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Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
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Joe Smithfield was 52 and a successful corporate accountant based in New York City. His wife had lost interest in sex and he found himself reading and fantasizing with erotic literature more and more. On his favorite erotic literature website he discovered a message board and started posting there.
His unique user name attracted the attention of a woman, Roxanne Bradshaw, who was around his age, an investment banker, and was a fan of the same types of music, movies, and erotic literature he was. He started to post stories about his fantasies to the literature section and she enjoyed his writing.
Roxanne lived in rural South Carolina, fancied herself a southern Belle, and joked that Joe was a Yankee. Joe flirted, turning on his northern gentlemanly charm and Roxanne reciprocated, reminding Joe a slow burn was best. But more than flirting, the two simply chatted about life and likes and soon a strong friendship developed.
Several months later, Joe’s firm sent him to Roxanne’s part of South Carolina for a week of meetings with clients in the area. Joe let Roxanne know and asked if she’d like to get together for dinner each night he was there. She responded that she’d love to.
Then Joe told Roxanne he’s not expecting anything sexual to happen, just two friends sharing meals and laughs, but if things should happen between them during the week he’d be okay with it. He said if things did happen he’s not going to leave his wife or have an ongoing affair, it would just be their special time together. Roxanne responded she understood and that a week of whatever happens with a dear friend is better than not getting to experience anything at all. The week before the trip they exchanged phone numbers to better plan the visit and keep in touch during it.
Joe arrived in town around 10 on a Sunday night and checked in to his hotel. He called and let Roxanne know he arrived safely and was doing some meeting prep and then going to bed. They agreed they were looking forward to the following night’s dinner.
To keep things casual for the first meeting they decided to meet at a Lone Star Steakhouse for dinner. Joe, having come right from a work meeting was a little over dressed, but ditched his jacket and tie in his car. Roxanne, expecting something casual, wore jeans and a blouse.
“You my dear are more beautiful than I imagined,” Joe said as he bowed and kissed her hand before giving her a small bouquet of flowers.
“And you kind sir are very handsome,” Roxanne replied.
The restaurant was noisier than they anticipated, causing them to have to talk loudly to be heard.
“I forgot about the noise factor in planning this,” Joe laughed.
“Me too,” she replied.
The dinner and conversation was filled with laughs and smiles. Once they got outside they could talk in normal voices again.
“I really had a nice time tonight,” Roxanne said. “Do you want to come back to my place so we can talk more?”
“I had a wonderful time too,” Joe said. “But I’m afraid it’s too soon for me to be accepting an invitation to your place.”
Joe gave her a soft hug and peck on the cheek.
“Good night until tomorrow,” he said.
“Good night,” she said and pecked him on the cheek.
Roxanne was wondering where she went wrong, why he wouldn’t accept an invitation back. Joe on the other hand, remembering that she said in her stories she liked the romance to be a slow simmer was controlling himself to grant her wish.
The next day all of his meetings ran late, into the dinner hour.
Joe called Roxanne, explaining the situation and asked her if she knew a quiet café they could go to for coffee and dessert when he finished up. She said she did and gave him the address. His meetings finally ended close to 8:45 and he dashed across town to meet her.
They shared a piece of layer cake as they drank their coffee and gazed affectionately into each other’s eyes.
“Did I do or say something wrong?” Roxanne asked. “I’m just wondering why you didn’t want to come back to my place after dinner last night.”
“I’m just trying to take things slow and not rush,” Joe said. “Besides, we’re still on for dinner at your place tomorrow night, right? I rearranged my meeting schedule to make sure nothing would interfere.”
“Yes we’re on,” Roxanne said breaking into a smile.
When they said their goodnights, Joe hugged her a little tighter so he could feel her D-cup breasts pressing against his chest and allowed his hand to wander a little lower and give her ass a playful rub. During the hug, he planted a soft kiss on her lips and then smiled and looked lovingly into her eyes. She was hugging him back, rubbing her hands over his back. A soft sigh escaped her lips as they broke the kiss. She returned his loving gaze and smiled.
“Do you want to come back to my place for a nightcap?” she asked.
“I can’t,” he replied. “I have an early start tomorrow. I scheduled everything early to make sure nothing would interfere with our dinner and I need to get my rest.”
“Okay,” artemisbet yeni giriş she said dejectedly. “See you tomorrow at 5?”
