At Anchor Ch. 02: 10 Days in August

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Jan received word, her divorce had been finalised, her Ex’s reason. Trading her in for a younger model. Her flat mate Jean was out late, a business meal with her station director. She was a radio presenter, already divorced, same age as Jan 42. Jan was a senior executive in the oil company where Vince worked. She wanted to celebrate, home alone, with a hot bath and a bottle of nice wine.

Sitting in the warm bath, tipsy from the bottle already consumed. Jean after a raging argument with her boss, bumpy taxi ride home, came in; had to go. Dropped her designer trousers and underwear; sat down. Turned, saw Jan, naked, soap bubbles slowly parting revealing her toned body, nipples hardening. Sorry; Jeans boss had tried it on again.

Decision; she will also have a bath when Jan was finished and a bottle of wine while waiting. Stood up, totally naked from her waist down. Picked up her discarded clothes, about five minutes later returned, naked, with a glass and a bottle of wine. Looked at Jan, can I join you; yes. Stepped into the bath, it was one of those quirky baths, two rounded ends, taps and shower tower in the middle. Both sat facing each other, sharing their woes, legs touching and rubbing, Jean’s toes were now rubbing Jan intimately; Jan’s toes were returning the compliment. Between the wine, the warm water and touching. They were both getting very aroused. Got out of the bath, dried each other’s hair off seductively. Jean took Jan by the hand to the lounge both lay down naked on the large white sheep skin rug. Warm and snug, drank another bottle of wine while caressing each other.

Next morning Jan woke up in Jean’s bed; together and both naked; couldn’t remember what happened. Looking at the bed sheets it was clear they did have some mutual fun. More than once. They lay on together, had some more fun. Got up went through to the lounge still naked. Looked; the sheepskin rug would need cleaning too. Initially they shared a bed, or bath, when the feeling took them. Eventually shared the same bed each night. They lived together as an item for the next six months or so.

Vince hearing some of the comments being said about Jan, Jean was getting them too. About the two of them being an item, being such a waste. He had already been the end of gossip about our relationship over the last six months. In conversation, Jan said she was going to take the next couple of week off as Jean was off, and go somewhere away from the office. Vince suggested come away sailing with us, quick phone call to Jean, yes was the answer. Vince started to explain our relationship, in detail, and how it had come about and enacted on his boat. I didn’t know this until it came out on board one night. Embarrassing.

Jean and Jan would drive down on the Saturday, Vince had one of is biweekly Friday meetings, I would pick him up and we would get the boat stored and ready to sail. They would meet us in the hotel in the afternoon. Vince made arrangements for our cars to be left at the hotel, we knew the owners as they sometimes went sailing with us.

So started 10 days in August.

Jan and Jean arrived, watched them drive into the hotel car park where we were to meet. Took us about 15 minutes to row the rubber dingy ashore. By this time they had gone into the bar. Total silence. Bar staff and customers looked in awe. They both were wearing fine expensive designer shorts that were almost see through, their tops were even more translucent. Underwear shining through. Tom and Pete, the hotel owners, both ex-Marine NCO’s and with the build of bears. Invited them to the table we had reserved for lunch. It was still quite when we arrived, customers were still looking but were discreet about it. No macho comments, Tom and Pete both had that military hard stare look that put any transgressors in fear of their life or worse. Both had served in all the trouble spots of the world. Their pictures on the wall testified to this. My first time meeting Jan and Jean, I was impressed, I didn’t know about their relationship, at this time. Nice one Vince. We had sandwiches and a few beers. Tom and Pete were over whenever the girls looked as though they might want anything. We knew where things were so we knew where to get it. Didn’t need the personal service. Time to get on board. We took their bags down to the dingy.

Pointing out, apologising, that the dingy, because of the salt water, was a bit, dirty. They said it’s all right they became prepared for that. Undid their shorts, took them off, and bent over to put them in their bag. One wore bright red and the other bright royal blue dance pants. Ever since that day they have been my two favorite colors. Took off their tops, bagged them too. They each had matching tops. Vince dropped the oars trying to fit them in the rowlocks; twice. We managed to get underway. Neither of them had boarded from a dingy to a yacht before.

