My SIster’s Boyfriend, Part 2

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When I woke up, sunlight was streaming through the open door of the tent and Matt was gone. I heard the sounds of breakfast and the murmur of voices coming from the picnic table. Pulling on some clothes, I noticed there was dried cum on my chest and matted in my pubic hair. I pulled out my phone and reversed the camera to make sure nothing was showing on my face or arms.I was the last one to the table.“What a sleepyhead,” my little sister said. My mom — a great camp cook — slid some pancakes and bacon onto a plate in front of me. My dad handed me a cup of coffee.“You look a mess,” Kelly said. “He thrashed around all night,” Matt said. “Woke me up twice.”“Mmmf,” was all I managed to say.When conversation resumed and the group’s attention moved away from me, I stole a glance at Matt. He was looking back at me, the tiniest hint of a smile playing on his lips.That bugged me for a second or two, but everyone seemed so relaxed and happy that my mood started to lift. The questions that had kept me up last night receded to the back of my mind, and taking a few deep breaths, I decided to leave them until later.When breakfast was over, Kelly looked at my little sister and said, “Let’s go get a shower.”“It’s going to get warm today, so I think I’ll shower later,” Matt said. “But a morning swim would be nice. C’mon, Andy, let’s go.”“You guys go ahead,” my dad said. “Mom and I will pack a lunch and we can eat on the beach.”“Okay,” I said.“Change here or at the beach?” Matt said as we headed for the tent.“Not here,” I said under my breath.We grabbed our suits, some towels and a jug of cold water and headed down the path to the lake. Matt made a couple of innocuous comments about the weather, but I didn’t answer.When we got to the beach, we set up the chairs and went to the beach house to change. When I took off my shorts I turned my back to him, determined to avoid a repeat of yesterday’s embarrassment.I headed straight for the lake, dived in and swam vigorously for several minutes, making sure the dried cum washed off me. Matt paddled around a minute or two, dunked his head under for a second and went to sit on the towel.After a few minutes, I got out and sat down, too. Matt gazed at me for a minute, then said, “Look, you shouldn’t make a bigger deal out of this than it really is.”“Maybe it’s not a big deal for you,” I said. “But it was for me. It was shitty of me — of us — to cheat on my sister. Not to mention that we’re both guys. I’ve never touched a guy in my life before last night, and now I can’t think about anything else. It’s freaking me out. How can you be so casual about it?”Matt looked hard at me.“First, what happened doesn’t mean I love your sister any less — and I do love her,” he said. “That is not going to change.“Also, one night doesn’t change your sexual orientation, if that’s what’s worrying you. Given the right opportunity and the right partner, just about everybody will take a shot at gay sex. “That’s because, as I’m sure you’ve heard, sexuality is not either/or, black/white, up/down or anything like it. It’s a spectrum with two extremes, where only a handful of people live, and a lot of muddle in the middle.“What that could mean is that you are a mostly straight person who is open to gay sex once in a while. You didn’t become that way last night; you were that way all along. Last night just happened to be the first time.”He isvecbahis paused, then went on.“I don’t want to make it sound like I’m having sex all the time with anybody who asks, because I’m not,” he said. “Since Kelly and I became ‘steady,’ I have not had sex with another woman. It is still early in our relationship and I’m still only twenty, but I think she might be the one.“And I will say this as far as men are concerned: There are two kinds: those who like sucking a dick, and those who are dying to try it.”I turned to look at him.“Which are you?”“Play your cards right,” he said slyly, “you might find out.”I couldn’t help but laugh.“Is it really possible to have such intense sex with another person and not have it mean anything?”“It does mean something,” Matt said. “I don’t mean I’m in love with you. I can love only women. But I like you very much, Andy, and it pleases me to give pleasure to you.”“You make it sound so reasonable,” I said. “Sex is the one thing every human being can enjoy, yet some people think it’s their right to set boundaries on how other people do it. Nobody’s doing that to me.”I looked off into the trees. After a few minutes, I took a deep breath.