The Boys Upstairs

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Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


The Boys UpstairsI had just left college after yet another change of direction career-wise and had landed a job in another town in Lancashire which prompted another move. The flat that I acquired was a one-bedroom affair and above me was a two bedroomed flat occupied by Jim and Robert. It was no secret that they were gay and lived as a couple. But apart from the occasional greeting and nodding at each other when we met we had little personal contact.That said, Jim knocked on my door a few days before Christmas inviting me for a Christmas drink at their flat. I had no pre-conception that anything would happen as they had no idea that I sometimes batted on their side. It was, l believed, a friendly gesture and I accepted.An hour later l knocked on their door and was let in by Jim. It was a lovely flat, tastefully decorated and warm but no sign of Robert. Jim explained that Robert was working late and would be home soon and what would l like for a drink. Having asked for a red wine l was becoming uneasy about what Jim’s intentions were. I had no wish to come between him and Robert and especially living downstairs. The repercussions would have been horrendous.I resolved to be friendly, drink my wine and take my leave but unfortunately, events overtook me and Robert entered the flat. He took one look at me and summoned Jim for a private chat. Obviously, he knew nothing of the invitation and what the hell was I doing there sitting in his chair and sipping his wine. Five minutes later both appeared and a sort of friendly chat occurred but I could detect an atmosphere and I was uncomfortable. The air needed clearing!Grasping the bull by the horns l told them how l felt, about how uncomfortable l was and I didn’t want to come between them and ruin their relationship. During my rant l confessed that I was bisexual and understood the difficulties they faced being a gay couple. The atmosphere changed immediately and they both relaxed and smiled.They said my summary was right and apologised, but they also wanted to know more about my bisexuality. So l told them about me living in a heterosexual world with heterosexual friends and occasionally stepping through the curtains and playing with the people on the other side. Once they were satisfied that I was nearly one of isvecbahis them a more relaxed atmosphere continued as we chatted and drank more wine.Half an hour later l found myself alone in the room but about two minutes later in came Jim and Robert both smiling and told me that they had been practising massage with each other and would l like to have two masseurs. It took me a second to say yes.I was led to the bathroom and disrobed by Robert, who took his time taking off every item of my clothing. To say it was exciting was an understatement. As he peeled each layer off me, my cock went harder and harder so by the time he got to my underwear it was a tent pole. It sprung to attention when he knelt down in front of my groin and pulled them down. I wasn’t surprised about what he did next, giving it a good rub while the water in the shower warmed up. Robert then took great delight in washing me down and paid a lot of attention to my private areas making sure my bum and cock were cleaner than clean.I was then led to a massage table Jim had erected in the lounge and instructed to lay on it face down. Before l placed my face in the hole designed into these tables l noticed that both Robert and Jim had lost their dressing gowns and both stood proudly erect with very little pubic hair on show. My own erection was now pressed between my stomach and the table and my level of excitement had risen. The next thing I felt was four hands on my back quickly followed by warm oil being poured on it and hands moving up to my shoulders and hands moving down to my feet. A strange sensation, I wondered what was going to happen when they both met in the middle which would be my groin area.That thought soon vanished as I relaxed into the massage. Muscles were being pummeled and stretched, my skin was moisturised and oiled to the extent that hands were sliding effortlessly over it and by the time they reached my bottom l wasn’t even thinking about what they would do but l soon found out.There were now four hands on my bum massaging the cheeks and effortlessly sliding between them. It felt like they were taking it in turns to run a finger past my anus and each fly-past seemed to take a little longer than the previous one. Suddenly an invasion started and l was penetrated by isveçbahis giriş a finger, delicately at first, but getting deeper as it appeared that they were taking it in turns to explore my depths. Something other than hands and fingers was being run between my bum cheeks and entered me. It couldn’t be that one of them had mounted me as hand placement would make that impossible. When I asked I was told it was a butt-plug and not to worry. I didn’t, but the level of excitement in me rose.I was then asked to turn over and as I did so I was able to see Robert and Jim in the flesh. They were fit looking blokes with good size cocks and I reached out and managed to grasp both of them as they were on either side of me on the table. A few tugs from my hands and they both smiled. When they felt my grip loosening Jim moved up closer to my face. He was quickly followed by Robert and I was faced with two cocks pointing at each other and almost touching.Too much temptation and I released my tongue from my mouth and proceeded to lick them in turn, for the next couple of minutes. Meanwhile, one of them had my cock in his hand and was gently but rhythmically wanking me too.The massage wasn’t finished and we broke off after a few minutes for it to continue but apart from some perfunctory rubbing and squeezing of my muscles they were keen on the main course, my meat and two veg. While Jim concentrated on my nipples Robert concentrated on my cock. The sensation was fantastic and l was in sexual paradise and unlikely to hold out much longer but the boys seemed to sense this and broke off what they were doing to concentrate on their own needs.Jim moved his cock towards my mouth and I willingly accepted it and sucked and licked it for all l was worthwhile Robert appeared to wipe my cock of its oil and suck and lick me but I also felt some pressure on the butt-plug being pushed into me.Minutes later l was ordered off the table and onto the floor on my hands and knees and the boys swopped places. Robert’s wider and stubbier cock is thrust towards my face and I had to open my mouth wider than l had to for Jim to accommodate it. Meanwhile, Jim was at my rear end and I could feel the butt-plug being removed and replaced with something more real. Despite being on a sexual isveçbahis yeni giriş high l was worried about the safety aspect of what he was doing but relaxed when I felt the condom packet being thrown over my back towards Robert. I guess he wanted assurance too. I’m now being spit roasted by two guys that I hardly knew but loving it at the same time.Jim’s cock had slipped nicely into me because the butt plug had opened me up and there was no pain or discomfort when he entered me. There was, however, the rhythmical thrusting of his cock into me and the consequence at the other end of me thrusting my mouth around Robert’s cock. Apart from the two of them seeking reassurance that I was alright and me replying with an affirmative moan and not wanting to speak with my mouth full, the spit roasting continued for a while and gradually picked up the pace. The thrusting became a pounding and the rhythm increased. It was clear that Jim was about to cum but what about Robert? My mouth was clamped around his cock and the pace of my thrusts increased as Jim pounded into me. Noises coming from both indicated to me that both were on the verge of cumming and I added my moans to the chorus.Incredibly both Jim and Robert came within seconds of each other with loud grunts while I felt squashed from both ends as the pair gave a final thrust depositing a little of themselves inside me. The deposit Jim left in my bum was thankfully enveloped in a condom but Robert’s contribution was making its way to my stomach after his final thrust sent it to the back of my throat and I had no choice but to swallow it – a not unwelcome task.The Boys upstairs were spent but I wasn’t. It was my turn to take control and they were told to lie on the floor with their heads next to each other while I knelt over them and proceeded to play with myself over their faces occasionally pointing my cock directly at one face or another. I couldn’t decide who was going to get the first squirt but I suspected Robert was going to get it after firing a sample of himself into me.As I increased the speed and effort of my hand wanking my cock, my moans and groans started to become louder and both boys sensing this licked their lips and opened their mouths. My orgasm, when it happened, was met by tongues ready and willing to taste me as the first spurt flew from my over-excited cock onto the boys’ faces making them blink. The rest l distributed as evenly as I could between them. Any landing near their mouths was eagerly licked up and swallowed.

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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