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Putting him to the test (full)As he got out of the Uber, Joshua was nervous but yet excited. Several weeks after answering a private message on his favorite porn site, the day was finally here. It had started simply enough with posting a few anonymous pictures of himself cross dressing and a video of him riding his favorite dildo. Joshua’s profile said he was looking to be a first time gay bottom and possibly a sub. He had posted the message to his profile while he was really horny and had forgotten about it after he got off.Then the private message showed up.“Good morning, Joshua (his profile name) My name is Anton and I would like to help you explore your gay fantasies.”He almost didn’t answer, but a few days later, really horny again, he did. After many messages back and forth, a few more less anonymous photos, and sharing the results of his BDSM test, they set up a meeting time at a nice hotel not too far from his home. His wife of almost 20 years was visiting her mother so he had all week.As per the directions he received, he went to room 512 and knocked.“I’ll be right there”The door opened and there stood Anton, looking exactly like the one photo Joshua had seen. He was big, really big, but not scary and his skin was so black it was almost blue. Although he never really thought of himself as actually gay, Joshua’s heart fluttered a bit and his dick stirred in his pants. “Joshua?”All he could do is nod a little.“I’m Anton.”Silence“Well, are you coming in or are you just going to stare?”“Um, I… um, damn… Um, Hi, I’m Joshua”As he walked in the door, Anton offered him a drink. Joshua took it, drank it down quickly and asked if it was OK to pour himself another to settle his nerves. They sat and had another drink together, making small talk. Anton seemed very nice. Joshua had half expected to walk in, be grabbed, stripped, fucked silly and then left with a sore ass and a hotel bill. Instead, he found Anton to be charming, smart, well spoken and just as normal as anyone else. Anton told him how his wife and female boss were both very domineering as had been his mother. He could never fully have his say or his way. Sex with his wife was good, but it was when she wanted it and how she wanted it, and if she climaxed before him, it was over. He had tried to have an affair, but he only seemed to be attracted to overbearing women. Then a few years ago he had hooked up with a gay man from the gym and really enjoyed himself for the first time in years.“OK, so let’s get down to business. This is obviously your first time doing something like this, so let me explain how it’s going to work. When you’re dressed, you are Joshua and I’m Anton. We’re equals. Once you undress, your name is Slut and I am Master… but this is role play. Anytime you want to stop, just say so, but be clear. I don’t use safe words, too easy to forget. Just let me know you want to stop, or slow down or take a break or whatever. Just be clear, like ‘PLEASE STOP FOR A MINUTE’ not ‘OHMYGOD YOU’RE KILLING ME’. Just to be clear, this isn’t some mutual masturbation circle jerk. Unless you tell me to stop, you’re going to get fucked. You’re going to be the bottom. We might do other things too, but you’re GOING to get fucked and fucked hard. If you stop me from fucking you, we’re done. You’ll get dressed and leave, and never hear from me again or hear about this day again. There will be no photos, no video, none of that blackmail BS. You’re not going to leave your wife for me, and we’re not going to be a couple or some bullshit like that. I’m married to a beautiful woman whom I love dearly, but sometimes I just need to blow off some steam. This is just supposed to be fun for both of us. If this works for us we can make it a regular thing or it can be one and done… I guess that’s sort of up to both of us.Also, I need to know you’re clean so I’m going to be sure. Hold out your hand.”Joshua held his hand out and before he could react, he felt a prick on this fingertip and saw a spot of blood.“I’m a medical researcher like I told you before and my team and I developed this test and another one you’ll get in a minute. This one tests you for any illicit substances. I dont really care if you use, but I need to know your mind is clear. “Anton touched what looked like a test strip to the blood drop and waited. Nothing happened that Joshua could see.“Well that’s a good start, if the strip turns colors you have something in your system. The next test is a little different. It’s an STD test and it works just as quickly, but it doesnt work with blood. I’m going to need your semen. You can jerk off right here, right now so I know it’s yours or I can collect it myself. How do you want to do it?”Joshua was starting to feel the effects of the alcohol by now, and responded truthfully.“Well, I would jerk off, but I’m not sure I can get it up right now. I’m kinda nervous and all.”“Yeah, I figured you were going to say that. Well, I guess it’s up to me to get it then. Take off your pants and shirt Joshua”Joshua did as he was asked, wondering if this was where he became ‘Slut’ and still not entirely sure he could do this, but damn he was horny.“Bikini briefs? Haha. Well that might cost you later.” Anton chuckled.“I thought they would be appropriate…”“No matter, we’ll deal with that later. If you remember though, I said wear pants, a shirt, socks and shoes, nothing else. Alright, strip those ridiculous panties off. Leave your socks on, you’re not ‘Slut’ just yet.” Get on the bed, on your hands and knees, face down ass up – just like the song. Remember, you can stop me anytime.”Joshua could hear the tension in Anton’s voice and felt his demeanor change to something a little more forceful. Joshua know he should just leave, but he was committed to see this through and more than just a little curious. He stripped off his ‘panties’ and…“You’ve got a pretty big package, that might be a problem.”’What the fuck does that mean?’ Joshua thought. His dick was only about 7 inches when hard and he was definitely a grower, not a show-er. It had started to stiffen just a bit but most people would be unimpressed by it right now. Joshua got on the bed and as he was told, got up on his knees and lowered his face to the mattress.“I’m going to ask you some questions as we go along here. Has anyone other than a doctor ever put anything in your ass?”“Sometimes, when my wife is drunk and horny, she puts a finger in there.”“And do you like that?”“Yeah, but I can’t really, you know, actually LIKE it, cause I don’t want her to know. She thinks it just a game and I only participate because we’re both drunk,”“Have you ever climaxed just from something in your ass? A finger or maybe that dildo you were riding in your video? Just spontaneously jizzed from anal pleasure without jerking off?”Joshua was starting to feel the effects of those 2 drinks now. He was relaxing and becoming more candid with his answers.“No, but well, I really want to”“Well, I can’t make that happen for you, that’s up to you. It’s all in your head . What’s the biggest thing you’ve ever had in your ass?”“I guess that would be this dildo I used to have but I ended up throwing it out. I was about 9 inches long but real thick. I had to throw it out when we moved cause I was afraid my wife would find it. I miss that thick cock sometimes, but it was really hard, not natural at all. I got another one, the one in my video. It’s a bit longer but a lot thinner and a lot softer. Some kind of dual layer silicone or something. It feels like what I imagine a real dick would feel like.”“Have you ever been in chastity before?”“Not really chastity, but I do like to bind my balls and my dick with thin nylon cord sometimes. I do it before I ride my dildo, trying to have an orgasm just from anal, but I always end up removing the cords and jerking off before I can.”“Have you ever tasted cum before? Yours or anyone else’s?” “One time. I was in my home office and had just finished jerking off onto my desk. I looked out the window and saw my wife walking in the door. I didn’t have anything to clean up my mess with so I just licked it all off the desk and swallowed it. I barely got my dick shoved back in my pants before she walked into my office. Fortunately I was only jerking off not riding my dildo”“Is anyone expecting you at home or work?”“No, my wife and I are both on vacation. We are taking separate vacations this year, I won’t see her or be back to work for a week.”Joshua heard what sounded like a rubber glove being put on and felt something cool and wet on his asshole, then Anton’s finger began to probe at his rosebud. Joshua realized he wasn’t QUITE as relaxed as he thought, cause it hurt just a little when the finger entered.“I’m going to assume that you’ve never been fisted …”With no further warning, Joshua felt the finger withdraw, only to be replaced by at least 2 or maybe 3 fingers. It hurt at first but then started to feel really good. Anton was probing into his ass forcefully and pressing down at the same time. “OK, well let’s go ahead and get that semen sample. Your hole is a little tight, you’re going to want to relax as much as you can. We’ve wasted too much time on Q and A, it’s time to get going. I’m going to massage your prostate now. I should be able to work some semen out so we can test it. It helps if you bear down like you’re trying to to take a shit when you’re constipated.”Joshua felt Anton’s fingers rubbing around in his ass, searching. His did like Anton suggested and pushed like he really needed to shit but couldn’t. Suddenly he felt those fingers touch what he assumed was his prostate and felt a sensation he had only briefly experienced once with his dildo. It was intense, like he had to pee really bad, but different and MUCH, MUCH better. He continued to bear down. And moan.“OH OH OHHHH…”“Looks like I found the spot. Just keep bearing down…”Joshua did as he was told, too far gone to care how wrong this was. Anton’s finger’s double their efforts and the sensation turned to pleasure. Those fingers didn’t stop, they just kept pressing and rubbing his prostate. Joshua’s dick began to stiffen even more. The pleasure just kept building. And building. And building. His dick was at it’s full 7 inches, he was moaning, and suddenly he felt like his balls were going to empty.“OHMYGOD I think I’m going to cum!”Anton continued to rub Joshua’s prostate until Joshua thought he would die, but nothing happened. Nothing came out of his dick. Joshua had heard about prostate milking, but apparently it didn’t work on him. Anton’s finger’s kept probing, rubbing, and Joshua kept bearing down. Then suddenly, the fingers stopped and withdrew. Joshua, panting said “I thought you wanted a sample…”“I do, but I’m going to have to change my plan a bit. You seem to have a situation that isn’t going to work for me. Roll over on your back and pull your legs up, like a bitch about to be fucked.”Joshua did as he was told without hesitation. He might decide to STOP later, but right now he just wanted to CUM. Anton applied some lube to Joshua’s rock hard dick and his own hand.“I hope for your sake that your dick goes soft after you cum.”Anton started rubbing Joshua’s dick, stroking slowly but with a firm, almost too tight grip.“Normally I wouldn’t do this for a sub, but my wife has been a real bitch lately and I REALLY need some release. So enjoy this, because if we continue after the test, it’s ALL about me, not you.”Anton’s hand moved up and down Joshua’s shaft, faster, faster, faster. Joshua started to writhe around and tried to fondle his balls when his hand was slapped away.“You will NOT do that” Anton growled a little too forcefully for Joshua’s comfort and slapped Joshua’s hand away. Anton continued to stroke Joshua’s dick like he was trying to pull it completely off his body. It hurt, but it also felt really good, and Joshua’s release was close. “OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD I’M GONNA CUM! Joshua cried”Anton’s suddenly shoved 3 fat fingers in Joshua’s ass and started rubbing his prostate again while still jerking Joshua’s dick like his was trying to start a stubborn lawnmower. Joshua stiffened and his dick got just bit harder and he CAME. HARD. Harder than he ever cum in his life. Joshua saw stars, he thought he might pass out. His jizz landed on his belly, under his chin, just a bit on his face. And both of Anton’s hands withdrew.Another test strip appeared and Anton dipped it into Joshua’s cum. The test strip didn’t seem to do anything like the first one.“Good news. It looks like you don’t have any STDs.”Anton picked up Joshua’s panties and tossed them on his chest.