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Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32
My boyfriends 18th birthdayMy J/O buddy, Timmy, was turning 18 on June 8th. (I was turning 19 in August.)I had done odd jobs around my hood, mowing, yard clean up etc…etc… to save money to buy Timmy the tennis shoes he wanted for his birthday, but never thought he would get because his mother told him they were “way too exspensive”. The NIKE AIR JORDAN shoes were $105.00! But, nothing was too good for my Timmy!! On the day of his birthday he had planned to have dinner with his family and then, at 9pm, he and I would meet up at a house that was being built in our hood. The house had a basement and the framework done, but it was incompleted. But just enough privacy for us two to hook up for a little “birthday party” down in the basement. We had to sneak after dark. There was no electricity in the house and was completly dark. I had wrapped Timmy’s shoes in cartoon news paper wrapping paper and put a bow from the christmas bag in the attic. I got there first and used a flashlight to set everything up. I made a circle of candles, the kind you put on a birthday cake and can buy for 2/$1.00. I used one candle to drip wax on the cement floor and then set the candle in it as a “holder”. Once the circle was completed I put the wrapped gift in the middle of it and waited for Timmy. I heard him come in, his footsteps on the bare wood floor upstairs. I called for him Dikmen travesti to “wait a minute, then come down when I say so”. He was scared of the dark and kept saying “Hurry up, its spooky in here!”. I had a bit of trouble getting all the candles lit…had to be like 50 of them! Then I layed in the middle of the cirlce and stripped completely naked. Using the gift box as a “pillow” and then hollered “come on down”. As he slowly came down the stairs he tured to his left to see me all lit up and naked singing “happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you!”. A smile across his face and his beautiful white teeth glowed in the candlelight. He giggled and said “oh my God~!, this is too cool!”. Timmy had never seen me COMPLETELY naked before that day. We had sucked each others dicks and jacked off, but it was always with “pants pulled down”. “Wow” in his excitement as he stood over me looking me up and down and admiring my nakedness. His shorts tenting immediately. “Hurry, take your clothes off, the candles dont last long!” I whispered. Timmy was naked and laying on top of me in about 2 seconds flat!We squirmed and slithered over each other, rubbing our hard cocks and moaning. Hands flying everywhere, up and down each others bodies. This was the first time we had felt each others body flesh against each other. It was like a feeding frenzy of sharks….so excited, Eryaman travesti so heated, so horny for each other. Our breathing was so loud and our bodies started sweating. The candles soon out and the smell of burnt wax filled the room. Laying in the dark and petting each other like we were trying to crawl inside each other.Somehow, I am not sure…but our lips met. Kissing was something I had never done before and wasnt even sure how? But…it just came “naturaly” and Timmy seemed to follow right along as if he had done it a million times. A totaly new thing for me…a great sensation! Kissing was great!! And OH SO HORNY!I was running my hands all over Tim’s body and kissing when I felt “OH FUCK…Im cumming!”. I squirted off a load inbetween us as we were rubbing cocks and grinding our bodies together. Within seconds, Tim moans “me too!”. We layed there in our cum for a few minutes and kissed. “I love you” slipped out of my mouth almost so fast that I couldnt withdraw it. We hadnt talked about being “gay” or anything yet and to say “I LOVE YOU” was a big step. “I LOVE YOU TOO!” came from Tim, and all my fear slipped away. We kissed so deap and loving…I was in heaven!! Nothing mattered anymore, Just Timmy and ME!!Our cocks still hard, never softened we continued to grind bodies and maon out loud until we would shoot off another load on each Esat travesti other. I dont know..I didnt keep count, but we must have cum 4 or 5 times? In our heat of love making Tim got up on all fours and invited me to ‘try fucking me”. I didnt know about lube or anything? Had no clue how to do it? After several attempts to get my cock inside his hole, I was about to give up. Tim suggested spit but there was so much cum on us by then I just “greesed up” with our used cum. I got it in!! Tim moaned and moaned but kept saying “keep going, keep going”. I would get it in and then he would say ‘stop, dont move for a second”…then “ok, slow”….”go slow”. Eventually I was able to shove it in all the way, then slowly pull it out. He would ask me to “take it out for a minute” …then “ok, try again”. It wasnt your typical “ass pounding” by any means…hahaha!…more of a Poke and retreive session. :)I did get to cum in him tho…which felt AWESOME! I think by the end we had both shot off 10 loads of cum.We talked alot and decided to become “boyfriends” that night. In love “forever and ever”. We started to leave and I then remembered ‘Hey, here is your birthday present!”. Timmy cried and we sat on the steps and hugged for a long time. As we were sitting there we heard “Timmy, Timmy” calls from outside…His sister and brother were out looking for him. He snuck out the back and ran home. I waited for his s*s an b*o to walk aways down the street then I snuck out and went the other way. When I got home I was in big trouble myself with my parents as it was 3am in the morning!! I had NO IDEA it was that late!
Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32