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Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
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Shards of mid-morning sunlight crept across the polished oak floor of Mark’s fourth floor Manhattan loft. They inched up the side of his platform bed, gliding slowly across his face. He greeted the warmth with squinting eyes and a satisfied smile. He reached out with his right arm and stroked Kelli’s back.
“You awake, babes?” he asked softly.
“Uh huh,” she replied, her voice muffled by the down comforter in which she snuggled.
Mark had met Kelli seven months earlier at the opening of an off-Broadway play he’d co-written. The chemistry between them was instant and electric, seemingly energized by some mystical powers of fate. They made love the same night his play opened.
Mark was six-foot two and one-hundred eighty-five pounds. He enjoyed rollerblading through Central Park and playing tennis to keep fit. Kelli was an investment banker and loved theater, running and gourmet cooking. Her five-foot nine, athletic figure often brought her offers to model, though she only occasionally took one. She worried that too much modeling would compromise her hard-earned MBA. Their friends all agreed they were the perfect New York couple.
In the beginning, they consumed one another with passion and sex. They kissed with a fury, their teeth often clicking together while their tongues intertwined. Although their lovemaking wasn’t kinky, it always included varied positions. Many times, they would collapse in sweet exhaustion only after the sun had risen. Their sex was ‘ask and you shall receive,’ kind of sex, and they both reveled in it. But Mark had detected a subtle change in Kelli’s desire in recent weeks.
“You want some breakfast?” he asked.
“Umm…In a bit.”
Mark rolled over next to her, slid his hand beneath the comforter and cupped her breast.
“Then shall I find a way to please you?”
She cradled his hand with hers and said, “No, I’m okay. But if you want to…” her voice trailing off in an unfinished thought.
Kelli’s disinterest in morning sex troubled him. He sat up, leaned back against the headboard and asked, “Are we okay, here?”
Kelli tilted her head toward him. She scrunched her face in a weak smile.
“You mean…like between us?”
“Well, yes. I’m feeling a little threatened when you turn down morning sex.”
Kelli rolled over, leaned against Mark and kissed his chest.
“Oh god, Mark, you don’t have to feel threatened,” she said. “I love you more than ever. I love having sex with you. It’s…well, it’s just that lately — oh hell, I don’t even know how to explain it to you.”
“Come on, no secrets, remember?”
“You’ll think I’m silly.”
“If you don’t want sex with me in the morning, silly is the last thing I’m thinking. Come on, tell me.”
Kelli forced another smile and said, “Okay, you know I love you more than anything, right?”
“Yes. I think we’ve established that.”
“Well, it’s just that — oh shit, this is going to sound bad. Let’s just forget about…”
Mark cut her off in mid-sentence. “Kelli, please.”
“Well…sometimes I — uh, think our sex has gotten, well, a little predictable.”
Mark puffed his chest, crossed his arms and stared at her in momentary silence.
“Predictable? Are you saying sex with me is…boring?” he asked
“Noooo, of course not. Goddamn it, I knew this wouldn’t go well.”
Slightly offended, Mark was enjoying watching Kelli squirm her way out of the corner she’d painted herself in.
“So what are you saying, then?” he persisted.
Kelli pulled her knees up, wrapped the comforter around her nakedness and curled up like a moth inside a cocoon.
“I mean, when we make love…it’s kind of the same routine lately,” she said. “I go down on you, you go down on me, and then we fuck. It’s…it’s still delicious – but not the same as it was. Don’t you feel like…like we lost some of the magic along the way?”
Mark pondered the question for a few moments. Although he’d always enjoyed making love with Kelli, she had a point.
“Let’s assume, for the sake of this conversation, that you’re right,” he asked. “How do you suggest we change things up, short of flying off to Antigua that is?”
Kelli was grinning. Mark couldn’t stay mad at her for very long and he knew she understood that.
“I don’t know, babes…but you’re the creative one here,” she teased. “Can’t you come up with something?”
Mark returned her smile, kissed her lips and said, “Okay, fair enough. But you can’t say no…to anything. Deal?”
While they hadn’t moved in together, Mark and Kelli slept together three or four nights a week. Only their varied schedules kept them from enjoying one another nightly. It had been several days since Kelli’s ‘confession.’ Mark heard the door to his loft open.
“Kelli?” he shouted.
“Hi, hon. What are you doing?”
“Making dinner. Come into the kitchen and help me drink some wine.”
Kelli walked through the loft, dropping her coat and purse on the sofa, and then kicking off her shoes. Mark was standing bonus veren siteler at the stove, babysitting a bubbling pot of spaghetti sauce. She walked up behind him, wrapped her arms around his waist and peered over his shoulder.