“Clean yourself up. I can’t stand the smell of jizz.”Joshua used his own underwear (panties) to clean the cum from his body. His dick began to soften and he started to relax his body and started to let his legs and ass down.“Keep your legs up dammit!” Anton yelled to him. Joshua, no longer horny but suddenly too scared to not obey, rolled his ass and legs up the the sky. Anton grabbed Joshua’s dick and balls in one giant hand and circled his index finger and thumb around them, pulling them away from his body and tightening his fingers into an ever smaller circle. Suddenly, he felt Anton’s other hand pushing on his left nut, but something was stopping it from moving.“This is probably going to hurt, most of the married guys I do this with have tiny dicks and balls, so I brought my smallest chastity cage. Yours looked smaller in your video. You can still stop me if you want, but I hope you don’t”Joshua looked up and saw Anton shoving his left nut through a metal ring that looked not much bigger than his own wedding ring. It hurt, A LOT, but he was in too much of a post orgasm fog to speak. He wanted to yell “STOP I DON’T WANT THIS!”, but he was unable to make his voice work. He just laid there on his back, ass and legs up in the air. His left nut popped through the ring with a pain that made his eyes water and his breathing stop for a moment, but Anton wasn’t done. He grabbed the right nut and started forcing it through the same ring. His dick was in hiding, as if it was worried the same thing would happen to it.“AHHHH! Fuck that hurts!” Joshua yelled.The right nut popped through and Joshua nearly passed out. His mind went blank for several minutes. When he became aware of his surroundings again, he looked up and saw that both of his nuts were through a metal ring about 1.5 inches in diameter, and his 7 inch dick was shoved into a metal birdcage like device about 1.5 inches long that was attached to the ring with a padlock. Anton spoke again, more gently this time.“I almost stopped a few times but you never asked me to. I guess you’ve never seen a chastity cage before. Sorry I brought the smallest one, I had a hell of a time getting you unto it. For your sake I hope you learn to cum from anal, because cumming will make your balls shrink a little. If you stop me now, I have to take it off and your balls are already starting to swell again. That’s natural, you know. Once you cum, your balls immediately start to refill, even if you’re not the least bit horny. If you manage to cum a few times, they’ll be as small as their ever going to get. Otherwise it’s going to hurt even more coming off than it did going on. I also guess you’re going to find out if you really want this or not since you don’t seem to be horny anymore. Most of the men I do this too are so horny they would say yes to being fucked by a horse. You should look at this like a test. There is no pass or fail, but if you continue you’re going to know if you really wanted this or if you were just bored with your sex life at home. So Joshua, what will it be? Do you want to continue or do you want to get dressed and go home?Joshua desperately wanted to leave, but something stopped him. He had already survived this much, how bad could the rest be? If he left now, he might never have the nerve to do this again. And there was always the chance that he would enjoy this as much as his fantasies…“Well, you haven’t gotten up or said you want to stop so I guess we continue.” Anton said. “Go ahead and take off your socks now.”Joshua had finally laid himself flat on the bed, balls aching in both a good and a bad way at the same time, and he hesitated just for a moment. Then he sat up. He looked at his clothes laying on the chair next to the bed. He contemplated asking to be removed from chastity and putting his clothes on then going home. Instead, he pulled his left foot up and removed his sock. Then the right sock. He was now completely naked.“Well Slut, I see you’ve made your decision.” Anton said in the most menacing voice Joshua had ever heard. “Stand up and walk into the bathroom right now!”Joshua was shocked, but did as he was told. He went into the bathroom , and not knowing what else to do, sat on the toilet.“When I pulled my fingers out of your ass, I smelled shit” Anton said. His voice was calm, but that made it all that much more terrifying. “I told you to give yourself as many enemas as it took to be sure you were cleaner than any pussy out there. Would you fuck a pussy that smelled like shit? Get in the shower.”Joshua stepped into the shower and that’s when he noticed it. The shower head was gone, replaced with a long hose that had a that had a large (very large) butt plug on the end.“Get on your hands and knees, Slut”“Yes, Anton”Joshua immediately felt the most incredibly painful, yet at the same time erotic sensation somewhere in his ass and balls.“What the FUCK did you just address me as? My name is MASTER, and don’t you forget it. Your chastity cage is equipped with an electrode that goes up your dick to your prostate. There is a battery pack and mini transformer in the base. What you just felt is 10,000 volts flowing through your prostate and into your balls. It won’t kill you, but it sure does hurt. I can go as high as 50,000 volts, but you wont like it. Now get on your damn hands and knees. Me shocking you didn’t cancel my last order, best remember that. Any more mistakes and you’ll be shocked again. How severely depends on how bad you fuck up”“Y… yes, Ant… Master…” Joshua whimpered. Even as he whimpered out the reply, he felt his dick trying to get hard again.Anton turned on the water and adjusted the temperature. Every few seconds he would splash some on Joshua’s back and ask how it felt. Joshua knew what was coming and tried to adjust his replies to keep the water temperature warm, but not too hot. Just when Joshua thought the water temperature would be bearable for his ass, he heard the valve turn again and the giant plug start to push against his ass. As it worked it’s painful way in, Joshua noted there was no water. The plug finally popped in all the way and his asshole slammed shut. He heard the valve turn again, and the water (very hot this time) started to flow into his ass slowly. Anton slipped a blindfold over Joshua’s eyes next.“I’ll be back in a while, Slut, don’t go anywhere. It’s best you keep that ass up as high as possible.” Anton said.“Yes master”, Joshua replied, unsure if he was supposed to answer, but too afraid not to.Anton left the room and Joshua knelt in the tub, hot water filling his colon. He stayed there (like he had any choice, really) for what seemed like hours. He had cramps that came and went, he even tried to push some of the water back out, but the plug was too large and tight to allow that. His already fat belly started to distend, and Joshua started to get worried. He had given himself an enema before coming to the hotel, and it wasn’t his first enema, but he had never done anything like THIS. The pressure on his prostate from the plug and the water was making his dick hard. It very quickly reached the end of the cage, and then his dick started to HURT.“Aw! Ah! Shit, OW that hurts Joshua yelled”Anton reentered the room and said “Shut up Slut! You want me to get kicked out of this hotel?” Anton studied Joshua’s distended belly and announced “That’s probably enough water to clean you out. Now we just have to get all that water out. I’ve timed this contraption, you should have about 3 quarts in you now.” Anton turned the water off and began to tug on the plug. The plug wasn’t budging. He twisted and turned the plug, and the pressure on Joshua’s prostate grew, as did his dick.“OW OW OW OW, MY DICK!” Joshua yelled. “I need a break.”Immediately Anton stopped pulling on the plug.“Please tell me what’s happening, Master, why does my dick hurt SO BAD?” Joshua whimpered.Anton replied, “Good job, I thought for sure you would forget the ‘Master’ part. Your dick is getting hard again because of the pressure on your prostate, just like when I sampled your semen. It has expanded as far as it can go into the chastity cage. The sides and end of the cage have spikes in them, very sharp spikes. They are there to discourage you from getting hard or trying to jerk off with the cage in place. I suggest you think about your grandma or something other than what’s going on, because this obviously turns you on. Most subs are have very shriveled dicks at this point. Are you ready to continue or do you want to quit?”Joshua thought for a minute. This plug had to come out of his ass one way or the other and that cage had to come off too. “I’m ready to keep going” He croaked out.Anton started to twist and pull on the plug again, and Joshua’s dick kept trying to get hard. Joshua thought about baseball (I wonder what it would feel like to get fucked with a bat?) getting his car serviced, (my mechanic always has a nice bulge in his pants) anything he could think of that wasn’t his ass and dick. Finally his mind landed on his wife and how she was a complete bitch right before she left to go on vacation without him (to the Bahamas, not her mother’s). It was supposed to be a trip for the two of them, but she had torn up his ticket and just left. His dick finally started to ease up and his ass must have relaxed too, because the plug suddenly popped out along with a gush of water. The water flowed for several seconds but his belly still left very full.“Stand up, Slut, that should help.”Joshua stood in the tub and a little more water came out. Anton massaged his belly and yet a bit more water. “I can’t fuck a ticking time bomb of shit water.” Anton said. “Lay on your back with your legs over the sides on the tub.”Joshua complied and Anton resumed rubbing his distended belly. Joshua’s dick started getting hard again, but he decided to ignore that pain for now and just get all this water out. No more water came out. Anton roughly shoved 2 fingers into Joshua’s ass and started rubbing his prostate again. Joshua felt immense pressure, but more like he actually had to pee this time. Those 2 drinks plus the water in the Uber had done their job. His prostate released, and piss went everywhere, all over his face, belly, the tub and his legs. At the same time, his colon finally released and water started to flow. Anton removed his fingers and resumed rubbing Joshua’s belly until all the water was gone. Joshua then felt a cloth wiping up the piss from his body. The water came on in the shower and he was thoroughly rinsed off and finally the blindfold was removed.“Good job slut, now go back into the bedroom and sit on the bed.”Joshua got up, walked to the bed and sat. Anton walked up facing him and said “It’s time for me to fuck you soon, but I have one more surprise for you.” Anton started to disrobe and when his pants came off Joshua was in shock. Anton had the biggest dick he had ever seen. It was like a hentai dick. He had shoved it into a pair of women’s stockings, and with the loose pants he had been wearing Joshua hadn’t noticed until now.“One of the perks of being a medical researcher. I co-developed a real penis enlargement d**g that’s coming out next year” Anton said. “I might have overdosed on it a bit, but my wife does love big dicks. Too bad she wont let me fuck her ass with it. Pull it out and get me hard.”Joshua reached out, grabbed Anton’s huge member, and actually struggled a bit to lift it. It took both hands to enclose it. He stroked it as best he could, but he could tell Anton was frustrated with his efforts.“What the fuck, suck it Slut. And no teeth.” Anton commanded.“Yes Master” Joshua replied and wondered how he was going to manage no teeth. This thing was bigger around that his mouth could go. He pulled it to his lips and tried to press it it. That dick wasn’t going. He felt the shock in his ass and balls again.“I said SUCK IT.” Anton commanded.In desperation, Joshua literally sucked on it, and it popped into his mouth. Anton grunted and shoved forward. As he did so, Joshua’s lips folded inwards, and kept his teeth off Anton’s cock. Anton’s giant dick just kept going in until it hit the back of Joshua’s throat. Joshua gagged and Anton’s huge member withdrew, folding Joshua’s lips back out and causing his teeth to drag. “No teeth dammit!” Anton yelled and Joshua felt the fire in his ass and balls again, stronger than before. He tried to scream, which his forced his mouth open around Anton’s dick. Anton shoved that huge member in again to the back of Joshua’s throat. Joshua again gagged, the cock and his lips pulled out and the process including the shock bahis şirketleri repeated. This went on for several minutes until Joshua noticed that his dick was painfully erect, the sensitive glans being chaffed by the cruel spikes in his cage. He tried to ask for a break, or even stop, but he couldn’t speak with a dick in his mouth and the constant shocks in his ass. In desperation, he attempted to force a scream. This opened his throat and Anton’s dick slipped in further. Anton pumped Joshua’s throat for several seconds and his pace started to quicken and his breathing became grunts.