Office Works Ch. 02

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Group Sex

I sat down behind my desk and a sinking feeling took over my entire body. Was he serious? It had been four long weeks and he hadn’t once acknowledged me. Yet another shared meeting and not a smile, not one inane greeting, not a single glance in my direction. Did I imagine the whole thing? I found that hard to believe as images of his wolf like hazel brown eyes turned into a dark storm of desire flashed through my mind. Surely the instant bolt of pleasure to every erogenous zone, every time his image slammed to the forefront of my mind couldn’t be fantasy alone?

Clearly it was time to move on. Who did he think he was anyway? In reality I didn’t really see why he’d captured my attention. He didn’t sound that smart in the meeting today when he failed to satisfactorily answer some of the questions the CEO was asking. And wasn’t that my first rule, never have sex with a man you can’t respect? Yes that’s right. The questions were a little ridiculous though and now that I thought of it, it actually wasn’t his area of responsibility. He was probably trying to cover for James again, who, if he ever bothered to turn up was generally dozing off or busy eating all the mints.

My fantasy man had looked handsome at this morning’s meeting though, with his ever present sexy grin on those full luscious lips that begged for attention. I loved the hint of almost vulnerability that ghosted across his eyes when he thought he wasn’t being watched and the way his hair appeared ruffled leaving the impression of frustration through the dark feathered strands. His strong capable hands as they cupped my hips and forced me up against his hard throbbing cock. Whoa! What? Damn. There I go again. I had to snap out of these arousing trances.

* * * * *

Ok. Today is another day. Granted after another long night of craving and a dismal attempt of sleep, that was haunted with images of thick strong biceps and thighs that induced an irresistible urge to bite. Yes today was in fact a new day, with a new adventure waiting. With a renewed sense of direction I thought about the conference that began this morning. A five day business management conference staying in an upmarket hotel in the city. It was a shame that I couldn’t commute but the company was paying and apparently the evening activities were ‘invaluable’ to the conference content and mandatory in attendance. I’d been to a few of these conferences before and held no illusions as to the calibre of men I would be meeting, however I had some high expectations regarding the illustrious lecturers on the program so I set out with that in mind.

One thing I did love about attending a conference was the relaxed dress code, instead of the usual flawless business suit I chose a soft dress that moulded my breasts, fell to my ankles and swirled silkily around my legs as I walked. Hair down and full I felt more like I was meeting the girls for lunch then starting a work day. As I walked towards the building entrance I let my head fall back and felt the sun beaming down on my face and the exposed skin on my neck, chest and arms. The breeze gently ruffled my dress against warm naked skin and giving in I let my senses take over. Wow, I thought, this is what we all miss sitting in our glass and metal boxes day after day. Realising I had less than five minutes until the conference started and regretting the intrusion of reality I entered the building and set about finding where I needed to be.

I quickly found the room and walked in. Looking directly ahead, embarrassed at the lateness of my arrival and feeling the eyes of each and every participant on me I hastened to the registration table to find my name badge and sign in. Searching for my name I saw that participants were grouped by company. I quickly scanned the list and found my name. As I leaned over to sign the register I glanced under my name and froze. Hands trembling, heart in my throat I looked back at the name, not believing that fate could be so cruel. It was still there. Maybe he didn’t show? No, he had already signed in. He was here. No. No. Please no.

‘Is everything ok?’ Said the Convenor, looking a little wary while waiting patiently for my signature. I imagined the fearful and desperate expression on my face and felt the flush of embarrassment rise up from my chest.

‘Of course, no problem, just sign there, ok done, great,’ I mumbled and attempted a weak smile. Picking up my name badge with shaking hands I mentally steeled myself for the next moments.

‘You can do this. He is after all, just a man,’ I muttered to myself.

