Summer of 93’ The After Party Part XI

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Summer of 93’ The After Party Part XISummer of 93’The After PartyPart XIWe all came home to my house and the ladies all split up to go pee. I Showed Curtis the master bathroom, Curtis has been in my house but he never got the grand tour. I was very proud of the master bath, I worked with our builder to design it. It has a walk-in shower with six shower heads and a jacuzzi tub big enough to fit both me and Maggi.Curtis was pretty impressed, I was telling him all the different features when the three lovely ladies came in and said is it ready, we need to wash this pool water off.I fired up the shower, we all went in, it was like being in a hurricane, I adjusted the water so it was more like a spring shower. We all started soaping each other and rubbing together. Lorraine, Maggi and Natalie were all trying to soap up our dick and balls. Lorraine was only 5’1” tall and me being 6’5” tall she was nearly the perfect height to wash my balls.Maggi was 6’ tall and Curtis was 5’6” tall he had an excellent vantage point to wash Maggi’s pussy, and he did. Maggi grabbed him, “You’re going to make me cum she said.”I went to Natalie and washed her and she washed me as we kissed.Once we all were completely clean we left the shower and went to the bathroom’s drying area, it’s five foot by five foot with warming lamps above.I handed everybody towels and turned on the drying lamps and dehumidifying fans. There ware two where most bathrooms just had one. Curtis was really impressed, Maggi said, “It’s amazing how fast you can dry off and the bathroom dries itself.”We went to the salon area where there were two sinks 48” apart with a large wall mirror for shaving and applying make up. The ladies needed to apply their moisturizer, so Curtis and I were glad to help. Both of us on our knees with three beautiful pussies right at our noses. I knew Curtis wanted to rub Maggi and Natalie, he told me yesterday, he couldn’t believe he was fucking a 6’ tall beauty and had a gorgeous 5’7” tall blond that was sitting on his face. Curtis was only 5’ 6”, he was in great shape and a good looking man, Maggi liked short guys if they fit that criteria. Curtis was 9 years older than both Natalie and Maggi, they were both 26 he was 35, the same age as his wife.I was rubbing Lorraine’s strong fit legs, and firm round ass with the lotion. Lorraine was only 5’ tall and weighed about 95 lbs but she was dynamite in a small package. As soon as she faced me I licked her pussy, it was waxed smooth and was tight.We went into our living room where we had a huge sectional sofa and carpeted floors. We put towels down on the sofa cushions and the ladies all kneeled on the floor and stuck out their beavers while laying on the sofa seats. Lorraine said, “Take your pick, but you have to lick it before you stick it.”Maggi held Natalie and said, You can lick Natalie but no sticking, ok? Natalie was to the Dr. yesterday and was told to abstain from intercourse for 7-14 days because she had an inflamed cervix, apparently caused by her boyfriend’s (Pointing right at me) well endowed penis.The truth is I was the only man Natalie had intercourse with in 2 years. After her divorce 25 months ago she went 24 months, not having sex with a man at all. I went to lick Natalie’s pussy, it’s completely hairless and beautiful. While Curtis was switching from Lorraine’s pussy to Maggi’s, his dick was like steel. For a guy only 5’6” tall he wasn’t shorted in the dick department. His dick was close to 7 inches long and about 5” in circumference. He fucked Maggi last Thursday and he had no problem making her cum. He told me he came a little to quick, but I think he was going to make up for it tonight. After all, up to last Thursday Curtis had not fucked another woman other than Lorraine in 11 years, the same was true for Lorraine with men.Curtis was dying to get his dick in Maggi again, and I know Maggi wanted to feel his cock in her, especially since he was so eager. Their was the problem of height, when Maggi was on her knees Curtis needed a boost.Maggi being 6’ tall and me being 6’5”, we really were and ideal match.Natalie to the rescue. Nat grabbed a couple of the sofa cushions off the other side of the sectional and put them down for Curtis, she licked Maggi’s pussy to make sure it was nice and wet. Curtis took aim and hit dead center, Maggi’s pussy was so wet and excited, his cock slid right in, one thrust. Maggi let out a very loud gasp and