrigerator and grabbed a soda. He smiled strangely at her and exited to the living room. She heard the TV come to life. Her heart pounded in her chest. She didn’t know what to think.
All day long, in the back of her mind, she had been waiting for the boy to heap her with insults and spite. But he was now acting as if nothing had happened. She felt herself raise one small notch in hope, and she stooped slightly less. She looked through the cupboard shelves and poked around in the refrigerator. She was only stalling. Finally she peeked into the living room and asked, “Chuck, dear, what would you like for supper?”
“Oh, anything would be fine. You decide, mom.” He added a unnerving emphasis on the last word. Dorothy shuddered. “How about soup?” She offered.
Chuck paused just long enough before turning to his mother. “Didn’t I say you should decide?” He asked evenly, staring unblinking at her. He had been waiting all day to play his next game with his new found toy.
She only nodded and quickly shied from his beam of authority. She went and made soup. Dorothy tried to keep her tears from falling in the saucepan.
When she called him to dinner she couldn’t look at his face. He walked very quietly to the dining table and sat down without a word. The bowl of soup sat steaming before him. Dorothy sipped at hers praying that it wasn’t too hot or too cold. She heard soft sounds from Chuck as he began to dip his spoon into the hearty broth. She waited, and waited for his condemnation, but her son said nothing. She dared to peek out at the boy, but he was calmly eating the soup, dunking a cracker into it. He caught her nervous eyes and smiled.
“This is good. How was your day mother?” Chuck rarely called her that, and again he put an extra emphasis on the word.
Suddenly she was terribly self-conscious, and looked blankly at him, speechless.
He chuckled. “That good, huh?”
Dorothy swallowed. Her mouth was terribly dry. She wanted to sip another spoonful of soup, but she sat frozen waiting for the horrible silence to end. Finally she croaked something. “H-how was your day?”
“It sucked.” He said evenly, daring his mother to challenge his choice of words.
“I-I’m ss-sorry, dear.” Then she could turn back to her bowl and try to forget the new silence that howled at her.
Chuck resumed his eating. He was laughing inside. This was going to be easier than even his most optimistic hopes. All day in school he had thought of only one thing. How far could he push his mother into doing whatever he wanted? He had plotted and planned from the moment he woke up until he returned that afternoon. It was clear now that she was his completely. Secretly he hoped that she didn’t know just how complete, or much of the fun of his new game would have been lost. He finished eating.
“Mom?” He asked simply.
“W-what dear?” Dorothy flinched at the unexpected word.
“How could you?” His voice strained lightly.
Her eyes opened wide. “Me? W-what? I th-thought you liked the soup.”
“This isn’t about your soup. I mean last night.” His voiced gained a hard edge.
“W-what about last night?” Her face paled as she saw herself jacking her son’s hard cock in the warm bath water.
“You, you made me, you know.” He looked almost sheepish trying not to say the word.
“No, please. Just forget about it. It was just a horrible mistake. You didn’t know.” She spoke feverishly saying anything to avoid talking about it.
“But I can’t forget. You made me cum.” Chuck’s wolves’ heart began to show through his meek veneer.
“Chuck, you have to forgive me. I was just doing what you told me.”
“But you should have known better. You’re my mother. That’s a terrible thing. How could you?” He returned to his original question.
“Oh god, no. I can’t do anything right.” She began to sob openly, wiping her cheeks with her napkin.
“Now what am I going to do? You ruined me. I’m perverted now, and it’s your illegal bahis fault.”
“Stop dear. Please, just forget about it. I love you. I wouldn’t hurt you for the world. It was just a little thing.”
“Just a little thing? What would people think if I told them about this little thing?”
“Honey, you mustn’t. They’ll put me away in jail. You’ll go to some other family.”
“Maybe that’s for the best, I have to live with last night. Do you know why I can’t forget?”
“No, dear.” Dorothy said not thinking.
“Because I liked it.” Chuck’s eyes sparkled with lust. “I want to do it again.”
Dorothy froze completely.
