Teaching Patience

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


The darkness envelops you as you stand… waiting… waiting. You have no idea how long it’s been or how long it will continue. You can feel the cool air on your skin, the slight breeze makes your skin tingle and raises goosebumps on your naked flesh. There is no sight due to the blindfold you wear, no sound because you are alone. Alone. The very word makes you shiver. You remember back to our last phone conversation, where I instructed you as how I wanted you when I got home. You were busy with your housework and trying figure out what to make for dinner. My call interrupted you, but somehow I don’t think you minded. “Hello?” you said as the phone call startled you. My timing couldn’t have been more perfect as you had just turned off the vacuum cleaner and was straightening up the living room so you were close by the phone. “Hello, girl. How is your day going?” I asked. “Oh hello Sir! It was so nice of you to call. My day is going well – I am just doing my work and waiting for you to come home,” you said. I could hear your happy countenance through the phone and it made me smile. “I’m glad you are having a good day, but don’t worry about dinner tonight. I have plans,” I said. “Plans, Sir?” “Yes I want you to do a few things before I get home. Are you ready?” “Yes, Sir! What would You like me to do?” you ask, curiously. I can hear the excitement in your voice. You are such a good girl. “Well, it’s almost noon now. I want you to stop whatever you are doing and go upstairs and get ready for me. Make sure you shower shave and get yourself prepared for my coming home. Then I want you to go into our bedroom and put on your wristcuffs and blindfold. Tie yourself to the eyebolt in the ceiling like I have done to you before, arms overhead and with your blindfold on. I want you to stay like that until I get home, do you understand?” “Yes, Sir!” you said. I could swear I heard your voice crack as you replied to my request! “Now I may be a little late coming home tonight, I don’t know. But I want you to be waiting for me as I ask until I get there,” I said, my words firm and resolute. “I will do as you ask, Sir.” “Good girl. I have to go now. I will see you when I get home,” I said. “Thank you, Sir. I will be waiting for you,” you said, and I heard the phone click. I sat there in my office chair for a moment picturing in my mind what you would be doing just then. Picturing the excitement you would be going through. How you would be so flustered by my request that almanbahis şikayet you wouldn’t know what to do first! I smiled to myself and then went back to my work. That afternoon after work, I came home as quick as I could. I did have to stay a little late to talk to an employee and counsel them (I wasn’t real impressed with their work efforts), but once that was taken care of, I came straight home. I walked in the door, knowing that you wouldn’t be there in your usual manner to greet me. But once I came upstairs, I was pleased to see you ready for me. I had intentionally came in quietly, removing my shoes while I was still downstairs and avoiding that tattletale squeaky step on the stairs. I had also oiled the squeaky bedroom door hinge for just this occasion. I came into the room without a word, without a sound. I sat down in the chair only feet from you, watching you. You were amazing. Standing there, just waiting for me. Not knowing when I would be home or what I would do when I got there. Such trust given me humbles me greatly. To allow yourself to be tied up (or in this case to tie yourself up) and surrender any hope of control simply because I ask it, is something that always astounds me. Yet you did it tonight and now I sit here staring at you, the beautiful, helpless creature that you are, and contemplate what you have given me. I rise from my chair carefully and creep towards you. Circling you to come up from behind, I get perilously close to you. “Are you wet for me girl?” I say in a low growl. My voice startles you just as I intended. But right away I see you smile as you recognize my voice. “Yes, Sir… very wet,” you moan softly. “Perhaps I should check to see,” I tell you. I place my hands on your hips and slowly slide them around you towards your taunt, flat belly. I can feel the tension in your body, the tiny ripples of want as my fingers play lightly over your skin. I work my way ever so slowly down your belly, over the flare of your hip bones, past the mark your panties have made in your skin. I reach your pubic mound and smile. You had freshly shaved earlier that morning. I can tell because there was no sign of hair or stubble. You know that I want you smooth and clean for me. Such a good girl. My hands move slowly downwards coming maddeningly close to your throbbing, aching clit before parting to go on either side of your soft puffy pussy lips. The moan of disappointment that escapes your lips tells me all I need almanbahis canlı casino to know. “I can smell your need, girl. I can feel the desire in your body. Tell me