said, “Ohhhhh…” Curtis began slowly thrusting, he didn’t want to cum so quick. Natalie was kissing Maggi and playing with her tits.Lorraine was nearly in a head stand as I picked her up and licked her pussy, she was inverted and she had as much of my dick in her mouth that would fit. Lorraine was 35 years old, keep that in mind, she put her hands on the floor and did and inverted split! I lightly held her waist and licked her pussy. She said, “I want your cock in me.”I’d need a ladder to fuck her like that, not a very tall ladder, but one, none the less.Curtis pulled his dick out of Maggi and was just staring at his wife. She was standing on her hands, I held her waist, but very lightly, I was really just a spotter. She was doing splits, and other gymnastic moves, calling them out as she did them, I thought she might even do a cheer. So Natalie thought this was great and was playing with Lorraine’s pussy, bringing Lorraine very close to an orgasm. I saw a potential hazard, Lorraine is a squirter, at least for the first orgasm of the night. I thought, “This could be tricky and wet as hell.”I got an idea. I said, “Curtis, You know your wife’s pussy better than any bahis siteleri one, make her cum like this.” The reason I said that, is because Lorraine kept saying, “I want to cum like this.” I can understand her desire, some of Maggi’s best orgasms have been while she was inverted, must have something to do with oxygen levels in the brain.Curtis was working her pussy with his hand and tongue, then he put three fingers in, then four… I’m thinking, “He’s going for an inverted fisting.” Lorraine liked to be fisted, she proved that to me last Thursday and like Maggi, her pussy snaps right back so you can fuck her and she’s a perfect fit.Sure enough, Curtis has all but the knuckles in her pussy, Lorraine said, “Go for it Curtis, Make me cum! Lorraine, put her legs straight up, then split. She said, “Go for it honey, fist that pussy!”Curtis tucked his fingers and there it was, a first for my new home, an inverted fisting, and here comes the flood!Lorraine said as she gasped, “Ok Pull it out, I coming!”It was kind of like the fountains at Caesar’s Palace. Maggi was the only one far enough away not to get hit by the eruption. Natalie thought it was great and said, “I want to try that!” Curtis’ dick was about to explode he was so excited, and I’m wondering if I can file an insurance claim.Lorraine started to fall, I scooped her up in my arms and held as her pussy dripped out on my carpet. I had a brilliant idea, I know Curtis really wanted to fuck Maggi but Lorraine wanted more, a lot more.Loraine put her legs back so her ankles were behind her head and under her armpits. I told Maggi and Natalie about this yesterday but I don’t think they really appreciated the amazing flexibility Lorraine was capable of until they saw this. Bath Maggi and Natalie were staring in awe. Nat asked, “Lorraine, can you lick your own pussy?” Lorraine laughed and said, “No but I spent hours trying.”Natalie said, “See Pete, I told you it was impossible, but every girl tries.”Maggi laughed, “God knows I did.”I told Maggi to pick up Lorraine on her left side and I picked her up on the right. I had Curtis line up with his incredibly hard cock pointed right at his wife’s pussy. Maggi and I slid Lorraine right onto Curtis’ cock. Curtis stood with his hands on his hips, looking like Superman, all he needed was a cape, and watched as me and Maggi rocked his wife on his cock. Lorraine said, “Oh God please go harder.”Maggi and I picked up the pace and force. Curtis started started thrusting to maximize the depth and force of his bulging cock pounded Lorraine’s pussy. Lorraine was loving it, she said, “Oh Curtis, you’re pounding my pussy, it feels so good!”Maggi and I were getting a little fatigued, Maggi looked at Curtis, she said, “Curtis is about to cum!” Natalie said, “I want to see you Cum Curtis!” Lorraine said, “Curtis, cum in my mouth, all of it.”Maggi and I set Lorraine on the sofa, in half a second she un-pretzeled her self and held her mouth open for Curtis. Curtis grabbed his cock and withdrew it from his wife’s swollen pussy. His cock was bulging swollen, Maggi looked at it and said, “Wow that thing is huge, no wonder he made me cum so fast.” Curtis aimed the tip of his cock right at the center of his wife’s mouth. His cock was circumcised and the head was very large, like a big German helmet. He stroked it only once and said, “Here it is!”Stream after stream shot into Lorraine’s wanting