Rising Star – an Early Recollection

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She closed the dressing room door in a rather decisive manner and walked to me as I lent back against the dressing table. She took the glass from my hand and very deliberately placed it on the dresser.“Should I lock the door, Faye.”“if that were possible, probably yes. But nobody has seen the key since Honor Blackman played here. Apparently the director liked to pop in unannounced.”She smiled. “Well, one can but admire his taste.” She kissed me. “And yours.” She kissed me again and her hand went inside the top of my admittedly revealing dress and cupped my right tit. Every now and then, she’d lean back to look at me as if checking I was still okay with what she was doing before leaning back into an even deeper kiss. “Long dresses are lovely but, Faye, I do like it when the curtain rises, don’t you?” She raised the curtain, discovered minimal underwear and the next thing I knew that minimal underwear was around my knees and her fingers were invading my pleasantly moist and inviting cunt. No complaints so far from me.It was soon after I met my agent, Flick, sister to my best friend Lilly, that she got me a job with a repertoire company in my home city. At the time my success as a professional actress had been distinctly limited. I’d been a part of a self-funding group called Dole Queue, based in Bristol and thanks only to my Dad’s generosity and an inheritance from a slightly deranged but wealthy maiden aunt had kept body and soul together. I’d done a few ads and kids TV which is basically a mechanism used to weed out those who are not truly masochistic enough to want to act.Repertoire work is less popular than it was, thanks largely to TV and film. Back then a rep company would do several plays a month using the same cast. It was, for people like me, an apprenticeship. Most companies had people on their way up, a few very competent almanbahis şikayet if unambitious members who liked the stability, and people on their way down. These were often disappointed, frustrated actors who believed nobody had seen their true abilities and who had often taken to the warm embrace of the bottle as succour and comfort.Flick had called me to her office. Even then, although her agency was in its infancy, she was imperious, not to say rude.“Don’t sit down, I have important people to see. The Royal Western Rep.”“What about it?”“They want someone who can act.”“Did you have anyone in mind?” Even then I tried to give Flick as good as I got.”No.” I wasn’t as good at the game as she was. “But in the absence of anyone good I have, against all that is credible, persuaded them that you can.” She mentioned a salary which was better than playing the part of a menstruating woman cycling in a tampon ad (but not much) and told me to fuck off and see the owner/manager, George Clutton. She had and still has such charm. She is living proof that the English girls’ boarding school is basically a training ground for thugs.George Clutton was born in the mould of the great actor/managers of yore. A competent if not great actor he was a brilliant theatre manager and read his audience’s taste perfectly and pandered to it. This meant a succession of light comedies, thrillers and the occasional romantic shit for the dowagers who lived in our great city.“Bums on seats, Faye, bums on seats. That’s what theatre management is about, that and charging them a sensible amount for a ticket. Sensible means enough to make it seem special and not so much that when they see you lot prancing about they don’t feel cheated.” We were on stage, both safety and normal curtain raised, and he was acting. George couldn’t mount the boards without almanbahis canlı casino projecting his voice, gesticulating, moving as to a director’s instructions. In this case, his own instructions.“It’s bloody hard work, great experience. You’ll have to fight off Billy Forbes,” juvenile male lead, “and, when he’s sober which isn’t often, you’ll have to fight off Lionel Sheridan too.” Sheridan was one of the descending actors, in his case descending from nowhere very elevated. “Flick says you’re a lesbian. That’s good. There’s far too much fucking in the theatre for its own good. Right, rehearsals tomorrow at nine. Don’t be late.”Thanks, George! The truth was it went well for me and I enjoyed it, had a lot of fun, some good reviews and a lot of great experience. Once each year, George and his utterly bizarre wife the former actress Nellie Pomeroy, threw a huge party for the theatre’s friends. For friends read people who gave money in order to kid themselves they were great sponsors of the arts. Greatest among them was the Wigram family. Throughout the county you’d see billboards saying “WIGRAMS. Third largest brewers in the West Country.” Who on Earth brags about being third largest of anything? Well, Wigrams did. The firm had been making beer since 1812. Another great advertising slogan. “Napoleon retreated, Wigram advanced.”The Wigram dynasty started supporting the Royal Western Rep in 1945 to celebrate the end of the war and had been the biggest sponsors ever since. We were on strict orders to suck up to them, fawn, grovel and, if necessary, abase ourselves in order to sustain their continuing support.It was the end of my first season with the company and the party, always held on the last night of the last play and on stage amid the properties and flats. “Give them a fix, let them imagine themselves with the almanbahis casino spot on them.” Inevitably the cast were on a bit of a high. A six-month season of twelve different plays was demanding and the end and the prospect of a few weeks off led to high spirits and, for some, large quantities of spirits or any other booze of choice. I’d been playing the part of the rebellious and wayward daughter of a wealthy politician (perfect fit according to Flick) and simply loved the dress so, makeup off, I retained the dress for the party. It was long, hugged my tits and arse, floated and generally felt fabulous.“You’re wearing one of my fucking costumes,” exclaimed the wardrobe Mistress, Helena.“Too right, darling. You think I can afford anything suitable for this do on my pay?”“You get it stained, any sort of stain, and you pay for it to be cleaned. Got it.”“Got it, loud and clear thanks.”George suddenly grabbed my elbow and a small drop of, thankfully white, wine slopped onto my left tit. “I want you to meet someone and,” he hissed in my ear, “be nice!”Now the truth is I had already had a couple of large gins in the dressing room with Gloria Somerville, female lead, another waning star and devout alcoholic so I was flying a bit.“Miss Elizabeth Wigram,” George announced portentously, “may I introduce Faye Millerton.”I think I sobered up a bit. Elizabeth, ‘please call me Liz’ Wigram was tall, slender, bright eyed, short haired and androgynous. She was wearing a cream silk shirt (with cufflinks for heaven’s sake) and very tight leather trousers and shiny brown shoes. Those of you who have followed my chronicles will know that that combination has a dampening effect on yours truly. According to the delectable Ms. Wigram, who referred to herself as the ‘bitter heiress’ (bitter being a type of British beer) I had been ‘bloody marvellous’ in all the plays she’d seen and had especially asked to meet me. Clutton had been only too pleased to arrange it. It had the added advantage of keeping me out of the most unwelcome clutches of Billy Forbes and Lionel Sheridan for which I was grateful.

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