Pitch black

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Pitch blackI shouldn’t have started, i thought i could always ….go backlooking at my txt , they are all coming tonightall free from their wives and i had to do it again…looking at my sissy kit i ordered on the web , weeks ago, finally meeting someone and that someone wouldnt let me goHe wanted a regular sissy and was txting me daily until i tried to ….ghost himand on a friday night he txted me a picture of all 3 daddy cock out, bbc coming for me”get that living room pitch black and on your knees”a knock on my door 15 min later i close every light feeling like a sluta cock sucker who suck big hardblack cock dress prettyit was dark, they were naughty and pumping my face in turni was slap by bbc on my face feeling how weak and stupid easy i was getting cock in my mouthi mean 3 guy hard in the dark i realized i was a puppet once my daddy started to help me down sit on bahis şirketleri his bbc struggle legs up sit down his cock exploding in me as i rest on him squealing cum in my poor lil hole i train way too much with toysa cock in my mouth bounced on daddy , i was a bitch in pitch black getting assaulted by 3 horny straight black dad who just need holes for their always hard full of cum bbchead tilt mouth fuck , a cock in me still hard and big afterr dumping in me, savouring my wet cunt he wjispered in my earhis friend working my mouth until i was swallowing a big load ”good boy, now my other friend”panty on the side in the dark i was filled both side , daddy help me doggy and i was fuck sucking dry his friend moaning face a mess his friends leaving thanking him ass up face down i listen to him tell me i was a good sissy bitchhe slap my ass hard oncei squeal in pain looking bahis firmaları back”you say , yes daddy when i ask a question””Yes daddy ””good girl””what about we go in the shower and i **** that ass ””…..”SLAP ”yes daddy”looking down ass up not wanting another slapin total darkness he did kinda **** me i was face fuck my head hitting the shower wall so hard i cried like a little bitcheach stroke i felt like he wanted to make me pass outmy hands up hols by him on the wall he pumped as i tried to breath water and cock pounding on my face he release me and i fell down to my ass he mounted my chest and pin my head down under him my hands taken again hold up as he literally pounded my mouth into a cunt”mmmmm good cunt, very good pussy”under him face slap by him crushing me down in total darness making gaging noise my throat a cock sleeve i nearly pass out from kaçak bahis siteleri his belly pounding my face , his bbc punching a hole in my soul , as i rest weak and defeatedounce he stop i was pull legs up watching him fuck me my back sliding on the wet floor”daddy is making your holes into cunts you know ?””oh yeah good pink white sissy cunt , nice ass needing daddy bbc ””oh yeah , you know daddy is right , daddy fucked your pussy mouth so good , i ounded that face down real hot didnt I baby?”i was just moaning looking awayi wanted to try…..this was getting out off controli never was able to escape i crawl away from the shower only to be fuck on the bathroom counter ass slap until i was release like a dog i was ass slap to my room he fuck me all night i passout and woke up still fuck and used head spinning in circlesuntil he was gone and i felt like a slut who had a visit from daddy and his friendsreceiving txt all day long about me going to wait in the dark again tonight in my bed10pm , ass up freashly shave and showered in a stringmy door open, i smile waiting like a good sissy ”trying”

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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