mouth, she swallowed so she could keep taking the flow of semen, thick and white. Curtis was sweating and said, “Holy shit, I can’t believe all that cum came out of me.” Lorraine said, “I’ve never swallowed that much cum.”Lorraine said, “Pete, Please keep fucking me.”Maggi said, “Oh I know how she feels.”Maggi loved to have two men fuck her back to back and then again, the difference was that Maggi liked to have all that cum pumped into her hungry pussy. Maggi grabbed my cock and said, “O’ yea, you’re ready, keep fucking her Pete.”Maggi licked my cock to lube it and then pushed me towards Lorraine’s eager pussy. My cock slid in as Lorraine smiled and said, “Oh I remember this thick cock.”I fucked her as she directed me faster, slower, harder, softer, deeper, the directions kept coming in between she would suckle Curtis’ wilted cock, trying to bring it back to life.Lorraine screamed, “I Coming!” She threw her hands back over her head, her left hand hit Curtis, she grabbed his ass and it looked like she stuck a finger in his asshole, if not, the base of his cock. Whatever she did it worked, he was near 100%. Maggi and Nat waved him over, he grabbed the base of his cock and squeezed, his head bulged as he moved next to Maggi and Nat. Both of them had their pussies spread open and they were soaking wet, his throbbing cock would have slid right into Maggi’s and she would have been delighted to take it, but she knew this was Lorraines train, and there would another day to ride.I told Lorraine, “I’m Ready.” She opened her mouth like hungry baby bird waits to be fed in it’s nest. I grabbed the base of my cock and pulled out of Lorraine’s wet and swollen pussy, there was a “Shwap” sound as I pulled out. Swiftly I put the tip of my cock right at the entrance of her mouth, Curtis already started fucking, it was non-stop for Lorraine. My helmet was red and bulging, as I shot 4 hard streams to the back of her throat, 5 or 6 weaker streams came out and a couple of large drops at the end, Lorraine did not swallow yet, she closed her mouth and forced the hot cum through her mouth and over her tongue, savoring the taste. She swallowed with a gulp and breathed deeply to catch her breath.Curtis canlı bahis siteleri was pumping his wife’s pussy deep, but not rushing, Maggi stood up behind him and said, “That’s it, nice and deep, don’t make it happen, let it happen.”She was trying to help him prolong his hard-on. It’s so easy for married couples to just go through the motions of sex, it becomes a chore to complete and get over with. Maggi and I experienced this about a year after we got married.Once Lorraine sucked the last drop of cum from my cock, I went to Maggi and Nat. Maggi kissed me and said, I know you’ll be tired, but I want your dick in me so bad, even if only for a minute. She grabbed me and wrapped her arms around me and sucked my balls, licking any of Lorraine’s pussy cum off of me. My cock was about 1/2 the size it was, Maggi took it all in her mouth, sucking hard and savoring the tastes and smell. Natalie pulled me down to the sofa and pulled my mouth to her beautiful breasts.With all this I hadn’t noticed that Lorraine had turned over to doggy style. She was alternating lifting one leg at a time, stretching it straight back and up, her dexterity was amazing, Nat said, “Look Maggi, we need to start working out with Lorraine and get that flexible.” Maggi said, “We’ll wind up fucking each other.” Nat looked at her and they both raised their eyebrows.Maggi had me go down and lick her pussy, once my mouth near, she grabbed my head and pushed my whole face in her beautiful pussy. There’s probably nothing on earth that has the same effect on me that Maggi’s pussy does. The smell, the taste, it’s like a d**g to me, instant arousal.Curtis said, “Lorraine I’m ready to cum.” Loraine, pulled her legs in a tuck position, flipped from “doggy” position, to on her back, and Curtis’ dick never left her pussy! Natalie, Maggi and myself was dumbstruck. Curtis pulled out to go to her mouth, Lorraine yelled, “Pete, I need you, I’m about to cum!”I plunged my cock in her very, very wet pussy, Curtis started pumping his hot semen into her open mouth, not as much this time, but enough to choke an inexperienced woman unaccustomed to good, see it to the end, cock sucking. Lorraine new what she was doing and liked doing it, in my opinion, that’s a recipe for a good marriage.Right as she got the last bit of cum swallowed, she started coming, this time it was a long drawn out cum, when the woman just