Vince boarded, I passed up their bags. Jean was the first to board; I went to help her up in case of accident. Just as she was transferring her weight from the dingy, it moved, she slipped. Quickly my hand went up caught her with my hands between her legs. Soft and warm. She boarded with the help of my hand. Later artemisbet yeni giriş she told me my fingers went into an interesting place, but enjoyed it. Lost for words. Jan’s turn, she was a bit nervous, I went closer this time, just as well, she slipped and landed butt first against my face. Nearest experience to this was a hot face towel from my Turkish barber, but not as good. Panic over all boarded. Later Vince exercised Skippers privilege; I was to lead future boarding parties.

We showed them round the boat and where and how to stow their gear. Gave them the safety talk, what to do when things go wrong. I explain helping hands and face buts were part of our safety procedures. I don’t think they believed me.

Settled down for a relaxing coffee and a get to know each other chat around the main saloon table.

We sat in the saloon area. Jan explained their relationship in detail. Vince explained our first night by pointing out where each event took place in the saloon and the big bow cabin. They looked engrossed as each location was pointed out. I didn’t know where to look or what to say. Jan said that was nice as she rubbed the palm of her hand up the inside of my leg. Asked about Tom and Pete, how did they meet? Vince asked in surprise how did you know. We asked them and they told us. It was obvious they were together. We don’t know, never asked.

We explained the arrangements for a meal at the hotel tonight. Jean said ok we will ask them tonight. They did and were told. Jan announced that they had bought a crew outfit for us all. Vince must have told them what he did. They disappeared into the big bow cabin. Came out dressed in what looked like tennis skirts from the front and shorts from the back. One had a red pleat that opened the other blue. We were given ours, mine’s was red trimmed tennis type shorts and from Jan, Vince’s was blue and from Jean. Interesting.

We put them on, not as skimpy as the ones Vince bought but a good fit. They had matching tops too including red or blue swim pants. We were to wear them tonight.

We arrived at the hotel, table ready, Tom and Pete seeing us all in matching gear smiled and winked. Asked why we didn’t have matching crew outfits when we all had went out sailing. Jan said; we will the next time. And we did.

Meal was great, wine too. Jean wanted photographs of us; Tom came across to take the photograph. We all sat in the booth with arms round each other’s backs. Jan put her hand down the back of my shorts and put her finger in an interesting place. I returned the compliment. Apparently Jean and Vince were enjoying the same closeness. As the photograph was being taken, fingers were waggled. Apparently a posh girl’s private school thing. Good smiles on the photograph. Tom and Pete also wanted a photograph. Vince took it; they too also had smiling faces. I don’t know, but they are generally not the smiling type. That photograph has pride of place alongside their Service photographs.

We headed back for the night, no incidents, pity. It had been a long day, bed time. As Jan walked past me she turned slipped her fingers between my waist bands and slipped my shorts partially down. I got very quickly aroused a bulge started to show under my shorts. Jean walked pass ran her forefinger along my bulge, put her fingers in my waist band and. Pulled my shorts back up. Bugger; double bugger. They went into the big bedded bow cabin. Closed the door. Vince and I looked at each other. Then a giggle from their cabin the giggles, got a bit rhythmic, some moaning. Vince and I pulled down out shorts took our tops off. Looked at each other in skimpy matching underwear, it was obvious we were both getting aroused. The moaning stopped with a quite moan. Whatever was happening had happened.

It was a long day, time for sleep. Neither of us slept well that night too much adrenaline pumping. Early day tomorrow.

The cruise started early the next day, what happened the previous night. Set the standard for the remainder of the cruise. What a cruise.

We left as planned, refueled at the local marina and were witness to a submarine doing a semi submerged balancing trial. Something you don’t witness from the shore. We were all impressed with what we saw. Our first leg was to be about 8 hours, but this time we would stay overnight at a marina. As we sailed I paired up with Jan and Vince Jean, plan, we were to learn how to work as a team of two, allowing us to do some spectacular night sailing. Vince was on the wheel letting Jean work the helm. I was adjusting sails on the foredeck and clearing away with Jan. Even although the yacht was quite big, it had space limitation on deck when the sails were set. Work involved close physical contact between us. The day was warm and we were down to basic swimwear. I comment to Jan that she had tan lines forming, as I did too. Next time Jan leaned on my back, reaching round me I could feel her nipples hard against my back and rubbing up and down each time she moved.

