Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32
Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32
strapon. Here comes the story; I was meeting this woman through a internetsite. She was a lesbian, she claimed, but has always wanted to dominate a man with spanking and straponfucking she said that she wanted the man cry like a baby when she was finished with him.Well she took off my clothes and inspected me, pinch my ass and said wow what a nice little ass I am going to treat today. Eventually she went to the floor and laid me over her legs and then she began to spank me with her hand and she spank me hard. I yelped and whined as her hand recentlessly smacked my bottom.yes yes she triumphed and was beylikdüzü escort speeding up the pace at the same time she went down to my cock with her hand and afterwards she told me that it was a very hard cock shivering between her fingers. She stopped (thanks god) and my bottom was all red. She went up and reach for the strapon, I was still on the floor gasping after the spanking, she put on the strapon went behind me, drag my thighs (like I was a feather) towards her so my ass was high up in the air I was leaning on my upper chest with my arms eagle-spread.she took aim at my defentless ass and pressed avcılar escort in the strapon deep. A high moaning com over my lips and she went Yeeeah all the way…Yes, Yes. She stopped for a while and give my ass a couple of smacks. Then she started to pound me and I could feel my asscheeks giving in for her hips so my ass started to do waves and I was rocking back and forth in her pace (what could I do) Yeah just like a woman´s ass she cried. I was moaning high when she was breaking me in. After 5 minutes she stopped and turned me over to the back. She spread my legs and lied them on her sholders and esenyurt escort hit me again. She was holding her hands in the floor just aside my armpits and then she started to fuck me and how she fucked.The only thing I could do was to hold my hands at her underarms rocking like the seawaves when she went in and out in and out. If You had looked behind her You would have seen a woman´s ass pounding hard and some male legs sticking up in the air behind her´s shouldersshivering and trembling, deep moans was coming out of me and after a while the woman started moaning. Four five very hard pounding and then she lied over me hard breathing. We were both covered in sweat and she told me she had a little orgasm. Afterwards she finish me up with a handjob with one of her fingers up in my ass to her knuckle. Regards fylke
Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32