Chuck got out of his chair. He circled the table until he was beside his mother. “Now all I can think of is cumming. I’ll never be normal again.” He put his hand on her shoulder. She flinched and hunched farther over the table trying to escape his touch. “I’m afraid if I don’t cum again I’ll have to do something drastic. Maybe I’ll have to grab Susie and force her to make me cum. Maybe I’ll grow up and be a rapist. What have you done mother? My whole life is ruined!” Then he gripped her arm as hard as he could, making her cry out in pain. “Now what are you going to do about it?” Then he released her.
“Oh honey. Please, I didn’t mean to do anything. You told me to wash you.” She had turned in her chair and looked up at his newly eager face.
“Yeah, wash me not jack me off.”
“But you said you’d stop me.”
“We’ll it’s too late for that, how would I know what would happen?” Chuck had been masturbating for a couple years. He knew perfectly well why he wanted his mother to jack him off.
“Oh God, honey. I’m so sorry. It can’t be that bad. Y-you’ll forget about it.”
“Oh yeah, well what about in the meantime?”
“I mean right now. Look at me!” He pointed to his crotch. His cock waited behind his pants like an iron piston.
“Oh, my God!” Dorothy looked down and cried at her sudden proximity to her son’s hard-on. He had pushed himself next to her shoulder. If his fly had been opened his cock might have reached out and touched her chin.
“Chuck, don’t.”
“Don’t what.”
“Don’t show me that.”
“But it’s your fault. What am I going to do? What are you going to do?”
Dorothy was once again silenced by the implied request. She could only look up at him afraid of what would happen.
In response to her silence Chuck reached for his zipper and tugged it down. The bursting cock pushed his underwear out of his pants. He reached between the folds of his shorts and pulled his meat in front of his mother’s face. It snapped out and brushed her chin.
“Now I’m only going to ask once more. What are you going to do about it?” Chuck threatened.
He waited a few brief seconds as his mother visible crumbled beneath his carefully planned dominance. She weakly turned in her chair and raised her arm. What could she do? If the boy was already changed by her horrible act, then there was nothing to do but keep him safe in his own home. She grasp his hot, sweaty wand and gently stroked it.
He had won. He stared and smiled openly as her frame shuddered with sobs. As his body succumbed to her light grip he was already planning his next move.
Dorothy’s face was red and she peered through a swirling sheen of tears up at her boy. She couldn’t help but look at his pulsing cock, and she could feel how she was affecting him. His self-congratulating smile faded as he began to respond to her ministrations. Somewhere inside her, a tiny spark ignited. It was the first time he had ever shown a weakness in front of her. But only barely recognized the fact. She wiped her cheek with her free hand and tried to look away.
Chuck didn’t want her to escape her fate, even in this small way. He turned her head back to him with a sturdy push of his hand. “See, mother what you’ve done to me?”
“Please don’t make me do this.” She pleaded one last time.
“Then how will you ever learn?” Chuck echoed himself.
Chuck noticed the embarrassed red in her face. He looked at her face with longing. If only… He began in his mind. “Faster. You have to make me cum.” His mother quickened her stroking. He began to turn his body until her face got in the way of her hand. At one opportunity, he thrust his hips forward and pushed the head of his cock against her cheek. She turned her head away, deep in shame, Dorothy remembered how her husband would jam his huge member into her face and choke her. Chuck continued to press forward with his cock and he chased her ducking head as she tried to keep a steady pounding on his bulging dick.
“Mom, stop moving around. How am I going to cum if I can’t get into the right position?” He said gruffly.
“But you’re getting it in my face.”
“SO?” He spit the word. “I don’t care if I have to push it in your ear. You’re not doing it right. Stop moving!”
His mother paled further as he positioned her head straight in front of his cock. He was nearly ready to cum, but he casino siteleri wanted to get a little extra out of his mother this time, and he tried to make it last. He once again pushed his hips forward. Her own hand smashed her nose an she shook her head, but she was too far under his control to duck. He pushed his cock at her again, this time scoring on her lips. The first contact with those full, rich, soft puffs of skin rushed through him like a lightning bolt. They were all he needed to react. His creamy cum shot out like cannon balls, smashing into his mother’s face. She blinked and at once thought to dodge the onrushing milk of his loins, but her fear of him was too great. She knew that this is how he wanted to utterly humiliate her. He had won completely and she couldn’t even hide from that fact.