“Umm! That smells good,” she said.
He kissed her and smiled.
“I thought a nice, big plate of pasta would get you carbed up for your morning run.”
“That’ll work. Now where’s the wine that needs my help?”
Kelli sat at the large dining table, sipping Chianti from a tall, fluted wine glass. Mark carried two heaping plates of pasta to the table, setting one in front of her.
“There you go,” he said proudly. “That sauce is a secret recipe that’s been handed down through four generations of my family.”
The smirk on his face instantly brought his credibility into question.
“Four generations?” Kelli quizzed.
“Okay, I got it from my Mom…but I’m sure someone else in my family invented it.”
They both laughed.
Mark knew the wine and homemade dinner would relax Kelli.
“I’ve been thinking about what you said the other morning,” he said.
“You-you mean that thing about our…sex life?” she asked. “Look, I don’t know why I even brought that up. I-I’m sorry I said…”
Mark shook his forefinger from side to side.
“Ah, ah, ah! I happen to think you’re right.”
“You do?”
Mark left the table and walked to his computer desk, saying, “I’ve done some research on sex therapy and it’s not uncommon for sex to become a little stale between otherwise happy partners. But I think I’ve found a remedy for our problem.”
“Mark, honey, we don’t have problem. I was just, you know…kind of thinking out loud, that’s all.”
He picked up a file folder and returned to the table.
“Pornography!” he exclaimed. “That’s what some sex experts recommend to restore the spark.”
“You mean you want me to watch pornography with you?” Kelli asked. “I don’t know, Mark. That’s a little weird. I-I don’t know if I can get into watching porn with you.”
“Oh no! We’re not going to watch it,” Mark laughed. “We’re going to star in it!”
Mark watched Kelli’s face grow suddenly serious while she tried to grasp his meaning. He handed the folder to her.
“What’s this?” she asked.
“I guess you could call it a screenplay. Read it.”
Mark studied her face with anxious delight as she read his script. Her eyebrows arched and relaxed repeatedly. She would smile, then emit a soft gasp or cover her mouth with her hand and giggle.
“Oh my god, Mark. Do you really expect me to go along with this?”
“You did asked me to get creative…and besides you agreed that ‘no’ was not an option.”
“But what about these props? Sexy costumes, vibrators? And…and flavored body oils? I don’t have any of that stuff.”
“Don’t you worry your little head about it, my dear. Come with me.”
Mark took Kelli’s hand and led her across the loft and into the bedroom.
“Oh… My…God!” she muttered.
Three tripod-mounted video cameras, with lights, were stationed along the sides and foot of the bed. Devoid of any top covers, the white, silk sheets and pillowcases were covered with bright, red rose petals. On the corner of the bed sat a gloss black, open-topped gift bag. Mark handed it to Kelli and said, “This is for you. Well, actually, it’s for both of us.”
Kelli sat on the edge of the bed and began sorting through the bag’s contents. She pulled out a bundle of red tissue paper, placed it on the bed and unfolded the multiple layers. Inside was a baby blue teddy. Holding it between her thumbs and forefingers, she lifted it in front of her and said, “Mark, it’s beautiful.”
“It has a matching thong,” he was quick to add.
“Hmmm…what else is in here?” she asked, fishing through the bag again.
Next, she held up a shiny, chrome tube. It was nearly seven inches long with a bullet-shaped tip and about two inches around.
“Talk about feeling threatened,” she said.
“Twist the knob on the bottom.”
The tube sprang to life, emitting a whirring noise and a high-speed vibration. Kelli rubbed it along her forearm.
“I’m afraid to ask what you intend to do with this thing,” she smiled.
She reached into the bag again and retrieved two bottles of flavored massage oil, one chocolate, and the other coconut.
“I see you’ve given this a great deal of thought,” she said.
“Why don’t you go change into the teddy while I fire up the cameras? It’s show time!”
Kelli studied the video equipment, her smile now more of a grimace.
“Oh, Mark honey — I, I don’t know if I can do this. I mean taping ourselves…”
“Trust me. Ignore the cameras and I know you’ll enjoy yourself,” Mark assured her. “Just think how sexy it will be to watch ourselves making love.”
“No one else will ever see this?”
“Of course not. When we’re done, the tapes are yours…a gift if you will.”
Kelli’s smile returned. She grabbed the teddy and the script bedava bahis and headed for the bathroom.
“You are so bad.”
