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Marie and Beth
The Interventionists Ch.5
When we woke in the morning Marie joked that I mustn’t exhaust her because she had to save all her strength for the bountiful Beth and could not be rubbed raw just now. After pretending to be tough with her and threatening to smack her round derriere so hard there would still be the hand prints for Beth to admire. We had a nice slow fuck lying side by side.
Later, when Marie came out of the shower and was about to dress I suggested she avoided VPM given how light her skin was. After a puzzled look from Marie I explained VPM was photography shorthand for Visible Pantee Marks. The red marks left on the skin from pantees and similar from bras. When Marie asked if I was suggesting she just avoided all underclothes I agreed that was an excellent idea at all times. After hitting me Marie did choose some items with minimum elastic for the day. The white items, that may have been silk, also had the virtues of looking expensive, were minimalistic and very sexy.
Marie then asked if I had any other expert modelling tips. I explained the protocol whereby any artist is not supposed to touch a model unless the model does not understand the pose required and makes the specific request ‘arrange me’. In fact I had only ever attended one model photoshoot and was far from expert.
We reported progress to James after breakfast. He listened carefully to Marie’s concise report on progress and congratulated her. James then surprised us by announcing that he already knew much of this. For a moment I was furious, because if he had bugged Marie or the studio then he risked alerting any enemy. I was pretty sure that our apartment was clean as I swept it at least once every day. He then explained about the previous night’s call. Specifically about Beth’s hopes for a ‘new playmate’.
I explained that I was unhappy we had not already been alerted and given access to this information. James bluntly said that we were talking about a senior cabinet minister. I retorted that this was a fact we were aware of. At that point Harriet, who we had not been aware as in on the call, interrupted to say that we would have access to this and future calls. Adding that we should not forget that if this surveillance became public knowledge we would all end up in the Tower with execution our only hope of leaving the dungeons. She was only exaggerating fractionally.
James then asked me to come in to HQ to organise some closer technological observation of Sir William and to follow up on new developments relating to an old case of mine. Cynically, I wandered if this was partly ‘make work’ to keep me occupied and out of possible interference with Marie.
The trip to Beth’s appeared to take much less time. There again I was not driving, the taxi driver was, and he seemed to know where he was going. On many days in the back of a taxi I had reviewed the day’s agenda to prepare for the day ahead. Let me see, the agenda was, strip for Beth, lie around naked for Beth while she drew or painted, have wild sex with her. Yeah – certainly different. I took a few deep breaths. Was she reviewing her day in the same manner right now? Was I the mouse walking into a trap?
Was I nervous? Yes! Was I excited? Yes!
We arrived. I took a couple more deep breaths and then paid the taxi driver.
I arrived at the studio early. I had spent quite a lot of the night thinking about the delectable Marie. I desperately wanted her to agree to be my model and the thought of fucking her had my pantees damp. The least I could do was up the heating to ensure it was comfortable for someone remaining still whilst naked. Ensuring there was a supply of soft drinks and wines in the fridge and vacuuming the bedroom and changing the sheets. The original purpose in converting an old office to a bedroom was to camp there when working late on a project. Looking around now I decided the money recently spent on upgrading it so as to be fit for more fun purposes had been worthwhile. I went and found a new quite large canvas even though we would be drawing and not painting for at least two days. I laid out the charcoals, pencils and some best quality A1 art paper ready. Of course, it was possible Marie might just call in to pick up her car and sculpture, deciding not to model.
Marie seemed familiar in bedding women. Would she, would we? Signs seemed good, how did I approach her without the modelling seeming just a trick in poor taste? When? As Marie had said women were talented with other women’s cunts and it had been a few weeks since I had given or received this pleasure.
I hurried to the door on hearing the wrap. Paused a second, took a couple of deep breaths, turned on my smile, and opened the door.
“Come in out of the cold! Glad to see you.”
I ushered her in and took her coat. I could not help inhaling, smelling a lovely mix of woman and perfume. Today, Marie was wearing a tight fitting light tan shirt beylikdüzü escort and light gold trousers. Just as well I had turned the heating up.