“I hope he just cums down my throat so this can be over” Joshua thought. No sooner had the thought formed, the dick withdrew completely accompanied by Joshua’s teeth dragging and one more shock.“You’re not getting off that easy, Slut. I said I was going to fuck you and that’s what is going to happen. You’re so turned on your dick is turning to hamburger.” Anton whispered to him, his voice low and calm, which made it even more menacing. Joshua looked down at his dick. It was red and chaffed. He hoped it would heal before his wife got home. “Take a short break in the bathroom Slut, I need to make a phone call” Anton continued.Joshua stood shakily and walked into the bathroom. What he saw in the mirror shocked him. Where he expected to see a 46 year old, slightly out of shape man, the mirror reflected something entirely different. His face was streaked with tears and snot, his eyes were like a trapped a****l. He was scared but there was also no denying that he was turned on. His breathing was ragged and shallow, his heart felt like it was going to beat out of his chest. For the umpteenth time, he thought about leaving but that part of him deep down inside that wanted to submit and be fucked wouldn’t let him. He went to the sink, wet a hand towel and cleaned up his face. When he turned the water off, he could hear Anton on the phone. He couldn’t make out the conversation but caught a few bits and pieces.“Yeah, just like I said [something]… No, [something] development is right on schedule. Should be ready by next week. Just relax, OK? Yeah alright, bye.” “Slut, get back in here!” Anton said. “Coming, Master.” Joshua replied as he walked out of the bathroom. He noticed for the first time that the bed was quite high.“Lay on your back with your ass at the edge of the bed” Anton commanded. “Fold your legs up and hold your ass cheeks apart. I want to see that cock and your face when I enter you. Prop your head up with some pillows, I want you to see it happen, Slut.” Joshua did as he was told. He watched as Anton smeared a generous amount of lube on his monster cock. Anton then lubed Joshua’s asshole and pushed some inside with a big finger, swirling it all around inside.“Ready or not, here it comes Slut. Deep breaths, try to relax.” Joshua saw Anton’s dick approach his ass and felt it touch his hole. Anton teased Joshua’s hole with it, rubbing it up and down and pressing in just a little. Joshua’s ass started to relax and Anton’s dick was opening it up little by little. “Oh that feels SO good Master” Joshua panted. Anton continued to tease and probe at Joshua’s hole which was pulsing open and closed with desire. Joshua wanted this, and he wanted it bad. This felt better than any dildo could possibly ever feel. Every time Anton probed his hole Joshua’s ass hurt but he still wanted it in him. He felt so slutty and was so turned on by how hard Anton was. Anton’s dick was thicker than any dildo Joshua had ever used.“Now, now, now, please Master fuck me NOW!” Joshua practically screamed. Anton slammed forward into Joshua’s hole popping in the head and not much more. “AIEEE!” Joshua screamed like a girl. This hurt his ass worse than anything. He felt like he was being torn open. Once he had slipped when trying to mount his old thick dildo and managed to impale the whole thing at once. That felt like a small finger compared to Anton’s dick. “AH AH AH FUCK IT HURTS!” Joshua was screaming now. Anton stopped moving and withdrew his dick.“I can’t have you screaming like that Slut, someone will call the police.” Anton said. He walked out of view and came back with his hands behind his back. “Close your eyes and keep them closed until I tell you to open them Slut.” Anton commanded. Joshua complied, just grateful that monster dick was no longer trying to tear his asshole apart. Joshua felt Anton’s fingers pushing in on his jaw forcing his mouth open. Then a smelly, bitter tasting cloth was shoved into his mouth and what he could only assume was duct tape sealed it in place.“You can open your eyes now, Slut. Since you disobeyed me and wore panties, they can be your gag. I always bring a ball gag for noisy sluts, but you get your cum and piss soaked panties.” Anton chuckled. Joshua could taste his bitter cum and piss. It was dripping out of those damn panties and into his throat. He had no choice but to keep swallowing it or else he would choke. “I’m going to work your hole more Slut. I think you’re actually enjoying this, so let’s open you up.” Anton started probing Joshua’s ass again with his fingers, working more and more lube in. One finger slipped in, then two, then a third. Pretty soon a fourth finger joined the party, slowly and painfully opening Joshua’s ass. “Umf, umf ahhh” Joshua’s cries were muffled by his gag. Tears streamed down his face and his eyes were wild with fear. His dick told another story though, straining at the cage, raw from the spikes. Precum was drooling out around the electrode inserted into his ueretra. His balls had swelled up to nearly twice their normal size. And still the 4 fingers kept probing, twisting, flexing his sore ass. Anton stopped moving his hand and mumbled something Joshua couldn’t make out. Unsure how to react, Joshua just nodded his head and mumbled through his gag “Yeth Maffa”“Wow, I guess you really are a Slut. Agreeing to be fisted already.” Anton mumbled just loud enough for Joshua to hear. “Wa? Nyom wawa flshtit! Pwas hop!” Joshua yelled through his gag. Anton held up his hand for Joshua to see, his fingers scrunched together like a duck’s bill. The hand lowered back to Joshua’s throbbing, quivering hole and he felt the first two enter.“Please go slowly.” Joshua thought, no longer even bothering to try to speak around his gag. Anton did not go slowly. He thrust his entire hand into Joshua’s previously virgin hole. Joshua screamed into his gag, cried like a baby and thrashed around trying to get away. He tried to yell for Anton to stop but only nonsense came out through his gag. Anton closed his hand into a fist inside Joshua’s ass and pulled his hand outward, stretching the already abuse hole even more.“STOP THRASHING AROUND SLUT! If you do that again, I’ll yank my hand out while its in a fist. You’ll probably end up in the emergency room getting your asshole stitched up.” Anton said forcefully. Joshua stopped moving but continued to whimper. Anton’s hand resumed thrusting, twisting, and occasionally pulling outward on his hole. Joshua was in agony with no way to release himself from the pain. Then something unexpected happened. The agony began to slowly fade, replaced by pleasure. Joshua began to moan and buck his hips into Anton’s hand. Waves of pleasure mixed with pain racked his body. Joshua moaned, trembled, and his asshole clenched, trying to pull Anton’s hand deeper into him. Anton stopped and withdrew his hand with a pop.Anton stared at Joshua for a moment. “I guess that’s as loose as you’re going to get. I’m going to fuck you now.” Anton lined up his dick with Joshua’s ass and rammed it home in one push. “UMPH!” Joshua moaned through his gag. It still hurt. Not as bad as the first time, but his ass was starting to go numb. Anton paused with about 4 inches of thick black cock in Joshua’s ass. Joshua could feel his own pulse in his tightly stretched sphincter. Anton pushed another 4 inches of cock into Joshua’s ass, stretching it even more as his cock got thicker towards the base. Another pause, then Anton did something unexpected. He reached over, and removed the tape and gag from Joshua’s mouth. “I want to be able to hear you moan Slut, it gets me off. But no yelling or you’ll pay for it.” Anton announced as he started working his thick cock in deeper and deeper.Anton was about 8 inches into Joshua’s asshole now, with another 4 or 5 to go. Joshua felt Anton’s dick bottom out like his long dildo would. Anton pulled out slightly and pushed in again, hitting the same stopping point. Again and again he pulled out a little bit and pushed back in, always stopping at the same spot. Joshua could tell Anton was getting frustrated when he grabbed Joshua’s hips and began to pump his ass more forcefully. Joshua saw stars every time Anton’s’ dick slammed into the back wall of his ass, and he moaned “ UH UH UH” in time to the thrusts, but Anton’s dick would go no deeper.“Why are you resisting Slut? All you’re doing is making me angry. You’re GOING to take all 13 inches of this dick whether you want to or not” Anton growled. Suddenly he pulled out, leaving Joshua feeling very empty, a feeling he didn’t like.“Please Master. I’m not resisting, that’s just as deep as my ass goes” Joshua whined.Anton laughed right out loud. “The average colon is 5 feet long. You can take 13 inches and you will. We might just have to rearrange your guts a bit. Roll onto your stomach with your legs hanging over the bed and your feet on the floor.”Joshua did as he was told, which left his caged dick and balls hanging over the edge of the bed. Anton spread Joshua’s cheeks and lined up his cock with Joshua’s asshole and slid in with one quick thrust. Again his dick stopped in about the same spot. Anton pulled out and slammed back in, over and over again. Joshua felt his ass beginning to give way and the dick hammering his ass was going just a little deeper on each thrust. “UHG UHG UHG” Joshua moaned with each thrust. Anton paused with his dick in as far as he could get it. Joshua wiggled his ass and tried to push back to get Anton deeper. In the process, he pushed with his core muscles like when Anton was massaging his prostate and suddenly Anton’s dick began to slid in deeper. Joshua and Anton grunted in unison as Anton’s balls came to rest on Joshua’s trapped package.“Alright it’s time for the real fucking to begin.” Anton announced. “Oh shit” Joshua thought, “That wasn’t real fucking?” And then true to his word Anton really started to fuck Joshua’s ass hard. He pulled almost all the way out and slammed in as hard as his 245lbs of muscle would allow. His dick bent when it hit the previous stopping point, but only briefly and then continued all the way in. His balls slammed into Joshua’s trapped package hard enough to momentarily crush Joshua’s balls and ram his penis into the cage spikes deeper, actually piercing the skin lightly. Then Anton reversed almost all the way out and started over again.Joshua felt the most intense pleasure as Anton’s hard cock entered his hole, more pleasure as it passed over his prostate, a sharp pain as his cock briefly stopped, even more pain when it started moving again, and finally worst of all, his nuts being crushed and penis cut by the cage. Then he would get that hated empty feeling when Anton pulled out and the process started over. Anton’s thrusts weren’t fast, but they were powerful to the point of being violent. On and on Anton went, sometimes pulling his dick all the way out and leaving Joshua feeling empty and wiggling his ass. Other times he would stop all the way in, using his body weight to crush Joshua’s balls and drive his penis into those horrible spikes. After a long time of this, Joshua’s ass began to burn, and Anton’s cock seemed to be moving slower even though Anton was grunting and pushing harder. The lube was drying out! Surely Anton noticed and wasn’t going to dry fuck him. “Master, it burns!” Joshua finally cried out. “Oh course it burns, Slut. The lube is drying out. That’s OK I’m strong enough to power through it” Anton replied. And power through he did, much to Joshua’s displeasure. After several more minutes of this Joshua was weeping and screaming in agony Anton stopped and pulled his dick out of Joshua’s ass. Joshua turned to look behind him. He could see how mad Anton was and he was afraid. “Sorry Master, it just hurt so bad.” Joshua whined. Anton didn’t respond, he just walked out of the room and returned with the blindfold. “Put it on” he growled. “You don’t want to see what’s coming next”With trembling hands, Joshua put the blindfold on and returned to laying flat on his stomach on the bed. He heard Anton walk out of the room again and return a few minutes later. When Anton spoke again, it was in his calm and terrifying voice. “I know you’re new to