seems to cum and doesn’t stop. Her whole body was involved, her eyes rolled back, her legs twitched and her stomach muscles quivered. I had to work to stay in her pussy. Natalie said, “Oh that’s a good one, that’s a real good one.”Maggi and Natalie were kissing and fondling there pussy lips and clits while I was still fucking Lorraine.Lorraine stoped the orgasmic convulsions and declared, “I Can’t Take Any More!” Maggi grabbed me and pulled me back, “She’s over stimulated Pete, Curtis don’t touch her pussy.”I’m pretty sure I’ve seen this with almost every woman I fucked at one time or another (I really haven’t fucked that many, maybe 18 at this point in my life). I know when this happens to Maggi, she will become violent if I try to touch her clit, even if I’m playing around.So I’m left with a soaking wet lubed cock, throbbing at it’s full 7 1/4 inches and no pussy. I was not going to jack off and cum on the ground after all the work I put into this orgy.Maggi was already in motion, she wanted my cock bad, any time she watches me fucking another woman, she wants to make sure she fucks me last. There’s all kinds of scientific evidence to prove women claim their men this way by covering any other woman’s scent, it’s primal, instinctual in Homo Sapiens. Maggi had me lay on my back on the floor, Natalie put a pillow under my ass (gives maximum penetration) and head. Slowly she slid up and down my cock, she knew exactly how to get the most out of me, in duration and pleasure, as she said, “We were born to be together.”At the same time Lorraine had regained her composure and Natalie was sitting with Lorraine; they were gently stroking each other’s hair, they both had beautiful hair. Lorraine saw Curtis was getting very aroused. She called him over and said get on your knees next to me, I want your cock. He was kneeling next to his wife as she leaned over and starting sucking, Natalie laid back and spread her legs opening her very wet vagina for him to see, with the other hand she played with her long blond hair.Curtis was 100% blue steel in a minute but he couldn’t fuck either Nat or Lorraine. About a year ago Maggi and I spent our first weekend with Danny and Donna, we spent many weekends together since. The subject of double vaginal penetration came up and Donna even demonstrated with dildos. We tried but just couldn’t make it happen. The major problem was that Danny was a stocky guy, he had a 40 inch waist, and we could never get into position to make it happen.Curtis had a 28” waist and was in fantastic shape, plus he had a 7” dick. Lorraine said to Maggi, “Hey Maggi Curtis wants to try a double penetration, you want to try?”Maggi said, “Oh yea, Curtis would be perfect for that, make sure he’s lubed well.”Natalie poured vitamin E oil all over Maggi’s asshole letting run down over her taint and on my dick to my balls, Lorraine lubed up Curtis.Curtis was the perfect height for this as well, everything was just right for us to try this. I felt the pressure of his big head on the back of my shaft, I kept my dick in deep as he pushed. He was trying to go directly in at a straight up and down angle. Instead of trying to force it, he pushed and let the natural shape of our cocks canlı bahis guide us. His cock went to the side at a 2:00 O’clock position and his hard cock slid right in on top of mine. Went all in, I could feel his balls on the back of my shaft, very warm just laying there.Maggi was frozen, very much like when I fist her and just get my knuckles in past and through the vaginal opening. She exhaled and said, this is wonderful. Curtis said, I’m in the best position to thrust, tell me if it hurts you guys, I’ll stop.Natalie and Lorraine we both saying, “Oh this looks amazing, I want to try this, Oh, Maggi looks like she’s in ecstasy…”Maggi said, “Pete this is incredible how do you feel?” I said, “This is unbelievable, my whole body is throbbing.Curtis starting thrusting in and out very slowly at first and very carefully, he had to adjust his knees throughout the movement or it would not work. He did it perfectly. I felt his hard cock rubbing against mine, but what was really great, was the head, when his head went over my head and shaft, I could feel the ridge of his large helmet, the soft flesh stroking me and in the perfect spot, right on the under side of my helmet and shaft. His balls would drag over mine, gently colliding into each other and then as he thrust they would drag up the shaft and press against me and the opening of Maggi’s vagina. Maggi was