We are Silent Animals in the Night

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


When I know you are fast asleep,and the only brightness in our bedis the honeyed-light of a rising moon,I whisper fairy tales and wishes for you to dream.My mouth hovers like a Luna mothover your perfect ear.   I say, some villainous haghas put a spell on you, casting you, heart and soulinto the small, soft body of a red, red fox. I run through the meadowand the forest, with my body and senses naked and rawuntil I find your barbed paw tracksand follow them. I pick upyour pungent scent and find etimesgut escort youin your fox-form, laid out on a large flat stone. You are fox-woman dreaming.I know what I must do, I know the lovethat connects us. I lift your fox head and kissyour perilous mouth. Even as your sharp teethcut my lip, I kiss you deeper, so that you might taste my blood on your tongue.Miraculously your soft animal body floats into the airand slowly transforms back into the eryaman escort shape of my lover:your moon-washed breasts, your limbs, your heart, and soulfall into my arms. The curse is broken. You open your eyes, your wild eyes,as if gazing upon my naked body for the first time.We kiss like silent animals in the night.Your hands and sharp, claw-like nailscleave to my breasts. Then your hot mouthdevours my stiff nipples and I cry outin my harsh pleasure as I stroke sincan escort your red hair.You look up into my wide gaze as your kissestrail down my belly and over each thigh.suddenly you consume my cunt, your swift tongueslides into me, then swirls figure eights overmy taut clit. There is a savage need in your eyes.I wind my fingers into your red, red hair,and cannot turn away from the thirst in your gaze.I thrust my hips upward, arch my back,and the pleasure blast of my climax radiatesthrough my untamed body, and I cry your name,the name only I am allowed to call you. My story over…you stir in your sleep. I smileto myself, knowing that you are fox-woman dreaming,knowing that soon you will awaken with your body on fire,yes, soon you will awaken with my blood on your tongue.   

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