this, so I tried to cut you some slack, but you don’t seem to grasp how the Slut/Master relationship works. Your rights end at being able to command me to stop or take a break. You DON’T have the right to whine or complain. You can grunt and moan in pleasure other wise do not speak unless I address you. I’m certainly not about to listen to you whine and carry on like a bitch. I won’t stop you from crying if you want, but it better be silently. I’m going to punish you to teach you who’s the Master here. This is your last chance to say STOP.”Every rational fiber in his being was telling Joshua to “SAY STOP, SAY STOP RIGHT NOW!” After several seconds he turned his head towards Anton and with as much confidence as he could muster said “I’ve been a terrible slut, Master. Please punish me. I’ll never learn if I leave now.” Almost before the last word left his lips, WHAP! A paddle? Holy shit, he hadn’t been paddled since the 3rd grade. “Don’t move, slut. You wouldn’t want mess my aim up and have me hit those balls of yours. I’ll let you cry out as much as you want for this, so just get it out.” Anton said. Joshua was determined not to cry out. He would be a good slut, because that suddenly seemed very important to him.WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! The blows came hard and fast. Anton’s aim was good, it felt like each stroke hit the exact same spot. Joshua didn’t cry out. He wanted to, but he held it in. WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! Even harder this time. Anton was determined to make him cry. Joshua’s ass cheeks were on fire. WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! Joshua still held it in. WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! Joshua’s tears were welling up in his eyes but he held it in. “I think you need to let it out Slut, so you don’t cry later.” Anton said softly. WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! Joshua sniffled but still held it in. WHAP! ZZZT! The shock! His balls were on fire! WHAP! ZZZT! WHAP! ZZZT! WHAP! ZZZT! WHAP! ZZZT! WHAP! ZZZT! Over and over again one hard stroke then a shock from Joshua’s electrified chastity cage. Joshua was barely keeping it together. Anton wanted him to cry but he wouldn’t, he couldn’t. There was a pause, Joshua thought it was over, then WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! Across his balls! Anton was paddling his balls!The floodgate of Joshua’s tears and screaming, yelling, swearing broke. He babbled incoherently, he wailed, he screamed out. The louder Joshua got, the harder Anton paddled his ass and balls. The harder Anton paddled, the louder Joshua got. It went on for several more minutes and Joshua fell silent. His body was still wracked with sobs, but there was no more sound. Somehow he hadn’t asked to stop the whole time. Anton continued to paddle both Joshua’s ass and balls for several more minutes to be sure Joshua was done.Joshua’s ass and balls were numb but he knew they wouldn’t stay that way for long. The tingling sensation that told him the pain was coming soon had already started. “Good job, Slut, you survived the first part of your punishment.” Anton said. “Now just wait there and I’ll be back in a minute.” When Anton returned, Joshua heard a plastic wrapper open. Anton spoke again. “I was about to cum when your whining about the pain in your ass stopped us. I’m going to show you what a real pain in the ass feels like.” He held something up to Joshua’s nose. The smell was familiar yet he couldn’t identify it. “Have you ever heard of figging Slut?” Anton asked.“Yes Master “ Joshua replied.Anton continued, “Here’s how the second phase of your punishment is going to work. I’m going to put on a condom which I hate, and you’re going to hate too, because it will take me forever to cum wearing one. You can have all the lube you want, BUT every time you ask for lube, this ginger root goes up your ass for 10 minutes first. That’s about the maximum amount of time I can keep my erection once I stop fucking. When I pull the ginger out, you’ll get 1 teaspoon of lube. You can ask for lube as many times as you want, but the ginger root goes in for 10 minutes every time. So what will it be Slut? Am I going in with whatever lube is left or are you getting figged?”“I’ll take the figging Master. I don’t think my ass can take any more dry fucking.” Joshua replied.Anton shoved the finger of peeled ginger into Joshua’s ass and Joshua immediately regretted his decision The ginger burned like fire. The more it burned the more his asshole clamped down it and made it burn even more. At one point his asshole started twitching and spasming and actually sucked the whole root in. Anton had to shove his fist in there to retrieve the root. By the time his 10 minutes were up, Joshua was in agony. His ass and balls were throbbing from the beating, and his rectum was on fire. True to his word, Anton squirted a small amount of lube into Joshua’s ass and used a finger to swirl it around. He lined his dick up to Joshua’s already well-fucked hole and rammed himself in, balls deep on one smooth, powerful thrust. Joshua felt the same intense pleasure/pain as the first time. Pleasure as Anton’s hard cock entered his hole, passing over his prostate, pain as Anton’s cock plowed through the spot where Joshua’s colon said to stop, his nuts being crushed and penis cut by the cage. On top of this was a burning sensation that Anton’s cock was spreading all the way up his ass. Joshua’s roughly beaten ass and balls were no longer numb, and throbbed with pain every time Anton slammed into them. And slam into them he did. This was a grudge fuck and Anton was going to make it last as long as possible. Joshua endured more pain than he thought he was capable of. He tried to blank it out, but it was too intense to ignore. He kept quiet, only letting out a few small yelps. 20 minutes into the fuck, Joshua spoke “More lube, please Master.”Joshua’s asshole was still burning like it had been set on fire, but now the lube had dried up. If he had to endure the burning, he might as well have lube. Anton withdrew his cock, and it was only then Joshua noticed Anton was breathing hard like he was holding back his cum. Anton shoved the ginger back in, and the burning renewed with an even higher intensity. Anton spoke then. “Bad choice slut. I know it probably felt like your ass was burning as much as when I first put the ginger in, but it wasn’t. Figging is tricky that way. The burning goes away so slowly that you don’t really notice it getting better until you just realize that it stopped. Not only that, but I was seconds from cumming. After a 10 minute break, I should be able to go another 30-40 minutes easily.”Joshua cried silently into the pillow under his face as he endured the renewed burning, and worst of all knowing that it had nearly been over. 10 minutes later, the ginger root came out and Anton’s huge dick rammed back in. The burning was even worse this time, not just like the burn was renewed, but like the new burn was added on top of the original burn. Anton rammed Joshua’s man pussy harder than ever, spreading the burning ginger as deep as he could. Joshua yelped almost continuously but tried to disguise them as moans of pleasure. His ass and balls endured another brutal pounding. It hurt even worse now since the numbness had fully worn off. In spite of the pain in his ass and balls, and the burning in his bowels, Joshua felt his dick start to tingle and his prostate was absolutely loving the pounding it was getting. His dick couldn’t get any bigger in it’s cage and was already pierced in several spots from the spikes. Incredibly, his dick start to droll and the tingling sensation spread across his entire lower body. He was getting lost in pleasure. The tingling felt like the seconds right before he would cum, but it just stayed at that level and he couldn’t get over the edge. He thrust his ass back at Anton, matching him stroke for stroke, and clamped his stretched sphincter on every out stroke, trying to keep Anton’s cock inside him. Just when he thought he might get there, Anton stiffened and Joshua felt Anton’s cock pulsing in his ass. If he could have felt that hot jizz spraying into him it might have pushed him over the edge.Anton’s cock slid out of Joshua’s no longer tight or virgin asshole. Joshua’s hole didn’t even close behind it. It just gaped open, red and angry, staring at Anton.Anton laughed. “Your hole looks like its been though a war, Slut. I’ve fucked a lot of asses but I’ve never seen one that fucked up, if you’ll pardon my French. I can’t believe you endured an hour long fuck without asking for more lube.” Anton removed his condom and held it to Joshua’s face. Without being told, Joshua opened his mouth and held out his tongue for his reward. There was a lot of it, and surprisingly it tasted good. He only had his own bitter cum to compare to, but Anton’s cum was yummy in comparison.“I don’t eat red meat.” Anton said. “That’s why my cum doesn’t taste bitter. Let’s get you cleaned up. Get up and go into the bathroom.” Anton’s demeanor had softened. Joshua knew without a doubt that Anton was still in control but his face was more relaxed and the edge was gone from his voice.“Yes Master” Joshua replied. He rolled onto his back and stiffly stood up. He walked into the bathroom and was once again shocked by the reflection in the mirror. His ass was bruised black and blue, and clearly said SL UT in un-bruised skin across his cheeks.“I had this paddle custom made with SLUT cut out of the wood.” Anton said behind him. “It took a lot of practice to be able to hit the same spot over and over again to get the words to appear just right. This might be my finest work.” Anton roughly grabbed a handful of Joshua’s bruised right cheek and squeezed hard. Joshua gasped but managed to not yell out. “Your balls look great too.” Anton continued then grabbed them in his big hand and squeezed hard. Joshua’s knees buckled from the pain and Anton had to catch him before he cracked his head on the sink. As Anton steadied him, Joshua turned toward the mirror and looked at the reflection of his balls. They were almost black and so swollen that the skin was perfectly smooth. Joshua was briefly afraid the circulation was completely cut off and his balls might be permanently damaged. He gingerly touched them to find them still warm and the skin wasn’t numb, so he guessed they were just badly bruised.“Back into the room and sit on the edge of the bed, Slut” Anton commanded, the edge creeping back into his voice.“Yes Master” Joshua replied as he walked towards the bed. He saw that Anton had replaced the bed spread with a plastic sheet. The last thing he wanted to do was sit right now but it wasn’t like he could argue. He tried to sit as gingerly as possible, but kept popping right back up every time his ass or balls touched the bed. No matter how he positioned his backside, either his ass or balls or both were going to hurt. Anton stood in front of him, waiting. Finally Anton’s big hands stretched out to Joshua’s shoulders and pressed him forcefully down to the bed. Joshua took several deep breaths, and his eyes watered, but he managed to not yell out.Anton brought Joshua a bottle of water and told him they were taking a short break. He explained that fucking Joshua with a condom on didn’t count. If he wanted to fuck using condoms there would be no need for his messy STD test.“Do you want to continue Slut?” Anton inquired.“Yes Master, I do.” Joshua replied.“OK, then let me explain how this last fuck is going to work. I will use as much or as little lube as I want, that’s not up to you. I’ll grab you hair, squeeze your balls, slap your ass, whatever I want. This fuck is 100% about what I want. Once my cock slides into your hole, you lose the right to stay stop or ask for a break. It’s not over until I fill your ass with my cum. Cry **** all you want, I’ve got a pretty damn good lawyer and I don’t think anyone would believe you the way you look right now.” Anton said. “So, I’ll ask again, are you sure you want to do this?”Joshua felt his dick stir again and got butterflies in his stomach. He wanted this more than he had ever wanted anything. “Yes Master, I do want this. Fuck me, use me, abuse me, make me cry, make me beg. I want all of it.”