A few minutes later, she returned wearing the teddy and still studying the script. Mark had no doubt she would look gorgeous in the teddy, and his already excited cock sprang to life when she stood before him. Her devotion to running kept her body fat to a minimum, resulting in firm, round breasts with little visible sag. Her dime-sized nipples were clearly erect beneath the translucent negligee. The outline of a neatly trimmed mound of pubic hair was visible beneath the thong.
He took the script from her hand and said, “You look so hot. Why don’t you sit in the middle of the bed and act sexy while I turn on the cameras.”
Her facial expression was still somewhere between excitement and uncertainty.
“But I’m not sure — you know, that I have the script down yet,” she said.
“Don’t worry, you’ll do fine. I wrote it, remember?”
Her smile returned when she saw Mark’s erection poling-out his warm-ups like a small pup tent.
“I can see this idea is having its desired effect on you,” she teased.
Kelli slid to the middle of the bed. She treated this as though it were another modeling shoot. Sitting on her knees, she played before Mark’s cameras, tossing her head back and loosely shaking her shoulder length hair while Mark flitted from tripod to tripod. She focused on one camera, then the next, as she slowly ran her hands over her breasts. “Kelli, that’s so good…wait ’til you see this,” Mark said. “I knew you’d ace this scene.”
With all the cameras running, Mark stood at the foot of the bed and watched Kelli. He could see her relaxing and getting in to the role as she spread her legs slightly and placed her right hand on her pussy. With slow strokes, she massaged herself with one hand while licking the fingers of the other.
“Come on Mark, I want you to join me now,” she said.
Mark shuffled across the bed on his knees, put his arms around Kelli’s waist and began kissing her. His tongue tangled with hers and he could feel her pulling at his buttocks. She grabbed his cock through his warm-ups and fondled him.
“Oops! That’s not in the script, is it?” she asked coyly.
Mark pulled her tightly against him, ran his hands over her silk-covered breasts and grinned.
“A good director will always take a little improv whenever he can get it.”
“Are you a good director?”
“I guess we’re about to find out.”
Kelli pushed him on to his back and pulled off his warm-ups.
“This is my favorite scene, Mr. Director,” she cooed. ” I’ll follow the script as closely as I can.”
Holding the bottle of chocolate flavored oil, she kneeled along Mark’s left side, insuring the cameras would not miss her performance. She removed the cap, poured a generous portion of the aromatic lotion in her hands. After placing the bottle on the night table, she held Mark’s twitching erection firmly, sliding her hands along his shaft in alternating motions. With slow, measured strokes, she began masturbating him.
In her most seductive voice, she asked, “How am I doing so far, Mr. Director?”
“Good. Oh fuck! Real good,” he moaned.
With both her hands sliding up and down his glistening erection, Kelli began kissing and licking the head of his cock. After teasing his prick with her lips and tongue for a few minutes, she swallowed his chocolate-flavored dick nearly to the hilt.
“Oh god, Kelli, that — that’s amazing,” Mark said.
She could feel his hand on the back of her head as she fucked him with her mouth and throat. He started thrusting his cock upwards, seeking more of her pleasure as he neared orgasm.
“Oh fuck, Kelli, I’m going to come.”
Kelli sealed her lips around the head of his cock. She pumped him with her hands until streams of hot semen erupted against the roof of her mouth. She didn’t immediately swallow the warm ejaculate, instead allowing it to puddle up on her tongue. When his pulsing finally subsided, she opened her mouth, allowing his juices to slowly drip down his glazed shaft. With long, tender flicks of her tongue, she reclaimed her prize, swallowing every drop she had milked from him.
“God, I love chocolate,” she purred.
“Jesus Christ, babes! That was—the best! I—I thought I was going to come forever,” Mark groaned.
“So did I pass the audition?”
“Oh yeah. Great first act.”
Mark pulled her down on top of him and kissed her tenderly.
“See, I knew you would enjoy this,” he said.
“I, I can’t believe how alive this makes me feel. You’re a genius, Mark.”
“We’re just getting started. Act two is my lead,” he smiled. “Do you remember what to do next?”
“Yes, but are you sure you want to pose like that? It reads kind of weird in the script.”
“You just called me a genius, remember? Besides, you have a beautiful ass and a gorgeous pussy. It’ll be a great scene.”
After Kelli kissed him with short peck on the lips, Mark climbed deneme bonus off the bed to watch her from the camera’s angle. Again, her modeling experience began to control her actions. Kelli lazily pulled her knees beneath herself, spread her legs and raised her ass in the air. Mark viewed her through the camera at the foot of the bed and provided more direction while his erection returned to its full measure.
