Train of Thought 5

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


“Shopping, what for and what do you mean by, playing in public?”“Do you have any sex toys?” she asked, moving very close to me so our noses almost touched.“Well no, I don’t.”“Ha, that doesn’t surprise me. You ought to have some, what do you masturbate with?”“My fingers,” I answered awkwardly.We remained nose to nose, her eyes staring into mine. She moved her hand up under my dress and started lightly scratching my clit through my knickers, giving me instantaneous tingles and renewed wetness in my underwear. A whimper escaped my lips.“I love your kitten-like whimpers when I touch you. Yes, you need some toys, so we can have fun using them on each other.”Jennifer was leading me into previously unexplored territory again. I felt a mixture of excitement, anticipation, and a little trepidation.“You always have something planned, what is it?” I asked, whilst I continued, abandoned to her deft touch.“Well,” she said, “First off, I thought we could go for lunch and find somewhere where I can play with you under the table. Then go into one of the department almanbahis şikayet stores, and I’ll go down on you in one of the fitting rooms. You’ll learn how to have a silent orgasm. After that, we’ll go into a sex shop and buy you some toys. I’ve found a sex shop that has a private room with a glory hole. Later, we’ll have a trip around a few bars in the center of town and see if we can pick-up a needy student, waitress, or barmaid to take home; tie her to your bed and have fun playing with her.”“Wow, erm sounds very risqué to me, I’m not sure,” I said as she made me shudder in response to her continued scratching of my clit through my knickers. “And what’s a glory hole?” “You, you mean you really don’t know what a glory hole is?” she laughed.“No, I’ve heard the name, but I’ve never inquired as to what they actually are.”“Well, it’s a small room or cubicle with one or more holes in the wall. A bloke sticks his cock through the hole, and you suck him off.”“Yuk, that sounds totally gross,” I said, in a state of shock and distaste.“What, sucking almanbahis canlı casino a cock?” she said, frowning.“No, the idea of sucking off someone I don’t know through a hole in a wall without knowing how clean he is, if he has any infections or where it’s been? It’s appalling.”“It doesn’t appall or worry me.”“Why the hell not, you don’t really think I’m capable of doing that, surely?”“I won’t be doing it, will I? I’ll just be watching.”“Are you really serious about doing this?” I asked, ready to defy her for once.“Ha, ha, nope,” she chuckled, making me wince as she pinched my labia “No Your Royal Wetness, I was only joking and being gross for fun, we’re not going to do anything like that. We don’t need to buy any toys today either as I’ve brought a selection of mine. Now, let’s go to your bedroom,” she stated, releasing her grasp of my aching pussy.She produced from her bag some scented tea lights, closed the curtains and door, placed the candles on either side of the bed, and lit them. I was about to ask if she was suddenly almanbahis casino getting romantic, but she swiftly moved on me, removed my clothes and gently pushed me onto the bed and asked me to lie face down. I did, but not before watching her slipping out of her clothes and again leaving her stockings on. She unzipped her case, which was placed on the floor, I didn’t know what she removed from it, but I was soon to find out. She clambered onto the bed, putting her knees either side of me and sat on my upturned bottom.There was a short sound of a plastic bottle being opened, followed by me jumping as a cool silky liquid was poured onto my back.“Don’t worry, Miss Jumpy, it’s just a massage lotion, I want you to be nice and relaxed.”She proceeded in giving me a wonderfully slow sensuous massage, working my neck and shoulders, down my back and sides before shifting her position to knead the cheeks of my bottom, then to my thighs. I was in heaven, I couldn’t remember the last time I felt so pampered, my skin felt relaxed yet alive and sensitive. My pussy was aching for attention as she parted my legs, but Jennifer had her own agenda as she fiddled with something else. Then she surprised me by gently applying lube to my arse.“Stay relaxed, Katie,” she said, in a soothing voice, “I know you’ll enjoy this.”

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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