“Nothing will keep me away,” he said and paid for the bill before leaving.
At this point Joe knew that for the first time in his 15 years of marriage he was going to give in to temptation and be with another woman. There was something special about her that he couldn’t resist. Roxanne was having similar feelings for Joe after being a widow for many years and not being with anyone since her husband died.
Wednesday came and Joe finished all of his meetings by 3, giving him time to get back to his hotel room. He washed up, put on some cologne, changed into Dockers and a button-down casual short-sleeve shirt. He stopped off a florist before heading over to Roxanne’s house.
He arrived an hour early to surprise her. He rang the doorbell and waited.
She answered the door dressed in a casual off-the-shoulders dress with printed flowers.
“You’re early,” she laughed and smiled. “I’m not done making dinner yet.”
“These are for you my belle,” Joe said and handed her the flowers. “Can I be of service in the kitchen?”
“Yes you can kind sir,” Roxanne replied.
Joe followed her into the kitchen admiring her pony tail which hung down just past her ass, giving him the opportunity to also admire her fine round ass and shapely legs. He was thinking of what he could do with her over the next few days.
“Can you help slice these vegetables?” she asked.
“Yes I can,” was the response.
They stood next to each other slicing vegetables, giving each other quick glances and smiles.
Then Joe surprised her by sliding behind her. He wrapped his hands around her waist and kissed from her bare shoulders up to her neck.
“Joe!” she half-laughed, half-scolded, “we have to get dinner ready.”
“I know,” Joe said. “But I’m just trying to make sure dessert is ready too.”
With that he slid his hands up and rubbed her breasts and ground his groin against her ass. He gave her pony tail a gentle tug to tilt her head back onto his shoulder and he teased her by running his tongue across her lips before planting a kiss.
“That’s so nice,” she moaned softly.
At this point Joe released his grip and moved back next to her and smiled.
“Damn tease,” she said.
“No,” Joe said. “Just a dirty old flirt.”
A few minutes later dinner was in the oven.
Over the next 45 minutes Roxanne and Joe sat across from each other at the table talking, drinking some wine. Roxanne repeatedly tried getting Joe to touch her again that way. Joe repeatedly refused telling her it was too soon. With just a few minutes to go until dinner was done, Joe motioned Roxanne to sit on his lap.
She eagerly did so and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. They closed their eyes and moved their mouths together. He gently slipped his tongue into her mouth and allowed their tongues to dance for a minute before breaking the kiss.
“More later,” he said. “I promise.”
After a dinner of baked chicken, roasted vegetables and a tossed salad, Joe suggested they go out to the rear patio because it was such a lovely evening. They walked out hand-in-hand.
Joe spied the chaise lounge chair on the patio and sat in it, motioning Roxanne to sit with him. She sat with him, resting her head on his shoulder and placing a hand on his other shoulder near his neck. He had one arm wrapped around her back and the other caressing her cheek.
“Have I said yet how absolutely stunning you look tonight?” Joe said.
“No,” Roxanne said. “It’s been a long time since someone’s said that to me.”
“Let me say it again,” he said. “You look stunning, now sit up some more please.”
She sat up a little more so they were face-to-face.
He quickly leaned in and plunged his tongue against her lips without warning.
His hug tightened as her lips parted and her tongue met his.
Their hands roamed over each other’s bodies as their kisses built in intensity. Roxanne was rubbing Joe’s chest and arms while Joe was caressing her breasts through the dress.
“Should we move this inside or let the neighbors watch?” Joe whispered in her ear before giving it a playful lick.
“Let’s move inside,” Roxanne responded and sashayed inside.
Once inside they sat on the couch and resumed their kissing.
After breaking a kiss Joe looked into her eyes and spoke.
“I have an uncomfortable question to ask,” Joe said. “It appears that things will likely proceed beyond kissing. What are your thoughts on condoms? I’m thinking that since I’m probably shooting blanks and you’ve gone through menopause, we don’t have to worry about pregnancy. Also, I’m a devoted husband who has never been tempted to cheat until now and you’re a devoted widow who hasn’t been with anyone since your husband’s passing. That means we don’t have to worry about STDs. So I’m comfortable going without them, but will use one if you want, should artemisbet giriş the need arise.”
“Not the question I was expecting,” Roxanne responded. “I was going to ask you to use one should things progress, but after hearing your thoughts I’ve been persuaded. We’re at that age and level of faithfulness where we can go without.”