what it is you want so.” “I… I want you, Sir,” you respond with a husky, wavering moan. “Use your words, girl, and tell me what you want,” I repeat. “Sir I want… I want you to… fuck me,” you whimper softly, almost imperceptibly. “I can’t hear you, when you whisper, girl. What was that?” “Sir please… please fuck me. I need you… I need your cock, Sir. Please… ” you say, louder this time. “That’s much better. I want you to always use your words – you know how it turns you on and how it pleases me,” I tell you. “Yes Sir,” you say. I lean forward and kiss your neck right where your neck meets your shoulder. A hot spot for you and I know it all too well. “Ohhh…” you moan as a shudder races through you, from the spot I kissed you to your clit and back up to your brain. I hear the ropes creak slightly as your body sways. Moving around your body quietly I go to the nightstand on my side of the bed. Silently I slide the drawer open and pick out one of my favorite toys. I come back to you before you realize I have been gone. Standing in front of you, your blindfold prevents you from seeing what’s coming. I reach out and pinch your left nipple hard. “Ohhh!” you gasp at the sudden, sharp pang. You twist away from my hand, but it does no good. My grip is firm and strong. “Be still,” I command, and you stop your struggling. I attach one of the clover-style nipple clamps to your left nipple and adjust the tightness of it until it makes you wince, but not enough to cause real pain. I tug on it lightly to insure it won’t fall off prematurely. Then I turn my attention to your right nipple and repeat the procedure, pinching it hard and getting it stiff before I attach the other nipple clamp, the chain between them hanging in a low arc Satisfied that the nipple clamps are on securely, I lean my head down to give each obedient nipple a lap with my tongue – a move that catches you off guard and brings another moan from you. The combination of pleasure and pain scrambles your thoughts, just as I anticipate. You see, girl I know you. I know your thoughts, and I know your desires. I know all your “buttons” and in which order to press them. I know all about you. I am Master. I move behind you again to continue your torment. Kissing you again, on the other side in your “sweet spot”, my almanbahis casino hands again move to your mound. I begin rubbing your mons just over your clit and down on either side of your pussy lips. I press my body against you from behind and you moan loudly, laying your head back on my shoulder as you give yourself over to the exquisite sensations. You press your bare ass back at me, feeling my erect cock between your ass cheeks. You rub your ass back and forth over my cock, as its stiff hardness only serves to inflame you further. “Please, Sir….please fuck me… Oh god, I want you sooo much…” you whine. I know this is true, all my senses confirm your passions are afire and that you are beyond aroused. Still I’m not quite ready for you just yet. “Patience girl. You must learn patience. I fully intend to fuck you as you request, but in my time and only after I have brought you to the edge. More than once.” Those last three words make you tremble. More than once. Those words hint that this is going to be a long frustrating night for you. A night that will test you and try your will and your stamina. “Sirrrr…pleeeaase…” you plead. But my mind is steadfast and my plan is set. I step away from you for a moment going back to the nightstand. This time I am gone a little longer it seems to you and you get nervous that I may have left you. “Sir? Sir, are you still here?” you ask. “Relax, girl. I am still here,” I answer you. But my voice sounds funny, as if I am far away. I return to you and as I touch you, it reassures you. But that reassurance soon vanishes. You can’t see what’s in my hand, however I raise it to your ear and when I click it on your heart catches and you gasp. “No, Master please!” you plead frantically. You know the device well and you know just what it is capable of. “That’s right, girl. It’s your nemesis, the Hitachi. You are familiar with its power aren’t you?” I say, an evil smile on my face. “Y..yes Sir,” you say, gulping as you do. Yes, you and the Hitachi are old acquaintances. I put the Hitachi on your upper arm first, letting you get used to the vibrations. But you know that won’t last long. As I move the device down your arm and across your shoulders you don’t move, you barely breathe. I run the vibrator up and down your back a bit and you begin to relax and enjoy it a bit. But when I go a little further down your back you get tense again. I smile as the vibrator makes you nervous. I run the vibe across the small of your back and over the flare of your ass. I don’t go lower, onto your ass cheeks themselves, just yet. The anticipation is what I am after right now. I let the vibrations work on you. I see you laying your head back, savoring the pleasure the device is giving you.

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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