“Get up on the bed Slut.” Anton commanded, all the aggression back in his voice. “Face down, ass up, that’s how I like to fuck.” Joshua scrambled up onto the bed like a k** running downstairs on Christmas morning. His dick was already bahis firmaları drooling pre-cum and his asshole was quivering, having only recently closed. Anton kneeled behind him and applied a generous amount of lube to Joshua’s ass and his own dick. Anton lined up his monster cock with Joshua’s quivering hole and more gently that Joshua expected slid it all the way in. There was no resistance part way in this time, just a wonderful feeling of being stuffed with hot cock and Anton’s big balls slapping into his own bruised balls. His ass hurt when Anton’s muscular thighs collided with it and his balls hurt when Anton’s balls slammed into his, but nothing compared to the feeling of that cock sliding in and out of his ass. Joshua could feel the pre-cum practically flowing from his dick, and his prostate was already starting to tingle. Joshua thrust in time with Anton, squeezing his sphincter as tight as he could. Anton grunted every time Joshua thrust his ass back at him and quickened his pace a bit. Joshua started to get that all over tingle again but frustratingly, it built to the same plateau as before and stopped. Anton was slowing and the Joshua’s tingle was fading. Joshua threw out all the rules he had learned over this day and started encouraging Anton, trying to drive him into a frenzy of lust or rage. Joshua didn’t care which as long as it got Anton to pound his ass like he did before.“Come on, fuck me like you mean it!” Joshua yelled. “Pound my ass!” “Make me your bitch!” “Show me what a slut I am!” “Fuck my ass with that huge black cock!”“Breed my ass and make it yours!” Anton started pounding Joshua’s ass harder than either of them thought possible. Joshua had to stretch his hands out in front of him to keep his head from bouncing off the headboard. The tingle was intensifying as Joshua braced himself and thrust back so hard that Anton momentarily lost his rhythm. Anton started to slow again and his breathing quickened. Joshua’s tingle was still there but he wasn’t ready yet. He tried to drive Anton into a frenzy again but nothing was working. Anton fucked at his own pace and it was obvious he would cum soon. Joshua thrust his ass up and down, clamped his sphincter as hard as he could, everything he could think of to try to bring on his own orgasm.Anton continued to fuck Joshua’s ass at his own pace, aware of what Joshua wanted but not caring. He quickened for a second, then drove his cock in as far as it would go, and let out a menacing growl as he unloaded his balls into Joshua’s ass.Joshua started openly weeping. He didn’t care what Anton did. He just wanted to leave. As soon as the cock was out of his ass and the cage off his dick, he was gone and he would delete his porn site profile and change his email address.“What the fuck is wrong with you now. Slut?” Anton yelled.Sobbing his reply, “I just wanted to CUM Master! That’s all I wanted, I’ve wanted it for years. I just want to cum one time from being fucked in the ass.” Joshua cried.Anton smiled. This is exactly what HE wanted, a begging cock-crazed slut. “Well why the fuck didn’t you just say so Slut?” Anton replied and resumed pounding Joshua’s hole. He pounded harder than ever, slamming into Joshua. “Take my dick, Slut! Take it like the worthless slut you are! This is MY ASS, and don’t you forget it!” Anton yelled.Joshua felt the tingle rising, rising, rising higher than it had before. “Fuck my ass harder! Please don’t stop, OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD IM CUMMING!!!” Joshua yelled as his balls drained every ounce of jizz. It sprayed back and forth in an arc from under his own belly to Anton’s thighs as his caged dick swung back and forth from the pounding. Just as his orgasm started to subside, Anton let loose another orgasm of his own, filling every last available inch of space in Joshua’s ass and overflowing jizz down Joshua’s balls and onto the bed. Joshua’s own orgasm redoubled it’s effort, not to be outdone. His vision went blurry, his arms went limp and Anton’s last thrust bounced his head off the headboard hard.Anton was about 8 inches into Joshua’s asshole now, with another 4 or 5 to go. Joshua felt Anton’s dick bottom out like his long dildo would. Anton pulled out slightly and pushed in again, hitting the same stopping point. Again and again he pulled out a little bit and pushed back in, always stopping at the same spot. Joshua could tell Anton was getting frustrated when he grabbed Joshua’s hips and began to pump his ass more forcefully. Joshua saw stars every time Anton’s’ dick slammed into the back wall of his ass, and he moaned “ UH UH UH” in time to the thrusts, but Anton’s dick would go no deeper.“Why are you resisting Slut? All you’re doing is making me angry. You’re GOING to take all 13 inches of this dick whether you want to or not” Anton growled. Suddenly he pulled out, leaving Joshua feeling very empty, a feeling he didn’t like.“Please Master. I’m not resisting, that’s just as deep as my ass goes” Joshua whined.Anton laughed right out loud. “The average colon is 5 feet long. You can take 13 inches and you will. We might just have to rearrange your guts a bit. Roll onto your stomach with your legs hanging over the bed and your feet on the floor.”Joshua did as he was told, which left his caged dick and balls hanging over the edge of the bed. Anton spread Joshua’s cheeks and lined up his cock with Joshua’s asshole and slid in with one quick thrust. Again his dick stopped in about the same spot. Anton pulled out and slammed back in, over and over again. Joshua felt his ass beginning to give way and the dick hammering his ass was going just a little deeper on each thrust. “UHG UHG UHG” Joshua moaned with each thrust. Anton paused with his dick in as far as he could get it. Joshua wiggled his ass and tried to push back to get Anton deeper. In the process, he pushed with his core muscles like when Anton was massaging his prostate and suddenly Anton’s dick began to slid in deeper. Joshua and Anton grunted in unison as Anton’s balls came to rest on Joshua’s trapped package.“Alright it’s time for the real fucking to begin.” Anton announced. “Oh shit” Joshua thought, “That wasn’t real fucking?” And then true to his word Anton really started to fuck Joshua’s ass hard. He pulled almost all the way out and slammed in as hard as his 245lbs of muscle would allow. His dick bent when it hit the previous stopping point, but only briefly and then continued all the way in. His balls slammed into Joshua’s trapped package hard enough to momentarily crush Joshua’s balls and ram his penis into the cage spikes deeper, actually piercing the skin lightly. Then Anton reversed almost all the way out and started over again.Joshua felt the most intense pleasure as Anton’s hard cock entered his hole, more pleasure as it passed over his prostate, a sharp pain as his cock briefly stopped, even more pain when it started moving again, and finally worst of all, his nuts being crushed and penis cut by the cage. Then he would get that hated empty feeling when Anton pulled out and the process started over. Anton’s thrusts weren’t fast, but they were powerful to the point of being violent. On and on Anton went, sometimes pulling his dick all the way out and leaving Joshua feeling empty and wiggling his ass. Other times he would stop all the way in, using his body weight to crush Joshua’s balls and drive his penis into those horrible spikes. After a long time of this, Joshua’s ass began to burn, and Anton’s cock seemed to be moving slower even though Anton was grunting and pushing harder. The lube was drying out! Surely Anton noticed and wasn’t going to dry fuck him. “Master, it burns!” Joshua finally cried out. “Oh course it burns, Slut. The lube is drying out. That’s OK I’m strong enough to power through it” Anton replied. And power through he did, much to Joshua’s displeasure. After several more minutes of this Joshua was weeping and screaming in agony Anton stopped and pulled his dick out of Joshua’s ass. Joshua turned to look behind him. He could see how mad Anton was and he was afraid. “Sorry Master, it just hurt so bad.” Joshua whined. Anton didn’t respond, he just walked out of the room and returned with the blindfold. “Put it on” he growled. “You don’t want to see what’s coming next”With trembling hands, Joshua put the blindfold on and returned to laying flat on his stomach on the bed. He heard Anton walk out of the room again and return a few minutes later. When Anton spoke again, it was in his calm and terrifying voice. “I know you’re new to this, so I tried to cut you some slack, but you don’t seem to grasp how the Slut/Master relationship works. Your rights end at being able to command me to stop or take a break. You DON’T have the right to whine or complain. You can grunt and moan in pleasure other wise do not speak unless I address you. I’m certainly not about to listen to you whine and carry on like a bitch. I won’t stop you from crying if you want, but it better be silently. I’m going to punish you to teach you who’s the Master here. This is your last chance to say STOP.”Every rational fiber in his being was telling Joshua to “SAY STOP, SAY STOP RIGHT NOW!” After several seconds he turned his head towards Anton and with as much confidence as he could muster said “I’ve been a terrible slut, Master. Please punish me. I’ll never learn if I leave now.” Almost before the last word left his lips, WHAP! A paddle? Holy shit, he hadn’t been paddled since the 3rd grade. “Don’t move, slut. You wouldn’t want mess my aim up and have me hit those balls of yours. I’ll let you cry out as much as you want for this, so just get it out.” Anton said. Joshua was determined not to cry out. He would be a good slut, because that suddenly seemed very important to him.WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! The blows came hard and fast. Anton’s aim was good, it felt like each stroke hit the exact same spot. Joshua didn’t cry out. He wanted to, but he held it in. WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! Even harder this time. Anton was determined to make him cry. Joshua’s ass cheeks were on fire. WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! Joshua still held it in. WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! Joshua’s tears were welling up in his eyes but he held it in. “I think you need to let it out Slut, so you don’t cry later.” Anton said softly. WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! Joshua sniffled but still held it in. WHAP! ZZZT! The shock! His balls were on fire! WHAP! ZZZT! WHAP! ZZZT! WHAP! ZZZT! WHAP! ZZZT! WHAP! ZZZT! Over and over again one hard stroke then a shock from Joshua’s electrified chastity cage. Joshua was barely keeping it together. Anton wanted him to cry but he wouldn’t, he couldn’t. There was a pause, Joshua thought it was over, then WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! Across his balls! Anton was paddling his balls!The floodgate of Joshua’s tears and screaming, yelling, swearing broke. He babbled incoherently, he wailed, he screamed out. The louder Joshua got, the harder Anton paddled his ass and balls. The harder Anton paddled, the louder Joshua got. It went on for several more minutes and Joshua fell silent. His body was still wracked with sobs, but there was no more sound. Somehow he hadn’t asked to stop the whole time. Anton continued to paddle both Joshua’s ass and balls for several more minutes to be sure Joshua was done.Joshua’s ass and balls were numb but he knew they wouldn’t stay that way for long. The tingling sensation that told him the pain was coming soon had already started. “Good job, Slut, you survived the first part of your punishment.” Anton said. “Now just wait there and I’ll be back in a minute.” When Anton returned, Joshua heard a plastic wrapper open. Anton spoke again. “I was about to cum when your whining about the pain in your ass stopped us. I’m going to show you what a real pain in the ass feels like.” He held something up to Joshua’s nose. The smell was familiar yet he couldn’t identify it. “Have you ever heard of figging Slut?” Anton asked.“Yes Master “ Joshua replied.Anton continued, “Here’s how the second phase of your punishment is going to work. I’m going to put on a condom which I hate, and you’re going to hate too, because it will take me forever to cum wearing one. You can have all the lube you want, BUT every time you ask for lube, this ginger root goes up your ass for 10 minutes first. That’s about the maximum amount of time I can keep my erection once I stop fucking. When I pull the ginger out, you’ll get 1 teaspoon of lube. You can ask for lube as many times as you want, but the ginger root goes in for 10 minutes every time. So what will it be Slut? Am I going in with whatever lube is left or are you getting figged?”