“Marie, I was really so frightened I had scared you off and you would never return. I’m not normally so keen for my guests to strip the instant I meet them.”
“After all that wine I don’t think I could have run away even if I had wanted to without falling tits up! Running off was not an option.”
This was said lightly and with a smile at the end. Marie continued after a brief pause,
“I’m glad I couldn’t run off though and had that Dutch courage in me. I’m here and to cut the suspense, yes I will. That is, if you still want me as a model?”
I smiled and nodded, which was enough for Marie to continue with what was clearly a prepared mini speech.
“So, I am ready to strip again on your command. (Marie smiled) You will just have to explain all of the process and what you need me to do. I still think you must be a bit desperate to want me as a model when there must be so much choice here in London. Still, if that’s what you want them I decided it would be fun and time to expand my circle of friends in London. I’m up for some girl time and you seem my type of girl.”
Wow, that seemed a hell of an invitation! However let’s take it slow and make sure I have read all the signs correct. Don’t want to create a diplomatic incident with the French or the gallery.
“Marie, I told you yesterday, you don’t realise half the beautiful woman you really are and I’d like to be able to show you.”
Marie, most delectable, standing talking about girl time filled me full of desire. I could feel it in my cunt, my nipples, my insides. I wanted to drag her to the bedroom and strip her right this instant. Instead, I asked if she wanted a coffee before we started.
After making the coffees I then tried to switch to the professional artist mode and went through the ideas I had for the day. Suggesting that we proceeded easy, starting with a few sketches of her head and shoulders. Followed by a break and then we might expand from there on. I took her on a tour of the area she had not seen yesterday including the bathroom. I pointed out the well lit large mirror, cosmetics and brushes there for general use. I suggested the large bath robes were useful during short breaks to save getting in and out of other clothes.
Regardless of my carnal desires, Marie did have all the making of an excellent model for so many reasons. Her face was as good as I had said, her skin was pale and almost flawless. Her body too, it has the fullness required for my work with such good proportions. The first stage was so important. I had to get my professional head fully engaged. To look with fresh eyes and capture the face was key to success. It was important for me to do it first while everything was fresh. The other reason to do it first was to ease the model into the process and try to ease any nerves.
So it was that I sketched for the next hour and a bit. Asking for different poses – looking different directions – different turns of the head – moving the easel to help capture the different positions. We had a few minutes of relaxation several times an hour.
Marie handled it all well. I then called a break. Thanking her genuinely for a good session. During the break we decided on soft drinks.
I was not happy yet with the facial sketches but thought it was worth moving to stage two before lunch. I explained the process of drawing different parts of the body individually before trying to put it all together.
“So, what’s next, Hands, feet?” Marie asked.
“No. Full Neck, shoulders. So important. When we resume I’d like you to lose the shirt and the shoulder straps of your bra. You can leave your bra on if you like.”
Marie took the shirt off and lay it at the foot of the couch. Then she started to maneuver her arms through the shoulder straps. Struggling a little because of the bra design and material, she then pushed the whole bra down off her magnificent breasts, twisted it round and unclipped it, placing it next to her shirt.
Given the room was warm, her nipples filling and becoming prominent perhaps indicating that perhaps she felt this as more than simple nudity in front of her own gender and more of a sexual moment. I know I did! It took us both a few minutes to get back into the drawing / model roles. We did manage and the session was productive for me. We kept going until early afternoon, with only a few short breaks during the time.
My suggestion of champagne and lunch was warmly received. Marie picked up her shirt and put it on, leaving the expensive bra on the floor. I felt my own nipples hard in response to Marie’s nipples visible and hard under the shirt as we lunched and sipped our champagne.
There was a definite frissance in the air on arrival and initial chat. Beth showed me the bathroom and I could see the bedroom with the door open next to it. I thought we were going avcılar escort there next. I was wrong. Not only did we go back to the same couch as yesterday but I saw a change come over Beth as we sat down. She switched from chatty, risque, friendly girl, to professional.