Ready bahis şirketleri now, chin raised defiantly I calmly spun around and nearly knocked over another late participant who I failed to notice standing behind me. Mortified I quickly bent over to retrieve both of our belongings and conference papers. Gathering everything as quickly as I could, wondering why I wasn’t receiving any assistance, I mean I know it was my fault but surely it was rude to just stand there. I looked up to answer my question and found a lecher staring lewdly down my dress at what I knew was an ample display. Furious, humiliated and determined to immediately hide in the nearest metaphoric hole I quickly got the shamble under control, gave ‘Lech’ back his belongings and sank into the closest vacant seat.

Crisis over I attempted to concentrate on the lecturer as he spun his back story, detailing in full, including a PowerPoint presentation with photos and copies of qualifications, about why we were lucky to be in his self loving presence. Cursing my clumsy behaviour, but grateful I was in the front row I looked straight ahead or down at my papers and phone, avoiding looking sideways or behind at all costs. Seeing my phone light up I looked down to read the message.GOOD MORNING, NICE OF YOU TO SHOW UP.Resisting the urge to look around and seething at my body’s hot and liquid reaction to his name I ignored the message. Trying studiously to listen to the lecturer who sounded like he was actually imparting some useful knowledge now, I started when my phone lit up again.NICE ENTRANCE, THAT GUY LOOKED LIKE HE REALLY GOT AN EYEFUL!!!! LOL.Smart arse, I thought. Seconds later another message came through.I WAS WISHING IT WAS ME STANDING OVER YOU.Tantalised beyond belief but tenacious in my will to ignore him I placed my phone in my handbag.

A little while later concentration relatively back in place I answered a question posed by the lecturer.

‘I believe communication and consultation are the key aspects of establishing any change in business management,’ I said. Before the lecturer had a chance to respond I heard an achingly familiar voice.

‘I don’t agree,’ he said. ‘There is nothing to communicate or consult about if the business plan hasn’t first been established.’ I heard the responding mumbles of agreement from the other participants and silently planned all the ways I was going to get back at the arrogant bastard. After all both answers were right. In a way.

Punishment. Interesting. An intoxicating image came to mind of his thick muscle-bound limbs tied with silk scarves to each corner of my bed, his face beaded with sweat and head thrown back in agony as I gyrated over his body mercilessly teasing every inch of him with my tongue and nipples but keeping out of reach of his mouth and never letting him gain that victory he ached for.


‘It’s time to take a break,’ said the lecturer, startling me out of my reckless reverie. Oh no, I thought, I hope I didn’t groan out loud. The poor lecturer probably suggested a break after hearing one of the participants making weird noises like a wounded animal. I quickly jumped up and headed to the bathroom and stayed there for the entire ten minutes of break time, fiddling with my hair and touching up my make-up. Great, I thought, I can probably add narcissism to the long list of weird and wonderful traits my fellow participants could come up with by the end of the five days. Thinking I had waited long enough I returned to the conference room. Mentally bracing myself and ready for the walk to my seat whilst admiring the floor boards, I was not prepared to walk out of the hallway and find my eyes locked with his. I couldn’t decide, was he amused and arrogant or hot and needy. Probably a little of both, but having to resist the urge to take a dive and drown in the transparent depths of his eyes was not helpful. Finally breaking the trance he saluted with his right hand and entered the room. Definitely arrogant I thought.

And so the day proceeded. Sexy texting, challenging every word I said and lingering glances that left me with every nerve ending on edge and aching. Muscles tight and sore from sparring with desire all day I decided to skip the warm and fuzzy introduction dinner that night and head straight for the day spa to take advantage of the complimentary massage. One of the first to leave I quickly headed to the lift, as I entered I heard his voice rumbling in the background, chatting amicably to one of the other participants, contradicting the hot gaze I felt settling heavily bahis firmaları on my back. Exiting the lift I walked quickly to my room. Entering the room I closed the door and leaned against it for support. With a deep sigh I wondered what would follow in the ensuing hours and vowed to stay in my room unless absolutely necessary. I was still angry at his ignorance since the ‘incident’ as I now referred to it in my mind and there was no way he was charming me back into his good graces or anything else for that matter.

