Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32
Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32
The sheer thrill of what I was about to do was bursting through my body. My nipples tingled at the thought and my heart was pounding in my chest. I pinched one of my nipples until it hurt, just to prove that I was not imagining it. I simply couldn’t wait to see Mark. Three hours to go before I would stand in front of him and let him touch me, caress me and fuck me if he wanted to. All I had to do was get ready. I showered, not once but twice, making sure that every part of me was clean and pristine. I even teased myself once or twice, maybe it was three times if I were to be honest. I powdered every part of my body that needed it and then I spent about forty minutes making sure that my makeup was perfect, and I mean, perfect. Not one strand of my blonde shoulder length hair was out of place, though I knew that would not last too long, not with the windy weather we were having, but at least I was happy that it was perfect before I was to leave home. My body ached with pleasure as I rolled my stockings up my legs. I always loved the feel of stockings, the silkiness and the sheer eroticism of how they looked. I think they are the sexiest garment anyone could wear and coupled with the thin black suspender belt that I fastened around my waist and clipped to the stockings, I looked a picture. I ran to study myself in the full length mirror just outside my bedroom. Fuck I looked horny. I would fuck me, given half a chance. I wanted to make every effort for him. I wanted him to find me attractive, fancy me. I wanted him to lust after me with every inch of his body and mind. I wanted to look good for Mark, but most of all I wanted to be me. Knickers were the next object to be selected from my drawer. I only had two pairs of matching knickers and bra, so, on this occasion, it had to be the red pair with the black frilly lace around the edges. The knickers didn’t look like much as they were more of a g-string, and didn’t go very far in hiding my private bits. After, putting them on, I once again checked the full length mirror. I smiled at myself, then I practiced my pout in the mirror. I let my eyes cascade down over my whole body right down to the tips of my toes and then I let them climb all the way back up again. I admit to getting turned on. I hoped that Mark would be doing güvenilir bahis the same thing that very evening. I knew exactly what dress I was going to wear. I pulled it from the wardrobe and slipped it over my body. It clung to all the right places and just about covered the tops of my stockings. That was a shame, I thought, it would have been great for them to be showing a little more than they were. By the time I left the house I thought I looked gorgeous enough to eat. The taxi was waiting outside and I instructed the driver to head for the King’s Head Hotel as soon as I had climbed in. The King’s Head may not sound that great a place to meet but believe me it is exquisite. The inside is coated with red velvet like wallpaper. The furniture is quite plush and the meals are quite good too. Not that we would be eating there, not tonight anyway. I sat in the back of the taxi, staring out at the lights of the shops as we drove past. Red, blue, sometimes yellow and pink lights lit up the street. The taxi stopped at the red ones and waited until they turned green. It seemed like the traffic lights were against me, every one of them seemed to be preventing me from getting there early. Every stop caused me to hesitate slightly. I let my hand slide down my left leg. The feel of skin on my stockings was nice and comforting. It was a few moments after, that I noticed my heart rate had risen. I suddenly started to gasp for air and then it occurred to me. What if Mark didn’t fancy me? It was a question I parked in the back of my mind hoping it would be forgotten. We rounded the corner of a junction and the taxi pulled up outside the King’s Head. I paid the man and smiled at him as I confidently strode away from the taxi. After ten steps towards the hotel, I looked around to see the taxi driver eyeballing my legs. At least he seemed to think that I looked sexy. I entered the hotel and immediately found the bar. I was fifteen minutes early and I guessed that Mark would not be waiting for me. I ordered a gin and tonic and half sat on a high stool at the bar facing the door. I reckoned that if I had got onto the stool there would be a few guys, strategically placed around the room that would have a wonderful sight. I sipped at the drink and waited. As I looked around the room güvenilir bahis siteleri my eye caught one or two gentlemen looking in my direction, one even winked at me in a suggestive way. I smiled back but immediately broke my gaze as my phone buzzed in my handbag. My heart leapt into my throat. It was pulsing as I pulled it out and quickly looked at the message. It was from Mark. I remember pleading with the device for the message to be one I wanted to hear. ‘I’m five minutes away, are you there? What’s my girl looking like?’ I smiled. The relief I felt at seeing his words filled me with a thrill I had not experienced in a long time. I started tapping my return message to Mark. ‘I’m here, can’t wait to see you, I’m the lady in red! See you soon xxx’ I put the phone on the bar and took another sip of my drink. I glanced over at the gentleman that was looking at me earlier but he had obtained a new friend. Older looking than me but at least she had his full attention. As I waited, the most unexpected turn of events unfolded before my eyes, another woman dressed in red entered the bar. She walked past me and headed for the furthest corner of the room. I quickly picked up my phone and sent the message ‘I’m the one with the blonde hair! Tell you later x’ As I put the phone down I noticed Mark had walk into the bar, his hand reached into his coat pocked to retrieve his phone. I watched as he glanced at it and then looked around the room. I saw the smile appear on his face. I smiled back at him. My broad grin emphasised by my succulent red lips. My lips fell into the pout I had been practising all evening as Mark strode towards me. At one point he seemed to be walking right past me but he suddenly stopped by the side of me. “Excuse me?” he asked, “I’m looking for a lady in red?” I smiled at his remark. “You should get some more powerful glasses then!” I replied. Mark slipped his hand over my knee and let it ride up my thigh and over my dress. It stopped on the edge of my bum, “Melissa, you look gorgeous!” I could feel myself blush, “Thank you. Do you like the outfit?” “I haven’t seen it all yet, but I like what I see.” Mark ordered a drink. We stayed close to the bar and we chatted; getting to know each other and making polite conversation, except, it was iddaa siteleri anything but polite. The conversation was thick with innuendoes as our repartee bounced off each other. Mark was charming and I started to relax in his company. His slight touches and caresses said everything I needed to know. His eyes were attentive and watched me with eager anticipation. On more than one occasion I caught him glimpsing at my crotch. With his hand caressing my back, he asked, “Do I turn you on?” My lips formed a smile and I just nodded. “Do I turn you on?” Mark nodded back. “That’s just as well then,” I said, “I’ve booked a room, do you want…” “To see you without that dress on. Yes,” interrupted Mark. I picked up my drink and finished it. “I’ll get the key.” I made my way to the reception area and picked up the key to room twenty one. Mark was a few steps behind me as we climbed the stairs. I could feel his eyes burn into the back of my body as I walked ahead of him. As we neared the top of the winding staircase, his hand reached between my legs and he stroked the inside of my thigh. I gasped aloud at his touch. His hand slid up and I found myself walking far slower than I should have. It was obvious to anyone looking what was going on. His hand was now on my bare flesh, his little finger trailing over the last of my stocking tops. He almost reached the top of my thigh before a woman appeared from the lift right next to the stairs. I walked faster and Mark quickly retracted his hand. He nodded, embarrassingly, towards the woman as he quickly followed me to the second floor. “That will teach you,” I told him as I reached the last step. His hand cupped my bum as we walked to room twenty one. I couldn’t resist a wiggle of my bum as I turned the key in the door. Opening the door, I indicated for Mark to enter the room. Like the true gentleman he was he extended his arm to allow me to go first. I walked inside. I heard the door click shut as I placed the keys down on the dressing room table. My handbag followed them. As I turned, Mark was immediately upon me. One hand was on my shoulder, the other extended around me to rest on my bum. We kissed. Our tongues mingled with such gentleness; we nibbled at each other’s lips and his hands pressed into my bum pulling me closer towards him. His aftershave was intoxicating. I felt his cock against my body. It had grown significantly between opening the door and kissing me. I broke the kiss and pulled back a little from him, “Be gentle with me, this is my first time!” Mark nodded.
Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32