We started my first modelling session. Beth had me turn this way and that, look here and there. Other than simple directions she kept the chat to a minimum. Only occasionally saying something to me in order to provoke a particular display of emotion. While doing little, and having some short five minute breaks it was quite draining and I was pleased when a halt was called late morning for a longer break.
During this first session the sketches varied from tiny to big. Some were done in a minute or two and some much longer. Some quickly discarded and some went into what I took to be a keep, for the moment at least, pile.
After the longer break Beth then wanted head, neck and shoulders. She said to leave the bra on but lose the shoulder straps. I attempted this but struggled with the non-elasticated bra straps. Gave up, taking the bra off and laying it down with my shirt. The anticipation combined with this very slow striptease was stimulating. My nipples were very hard and I could feel and smell the damp between my legs. Nonetheless this second session was likewise all business and lasted for well over an hour – probably two. Then Beth suggested lunch which I eagerly agreed to. I put my shirt on while we ate and drank. Beth returned to being the congenial host and girlfriend finding things to talk about, many of which involved men and sex. The talk flowed freely as if we were old friends. A good skill if you were a spy, I reminded myself.
The lunch was leisurely and towards the end Beth asked if I was still good to model longer that day. I confirmed I was and we got down to business again, and to the main event. Beth said,
“Marie, you are such a good model I want to try some full body sketches. Normally I wouldn’t until a second day but I am really excited by you. If that’s all right?”
“So, this is nickers off time? The full Monte, is it?”
“In a word, yes. It isn’t that I’m detailing your labia or pretty virgina – at least not today (I laughed). I want to draw your legs and your torso, and there’s something distracting about anything else on the body. So, darling, you can keep your pantees on but I’d really prefer you not to.”
“It’s OK, I’m prepared today.” I smiled.
Beth directed me to go and grab one of the bath robes. I did so, losing the clothes in the bathroom. Just as well I was not stripping immediately in front of Beth as my pantees smelt very strongly of the inner me.
When I returned Beth was by the easel sorting through some of her morning’s work.
“I’ll pick out a few to show you next time, Marie, but would rather not this minute.”
” ‘s OK.”
No time like the present, I untied the belt and shrugged the robe off.
Beth looked me down and up, slowly, finishing looking straight at me.
“You are so gorgeous I could eat you.” She laughed, so leaving the wording open to whether it was intended literally or just banter.
“But first, would you mind posing? Can we do a little with you standing first. Turn a little so your body is facing slightly that way but turn to face me.”
Time passed, I stood free, I leaned on the big mirror, I turned to face all ways. The pace and intensity of Beth’s drawing increased. I could hear her breathing harder as she rapidly filled the pages. She broke a few charcoals as her intensity increased. The breaks grew further apart as she got more and more into her task. At last, she called a halt and I put the robe on. We sat and she thanked me again for modelling. After what seemed only a short break Beth asked if I could lie on the couch and pose there. I did as I was bid.
After more time passed I started to drift off a bit. Just lying there after wine and food and wine. Beth’s voice seemed to get distant.
“No sleeping allowed!” Beth said more sharply.
I thought of protesting, but the comment was not far from the truth. Dare I move things along now?
“Beth, darling, after all that champagne I fear you will have to do something to stimulate me or I shall fall asleep.”
“What do you suggest? Loud music, coffee?”
“Something more fun. Let me see now… I know! (I giggle), something to address the balance. As you have had me naked all day .”
At this point I deliberately moved my knees wide apart so she was looking straight at my labia.
“There something I would find interesting and make the tiredness go away. Strip for me like I have for you.”
I giggled again and Beth looked at me for a second or two without any reaction, then with a hint of a smile said,
“But we have been getting on so well with my drawing.”
The protest did not seem that strong.
“Beth, I didn’t say you had to stop drawing. But it would be fun and anyway it might give you more inspiration.”
“Marie, esenyurt escort you naughty, naughty, girl! I’m sure there is some painters’ guild rule against doing this. If I do, you promise we can keep drawing for another hour?”