moaning with every thrust, she was so well lubed, everything slid together perfectly. (The lube really is absolutely vital for this be pleasurable)Curtis whispered, (I could tell he was at his limit by his breathing) “Two or three more thrusts and I’m going to blow.” I said, “I’m right there.” Maggi said, “I am so close when you guys cum try and stay with me, ok?”Curtis thrust 1, 2, 3, and came as he was driving in as deep as he could go. I felt the cum shoot out the head of his cock, it pulsed hard into the underside of my head, it felt like warm soapy water, very warm. The pulses continued and I could feel my self coming, shooting straight into Maggi’s vagina. The combined cum filled and surrounded our cocks swallowing them. Maggi started to cum and her pelvic muscles spasmed uncontrollably, she was trying to control her hips but her involuntary motor nerves were taking over, she thrashed her head side to side literally screaming deep and guttural. Curtis’ cock was pushed out like a watermelon seed flying out from your thumb and index finger when you squeeze as hard as you can.Curtis fell back only to have his wife, his partner catch him, Lorraine kissed him on his neck and said, “I got ya!” I was on my back so I had nowhere to go, Maggi bucked wildly, I couldn’t stay with her. About a second later she collapsed on top of me, the collision of our bodies made a slapping sound. Lorraine said, “Oh My God, Are You Alright?” Natalie laughed and said, “Wait til you see them in the back yard in the grass, they need a first-aide kit after that.”Maggi rolled onto the floor, spread her legs and pulled up her feet, “I think this is what having a baby feels like.” Laughing out loud when she said it.Lorraine had sucked her husband’s cock clean of all the coated cum, then she moved to me and then Maggi. Natalie was laying down next to Lorraine and was kissing her sharing the cum, both of them were expressing their pleasure of licking it, tasting it and swallowing it. Maggi was moaning, “This is amazing, I love you guys.”Maggi sat up and said come here guys motioning to me and Curtis, we sat down next to her our cocks by her tits, she grabbed both of them and said, “look at these BIG COCKS, you guys fucked me silly you fuckers.” As we all regained our composure Natalie kissed me and held on to me and said, “You’re mine for the rest of the night, I’ve shared enough.”I said as I held her, “You got it My Angel, I’m in love with you.”Curtis and Loraine were making out like teenagers on spring break, I thought they were going to start fucking again.Lorraine stopped, and said for all to hear, I just realized, I ate more cum than ICE CREAM tonight!, Wow I am a SLUT!Maggi said, Not as much as My Slut Pussy, it’s ruined for the night.Nat and Maggi jumped on her and Curtis, and said, “Welcome to The Club!”We all went into the shower and washed, we always kept 4 or 5 clean tooth brushes in the bathroom closet, Maggi handed Lorraine and Curtis one and we passed around the tooth past. We brushed and washed, touching each other in the most intimate places, we had nothing to hide from one another. Once we? dried off we went to the TV room and laid out on the recliners and talked. I got everyone water and lemon aid, no one wanted wine.We were all perfectly sober and glowing from hours of pure pleasure.Curtis and Lorraine wound up spending the night, Natalie held me all night in bed and every time Maggi tried to pull me away she’d say, “He’s mine slut!” This went on all night, the three of us couldn’t keep our hands off one another.Curtis and Lorraine slept in the guest suite, (Nat’s room) and woke up the entire neighborhood at 03:30 with the loudest fucking I’ve heard in a long time, man was she squealing.Around 11:00 am Natalie and Lorraine we’re making pancakes for everyone. “Ding-Dong”, It was the front door, Maggi flung it open without thinking, It was Dave. He saw us all in our bathrobes, if you can call what Nat and Maggi were wearing a robe, the fronts were wide open.Dave walked in carrying a pretty large box. He said, “Pete, Becky forgot to give you this, I guess she was too busy running around with her clothes off.” Maggi said, “What is it Pete?”I said, “I don’t know.”Dave held the box up and said, “It’s from The Whip-Smart Swing Company.”Maggi and Nat blushed, I said, “Curtis, you’re pretty handy with tools and stuff, aren’t you?”Maggi said, “Curtis, we’ll probably need your help for this, it’s for the TV Room.”End of Part XI

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