After a second or was it third attempt I tied off the sheets. I turned round she was naked apart from her bikini pants. I could see Jean was topless too. We were now out of view artemisbet giriş of the shore. Wasn’t long before we were nude sailing. All of us; together. We were all getting a bit aroused. Jean suggested Jan and I go below, at that point Jan took my hand and led me below. The big bed was inviting, we used it. After about an hour we took the helm from Jean and Vince. They went below. Jean and Vince were the photograph buffs and took a number of photographs of us on deck, and in the bow cabin below. Didn’t know about this until they were printed. Actually they were very good, some a bit athletic, none obscene, if they were they must have been deleted. I still have my copies. Jan and Jean also took a stint below together.

As we started to arrive we got dressed into our crew shorts and tops. Got tied up in the marina at our berth. As the run down had taken longer than expected; distractions enroot. We secured everything and locked up, went for an excellent Chinese’s meal, drank two bottles of wine. Between the events of the afternoon, close proximity living and the wine. We were an item of four by the time we arrived back. When we all went to bed that night, as we had an early start. This time we all shared the big bed in the bow cabin. Vince and Jean were still flashing away with their cameras.

Next morning we shared a shower in the Marina, after the sun the previous day, getting a shower and rubbing each other with perfumed shower gel was unbelievable. Set off for our run round the Mull which would be done in two parts due to the tides and tidal rips and would involve our first night sail at the end of the second day.

All the stresses from our work and life were gone. Our inhibitions with our respective life styles were gone too. We felt reborn in this island of Vince’s yacht on a bright blue sea.

Our next stop at an uninhabited offshore island where we would anchor off, waiting for the tides to turn. Would allow us, at least for half a day of being marooned alone on an island, which had a large sandy horseshoe beach.

We left as planned, as the winds were light, at least at present, and two tidal rips to cross. We had decided to motor at least for the first leg. We were dressed in shorts and sweaters. Had breakfast on deck, watching the wildlife, there were seals on the shore, watching us, also in the water. Each time we took our camera out they disappeared. The sea birds, which seemed in their hundreds, were diving down into the sea searching for fish. They came within 10 yards of us; sometimes we were hit by their spray. We started to cross the first rip, from near calm to being roller coasting, very spectacular and exhilarating. By the time we cleared the rip were about three miles from shore. The sun was up the sweaters back below. I was driving; on the helm; the other were photographing, the wildlife and each other. Before long we were all back to nude sailing.

Vince took some spectacular photographs of the girls standing in the rigging, including some intimate ones hugging and kissing each other. Very distracting as a driver. Not for long. They came down to the big wheel and started clicking away. I was in them this time being hugged and kissed by one or both of them. The adrenaline was starting to pump. Another trip downstairs was being contemplated. In the distance, off the port bow, something big was moving in the water and closing with us quickly. We could now see a shadow in the water, as a precaution we started to turn off to starboard. Could make out a fin. It was a basking shark as big as Vince’s yacht, harmless if you didn’t bump into them. But. As we passed Jean said I think we need a bigger boat. Where have I heard that before? We all pulled our swimwear on and our shirts. Yes, that would give us the added protection we needed. Adrenaline still high, lust waining. It took us about another two hours to get to the horseshoe bay where we planned to anchor for the night. The water was clear; we could see fish swim below us, little ones. We anchored up, bedding it well into the sandy bottom.

After lunch and a beer we would go ashore to be marooned on our island. Jan rowed us ashore; she was getting the hang of it. Jan and Jean had reverted to their bright red and bright blue dance pants and matching tops. We had the skimpy shorts that Vince bought for us. Apart from trainers that we all had on. We also took the opportunity of taking our rubbish ashore, the island owners left a big bin for this as most visitors respected their hospitality used it. As we tipped ours in, we saw papers and tins from previous visitors, and quite a lot of condoms and latex surgical gloves. Didn’t know why the gloves. Ok I didn’t, but found out later.

Jan and Jean wanted some alone together time, being confined together is ok if you can get alone time. The island although small, two or three miles around. They headed off to walk up the left hill, Vince and I would take the right hill. Looking at Jan and Jean walk up the hill with their bright red and bright blue dance pants flashing like beacons was quite erotic. Adrenaline levels were starting to rise. We started to climb our hill.