“Good,” Joe said. “We’ll remember that should things progress.”
For the next 20 minutes they continued to kiss with their hands roaming over each other’s bodies.
“How do I get this dress off you?” Joe growled as he was having trouble peeling it down and couldn’t find a zipper in back.
“Let me help you with that,” Roxanne responded as she reached behind her, undid the clasps hiding the zipper, and unzipped the dress. She did a sexy shimmy out of it, revealing that she wasn’t wearing a bra and only had on a pair of sheer silk panties.
“Looks like I’m over dressed,” Joe laughed and stood up to remove his shirt and drop his pants, revealing a set of silk boxers, his cockhead poking through the fly.
They sat back down on the couch and hugged tightly while they kissed. Joe loved feeling Roxanne’s smooth skin and breasts pressing against him, while Roxanne loved how Joe’s chest hair felt against her breasts.
Joe’s mouth moved to Roxanne’s chest and kissed the breasts one at a time before focusing on the right one. He planted kisses all over the breast before reaching the areola. His tongue traced it slowly before his lips locked onto the nipple giving it a kiss and sucking it between his lips to give it a soft nibble.
A sigh escaped Roxanne’s lips as he continued to kiss and lick on the right breast while caressing the left one with his hand. She ran her hands through his hair and smiled, enjoying the moment. It had been too long since she’d been with a man this slow, this tender, and this deliberate in wanting to please her.
After several minutes he switched breasts. Instead of moving his hand to the saliva coated breast, he moved it between her thighs. He started to gently rub her pussy through the silky material of her panties. The combination of the material and the touch of his fingers caused Roxanne to moan softly. Joe smiled inside at the sound of Roxanne’s moan. However, that smile was quickly replaced with a gasp as he felt Roxanne’s fingertips lightly caressing his balls.
Joe slid a finger inside of her panties and felt that Roxanne was quite wet with excitement. He moved his mouth to hers and kissed as he slid a finger inside her. She responded by removing her hand from his balls and wrapping it around his cock and stroking.
He withdrew his fingers from inside her and traced them along the outside of her pussy lips. Near the top he teased between them slightly until he found her clit. He removed his mouth from her breast and started to lick and kiss her neck tracing a path up to her earlobe which he gently kissed.
His rubbing on her clit intensified and she was moaning louder.
“Please stop, I need to feel you inside me,” she pleaded.
“Not yet,” he replied with a firm tone in his voice.
She shifted her position so she could rub one of her legs against his while stroking him harder and faster.
“Please I want you so bad,” she said and licked his ear. “I need you inside me when I reach my orgasm.”
“Not yet my belle,” he said as he removed his fingers from her clit and slid two fingers inside her. He started to pump them in and out with the same speed she was using to stroke his cock.
She let out a long, low moan.
“Oh god, please stop,’ she said. “I don’t want to cum this way.”
Joe stood up and grabbed her by her pony tail and pulled her toward the bedroom.
“Then how do you want to cum?” he growled.
She was speechless by the change in attitude and technique.
At the bedroom he spun her around so her back was to the bed and pushed her down.
He quickly got between her legs and rammed his hard cock into her in one quick thrust.
“I’ve been wanting to do this to you since the day we met,” he said. “I wanted to bring you to a tender, loving orgasm with just my fingers before giving in to this passionate, lustful animalistic fucking but you wouldn’t let me.”
“I’m sorry,” Roxanne said. “When reading lit I like that slow build-up to animalistic fucking. But when I’m with a man I’m attracted to, who treats me special, the need for build-up goes out the window, I just want to be fucking as wildly as possible.”
She barely had the answer out of her mouth before Joe had his mouth over hers in yet another passionate kiss, their tongues dancing.
He started to thrust harder and faster into her. She raised her legs and wrapped them around his back to give him deeper access. She started to thrust her hips up to meet his urgent thrusts.
“Oh my god, oh my god, ooohhhhhhh,” she cried as her pants turned into a long joyous orgasmic moan. “Keep going baby ride me to another.”
“I’m not sure how much longer I can last,” artemisbet güvenilirmi Joe groaned. “Your pussy feels so good.”
“Just another min…, ” she started to say before her voice changed into shrieks of joy.
“Oh god, oh god, yes!” she cried. “You did it! Now cum for me baby, I want to feel you shooting inside me.”