“I like you, too, Matt,” I said.“Good,” he said, smiling. “Good.”Another pause.“You didn’t happen to bring a joint with you, did you?”“As a matter of fact…” I said.About forty-five minutes later we heard the sound of wheels crunching on gravel and my parents’ car rolled into the parking lot. While Matt and I helped my dad unload a big cooler and set up a portable grill, Kelly, my mom and my little sister laid out drinks and snacks on a picnic table and we settled in to enjoy the day.And a wonderful day it was — sunny and warm but not too hot or humid. We splashed around in the water awhile, played beach volleyball, grilled hot dogs for lunch and dozed in the shade. Matt fit right in, and I think my little sister was developing a crush on him. About mid-afternoon, another car crunched into the parking lot. Out came a family of five, including a lovely young woman wearing a two-piece that was not exactly skimpy but didn’t leave much to the imagination. Her long black hair was pulled back in a ponytail, and she had the most beautiful fair skin I had ever seen.She looked to be the oldest of the three children in the family, and once they unloaded their things she led her two brothers down to the beach and laughingly dragged them into the water. After a few minutes, she left them to their antics and waded to shore. Thank goodness I was wearing sunglasses, because I couldn’t take my eyes off of her.Matt had been dozing when they arrived but woke up when he heard the noise. As he rolled to a sitting position, he stared hard at the girl.“Shana?” he asked.The girl — woman, I should say — looked at him and after a beat or two said, “Matt!”It turned out she lived in his dorm at State and they were pretty good friends. “I can’t believe you’re here!” she said, plopping down on the sand beside him. Matt pointed out Kelly, who was talking to her mom by the picnic table. “I’m here with Kelly and her family,” he said. “This is her brother, Andy.”Shana put out her hand and said, “Hi, Andy, nice to meet you.”“Nice to meet you, too,” I said. I took her hand and it felt — to me anyway — like a spark passed between us. She gave me a lingering look and a 1000-watt smile, and then turned isveçbahis giriş to Matt.“Let me say hi to Kelly and then we’ll talk,” she said. She bounded over to the picnic table and wrapped Kelly in a hug.“Wow,” I said, watching her. Matt burst out laughing. “See what I mean, dude?” he said. “Not gay. Not totally, anyway.”“Okay, okay,” I said. “But she’s just, you know … Wow.”“Yes, a lot of guys think so,” Matt said. “I know at least three guys who wanted to take her out. She was very nice to them but said no, she has a boyfriend back home. But I know from talking to her that that relationship is petering out. I think right now she’s using him as an excuse to avoid complicating her life at school.”‘Hmm,” I said. A few minutes later Shana and Kelly brought lawn chairs over and joined us. Shana had left her sunglasses in camp so she put on a cap to shade her eyes. They were of a brilliant blue, and I had to keep reminding myself not to stare into them.  After chatting a while we all got up and waded into the lake. It was early enough in the season that the water was still on the cool side, and I couldn’t help but notice Shana’s erect nipples poking through the thin cloth of her swimsuit. Once again I was glad I was wearing sunglasses so she couldn’t see where my eyes were roaming. Kelly suggested we have a piggyback fight, and Shana seconded the idea. Matt ducked under to let Kelly climb on his shoulders. Before I could move Shana pushed me under and slid her legs over my shoulders. I cannot describe the thrill I got from the feel of her skin against mine.I stood up, and the battle began. Matt and I circled each other slowly, then I darted at him. The girls started grappling, and soon we were all splashing and hooting and laughing like crazy.Then it happened. As Matt closed in, Kelly managed to get Shana in a close grip. There was a struggle, and my sunglasses got knocked off. Suddenly Kelly drew back, waving the top of Shana’s swimsuit like a flag. Apparently she’d gotten in behind Shana’s back and undone the knot. I froze, realizing that Shana’s naked breasts were visible to everyone but me. Instinctively I turned to look, but of course she turned with me. I felt her weight shift as she moved her arms to cover up, but she evidently wasn’t too embarrassed, because she was shrieking with laughter.As she slipped back into the water, I thought I felt her breasts slide down the skin of