Chuck howled like a hunting wolf standing over fresh meat. He came and came. The sensations in his body were stronger than he had ever felt by just jerking off alone. This was only the beginning he kept telling himself.
For the rest of the week, Chuck would return home right after school and order his mother to jack him off. He kept warning her that he might be compelled to do something drastic if she didn’t succumb to his pleasure. And every evening he pushed his dick harder and harder into her awaiting face. Some nights he would even make her jack him off twice. Finally he began to allow himself to consider how else that face could serve him.
It was late Friday night, and Chuck immediately upon his arrival from school had stood in the kitchen with his mother’s practiced grip on his eager cock, diving forward into her cheek and lips and even her eyes and long hair. He had noticed the slight bruises on her face from his daily pummeling.
Dorothy suffered all of his thrusting silently, unable to meet his hot gaze. The strong smell of his sweaty crotch was now a permanent fixture in her memory. She could neither forget the salty taste of his cum as it poured repeatedly on her eyelids and cheeks and lips. He had quickly disallowed her to use a kitchen towel to wipe her face. He would use her own hand to clean it. Soon he was making her lick her fingers afterwards and only yesterday he had told her to swipe every drop into her mouth and swallow it. “Why should you be allowed to wash your dirty hands and face in the sink when you’re just like a pig who will eat anything?” She had tried once again to protest, but he cut off her first word with a quick slap to her face. Then he ordered her to lick his hand clean.
Chuck was in his room changing into pajamas. He wasn’t going to sleep just yet – he was ready to take the next step with his slave mother.
Dorothy kept to her room most nights. It had become the only place she could feel safe. She feared her young son more with each passing day. His eyes grew greedier and greedier as he commanded her to stroke his prick while he mashed it into her face and came all over her. She prayed that the boy would leave her alone, but she knew from whom his nature had sprung. Her husband was a cruel man who taught all of his anger and greed by example. There could be no greater force to shape a child. Chuck used to hide behind her when his father raged, but after his tenth year he stayed on the sideline and familiarized himself with brutality and lust. It was all he had ever known in a role model. What about his mother would ever win the path of his future?
“Mom. I can’t sleep. I need to cum. I always sleep better when I cum.” Chuck’s voice called outside her room.
Dorothy tried to lie still and keep quiet, but her son only opened the door and walked in. “Honey. It’s late you should go to bed. I’m trying to sleep.”
“Sleep? That’s all you probably do around here, since you keep the place like a pig sty.”
“Please Chuck, there aren’t any cleaner homes in our neighborhood. I work all day for you. Why can’t you be content? I love you, sweetheart.”
“You’re sick. Children shouldn’t know your kind of love, but now I’m stuck and you had better stop complaining when I need to rid myself of the mess you made.”
“No. That’s not true. Try and forget. It’s not too late. You’re still a good boy. I know you are.”
“Sure, and now you’ll tell me I can forget THIS.” Chuck snarled and he pulled his pajama pants down to his knees. His naked dick sprang out like a cuckoo.
“No Chuck. Please. I can’t do this anymore. It’s not right.”
“Mother, what do I have to do this time? I’ll go right outside and start looking into windows. Maybe I’ll find some dirty girl with her clothes off and I’ll sneak into her window and use a knife…”
“Chuck!” His mother was horrified at his story. “Don’t even say such a thing. Promise me you’ll never hurt anyone.”
He looked at her and promised there wasn’t anyone he wanted to hurt, except his mother. “Well? Get out of that bed. I’m not going to go through this game again. I’m waiting.”
Dorothy turned red with shame as she turned back the covers and slipped from her bed. She had taken poker siteleri to wearing thick flannel shirts and long cotton pajama pants even on warm nights. Too bad, thought Chuck. He wished he could see her in her underwear again. Nothing was impossible tonight he promised himself. In fact he had plans for the whole weekend.
His mother knelt before him like a nun before her altar. She closed her eyes and took her son’s rigid cock into her hand. She began to pump it.
“Get your face closer. You ought to know by now.”