“That’s really nice, Kelli. Goddamn, you have one fine ass,” he murmured, “now push the thong aside and touch yourself.”
Kelli hooked the lacy strap of the thong with her finger and pulled it out of the way. Mark had a clear view of the glistening lips and burgundy-tinted slit of her pussy. As her fingers massaged her wetness, glimpses of pink, inner flesh were briefly exposed, only to conceal themselves again when her hand pulled away. Mark grabbed the gift bag and removed the chrome dildo. He applied a liberal coating of the coconut-flavored body oil to it and turned it on. Kelli looked back toward Mark when she heard the ominous whirring sound. He could see she wasn’t smiling quite as much.
“Don’t worry, babes. If you don’t like any of this, all you have to do is say stop, okay?” he said.
“All right. Just go easy at first.”
Mark hopped back on the bed and moved close enough to Kelli to rub his cock against her thigh. He ran his hand across her ass and said, “Damn, Kelli, you are so fucking sexy right now. This whole thing is such a turn on.”
Kelli said nothing as she shifted nervously from one knee to the other. Mark first placed the dildo on her thigh, running up to her ass in long, easy strokes. After several minutes, he guided the vibrator between her legs, applying gentle pressure to her pussy. The well-lubricated probe gently widened her slit, exposing her inner flesh. Mark probed her womanhood with the narrow tip of the dildo, inserting it into her with small, loving moves. When he rested it on her clit, she began to moan and writhe.
“Oh my god, Mark.”
“Are you okay? Shall I stop for a while?”
“No! No…whatever you do, don’t stop.”
Mark smiled. He continued to fondle Kelli’s pussy with the vibrator, concentrating on her clit. She started to thrust herself against the tingling bullet, trying to fuck it as she neared her orgasm.
“Tell me what you want, babes and I’ll do it,” Mark whispered to her.
“Oh god, I’m going to come. Oh fuck, Mark…stick it in me. I want to feel it all the way in.”
Mark probed her dripping flesh until the narrow tip of the vibrator rested in her opening. He could hear her breathing hard, the kind of breathing he hears when she’d return from a run. When he fully inserted the toy, a loud, slow breath gushed from her.
“I—I’m going to come so…so fucking hard, Mark,” she screamed.
When the first rush of her orgasm rocked through her, Kelli clamped her legs tightly together and rolled on to her back. While still applying pressure to the dildo, Mark put his mouth on her clit, sucking and lightly nipping her aroused bud. She pulled his head against her pussy in a frenzied panic as her orgasm exploded though her.
“Ahhh…Mark! Oh my –my god. You’ve got to stop… be-before I explode,” she screamed, laughing.
Mark lifted his oil-glazed face from her pussy, smiled and said, “God, I love coconut.”
Mark quickly removed the vibrator from Kelli’s pussy and rolled on top of her. He kissed her lips and said, “Shall we begin Act Three?”
She answered him with a crushing, passion-rich kiss. Mark drove his cock into her with one singular thrust.
“Fuck me hard, Mark. I need you to fuck me really hard and come inside me,” she cried out, wrapping her legs around his hips.
Mark popped the tape into his VCR and returned to the couch. Kelli sat next to him, fidgeting with her wine glass.
“You seem a little jumpy,” Mark said.
“I am, but I don’t know why,” she confessed. “That was the best sex we’ve ever had but I’m still a little freaked out at watching myself doing it.”
“The tape turned out so good,” Mark said. “I had a hard on the whole time I was editing it.”
“One tape? I thought you had three cameras?”
“I did. I took the best shots from all three and made this master. Are you ready?”
Kelli nodded her head, took a long sip from her wine and said, “Let’s see how we did.”
Once Mark hit the play button on the remote control, Kelli was mesmerized by the images. She held his hand and began fondling his knuckles in anxious anticipation.
“Jesus, this is so weird,” she said, watching herself touch her own pussy. “I’m feeling embarrassed and turned on at the same time.”
“I know. I’ve got a serious erection watching this with you. The tape gets much better.”
She took several large gulps of wine and gripped Mark’s hand even tighter.
Kelli shifted around in her seat and placed her hand over her mouth as she watched herself performing oral sex on Mark.
“Oh my god, Mark. This is like seeing a train wreck…you know you shouldn’t watch but you can’t help yourself.”
When she saw Mark’s juices ooze from her mouth, she rubbed his cock.
“Jesus! This is amazing. I can’t believe that’s me doing that,” she whispered. “I never expected the cameras to be such a turn-on.”
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