“I’ll take the figging Master. I don’t think my ass can take any more dry fucking.” Joshua replied.Anton shoved the finger of peeled ginger into Joshua’s ass and Joshua immediately regretted his decision The ginger burned like fire. The more it burned the more his asshole clamped down it and made it burn even more. At one point his asshole started twitching and spasming and actually sucked the whole root in. Anton had to shove his fist in there to retrieve the root. By the time his 10 minutes were up, Joshua was in agony. His ass and balls were throbbing from the beating, and his rectum was on fire. True to his word, Anton squirted a small amount of lube into Joshua’s ass and used a finger to swirl it around. He lined his dick up to Joshua’s already well-fucked hole and rammed himself in, balls deep on one smooth, powerful thrust. Joshua felt the same intense pleasure/pain as the first time. Pleasure as Anton’s hard cock entered his hole, passing over his prostate, pain as Anton’s cock plowed through the spot where Joshua’s colon said to stop, his nuts being crushed and penis cut by the cage. On top of this was a burning sensation that Anton’s cock was spreading all the way up his ass. Joshua’s roughly beaten ass and balls were no longer numb, and throbbed with pain every time Anton slammed into them. And slam into them he did. This was a grudge fuck and Anton was going to make it last as long as possible. Joshua endured more pain than he thought he was capable of. He tried to blank it out, but it was too intense to ignore. He kept quiet, only letting out a few small yelps. 20 minutes into the fuck, Joshua spoke “More lube, please Master.”Joshua’s asshole was still burning like it had been set on fire, but now the lube had dried up. If he had to endure the burning, he might as well have lube. Anton withdrew his cock, and it was only then Joshua noticed Anton was breathing hard like he was holding back his cum. Anton shoved the ginger back in, and the burning renewed with an even higher intensity. Anton spoke then. “Bad choice slut. I know it probably felt like your ass was burning as much as when I first put the ginger in, but it wasn’t. Figging is tricky that way. The burning goes away so slowly that you don’t really notice it getting better until you just realize that it stopped. Not only that, but I was seconds from cumming. After a 10 minute break, I should be able to go another 30-40 minutes easily.”Joshua cried silently into the pillow under his face as he endured the renewed burning, and worst of all knowing that it had nearly been over. 10 minutes later, the ginger root came out and Anton’s huge dick rammed back in. The burning was even worse this time, not just like the burn was renewed, but like the new burn was added on top of the original burn. Anton rammed Joshua’s man pussy harder than ever, spreading the burning ginger as deep as he could. Joshua yelped almost continuously but tried to disguise them as moans of pleasure. His ass and balls endured another brutal pounding. It hurt even worse now since the numbness had fully worn off. In spite of the pain in his ass and balls, and the burning in his bowels, Joshua felt his dick start to tingle and his prostate was absolutely loving the pounding it was getting. His dick couldn’t get any bigger in it’s cage and was already pierced in several spots from the spikes. Incredibly, his dick start to droll and the tingling sensation spread across his entire lower body. He was getting lost in pleasure. The tingling felt like the seconds right before he would cum, but it just stayed at that level and he couldn’t get over the edge. He thrust his ass back at Anton, matching him stroke for stroke, and clamped his stretched sphincter on every out stroke, trying to keep Anton’s cock inside him. Just when he thought he might get there, Anton stiffened and Joshua felt Anton’s cock pulsing in his ass. If he could have felt that hot jizz spraying into him it might have pushed him over the edge.Anton’s cock slid out of Joshua’s no longer tight or virgin asshole. Joshua’s hole didn’t even close behind it. It just gaped open, red and angry, staring at Anton.Anton laughed. “Your hole looks like its been though a war, Slut. I’ve fucked a lot of asses but I’ve never seen one that fucked up, if you’ll pardon my French. I can’t believe you endured an hour long fuck without asking for more lube.” Anton removed his condom and held it to Joshua’s face. Without being told, Joshua opened his mouth and held out his tongue for his reward. There was a lot of it, and surprisingly it tasted good. He only had his own bitter cum to compare to, but Anton’s cum was yummy in comparison.“I don’t eat red meat.” Anton said. “That’s why my cum doesn’t taste bitter. Let’s get you cleaned up. Get up and go into the bathroom.” Anton’s demeanor had softened. Joshua knew without a doubt that Anton was still in control but his face was more relaxed and the edge was gone from his voice.“Yes Master” Joshua replied. He rolled onto his back and stiffly stood up. He walked into the bathroom and was once again shocked by the reflection in the mirror. His ass was bruised black and blue, and clearly said SL UT in un-bruised skin across his cheeks.“I had this paddle custom made with SLUT cut out of the wood.” Anton said behind him. “It took a lot of practice to be able to hit the same spot over and over again to get the words to appear just right. This might be my finest work.” Anton roughly grabbed a handful of Joshua’s bruised right cheek and squeezed hard. Joshua gasped but managed to not yell out. “Your balls look great too.” Anton continued then grabbed them in his big hand and squeezed hard. Joshua’s knees buckled from the pain and Anton had to catch him before he cracked his head on the sink. As Anton steadied him, Joshua turned toward the mirror and looked at the reflection of his balls. They were almost black and so swollen that the skin was perfectly smooth. Joshua was briefly afraid the circulation was completely cut off and his balls might be permanently damaged. He gingerly touched them to find them still warm and the skin wasn’t numb, so he guessed they were just badly bruised.“Back into the room and sit on the edge of the bed, Slut” Anton commanded, the edge creeping back into his voice.“Yes Master” Joshua replied as he walked towards the bed. He saw that Anton had replaced the bed spread with a plastic sheet. The last thing he wanted to do was sit right now but it wasn’t like he could argue. He tried to sit as gingerly as possible, but kept popping right back up every time his ass or balls touched the bed. No matter how he positioned his backside, either his ass or balls or both were going to hurt. Anton stood in front of him, waiting. Finally Anton’s big hands stretched out to Joshua’s shoulders and pressed him forcefully down to the bed. Joshua took several deep breaths, and his eyes watered, but he managed to not yell out.Anton brought Joshua a bottle of water and told him they were taking a short break. He explained that fucking Joshua with a condom on didn’t count. If he wanted to fuck using condoms there would be no need for his messy STD test.“Do you want to continue Slut?” Anton inquired.“Yes Master, I do.” Joshua replied.“OK, then let me explain how this last fuck is going to work. I will use as much or as little lube as I want, that’s not up to you. I’ll grab you hair, squeeze your balls, slap your ass, whatever I want. This fuck is 100% about what I want. Once my cock slides into your hole, you lose the right to stay stop or ask for a break. It’s not over until I fill your ass with my cum. Cry **** all you want, I’ve got a pretty damn good lawyer and I don’t think anyone would believe you the way you look right now.” Anton said. “So, I’ll ask again, are you sure you want to do this?”Joshua felt his dick stir again and got butterflies in his stomach. He wanted this more than he had ever wanted anything. “Yes Master, I do want this. Fuck me, use me, abuse me, make me cry, make me beg. I want all of it.”“Get up on the bed Slut.” Anton commanded, all the aggression back in his voice. “Face down, ass up, that’s how I like to fuck.” Joshua scrambled up onto the bed like a k** running downstairs on Christmas morning. His dick was already drooling pre-cum and his asshole was quivering, having only recently closed. Anton kneeled behind him and applied a generous amount of lube to Joshua’s ass and his own dick. Anton lined up his monster cock with Joshua’s quivering hole and more gently that Joshua expected slid it all the way in. There was no resistance part way in this time, just a wonderful feeling of being stuffed with hot cock and Anton’s big balls slapping into his own bruised balls. His ass hurt when Anton’s muscular thighs collided with it and his balls hurt when Anton’s balls slammed into his, but nothing compared to the feeling of that cock sliding in and out of his ass. Joshua could feel the pre-cum practically flowing from his dick, and his prostate was already starting to tingle. Joshua thrust in time with Anton, squeezing his sphincter as tight as he could. Anton grunted every time Joshua thrust his ass back at him and quickened his pace a bit. Joshua started to get that all over tingle again but frustratingly, it built to the same plateau as before and stopped. Anton was slowing and the Joshua’s tingle was fading. Joshua threw out all the rules he had learned over this day and started encouraging Anton, trying to drive him into a frenzy of lust or rage. Joshua didn’t care which as long as it got Anton to pound his ass like he did before.“Come on, fuck me like you mean it!” Joshua yelled. “Pound my ass!” “Make me your bitch!” “Show me what a slut I am!” “Fuck my ass with that huge black cock!”“Breed my ass and make it yours!” Anton started pounding Joshua’s ass harder than either of them thought possible. Joshua had to stretch his hands out in front of him to keep his head from bouncing off the headboard. The tingle was intensifying as Joshua braced himself and thrust back so hard that Anton momentarily lost his rhythm. Anton started to slow again and his breathing quickened. Joshua’s tingle was still there but he wasn’t ready yet. He tried to drive Anton into a frenzy again but nothing was working. Anton fucked at his own pace and it was obvious he would cum soon. Joshua thrust his ass up and down, clamped his sphincter as hard as he could, everything he could think of to try to bring on his own orgasm.Anton continued to fuck Joshua’s ass at his own pace, aware of what Joshua wanted but not caring. He quickened for a second, then drove his cock in as far as it would go, and let out a menacing growl as he unloaded his balls into Joshua’s ass.Joshua started openly weeping. He didn’t care what Anton did. He just wanted to leave. As soon as the cock was out of his ass and the cage off his dick, he was gone and he would delete his porn site profile and change his email address.“What the fuck is wrong with you now. Slut?” Anton yelled.Sobbing his reply, “I just wanted to CUM Master! That’s all I wanted, I’ve wanted it for years. I just want to cum one time from being fucked in the ass.” Joshua cried.Anton smiled. This is exactly what HE wanted, a begging cock-crazed slut. “Well why the fuck didn’t you just say so Slut?” Anton replied and resumed pounding Joshua’s hole. He pounded harder than ever, slamming into Joshua. “Take my dick, Slut! Take it like the worthless slut you are! This is MY ASS, and don’t you forget it!” Anton yelled.Joshua felt the tingle rising, rising, rising higher than it had before. “Fuck my ass harder! Please don’t stop, OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD IM CUMMING!!!” Joshua yelled as his balls drained every ounce of jizz. It sprayed back and forth in an arc from under his own belly to Anton’s thighs as his caged dick swung back and forth from the pounding. Just as his orgasm started to subside, Anton let loose another orgasm of his own, filling every last available inch of space in Joshua’s ass and overflowing jizz down Joshua’s balls and onto the bed. Joshua’s own orgasm redoubled it’s effort, not to be outdone. His vision went blurry, his arms went limp and Anton’s last thrust bounced his head off the headboard hard.Joshua slept for a long time, and didn’t wake up until almost noon on Sunday. He awoke to a sore ass, aching balls, and his hole felt like he had been fucked by a cactus. Still he was free of Anton who thought he was in the looney bin and he had the rest of the week to recover before his wife kaçak bahis siteleri got home. He knew damn well that plug was going to hurt like hell coming out, so he decided that being drunk was the way to do it. Drunk while being rock hard from working the plug was no condition to be in when he was trying to cut the lock off his chastity cage though, so he headed out to the garage to find something to cut the lock with first. Purely out of habit he pulled on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt before leaving the bedroom.As he walked past the living room on the way to the garage, he heard “Hi Honey, you sure slept in late.”Monica?! What the fuck was his wife doing home?!