my back. I felt a sudden pulse of blood into my cock.After a minute or so of teasing, Kelly threw Shana’s top further out into the water. Being a gallant sort of guy, I swam out to get it.It wasn’t until I had turned back to her that I understood the awkwardness of the situation. She could easily have gotten the top for herself. I swam back and held it out to her. Locking eyes with me, she took it with one hand, keeping herself covered with the other. Then she said, with just a hint of coyness, “Thanks, Andy. Now turn around.”I obeyed. My heart was fluttering and I was definitely feeling a — what’s the phrase? — a stirring in my loins.Eventually we all caught our breath and headed back to shore. While Matt got beers for everyone, Kelly and Shana stretched out on their towels and I settled into a chair. I angled it so that I was mostly facing the water but could see the girls with a slight turn of the head. I couldn’t trust myself not to stare at Shana isveçbahis yeni giriş otherwise.An hour or so passed while we were talking. It was getting on for five o’clock, and my parents started packing up. Matt and I got up to help while the girls shook the sand out of the towels and folded the chairs. We were about to get into the car when my mom turned to Shana and said, “Would you like to have dinner with us?” I could have kissed her for saying that. “I’d love to!” Shana said. “Let me just check with my parents.”I watched her go. When I turned back to our group Kelly was looking at me with merriment in her eyes.“What?” I said. She and Matt laughed. My mom gave me a knowing smile.Shana came back and said, “It’s fine. My family’s going to stay here awhile. Can you drop me at our campsite so I can get cleaned up?”“That’ll make a tight fit in the car,” Matt said. “Andy and I can walk back.”When they had gone, Matt said, “Dude, you are so in love.”“Is it that obvious?” I said.“Um, YEAH. But I think she likes you, too.”I blushed. “God, I hope so.”When we got back to camp Matt said he was going to get a shower. I decided to get one, too.As we walked over to the bathhouse I realized I was looking forward to seeing him naked again. Why I should feel this way, when I was feeling such a strong attraction for Shana, was more than I could fathom at the moment. But I began to think Matt was onto something in what he’d said about sexual attraction.The bathhouse is really no more than one open room with benches and hooks along one side, sinks on the other and toilets, and a series of eight or 10 shower stalls at the end opposite the door. I was relieved to find the place empty. I put my things down on a bench, hung my towel on a hook and slipped off my swimming suit. When I was naked I turned to watch Matt undress. When he was naked he turned to face me, and for a few seconds we just gazed at each other’s bodies. Both our cocks were still a little shrunken from the cool lake water, but I could feel mine stiffening.Matt smiled, and headed for the showers, which have no curtains, and entered a stall at the far end. I took the opposite one. We both started soaping up.We took our time, watching each other as we lathered up, massaging and caressing our arms and shoulders and chests and hips and thighs, then soaping up our cocks and balls, watching as our cocks lengthened and rose. Matt stepped across the gap to my stall, took my hands in his and pressed his body against mine. Backing me against the wall, grinding his rigid cock against mine, he brought his lips close to my ear and said, “You see how it all kind of flows together.”I turned my face to his and gave him a pretty serious kiss.“I guess I do,” I said. A sharp sound; the bathhouse door opening. Matt let me go and backed into his stall, not bothering to conceal his hardon. If someone had seen one or both of us and suspected something was going on, Matt didn’t seem to care.I stood in the stream of water, rinsing the lather away. I turned the faucet, making the water colder. It was the only way to get my raging cock to go down. Finally I felt more or less normal, though my cock was still a bit stiff. As I strode out to the main room, a thirtyish man was just walking into the shower stalls. He glanced at my cock, the way men often do in locker rooms, but I felt a vibe I hadn’t felt before. It was like I was being, well, appreciated. Matt soon followed me into the changing area. We dried off, got dressed and headed back to the campsite. He stopped me on the trail at one point and said quietly, “Did that guy look you over? 

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