I reached the top of the hill with artemisbet güvenilirmi Vince, which had a fantastic view of the eastern shore of the island. There was an automated lighthouse, in the bay adjacent the wreckage of a small cargo vessel that had run onto the rocks. Sobering but impressive. We were out of the wind and enjoying the sun, before long we were both naked. Getting aroused by caressing each other. Before long we were enjoying each other, as no doubt were Jan and Jean in the lee of the other hill.

In the distance we could just make out something skimming just above the water, four navy helicopters on exercise. As they were heading for the island we quickly pulled our shorts back on. Then they over flew the wrecked ship and seemed to fly up the side of the hill in a staggered line, at very low altitude. Instantly they were over us, seemed to fly down the other side of the hill and back over the sound to the mainland.

We had our afterwards beer, don’t smoke. Then headed back down to the bay. We could see Jan and Jean head down the other hill. We would meet them at the rubber boat. As we closed with them, we could see their bright red and bright blue dance pants and tops were no longer colour coordinated. We met them at the rubbish bin dumped out beer bottles and things; they did the same with their bottle of wine. And, added two latex gloves, they could see I was curious and smiled. Now I understand. They also told us that they were naked, enjoying life together, when they were overflowed by one of the helicopters. Gave them quite a shock as it was only a few feet above them.

We rowed out to the yacht, time to go. We got the boat ready and set off. The tide would be with us and the tidal rips were not to be as severe. We crossed the sound heading to the point of the mainland; we were to sail quite close almost under the cliffs. Again there were sea birds and seals. We cleared the headland and started to head out to open water. It was starting to cool down so we put our sweaters on. Still light though. In the distance we saw a pod of what turned out to be Orcas, four or five that we could see. Jan and Jean went below on pretext that they would prepare some food. From now on we would be working as two teams for night sailing. We were sailing off into a spectacular sun set.

Our next leg was out into to the Atlantic.

I was on watch with Jan as darkness came down. We were using the auto pilot, which adjusted our course for wind direction, speed and pitch, I had set it on a moderate course correction for a more pleasant sail; it was humming away, turning the big wheel keeping us on course. The wind was moderate, and could feel the rolling swell from the Atlantic. We sailed on a gentle rollercoaster of swell, heeling over gently to port. We were watching the stars seeming dance about the rigging. Jan was sitting beside me; we could feel each other’s body warmth. With the gentle rolling we were enjoying each other’s close proximity.

Jan got up she wanted to put a warm jacket on. She came back up on deck with my red waterproof jacket, which was also a life jacket. Proceeded to sit over beside me, as the jacket opened I could see that she was naked. Put her thumbs in the waist band of my swim shorts and slid them off gently. We then moved together to the low end with my back against the coaming, for comfort and position. She proceeded to straddle me, then caress me with one hand and slowly entering and caressing herself with the fingers of her other hand. We were both getting aroused by it; she then led my hand over to caress her. Took out some lube gel from my red jacket pocket; rubbed it on my fingers and onto me as she continued to caress me as I caressed her. The lube gel after a few minutes was warm and very arousing. She engaged with me, settled down and we let the gentle roller coasting and roll; all controlled by the auto pilot. We lost track of time as the auto pilot did the work. The lube gel was warming us both up and arousing us further, Jan started to moan gently then a warm liquid ran down my leg. The yacht continued it’s gently roll and pitch. This time, as I was trying to hold back, I started to moan as did Jan for the second time. Before long we both felt each other’s wetness and warmth run down us as we came almost together. We sat back and enjoyed each other’s company and bodily warmth. It was time for Vince and Jean to take over, we got up, dressed. It was out turn in the big bed below.

Vince and Jean took over we turned in and went to sleep holding each other. I was woken by someone on the deck above us; assumed Vince was checking all was well on the foredeck. I looked through the glass hatch could see two outlines standing at the mast. They were leaning on it, I realised what they were doing. Put a whole new meaning of serving before the mast. The yacht was still gently pitching in the swell. I knew how well they were enjoying it. Droplets of water fell on the glass hatch; it wasn’t rain. Jan pulled me back to her and said it’s rude to watch. By next morning we were off the outer islands, in the open Atlantic and were heading north. We reached the top of the island about three hours later. Turned east to head down the sound and over to the entrance to the canal. Although nice weather was a bit cooler, Jan had claimed ownership of my jacked for the day, lube gel still in the pocked. We switched to our two on two off teams, catching up on sleep. Night sailing can be quite tiring.

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