“Monica? Hi. What are you doing here, I didn’t expect you back from the Bahamas until Saturday. Was there a problem with your flight?” Joshua asked.“Oh, not at all honey. I was having a great time on the beach. It’s a nude beach there you know. You always hear how it’s just old fat people that get naked on the beach but that’s not true. There was so much young virile cock there I was losing my mind. I was so fucking horny that had to get out of there before I cheated on you. I never have you know. It’s been so long since we fucked, I decided to come home and fuck your brains out.” she replied. Joshua was freaking out. He couldn’t possibly let Monica find out what he had done yesterday, especially if she had never actually cheated on him. She had never lied to him about anything that he was aware of, not anything important at least. Joshua had never lied to her either. How the fuck was he going to get out of this with his dignity intact?“Just give me a minute, babe. I need to grab something from the garage and I’ll be right back.” Joshua said. If he could only get to the garage, he could cut the cage off and rip that damn plug out no matter how much it hurt. He would have to figure out a way to hide his bruised ass, but that would be the easy part.“Honey? Whatever it is it can wait right? It’s not like the house is on fire.” Monica said. Joshua? Come on, I’m so fucking horny my pussy is practically dripping.”“Go to the bedroom and get ready Monica, I’ll be in there in 5 minutes,” Joshua replied as he continued towards the garage. If he could only make it out there, he would get that plug out and the cage off, even if he destroyed his asshole and dick in the process. Any amount of pain would be better than the humiliation of his wife finding out what he’d done.“Come sit by me, Joshua. If you’re still still too sleepy to fuck I’ll suck you off until you’re ready.” Monica called as Joshua continued to walk towards the garage.“I SAID GET IN HERE SLUT!” Monica yelled to him.Joshua stopped in his tracks. Monica loathed that word. She got angry when anyone used that word. Joshua had only ever heard her use it 2 times in 20 years, once 20 years ago when she explained to him how much she hated the word and now. She had tears in her eyes 20 years ago from saying it, but today she just looked angry.Joshua turned to face her. “M… Mon…Monica?” He stammered.“You heard me Slut. Get over here. And take your clothes off” Monica commanded.“What’s happening” Joshua thought, “What’s gotten into Monica?” He walked to her, stopped and disrobed. There was point in not doing it.Monica studied him. She tugged on his cage. She made him turn around and bend over, and tugged on the plug painfully. She laughed at his bruised ass and nearly black balls.“I especially like how you got my favorite word stamped into your ass for me.” Monica said coldly. “Why don’t you sit down and tell me everything about how you got like this. Let’s assume that I already know, so don’t lie and don’t leave anything out.”Joshua told her everything. He started with how their sex life was terrible and he was sure that she was cheating on him, how he had purchased dildos to fuck himself with, his online porn account, his favorite type of gay porn, the message he posted one day and the response from Anton. He told about the explicit photos he had sent to Anton and the messages describing how he wanted to be used like a fuck toy.Monica stared at him with something between hate and lust in her eyes. “Keep going” she said, “I want to hear it all.”Joshua told the story of Anton and what happened in the hotel room. Anton’s Master/Slut speech (Monica flinched at that word) The d**g test, the STD test, the enema. He told about Anton trying to fuck him the first time and he screamed and carried on such much that Anton gagged with with his own piss and cum soaked underwear.“Were they regular underwear?” Monica asked.“Uh, yeah.” Joshua responded. He hated lying to her, but they was the only panties he owned, and it wasn’t like Monica knew.“Go on.” Monica said.Joshua continued. He told of the fisting, Anton’s multiple attempts to fuck him with his full 13 inch cock, his crying and screaming when the lube dried out while Anton fucked him. When he got to the part about the paddling, Monica was squirming in her seat. Was she getting turned on by this? Joshua told her about the figging, the over an hour long mostly dry fuck when Anton wore a condom and how he almost shot his own load then. And how he ate Anton’s cum from the condom.He told of Anton fucking him again, and how he ignored Anton’s rule about being quiet and encouraged him by saying the nastiest things he could think of trying to get Anton to pound his ass hard enough to finally make him cum just from anal but how Anton just worked at his own pace and made sure Joshua never could achieve orgasm. He told Monica how he broke down sobbing then and told Anton that having on orgasm while being ass fucked was all he wanted, he had wanted it for a long time, and then Anton fucked him again, and kept pounding Joshua’s ass until they both shot their loads.He told of eating Anton’s and his own cum and the gigantic plug.Then his voice got soft and his face dark. He told about how Anton told him he no longer had the right to say stop, how he would get away with doing anything he wanted to Joshua. How he made Joshua choose to get either his mouth or ass fucked one last time, then announced was was going to fuck both of Joshua’s holes.Joshua continued the story with how he hatched his plan to get out of there. How when Anton removed the plug, and the pain was so intense but he never reacted, even though he orgasmed 2 or 3 times while Anton was working the plug. How he gave Anton the best blow job a man could ever hope for, but how he didn’t let Anton shoot all of his cum down his throat, instead saving it for his own ass. He told her about lubing up his own ass with Anton’s cum and pulling him in and how Anton fucked him for another hour or more, and even though Anton dry fucked him until their skin tore and he orgasmed again, he never reacted in any way. Joshua told Monica about grabbing the plug as soon as Anton pulled out, and taking it to the chair and dropping his torn, abused hole onto it over and over again until it popped in, never making so much as a squeak even though it hurt so bad his vision would go blurry each time. How he stepped it up even more, staring off into space, swaying back and forth, convincing Anton he was catatonic.He finished with the story of getting into Scully’s cab and convincing Scully that he wasn’t drunk or crazy and getting Scully to bring him here. He left out the part about the $1000, Monica was notoriously tight with money even though they had plenty.“Did you enjoy it? The whole experience I mean?” Monica asked.“Yes, I did. I was hurt at times, I was scared at times, but I loved not having control. Having someone do anything they wanted to me but being able to stop them if it got to be too much. Testing my limits. My dick pretty much stayed hard the whole time, jammed into this cage. I didn’t stop enjoying it until Anton took away all of my control. Then I was just scared.” Joshua answered.“It’s my turn to tell you a story.” Monica said. “And let’s clear up some of your lies and omissions while we’re at it.”Joshua dropped his eyes to the floor but said nothing.Monica told him he she had stopped being attracted to him when he got out of shape, how she had kept herself up and didn’t want to sleep with him anymore, then as his interest in her seemed to wane it got worse.She told Joshua that she knew about his dildos, his online porn activity, even his anonymous photos and video. She found out when she had to get a background check from the FBI for a government client. The FBI had also checked into Joshua as a matter of course, and told her about it. Monica decided that heir sex life was boring and Joshua’s activities were harmless, so she let it go.Monica again told Joshua that she never cheated on him, even though good looking men were hitting on her constantly. She told Joshua that she got so horny from it that she would masturbate in her office almost daily. Finally she decided she needed to do something to spice up their sex life, because even Joshua’s dick was better than no dick at all, so she tried to introduce anal play. She knew that he was turned on by it but he always refused to be a willing participant. In frustration she actually had divorce papers drawn up and was about to have them served, when everything changed.“A long time client named Anton walked into my office a few weeks ago to take care of some business. He’s a great looking guy and I’ve always been really attracted to him, but he’s married and a closet homosexual so I consider him safe. He’s told me about how he likes to take middle aged men who want to experiment with being gay, and lure them to a hotel to fuck them and beat them. It’s super pervy, but he’s a client and he pays well. I’ve gotten him off from several lawsuits from men who regretted doing what they asked to do. It’s not very difficult, there always mountains of evidence, emails, photos, video you name it. Mostly it would be inadmissible at trial, but the threat of being exposed usually has the men back off or settle for peanuts.” Monica said. “I told him about you, about us, about our shit sex life, and even how your activities almost got me turned down for a security clearance and I was still mad about it. I told him I hadn’t ever said anything to you about any of it but some days I really wanted revenge. He got really quiet and I thought I was making him uncomfortable, so I apologized and changed the subject.” She continued.“Then he told me the most awful and incredible thing. He told me about how some guy from a porn site wanted to meet him to be fucked and dominated. He told me that he had spotted that photo of us at my niece’s wedding from a few months ago and it was you. He said if I wanted revenge he would help me get it, so we formed a plan. I was going to go on vacation by myself and he would take you to a hotel for an afternoon quickie, but keep you there all week and either turn you fully into a cock craving slut -his words, not mine- or get it out of your system completely. So I bought us 2 tickets to the Bahamas and then left without you. Acting like a bitch to you was easy. I was furious that you were going to cheat on me and with a man. I did go to the Bahamas, and Anton was to let me know if you actually went through with it or not. If he did, I was going to get laid there as much as I could. I called him while you were with him, but he told me that he hadn’t actually fucked you yet but would soon. I arranged for a gangbang with 5 of the hottest big dicked guys I’ve ever seen and was just waiting for Anton to give me the the green light. I seriously wasn’t going to do it unless you let Anton fuck you. When my phone rang and it was Anton, my pussy was dripping with anticipation. He told me everything that happened, including some things that you didn’t like this…”Monica held up Joshua’s crusty cum and piss soaked panties and then continued “When he told me that he had broken you mentally, that you were catatonic and on your way to the metal hospital I almost stayed and had my gangbang. I didn’t though, I took a cab to the airport and got the first flight out of there, a damn expensive flight to. When I landed I had a voicemail from Anton, telling me that you pulled a fast one on him and that you paid a cab driver $1000 to take you home and forget he ever saw you.”“Monica, I…” Joshua started.