That was not quite my plan, however I agreed. So, in a part reversal of yesterday, I sat on the couch while Beth stood in front and slowly stripped for me. Her French blouse came first and was dropped to the floor. Beth then undid her jeans, pushed them down a little and then using the large mirror as a support removed them one leg at a time. Looking at me intently she slid her pantees off next and as she straightened my eyes were at the height of her completely shaven crotch. I much preferred not having to suck hair and had even persuaded Rab to bare himself around his balls. Last, she undid her bra and whilst holding the front slid one shoulder then the other shoulder free. With a bigger smile she held the bra in place for a few seconds before then letting it fall. For a finale Beth then gave her large breasts a deliberate shake.
Looking up at her brought home just how big a woman she was. Not fat, not in any way, but tall and broad across the shoulders and hips. There was no nervousness, real or pretend and she kept eye contact throughout. I was riveted. Partially I had been thinking of her for some time, what she’d be like, nude. Partially she had sexuality and charisma I had not met often before, even in simple ways like how she walked. Partially because we must surely now be crossing a threshold. Those proportions were so, so, good. Why did she need any to model for her, she just needed that big mirror to look at herself. Wasn’t self portraits a feature of all great artists.
Beth seemed happy standing a few seconds whilst I admired her naked body. Maybe I was starting to think like Rab. I did find her sexy. Her breasts were firm and proud. Tipped with relatively small areolae yet large pink nipples that seemed like I could have fun with. I couldn’t imagine what she did for exercise but there was no excess fat anywhere on her body. There was no indication Beth was anything but a natural blonde yet her skin was darker than might be expected.
Beth said with just a touch of wry sarcasm after I had stared at her body for a few moments,
“Well Marie, are you sufficiently awakened from your afternoon nap now that we are both naked?”
“Oh yes, most stimulated.” I giggled still looking at those large breasts,
I continued more seriously,
“That is one beautiful body, I can understand why many want to be in your bed.”
“Marie, us both naked is an exciting idea. Are you ready for some last poses? In the circumstances I think we should go for sexy.”
Was she kidding? No! Was this a game to get me good and wet? If so she was succeeding spectacularly.
“How sexy?” I opened my legs a bit giving her a view again of what lay in between.
“Turn to face me a little more. You wicked girl! That’s it.”
We continued for a little while. By then I was getting bored with modelling and frustrated. I deliberately did not take the shape Beth wanted and when she complained, tried out the command, “Arrange Me.”
Beth Looked at me for a few seconds and then put down her charcoals. For just a moment she looked hesitant and then another look appeared, that of lust. With it a small smile as she moved over to me.
“Marie, darling, there are several ways I’d like to arrange you. There is one to do with your promise to model. If you promise to come back soon, and I have read the signs right we can postpone that one. Instead, I’d like to arrange you instead for other purposes entirely.”
“Beth, I am in desperate need for you to arrange me for other purposes, and then carry out those other purposes.”
She dropped to her knees in front of me, lent over and kissed me. Very softly, as we looked into each other’s eyes. The kissing stimulated my already stimulated organs massively. If that’s what she can do just kissing my mouth what else can she do? I put an arm around her head as we kissed.
After a long time she planted a trail of kisses down my chin, neck and to the valley of my breasts. Using her hand to firm my breast to a steeper point she worked her way very slowly to one tip. Spending a long while near the tip but not touching the nipple. Finally, while looking into my eyes she sucked on the nipple. I hissed gently, I was desperate for that touch. A few flicks of her tongue and I could feel a little clench of muscles deep inside.
“Oh, my darling Marie, you are so utterly delightful and scrumptious.”
Her trail of kisses then continued down my body, past my navel. At that point she moved more over me and pushed gently to move me firmly on my back. Then with her other hand made contact between my knees and gently opened my legs. Moving her hand slowly to where I wanted it to go. Fingers gently plied my labia apart. Beth returned to kissing my lips as her fingers gently explored. At this point not far inserted. I kissed back. So far, this was good!
Beth disengaged in order to speak,
“Marie, love, can I suggest we go to my lovely big bed. There is much more room there.”
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