Roxanne’s words and pussy clamping down on him set Joe off as he came hard while buried deep inside her.
Breathing hard he laid down on top of her, rolling them partly over so he was on his back and her head was resting on his shoulder.
“Next time let’s skip the foreplay and go right to the main event,” Joe said. “Yours is the greatest pussy I’ve ever fucked.”
“Agreed,” laughed Roxanne. “Your cock is one of the best I’ve ever had.”
“One of?” Joe said with a raised eyebrow before tickling Roxanne. “I’ll have to do something to prove to you I’m the best.”
“How soon do you think you can ready for another go?” she asked and started to gently stroke his cock and lick his ear.
“How quickly do you think you can get me ready?” Joe laughed as he kissed her ear and rubbed a breast.
“Pretty quickly I think,” she said with a grin and started to stroke his still semi-hard cock quickly.
She slid down the bed and took the head of his cock between her lips and teased it with her tongue before lowering her mouth over the entire length.
She started to quickly move her head up and down the length of his cock, sucking as she went, while tickling his balls. Her technique was working as Joe started to moan.
At that point she lifted her mouth off his cock and smiled.
“I think you’re ready for me,” she said then turned around and got on all fours and looked over her shoulder.
“I’m ready for you,” she said with a huge grin on her face. “Now take me hard and fast.”
Joe growled and got on his knees behind her.
Taking his cock in hand he swiped it over her pussy lips several times, teasing her.
“Just get in me,” she whimpered.
“Okay, if the lady says so,” Joe said as he grabbed her hips and slammed himself into her.
He started thrusting his cock in and out of her rapidly and she was bucking her hips back to meet him.
The sound of skin slapping together was the only sound in the room until Joe smacked her ass.
“Oooh,” she panted. “How did you know I liked that?”
“Lucky guess,” Joe said.
Joe continued to thrust into her hard, playfully slapping her ass.
“God damn your pussy feels so good,” Joe grunted.
“The better to squeeze the cum out of you my dear,” Roxanne laughed back.
They were both panting and groaning in pleasure as they moved like a well-oiled machine.
“Shit I’m getting close,” Joe groaned.
“Me too,” Roxanne said.
Joe grabbed Roxanne’s pony tail and pulled her upright while still thrusting into her. He grabbed her breasts and with one final thrust of the hips groaned loudly. The feeling of his hands grasping her breasts and his cock twitching and spraying inside her set off Roxanne’s orgasm and she let out a long moan. After Joe’s cock slid out of her they laid cuddling with her head on his shoulder.
“Can you stay the night?” she asked.
“I can’t,” he replied. “I don’t have anything to change into. But I’ll bring an overnight bag tomorrow.”
They laid side-by-side for another 15 minutes, just smiling and hugging. Then he got up and got dressed. Roxanne stayed in bed and just smiled while looking at him. He came over and gave her a tender kiss on the lips.
“Until tomorrow my belle,” he said and left to return to his hotel room.
Thursday was the start of a heat wave. After his meetings Joe returned to his room, showered and changed into shorts and a polo shirt. He packed a bag of toiletries and a suit for the final day of meetings, and jumped into his car and drove over to Roxanne’s house.
He arrived shortly before dinner and quickly greeted her with a one armed hug and quick kiss on the lips as he brought his things to the bedroom.
When he emerged he noticed what she’s wearing and grinned broadly at the sight of her in a short denim skirt that barely covered her ass and a shirt tied off above the midriff showing lots of cleavage and her belly.
“You look good enough to eat,” Joe laughed as he gave her a tight hug licking the small of her neck and tickling her earlobe.
“You look pretty hot yourself,” she replied, slipping her tongue into his mouth and running a hand across his chest.
After a dinner of salmon and asparagus, Joe offered to clear the table, telling Roxanne to wait at the table as he took all the dishes in to the kitchen at once, laying glasses on the plates. After placing everything in the sink, he went to the fridge and grabbed a can of whipped cream and hid it under the back of his shirt.
“Everything okay in there?” Roxanne called out.
“Everything’s good,” Joe called back. “I’m coming out now.”
Roxanne stood when Joe returned and wrapped her arms around his shoulders and gave him a soft kiss on the lips, which he returned.
“What’s that goofy grin for?” she asked.
“Remember before dinner when I said you looked good enough to eat?” Joe said.
“Yes,” Roxanne laughed.
“Well,” Joe said. “You’re my desert.”
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