“DONT YOU EVER CALL ME THAT AGAIN!” Monica screamed at him. “From now on, you will address me as Mistress, Goddess, or Mistress Monica.” She continued. You will be naked at all times in this house and anywhere else I tell you to get naked. You’re not getting out of that chastity cage anytime soon, unless it’s to put on a smaller one with more spikes. You’re never going to fuck me or anyone else again. Your dick is now for pissing and if you’re lucky an occasional orgasm from getting your ass pounded. I’ll be the one doing the fucking with this.” Monica held up a strapon harness. “It has a bigger than normal dildo on the inside to fuck myself with while I fuck you.” Joshua didn’t see what she was planning to fuck him with, but the dildo ring was impossibly large. “I’ll be fucking pretty much all the hot guys that hit on me from now on, but don’t worry, plenty of big dick guys will fuck you too so we can keep the score even.” Monica continued. “Furthermore, you’re going to pay back that $1000 you took plus the $200 Anton had to pay Scully. Interest is 10% weekly, but don’t worry, I’ve arranged a second job for you to earn it. Now let’s get that plug out, I’m still incredibly horny and need to fuck. Go in the bedroom and bend over the bed.”In spite of everything, Joshua’s dick was hard in his cage and he was looking forward to what Monica had in store for him. It couldn’t be worse than Anton, could it? After all she was still his wife and he believed she still loved him. Joshua went to the bedroom and bent over the bed. Monica came up behind him and started yanking on the plug. Although small in stature, she was quite strong from years in the gym keeping herself looking good. Anton had been gentle by comparison. It still took Monica a good 10 minutes to get the plug out, and Joshua’s bleeding asshole was nearly ruined. Some of Anton’s cum from the day before ran out. Before Joshua could attempt to clean it up, Monica wiped it up with the crusty panties. “Roll onto your back and get your legs up, Whore. I want you to see this fuck happen.” Monica commanded.“Yes mistress.” Joshua replied as as he rolled over, raised and spread his legs.Monica produced the biggest horsecock dildo Joshua had ever seen. Anton’s monster looked like a toothpick in comparison.“Anton told me you like lots of lube so I’m prepared sweetie.” Monica said unnervingly. She held up a clear plastic container that looked like it should have dish soap in it, but the original label was gone. In it’s place was a handwritten label that just said ‘PUNISHMENT LUBE’. “Anton whipped this up last night. It’s glycerin and ginger extract. Did you know ginger has antimicrobial properties? It will help keep your raw dick and asshole from getting infected.” Monica poured the lube all over Joshua’s dick and balls, working it through the cage. Immediately they started burning from the abrasions. “He also told me you’re a screamer. That might be too distracting for me, so I’m going to gag you.” Monica said as she stuffed the crusty panties in Joshua’s mouth. Then she did something even he didn’t expect. She straddled his face and pissed into the panties and his mouth. She must have been holding it for a while because she pissed a lot. Joshua had to swallow it or drown. Once Monica was done, she covered his mouth in duct tape and propped his head up with a pillow so he could see. She lined up the horse dildo with his asshole, dribbled lube along it’s length and around Joshua’s hole, and rammed it in. She fucked him good and hard, adding lube every few minutes to renew the burn Joshua was feeling. He was screaming in pain and pleasure and gagging from the piss still running down his throat. He heard and felt Monica orgasm but she never stopped. It had been so long since they fucked properly, he had forgotten she was multi-orgasmic. She kept adding lube and pounding away.“YOU MOTHERFUCKER, I SHOULD HAVE BEEN GETTING MY BRAINS FUCKED OUT IN THE BAHAMAS RIGHT NOW!” She screamed at him. “INSTEAD IM FUCKING THIS TRAIN TUNNEL YOU CALL AN ASSHOLE WITH A RUBBER COCK AND I’VE GOT BURNING HOT LUBE IN MY TWAT!” Monica pounded away at Joshua’s hole for what seemed like hours. He was in agony. His balls and dick were burning, his ass was so stretched out. He was no longer enjoying this fuck, he was enduring it. When he thought he couldn’t take anymore, he did, because Monica didn’t stop. When she finally did stop, she collapsed on top of him, crushing his balls and dick. Joshua was crying silently.Monica withdrew the horse dildo from Joshua’s hole, which didn’t even try to close. Pink bloody lube dribbled out.“One more thing I forgot to tell you, Anton gave me this.” She held up what looked like a car remote that had a control knob and a single button. “Anton said that he lied to you and never got it over 1000 volts but that it will go to 50,000. Let’s try it out.”Joshua started screaming before she ever even pushed the button but she was determined to see how much he could take. Joshua passed out at 25,000 volts.____________________________________________________________________12 Months later“It’s amazing what you can get used to.” Joshua thought. The first few weeks after he returned home were hell. Anton, Trent and Scully all moved into their home. Anton’s wife found out about his activities, filed for divorce and cleaned out his bank account. A guest at the Empty Arms overheard the conversation between Anton and Trent and reported it to the hotel’s owners who fired Trent. Scully was just between jobs as usual and showed up when he found out Anton and Trent lived there.Joshua was already awake, lying between Anton and Trent. Trent’s cock was still up Joshua’s ass from last night. Trent liked to just leave it in once he shot his final load of the night. Joshua didn’t mind, there was less cleanup that way since his body absorbed most of the cum overnight. At 8 inches soft, Trent’s cock didn’t plop out on it’s own like it used too. Sometimes when he had trouble sleeping, Joshua would squeeze his sphincter over and over again getting Trent hard in his sleep. He even once got him to shoot a load while sleeping.True to his word, Anton got those pills for Trent, who being gay, didn’t need to worry about any vag not being deep enough for a monster cock. He was up to 18 inches now but wanted 20. Almost a year after Trent started fucking him, Joshua still had trouble accommodating that monster. His hole couldn’t grow as fast as Trent’s dick did. Scully mostly slept in Monica’s bed now. He had taken the pills to, but Monica made him stop at 12 inches. She did fuck any good looking guy that wanted her but mostly only once. Her formerly tight pussy had been reamed so hard so many times by Scully that most men could barely hit the sides anymore. Joshua got up, pulling his ass off of Trent’s cock. He walked into the bathroom and looked at the reflection of his own caged member. At 7 inches soft now, it barely fit into the larger cage Mistress had put on him. A side affect of the d**gs Anton put him on, Anton said, but the d**gs made him look 20 years younger and he lost 40 pounds in the process. His dick, while it had grown was merely a show piece now. He could get it hard if he tried, but any orgasm it produced was about as much fun as french kissing a bull dog. Anal was his only real way to get off now. That was one of the great things about Anton’s d**g. He could cum from anal easily now and they were intense orgasms too. Sometimes when Mistress was in a particularly foul mood after a bad day at work, she would finger his prostate edging him near orgasm for hours while she watched TV. Joshua would be so worked up it was impossible to think straight and then she would send him to bed alone. Those nights she took Trent up her ass, Anton in her throat, and Scully took her pussy all at the same time. Mistress sure could scream loud those nights, working Joshua into a frenzy. She was mistress to everyone, even Anton. There was a clearly defined pecking order and she was on top, literally and figuratively. The only time Joshua was allowed near her pussy was to clean up Scully’s jizz from it. That man had the stinkiest, nastiest jizz ever. His diet must be 100% red meat, and cheap meat at that Joshua thought.It hadn’t been all bad those first few weeks. Mistress Monica had loved to torture and humiliate him whenever she could. When he made the mistake of telling her that he had a meeting with the CEO of his company at 10AM one morning, she texted him at 10:15 and told him to get naked right now. He did, and it turned out the CEO didn’t mind. After Joshua sucked him off and let the CEO fuck his ass, he ended up with a promotion to be his VP of PR. Mainly he was the CEO’s fuck toy, but he did occasionally have to draft a press release.“Well, time to get the the gym.” Joshua thought. No sooner than he thought it Scully, who was his person trainer walked out.“It’s lower body day.” Scully said.Joshua hated lower body day. He didn’t mind the usual squats and such, but Scully’s workouts were… different. They arrived at the gym and checked into their private workout room. The gym had several, usually used by rich or famous clients who wanted to work out in piece. Scully retrieved their workout gear from storage while Joshua disrobed. He was only allowed to wear shoes during private workout sessions. The first exercise on today’s agenda was the dumbbell carry. An 8lb dumbbell was on the floor attached to a short harness. At the other end of the harness was a 6 inch long and quite thin dildo, shiny from the lube on it. Joshua had to squat over it, line up his hole, insert the dildo, pick it and the weight up with his asshole only, stand to full standing height with the weight swinging around and trying to yank the dildo out, then squat down gently setting the weight and dildo down, keeping the dildo upright. His hands had to remain at his side, on his hips or behind his head at all times. Then he had to run 2 laps of the room and repeat the process to count one rep. This exercise required 3 sets of 20 reps. Joshua had to admit it was a genius exercise. It worked all your leg muscles, required great balance, and after a few weeks of this, he could practically peel g****s with his sphincter.Next up was the kettle ball. The kettle ball was the reason Joshua hated lower body day. A 20lb kettle ball was attached to the ring on Joshua’s chastity cage, and he had to drag it 10 laps around the room by his dick and balls, or if he stood on his tip toes, he could just get it off the floor and walk around the room, his package swinging comically around. He normally chose to walk, and Scully had needed to shorten the harness a few times as his sack and dick stretched.Finally, there was reverse cowgirl. Joshua had to assume the correct position, and perform an imaginary reverse cowgirl for 20 minutes.After his workout was done, Joshua went to the shower area of the private room and began cleaning himself. Once he was clean inside and out, he dressed for work and Scully drove him to his office. In addition to his personal trainer, Scully was the chauffeur, chef, pool boy, and obviously Mistress’s fuck toy.Once in his office, Joshua read and responded to a few emails and prepared for the day. In his job, preparing for the day meant looking over the list of potential new clients the CEO wanted him to either suck off and/or get fucked in the ass by. That fat fuck Rick was first on the list. “When would his boss ever realize that Rick was NEVER going to be a client, he just wanted a blowjob that his wife wouldn’t give him?” Joshua thought for the hundredth time. Once he was done with his client list, he checked in with his boss to see if he needed anything – anything being a blowjob, handjob, or a nice ass to fuck – and left for the day to head to the second job Mistress Monica had set up for him. His second job was of course to pay back mistress the $1200 + interest. In room 512 of the Empty Arms Hotel, he sucked dick and took it up his ass from noon until 6pm in 30 minute appointments, walk-ins welcome of course. Trent was the hotel owner, after Mistress helped him win a wrongful termination and defamation lawsuit. Every client had to take one of Anton’s STD tests, which Joshua paid for. After the room, STD tests, supplies (lube etc) and tips for the cleaning staff, on a good night, Joshua could clear almost $7. He had actually been out of debt for a while now, but this was his second favorite part of his day. Big dicks, small dicks, fat dicks, skinny dicks, he got them all. Getting paid was just a bonus. That’s why he continued to do it 6 days a week after his debt was paid off. On Thanksgiving and Christmas he was available 24hrs a day in his room for walk-ins only, no charge just because he felt like he need to give something back.At 6pm he cleaned himself inside and out, and Scully drove him home. Joshua didn’t have a driver’s license or passport any longer, Mistress had seen to that. He had seemed a flight risk at first.When they arrived home, Joshua noticed a large passenger van pulling out of the driveway. “WooHoo! Mistress set up anther gangbang!” Joshua thought…
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