Resolute now I rang the day spa, arranged the massage for 30 minutes time and changed into a bikini and full length sarong. A lot calmer now I checked my appearance in the mirror. Grateful that my flushed skin had returned to a natural hue and choosing to ignore the fire I saw simmering in my eyes I left the room and headed downstairs. Laying naked on the massage table with a warm towel underneath me and gentle hands administering a relaxation massage I closed my eyes and gave in to the moment. The faint warm glow from the rose scented candles and nature sounds echoing gently around the room created a perfect ambience and I drifted off into my own paradise….

I felt his warm calloused hands slide up my calf and bend my knee, bringing my foot up against his body. Feeling his shirt against my skin I wondered why he would still be clothed but couldn’t find the strength to hold on to the question for more than a moment. I moaned as he gently massaged the arch of my foot, every stroke sending a direct hit to my clit and nipples. He gently laid my foot back on the bed and moved on to my calf muscle, working the muscles tenderly his hand moved to the inside of my thigh. Every nerve ending screaming I waited breathlessly for the stroke that would take away my pain. With every caress his fingers inched closer until I was sure he would hear the evidence of my readiness for him over the sounds of trickling water and birds calling.The sounds of what?

I bolted upright on the table pulling the towel against my body. Staring into the face of the poor startled masseuse I struggled to gather a thought to explain my crazy behaviour. Damn. Was this going to be my fate all week? Concerned, the masseuse was asking me questions about my health. Was I feeling dizzy? Was I feeling breathless? Yes, I wanted to say. Yes. Yes to all. Dizzy, breathless, heart palpitating, all of the above. Oh, was I in trouble. After reassuring him as best I could I quickly donned the bikini and sarong and made a quick dash to the lift. Wondering if there was going to be enough places to hide this week even in a hotel this size, I headed for my room miserable and no better off.

Two steps from my elusive haven and he materialised mere metres away. I watched him leave his room and walk towards me in a slow hypnotic haze. Too far gone to know or care I stood motionless, my hand holding the electronic key against the door. Never taking his eyes off mine he walked up and stood half facing me, half behind me. Silently he reached out and placed his hand over mine, with his free hand he reached out, took the key, swiped it and pushed the door aside as it clicked. Feeling his chest nudging my back I stumbled forward a few steps, gathered a shred of reality and turned. Staring in disbelief as I saw the door click shut behind him, all of my frustration and anger at his ignorance and my inability to drive the memory of him from my mind and body came to the fore with a shuddering force.

Trembling with rage and lust I stepped forward to confront him. Simultaneously he reached out, grabbed my arm and spun me around, breasts pushed up against the wall. Hands trapped underneath his and one of his knees braced between my legs I bucked against the wall of his body at my back with my hips. Fully aroused and bulging against me he groaned and pressed in harder. Moving he locked his arm around my shoulders and twisting used his free hand to force my jaw towards him for a hard, unflinching kiss. Helpless now against his desire and my own I felt my bikini top being torn from my body and his callused fingers tugging roughly at my aching distended nipples. His hands everywhere at once he ripped my bikini bottom off and nudged my legs further apart with his knees. Struggling to stand I raised up on my toes and gripped the wall for support. One hand moved around and captured my throat as the other moved between my legs, he groaned at the liquid heat he found. Now with two thick fingers pushing inside me he moved his hand to contain my moans.

‘Arrrrrghhh, oh baby,’ I groaned.

‘Still kaçak bahis siteleri angry princess?’ He taunted. ‘I know what you need now it’s time for you to beg for it.’

I tried to manage a response but failed as the heat built and fanned out along every sensitive nerve ending, closer to pain than pleasure now. He tilted my jaw towards him.

‘Open your eyes and look at me,’ he said.