She stepped forward with her knees. She closed her eyes, but she could smell his unwashed dick from his earlier hand job, and still taste his sperm from only hours ago. She already wanted to gag. “Please Chuck. Don’t push into me. I don’t like that. Promise me you’ll just relax. I-I could maybe even like this more if you let me.” Dorothy said unexpectedly. She dreaded the boy’s increasing attention to jabbing his cock into her face, and was willing to compromise her humiliation. She even tried to give his cock her best rubbing, in attempt to persuade him.
She felt the boy’s hands on her face. They touched her lightly. “Oh mom. I’m sorry. I just get carried away. You make me cum so good. I can’t help myself.” Chuck responded, secretly gleeful.
Dorothy opened her eyes at her boy’s apologetic words. She hugged his dick strongly as she jacked its length. “I’m your mother, I can forgive you if you hurt me accidentally. Just let me move over a bit.”
Chuck replied swiftly. “But you hold it wrong when you aren’t exactly there. It doesn’t feel as good.”
“Let me try it another way, please honey. I promise it’ll feel better.”Dorothy hopes rose. She felt she had to do something to keep him from going any further in his sexual exploitation of her.”
“But that’s not how I like it. Oh you feel so good, mom. You’re really getting good at jerking me like that. How could it be better?” He suddenly jabbed his cock into her face, deliberately poking her open, left eye.” His aim was improving.
She cried out. “Ow! Chuck please.” She tried to duck to one side as he shot again for her lips, but he grabbed her head in time to hit her cheek. She wiped her tearing eye. “Let me try it differently. You’re hurting mommy.”
“Really mom,” Chuck said excitedly. “I can’t help myself. It feels so good. My body just wants to jerk.” He jabbed her again as he held her face, smashing her nose. “Oh, I’m sorry. Maybe I should try something different.” He moved his fingers down her face.
“Yes Chuck, anything. You have to stop hurting me.”
When his fingers reached his mother’s soft, pouting lips he drummed them lightly there.
“I know. Why don’t you hold the end right there. I bet your lips are strong. Then you can keep me from hitting your face while you’re hand is free to jack me.
Dorothy cried out in alarm. “NO! Chuck, you mustn’t do that.” It was horrible. Even worse than probing her face. What if he thrust it in her mouth? He wouldn’t be any better than her husband after all! “I take it back. It’s okay. I know you can’t help yourself, but you need this, don’t you?” She again spoke too quickly. What was she saying? She was beginning to sound as if she approved of his humiliating her. She felt even more ashamed.
Chuck told himself he was all set. He actually grabbed her hand and stopped its sensational pumping on his sweating, rock hard cock. “No mother. You’re right.” He said seriously. “I don’t want to hurt you.” And without saying anything else, he spread her lips open and pressed his needful cock into her pearl white teeth. “There. If only I had thought of this sooner. Just hold tight with your lips. Now jerk me, faster this time.”
She hadn’t reacted at all. Her own boy child pushed his young cock into her lips without her uttering so much as a murmur. Suddenly the past had come alive in her mind, and she was struck dumb and helpless by her vivid memory of her dreaded husband raping her mouth. She had to stop him, but he was urging her to resume her rapid stroking on his repositioned prick. Her lips enveloped his sensitive cock head as she gulped. Her one mad thought was to clench her teeth so tight they felt like they might crack into pieces. His hand pulled her own back and forth across his musky shaft, and soon she was pounding his meat as fast as she could hoping he came as quickly as possible, in order to escape the horrible memory in her head. She could feel he was very near to cumming. She didn’t even spare a thought about where his sticky, cum geyser would spew. Dorothy just wanted to hide.
Just as she thought he was going to cum he yelled out. “Ouch!” He looked down at her. “Damn you! You bit me!” And without hesitating he slapped her face as hard as he could, but he didn’t pull away. “Open your teeth Damnit!” He said forcefully.
Dorothy was suddenly so afraid that she had bit him, she didn’t even think. She opened her teeth as her face continued to sting from his strike.
With a howl of victory, Chuck slammed his cock deep into her mouth and came like a fire hydrant. “Oh GOD yes!” He jabbered his pulsing hose quickly in and out of her jaws as she gagged and tried to eject the plunging invader, but his hands held her head firm. All she could do was sputter and choke down the volumes of his jettisoning cum load.
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