Teacher’s Treat

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


The week seemed to drag on much longer than normal, but Friday finally arrived. Mike Drake, the drama or stagecraft teacher, observed that all his students were just as restless as he was. He attributed it to the arrival of Spring weather and the upcoming Spring break. As the students broke into groups to plan the pantomime exercise they were to present in a few minutes, he ran through his short checklist. He had no homework to grade and his lesson plan for the final quarter had been filed. So all he needed to do was fuel his car on the way home and then wait until the rush hour traffic subsided before he grabbed his suitcases and headed South.He planned to fill his longings to swim, scuba and work on his tan during the day and haunt the local watering holes at night where he needed to take care of another longing, he needed to get laid. It had been some time since had a lover and he needed the release that masturbation just couldn’t provide.At thirty, he was very good looking and in great shape thanks to an aggressive exercise program. So between his looks, build and personality he usually didn’t have to work too hard to find a willing partner. This couldn’t happen at school and as a result, Mike had been blowing off the usual teacher get-togethers that were always held at the end of the week. While the food, drinks and conversation were good they only fulfilled the need for comradery, but he had stronger ones.Most of the female staff members were married so they were of no help. Even though there were a few that hinted that they were more than interested in following him home he never went that route as it always led to trouble. The few single females that were just as willing just almanbahis şikayet were not that attractive and he wasn’t desperate, so he did without.He often found himself longing for his college days as well as the numerous off-Broadway productions he appeared in or worked on, willing and attractive females were everywhere.The timer on his desk went off signalling that the planning session for the students had ended.  Mike took a seat in the back of the classroom as the students mounted the small stage and gave their presentations either in their group or singly. Drake fixed a smile on his face and watched his students perform, they were good.Then Sharri McCain took the stage and he struggled not to widen his smile. Sherri was extremely good looking and possessed a body that attracted the attention of most of the male students and a few of the teachers. Whenever the topic of attractive female students came up among the male teachers, Sherri’s name was always mentioned as being the top-of-the-line.Sherri knew how to dress to accentuate her height and figure. Although the relaxed school dress code allowed students to wear jeans, Sherri always seemed to wear skirts.As he watched her give her silent performance of a drunk female trying to cross a room and he was impressed by her skill, she had the makings of the great actress. He was even more impressed when she spun around and her short skirt flared up to reveal more of her well-shaped legs. She like many of his female students flirted with him. He was after all the youngest and best looking male teacher on staff, but he ignored them without being mean. He had heard all the horror stories that befell male teachers for hooking up almanbahis canlı casino with a student, especially a sixteen-year-old female student. No matter how careful the involved parties were, someone usually saw them.The presentations ended and he gave some notes to all on how to improve their skills. A second later the bell rang and the students headed out as fast as they could, their Spring break had started. Sharri, of course, was the last to leave and she walked slowly giving him a full view of her firm backside moving under her skirt. She paused long enough to turn her head over her shoulder and wish him a great vacation.Mike left school as soon as he could and headed to the gas station where he checked his fluids and topped off his tank. Once at home he tossed his suitcases and scuba gear in the trunk and then went inside to make himself some dinner and keep an eye on the clock.It was around seven that he decided the time was right to depart and began double checking that everything that needed to be off was off. He had just donned his windbreaker when there came a knock at the door of his mobile home. He was able to peek through the blinds and curtains without being detected and that’s when he saw Sherri McCain standing there.While his residence in this spacious mobile home park was no secret, he was not a fan of people dropping by unannounced, especially female students. For a moment he toyed with the idea of not answering the door. If questioned later he could always say that he must have been asleep. Then it seemed that some unknown force took control of his body and he opened the door.Sherri was still clad in the skirt and blouse outfit that she had worn almanbahis casino in school and Mike was able to take a long lingering look as she brushed by him without fear of detection. He motioned for her to take a seat at her kitchen table and offered her a Coke.Mike took a seat and couldn’t help but notice her nipples pushing against her blouse and was able to get a full view of her sexy legs as she crossed them. Sherri smoothed her long dark tresses and removed a few loose strands from her face and Mike found this act very seductive.”This will have to be a short visit as I’m due to leave shortly,” Mike announced breaking the sexual tension that seemed to fill the room.”I know. You’re heading to Florida to get drunk, party and get laid,” she responded.”Not that it’s any of your business, but yes,” Mike responded.”You don’t need to leave town if you want sex,” Sherri responded licking her cherry red lip.”Excuse me?” Mike responded as he felt a stirring in his groin.Sherri left her seat and planted herself in her teacher’s lap where the scent of her perfume enveloped him.”I am so hot for you that it isn’t funny,” she crooned in his ear as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders.Mike could feel her warm lips against his ear and her firm chest against his and almost against his will he became hard.”Sherri, you’re only sixteen and one of my students,” he responded as her soft lips brushed against his cheek.”Are you afraid that I’m still a virgin? Well I’m not,” she responded looking deep into his eyes.’So the rumours of her being sexually active were true,’ Mike said to himself.”Plus you can do me bareback,” she continued.”Sherri, I can’t do you bareback,” Mike answered.”Yes, you can, I’m already pregnant,” the stunning teen admitted.”Mike cock grew hard as she wiggled her firm bottom in his lap when she felt it through her skirt. His voice of reason told him to tell her to leave, but another desire took hold of him and he remained silent.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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