‘I can’t baby. Please?’

‘Please what?’ He whispered in my ear.

‘Pleeessee,’ I moaned.

‘Please what? Beg,’ he growled.

Unable to come up with a coherent response I choked back a sob as I fought for the elusive answer to release me from this stinging pleasure.

‘What do you want? Tell me baby,’ he said. Insisting this time.

‘Please baby?’ I whispered.

‘What? What?’

‘Fuck me baby. Hard. Now. Pleeeease baby, fuck me.’

Satisfied he pushed me back up against the wall, undid his pants and entered me in one hard stroke from behind. Gasping as the pleasure took hold with one hand still bracing against the wall I reached down and stroked my clit as he slammed his hard cock into my pussy over and over. I felt his balls slap rhythmically against me and I could feel him pulse inside me. The desire building for weeks turned to molten lead and as he inflicted one last vicious bite on my neck I screamed and pleasure took over. Erupting through my nerve endings the pleasure gripped my body, shuddering I lost my hold on the wall and half turned to latch on to the wide shoulders behind me. Moaning and half sobbing into his chest with his cock still hard and unrelenting inside, I slowly flexed my inner muscles, clenching and releasing his cock several more times before I moved and moaned at the delicious tingle when he slowly slid out of me.

Not giving me any time for reality he cupped my hips and pulled me up against him. Gently he licked and kissed the marks he’d left on my face and neck in the heat of the last moments.

‘How was it baby?’ He whispered.

‘Mmmmmm, so good,’ was all I could manage.

I knew what this moment of tenderness was costing him as I watched the sweat bead on his forehead, his jaw tick and felt him hot, hard and heavy against me. Feeling the heat begin to rise again as the head of his cock pushed insistently against me I took his hand and led him towards the bed. Climbing on the bed I knelt backwards in front of him on my hands and knees. Moaning he pushed my knees further apart and stroked me a couple of times from front to back circling my clit as he went. I felt the loud slap an instant before the pain took over, leaving an aftershock of pleasure pulsating through my ass and pussy. Mindless he entered me in one swift stroke, desperate now for release his balls tightening underneath him, he groaned and mumbled incoherently behind me. Loving the sounds he made I raised my head and watched in the mirror.

Like a stranger watching the scene unfold I felt a surge of desire at the picture he presented thrusting behind me. His head was thrown back, displaying his thick corded neck, a sight that never failed to speak to the sensual side of me. His hands grabbed and pulled at my hips as he raced for the pleasure that awaited. Seeing his jaw clench and arms trembling I knew he was close. Quickly I turned around and positioned myself on my knees before him. He gasped as I began stroking his balls and licking up and down his cock. Leaning in I licked around the bulbous head and sucked it deeply into my mouth. Desperately moaning he reached down and pushed his hands through my hair, doing anything to get closer to the pleasure. I let him slide out of my mouth and began stroking him rhythmically with my hand. I watched as the pleasure and pain flashed across his face sporadically.

‘Yeah baby,’ he said.

‘Tell me what you want?’ I questioned. He looked down at me with desperate, heavy lidded eyes.

‘Lick my balls,’ he growled.

Leaning in I gently licked the skin where his thigh met his groin.

‘Ohhhhh, baby you know what to do,’ he groaned.

I moved in again and laved his balls, stroking with my tongue as I continued to work his cock with my hand.

‘I’m coming’, he moaned. I quickly took him in my mouth as the liquid heat spurted onto the roof of my mouth and the back of my tongue. Stroking his balls I gently sucked him as he moaned and rocked against my mouth.

Body failing him at last he fell back against the mattress pulling me with him. Nothing much was said as we drifted in and out of comfortable silence and satiated rumblings for the next hour or more. I didn’t ask about his behaviour at work, I really didn’t care at that moment.

I did ask him where the lollypops were. Later we went back to his room to find them and tried out a new flavour….

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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